Disclaimers: George Lucas {Lucasfilm} created the Star Wars Universe. Owned by Disney.
No profit is being made from this writing. It is written for the enjoyment of those who wish to share it. :}
Summary: Read, see & enjoy! ;)
Rating M
You know, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...
;) this began as a top
10 list ... heheh!
fell in love with Qui-Gon even before you saw the movie. Those compassionate, determined eyes … You
saw his inner beauty even before you saw him in the movie, like on the front
cover of Time Magazine, May 3, 1999. And you still have your copy (Or
just the cover & Qui Article :) I still got mine :)
rushed to Toys R Us midnight sale and made a bee-line straight for Qui-Gon,
even though you might not have known his name at that point
first you wondered how to pronounce his name.
Qwee-Gon? Kwai-Gon? Or something entirely different. You were happy when you saw the movie that it
was the serene sounding Kwai-Gon. You
now get annoyed with those who say 'Qwee-Gon' ;) and spell his last name Gin.
No, it's not Gin as in Gin & Tonic, it's J-I-N-N as in Universal
serenity. get it right ;)
despise THAT scene. Hey, it never
happened - but you cry still every time you see it, though you think the scene
with Obi-Wan holding him is very touching and beautiful
despise Darth Maul & his evilbastard Master Darth Sidious
were angry with Yoda for not consoling Obi-Wan after THAT scene in Episode I
were also shitty with how disrespectful Mace Windu was to Qui-Gon
Dooku {Darth Tyrannus} gives you the creeps
{So does Saruman, by the way ;}.
You hate him and thought he was not a very good Jedi Master or role
model for Qui-Gon. In fact, he wasn't a
good Jedi, period and you write fic that Qui-s Master was Yoda
should have disappeared, damn it! I mean it was HE who taught the Jedi how to
do it and become one with the Force in the end :)
Episode I came out, you bought all the magazines you could find with Qui-Gon on
the cover or articles with Liam. {Even
if, like me you're not usually a magazine person.} You still scour eBay for the
ones you missed. in 2007, finally
got me copy of 1999 Empire Magazine with
Qui on the front :) Looks like my baby Ewok eyes paid off ... ;)
were pissed when the computer game Jedi Power Battles came out only for
Nintendo {and you bought a Nintendo or borrowed a friend's} and if you
couldn't, {or were pissed at the moneygrubbing game platform companies} you
STILL want to play that game! - And hope somewhere there's a PC version
or some PC version you can download - or someone has an old version and an old
Nintendo they can give you ;)
And if you're still hankering to play, here's a pic of
Qui in the game to tide you over :)
cringe whenever you see or hear the number 66 - and get especially pissed if
you have double sixes in a cash/credit card, license plate or phone number -
and you hate dialing numbers with double-sixes.
wish Qui-Gon had returned in Episode II like Gandalf did in The Lord of the
Rings: The Two Towers and were pooed off even though a force-ghost was
planned, that they did not wait for Liam to get better after his motorcycle
accident. You were relieved when he pulled through - and think George could
have at least given Liam that courtesy.
jumped in your seat or even squealed for joy and became very heartened that
Qui-Gon was mentioned at the end of Episode III
were also heartened that there was an entire scene with Qui-Gon as a
beautiful, glowing spirit and Yoda in the end of the book version of Episode
III. You are also mad that the supposed rumour about this scene
being actually filmed is said not to be true.
were even more pissed that this scene was not even
included or made for in the deleted scenes of the DVD! POODOO!! :{.
You are now hoping for an Extended Edition {like they did with The
Lord of the Rings} or Special Edition of the Star Wars Prequels in which
this scene had better appear! Along with
other many Qui scenes - see next Reason :)
also were miffed when the scene of Qui-Gon gently chastising Obi-Wan was cut
out of the movie and wasn't EVEN on the extended scenes of the Episode I
DVD. Scowl. Pout. And it must be there as you have
probably seen the picture where Qui-Gon is holding Obi-Wan's Lightsabre. Nor was the scene where Qui gives Shmi the
food capsules (in the book). He's so
lovely. Both scenes are in the Terry
Brooks book version of Episode I though - and you love Qui so much you worked
out that he was reaching under his poncho to give her food capsules - before
you even read the book. The Force is Unusually Strong in You ;)
you love extended Episode I DVD scenes with Qui in, of course!
were pissed that the barcode at the back covered Qui and promptly either
covered it with similar colours and color photocopied it or 'photoshopped' it
out ;)
dearly want Lucasfilm to re-release Episodes 4-6 with intermingled Qui-Gon
scenes - or at the very least redo Return of the Jedi - just to
see Qui-Gon's eternal spirit ~ like
this :) {Scroll down to see the RotJ pix}...Or
you even made your own manips of this, if not, you can play with mine :)
And to get it done officially by Lucasfilm .... Let's put the Force on 'em ;)
wished Qui-Gon could have gone back from Shmi and rescued her {And firmly
believe he would have had he been able :*).
They had something special, I think
love Qui-Gon's deep relationship with Obi-Wan, be you a gen, or slash fan.
And perhaps even write slash stories about the Jedi Duo … ;)
adore Qui-Gon's long, luscious hair and could spend hours brushing it {And do
with your Qui Doll ;) - which should have had better hair ;) - but despite this
he's one of your favourite Qui thingies ;)
you, of course have an Obi-Wan Padawan braid and a collection of Padawan braids
in your favourite colours ... (And of course other green fair extensions and
clips, scrunchies and headbands ... Even if your hair is short ;)
You love to do your hair up in Qui-Gon's style and feel sad if you can't have long hair ... {And you've tried the Leia cinnamon buns too, haven't you ;) and you love to see people - guys or girls with Qui-Style hair ... and if you have non Star Wars dolls, you Qui-Style their hair, don't you? Click here to see Sailor Pluto {Setsuna} from Sailor Moon with some Qui Styling and fashion ;) - And okay ... Sailor Pluto played Leia and Amidala as well... looksee here ... And Sailor Pluto also has long green hair!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! {and anyone who DARES say Pluto's not a planet anymore ... *Ignites Green lightsabre ...*
When you used to get your photos developed, you gave his mane ... Come on, tell me I'm no the only one who did this ;} I did it for Lore of Star Trek: The Next Generation too ;}
LOL! Cute!
You kept green tickets as they reminded you of Qui. This one even had 65 on it which is Qui-Gon's age in Episode I. Yes, I am obsessed, but in a good way ;)
love Qui-Gon's gentle, soothing, calming voice ...
his lovely accent - and you really do love the way he says
"ennathing" {Anything} … Admit it, you're sighing dreamily right now,
aren't you? - I am. Heh ;} - {Thanks to the now sadly
joined-the-Force Quigonline for pointing out this invaluable tip} - and yes,
like moi, you used to frequent this absolutely wonderful site {which I hope
someday is reinstated} and others like it
think Qui-Gon is very, very, very, incredibly sexy :)
even love his slightly crooked nose. And
you don't mind one bit that one of his eyes is a little bit smaller than the
sigh and love it when he comes on in the movie, and even hang for the Qui voice
scene in Episode II and the mention of him in Episode III ;)
love his wisdom and apply it to your life
"Your focus determines your reality…" and his invaluable wisdom,
and find it very helpful
love it when he smiles. He looks sooooo cute! You know, a
lady I worked with once, said that Qui-Gon was too serious and never smiled.
Well it was rather a serious situation, saving the Universe and all ...
And I counted ... He and Obi~Wan smiled at least eight times in the
movie. SO there :)
Sigh ... Isn't he
just ... lovely ... :) ... Gods! He's Gorgeous!!!
... ;)
you have pictures like the ones above, almost the same, but yet slightly
different, but all gorgeous! ;)
recorded him on tape ~ video, audio and also DVD, and maybe even have Qui
sounds on your Mp3 player? :)
want to lean against his broad, strong chest and be comforted by him :)
want to do more than that with him ;}
wish there was more information about him - like the planet he came from. You wish you knew which planet he came from -
although you have already speculated, guessed and written fanfic on this . You
even put forth an argument that it may be one of the moons of Iego - where the
angels are supposed to come from - and Qui-Gon is so lovely and kind, he has
to be an angel.
wish that there was more merchandise with him. Like a lot of things had wither
Amidala, Anakin, Jar or Maul. Why not
Qui-Gon too?! {I have an Amidala folder, being the characters I liked most out
of the ones they did, Jar Jar, Anakin & Maul...) Someone once asked me why
I had an Amidala folder and not a Darth maul one. My answer 'cos they
didn't have Qui-Gon one. Bam! Killed both questions with one
stone ;)
if Hasbro can make a robot Obi-Wan {and other characters} Transformer. Why not a Qui-Gon one too? A Transforming Qui-Gon Jinn. Now that would truly be More
Than Meets The Eye! {You're so
hoping in the next wave of Star Wars/Transformers Toys that there is a
Qui-Bot! ;} Optimus Prime would be
proud!! :) May The Force Be With You & Roll Out!
got annoyed with the Episode I publicity Darth Maul and his new fangled
lightsabre were getting and reckoned more to do with Qui-Gon. AND he was
in the movie for more than five seconds.
are upset if you don't have a Qui-Gon thing you want, especially if it's
something you really, really, really want!
regularly scour eBay and other sites for Qui-Gon things (Like the Qui~Gon Jinn
writing set - at least the big green pen which I don't have ... yet (and the
elusive Qui-Gon's Activity Magazine - Trust my newsagents - even years
after Episode I had the Obi-Wan one - hey that rhymes ;) and the Darth
fornicating Maul one ... Got the Obi One as it has pix and mention of Qui ...
But Hey when I get the Qui One, I can use my big green Qui Pen! ;) - Come on,
Law of Attraction, work!! *Seawave watches The Secret again :) and Oo
... Sculpture of him and Obi-Wan where he's lightsabring down the door - you
cheered in that scene, by the way and was heartened when others did too ;)
My Gods,
awesome was that scene!
This Jedi
Master doesn't fuck about.
wish there were more comics and books written about Qui
on many mailing lists about him and are very happy to find that others feel the
same way about him as you. You love to discuss your Qui insights, thoughts,
theories and feelings with like-minded fans, and learn more about him, gaining
yet more insights into your favourite Jedi :)
go to trading card stores to find if they have any loose trading cards or
posters, etc of Qui-Gon and are ecstatic when you find one you don't have for a
reasonable price. Credits will do fine ;)
are sad that neither Liam {or Ewan} desire to make convention appearances :*{
However if they were to relent and make a convention appearance, come
Sith or high water - you would so be there!
already know Liam Neeson's full name be William John Neeson. And Ewan's, Ewan Gordon McGregor ;)
want to visit both Ireland and Scotland, where they were born {If you haven't
already ;)
named your non Star Wars toys, pets, plants, appliances and other things after
him. Perhaps like me, you even have a
Qui-Bear? - Look see here
;) Perhaps you even named your car after the
Jedi Master - Oh, of course it's ... not a car - it's a J Type 327 Nubian ...
And you have or are considering a QUI-GON or a JINN number/license plate
squealed for joy when you saw a number plate with QUI on it. You even like number plates with a Q anywhere
on them. And when you see a plate with
QIU on it, you wish it said QUI. And of
course JM on a license plate stands for Jedi Master.
fob off annoying sales people by saying in a perfect Qui-Gon voice 'I'm looking
for parts for a J type 327 Nubian..." and get a blank look ... if that
pester you with more sales questions 'are you interested in...' you wave your
hand and say in a Qui-Voice 'No, away with you ..." and you stride off in
true Qui-Gon Jedi like fashion...
like words that begin with Qui or even have 'qui' in them :) And you even tried ancient health foods like
Quinoa {and you say Kwai-Noa, even when you know it's pronounced Keen-Wa}, and
it makes you happy to know there there's an organic company with the acronym
QAI - and you pronounce it Qui ;}
And of course you love Peace & Quiet
get very excited and squeal for joy if there was another character called Qui-Gon
in another genre of if there was a real person in this universe actually called
Qui-Gon. And you were heartened to learn that somewhere in America a few years
ago, a mother gave birth to twins, whom she called Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan
Kenobi :)
think that Qui-Gon Jinn is a beautiful name and may think of naming one of your
future children Qui-Gon - even if a girl :)
know the beautiful name Qui-Gon Jinn means
"one with the Universe." There was a wonderful article on this
on Quigonline also
also know that Qui-Gon's name comes from the ancient, gentle Chinese martial
art, Qi-Gong. And even though it's
pronounced Chi-Koong, you still say Kwai-Gong.
You also like to practice this meditative Tai-Chi like exercise either
by yourself or in a class and love the inner pecae it gives you. I like
the "Archer" sequence best :) I once saw an article called Meditations
with the Master :)
say and write the word as 'qi', instead of chi, (Chinese word for
'energy') {And of course you pronounce
it Kwai, instead of chee :}
love to learn more about Qui-Gon and love others' positive insights into the
serene Jedi Master
This card reminds me of
Qui :) Quiet Strength :)
are a wealth of information on Qui-Gon.
He's 6'4 he's a Jedi Master … Oceanic blue grey eyes … He's very cute
and handsome … He's 65, though he only looks
around 45 thanks to his loving, kind, compassionate spirit and his dedication
to the Living Force ... :) Found a this cute Green 65 :)
want to run away with Qui-Gon, and perhaps even play The Corrs Runaway
and imagine him sweeping you off your feet.
{This happened when I was shopping once in a supermarket. They played Runaway
and all I could think of was running away to a Galaxy far, far away with Qui.
Hence my fanfic Runaway :} -
Please click here to read it :)
loved it when you got Qui-Gon in the Episode I year 2000 desktop calendar {And you hated the days when it was Maul or
Sidious}. If fact you even stuck a pic
of Qui over them
bought the Qui-Gon Jinn telephone directory and wrote your entire list of
numbers into it - and added green filofax pages to it ;)
even got the Qui-Gon Jinn yearly planner and were sad when 2000 rolled into
2001 - as they never made a 2001 Qui-Gon daily planner :( - HOWEVER, you've
worked out that the exact year that the year 2000 will be repeated and
correspond (every 7 or so years) and plan to fish it out and use it again and
again and again to plan your year. And proud of yourself for recycling,
protecting the environment with your beloved Qui :)
bought a Star Wars wall calendar just for a picture of Qui-Gon and were
overjoyed if he was on your birth month and cranky if he was not, especially if
you got that Sith shit - ESPECIALLY on your birth month, fuck it! You can tell
it happened to me, can't you ... Grrr!
write many a fanfic stories about him, including crossovers
draw fanart and fan funnies of him - including photo manips, like Qui-Gon with
a double bladed green lightsabre and other cool manips such as him besting
Darth Maul and appearing as a beautiful, glowing spirit at the end of Return of
the Jedi with Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin - See here my cool Qui Manips :)
- And
click here to see my Qui Fanart & Creations ;)
It' speculated by
fans that the poncho in the background is Qui's
were annoyed and dismayed that some Halloweens ago there were Jack-O-Lantern,
pumpkin cut out designs for characters like Yoda and or course that runt Maul,
but sadly, no Qui :( Oh well, never mind. You made your own,
right? Despite how funny it may have looked. Heh!
See here for mine
scroll down ... (And my other Qui-Funnies ... ;)
love to look at pictures and also artwork (and Fan Art) and funnies of him -
and make them too! -
are a few lovely Qui (and some Obi) pix I collected for viewing pleasure,
Yay, some calorie and sugar-less and chemical-free eye candy! ;)
love to read fanfic about your fave JM (Jedi Master)
hate it when he is misportrayed in fanfic and (especially in 'official' novels like
that godawful, stupid revenge plot in the JA Books 15-16 ... And the cover in #
16 ... Who the Force were they writing about??? Not Qui-Gon Jinn obviously!!!
Grrrr!!! :( And some of the comic's he's not very Qui like either - perhaps
they should get fans to write the stories - people who really know
write stories where he survives the battle on Naboo
make up his history :)
can picture clearly him beating Darth Maul in a fair fight - and you have
written/drawn more than one AU {Alternate Universe} fanfic/fanart on this
you clicked on the manip page, there's a pic there to get you started ;)
have dreams about Qui-Gon - and you write them down, then type them up :) ...
Click to see mine here.
Many of my fandom dreams turn out to be quite poignant and I've even turned
some fo them into stories.
write stories and drawn fanart of your dreams about him - See mine on my main
Qui-Gon Page :)
hate it when anyone pooh poohs Qui (or makes derogatory remarks, or sick jokes
about his name) and you instantly rise to his defence. Like when certain reporters and others said
he was wrong to gamble, steal, etc describe him as scruffy, rude and wimpy,
etc. EXCUSE ME!! Qui-Gon did not gamble, steal,
etc for his own personal gain. He did it
for the good of the Universe. And you
know that he was doing the right thing, sensing that all would be well. AND Qui-Gon died bravely for
the Jedi, for a planet he barely knew and giving everything he had for love and
peace in the Universe. He was not rude, he had a UNIVERSE
to save ... and wimpy?!! See above
point, poodoo! Eat Hut slobber!! Off to the Spice Mines of Kessel
with you, you scruffy looking Nerf Herder! *Calms down ... and disengages
green lightsabre..*
Click here to see my Qui~Gon Jinn Tribute.
thoughts, insights, feelings and my own Jedi wisdom on Master Jinn :) as well
as links to others' insights on him and images as well.
were overjoyed to see Qui was in the top 100 Star Wars characters in an article
in Empire Magazine - but 25th!!?? He should have
been # 1!!
Solo, Bah! ;)
are a member of the Qui-Gon Jinn Council of Denial ~
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JediMastersRobes/ if not, you're going to join, aren't you? ;)
the Greek Gods from Xena/Hercules have one. Haldir from The Lord of the Rings has
one. And Qui-Gon does too! And
rightfully so!
have a website about Qui-Gon and have bookmarked many, many more -
- My very first page that I put up on my first ever website! Yay!
Sigh … My Baby … Took me all day, though it was great fun.
get annoyed and very sad when a good Qui-Gon website is taken down. Like Green Knight, Jinn Seng,
Qui Gonline :*( - and others ... or when Qui RPG's/mailing
lists are too quiet or have joined the Force...
were annoyed when lovely advertisements of Episode I, depicting Qui-Gon was
taken down and replaced with a pathetic mobile phone ad, or something equally
boring - Especially when you wanted to take a photo of the Qui
ad! POODOO! .... It took me 8 years to finally get a pic of it...
That's devotion ;)
This was the second ever
pic I saw of him.
have cute nicknames for him like Quee, Quee-Gee, Jinny and Qui-Baby, or even
Squee-Gee ... (And of course you're the only one who's allowed to call him
those ;)
wonder what he would think of you, our time and world
are certain he would like ... love you if he came to this Universe :)
were very happy to hear him endeavour to Anakin when he berserked in Episode
II, but you wish there was more of him in Episode II, and that he
had appeared to Anakin as Obi-Wan did Luke
saw Episode I more than 5 times at the movies - and Just for Qui of
course!! (Heh! I saw it 16 times @ the
movies :) - AND you were pissed that it took so LONG to come out on
Video/DVD - almost a YEAR!!! I guess that proves it was more popular that Episodes
II and III - who took only 6 months ... From Screen to DVD - and
Episode I was out at the movies for 6 months alone!
watch your Episode I video/or DVD heaps of times despite THAT scene
which never really happened {and you ff through it}
own both the Widescreen and normal video of Episode I - AND the DVD as well ;)
- And were pissed that Maul was on the spine of the Widescreen video :(
own both the adult and child versions of the Terry Brooks and Episode I
novelisations. AND with the Terry Brooks novel, you own the Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon
wanted the paperback version, but were quite miffed when it had Darth Muck on
the cover :( As C3P0 said: "How Typical..." - And if you
got it, you stuck Qui over him.
own the book I am a Jedi ~ by Qui-Gon
Jinn - and it was SO written by him. You have other books with him on
the cover, like the colouring in book Battles to Color. Though you firmly believe it would have been
more appropriate to place Qui-Gon on the cover of Jedi Missions to Color,
as Qui-Gon is a peaceful soul and does not like to fight, but sure can whup-ass
when he needs to ;)
Personally Endorsed by Yoda ;)
you get Star Wars things with Darth Motherfukka on them, you promptly
stick Qui-Gon over them. Like the Star
Wars Episode I Cookbook Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes, now has a colour copy of Qui-Gon Jinn-ger
Snaps and is now called Qui-Gon Jinn-ger Snaps and More Galactic Recipes
Likewise, the spine and first page of the book
are properly entitled too. Your silvery Star
Wars Episode I Ultimate Edition Soundtrack CD has Qui-Gon on
it. You even printed the title on silver
paper. And you were pissed that they
used Maul's mug for most of the Episode I merchandise, so you stuck Qui-Gon's
lovely face over those too.
At least he & Obi
were on one of the discs though :)
absolutely ADORE making the Qui-Gon Jinn-ger snaps, even if you despise cooking
;) These are serene peace biscuits - and
you add more cinnamon and jinn-ger ;)
You also made other things with the Qui-Gon action figure I the book,
like Forceful Frittata and Nabooli Forest - (You even placed
other pictures, like a pic of a real forest behind your Nabooli do it looked
really good ;) - And you made Qui recipes out of the things that
had other characters, Like you made a
Qui-Gon Apple Crisp {or even berry Jinn-ger crisp}, didn't you? You even got out your action figures, proudly
displaying them on your culinary masterpieces - and yes, took photos. I know I
did! ;}
I bet Qui tastes of Ginger and Cinnamon too
this looks so Wizard! {Nabooli forest}
Very yummy too! ;)
Yummy Forceful Frittata. Qui & Obi were yummy too! ;} And here's the Qui-Gon Jinn-Ger & Obi Berry Crisp ;}
made with eager zest, Liam Neeson's Glens of Antrim Irish stew, and even
have a cutout of the magazine the picture/recipe appeared in - or have it
downloaded to your computer. You even
placed a picture of Qui-Gon on the back of the article. You even had it laminated, so not to get it
mucky when you cook and placed it with pride in the front of your copy of Qui-Gon
Jinn-ger Snaps and More Galactic Recipes.
You adore the stew and also making it, even if you hate cooking. You even tried to track down a tape/CD of Van
Morrison's Celtic Twilight to play in the background when serving.
{Or you used other lovely, mystical Celtic music such as Ceøl Mør}. You were true to the recipe, using Guinness
{of course you already know that a long
time ago … Liam once worked as a forklift operator and truck driver for
Guinness … ;} If you are vegetarian or don't eat red meat, you
substituted with either chicken, tofu, vege burger, etc. You make this stew often and even take pix of
your efforts.
{Recipe appeared in
Australian TV Week a number of years ago. Of course you stuck a pic Qui
on the back of the pic too ;) - See
Qui Recipe Page for recipe for pix.
dream of sharing the aforementioned yummy stew with the even yummier Qui-Gon ;}
... and Liam too! ;) Wouldn't it be so cool for him to make it on
one of those Celebrity Chef shows!! Squeeeee!!!!! I wonder if he
caught and cooked those trout he was fishing for in that fishing show.
Anyone got a copy of this??!!
of course what Qui kitchen would be complete without a Qui-Pie? Admit it,
you've made one or would like to or this pic has inspired you to ;)
Yummy too, though
mot as much as Qui ;) {And vegetarian ,... Just like Qui!
And here's the Qui
Lightsabre cake I made for New Year 2006 ... {Which I promised to post ... Was
very yummy too! Even Qui-Gon enjoyed the rare sweet fix! ;}
Click here
for more Qui Yummy recipes and more ... (Including Qui Num Num
Pix ...
Qui~Chai & More ... :}
Cute, eh, Gin Gin ;)
Temporary tattoo which came with animal chocolate.
Liam Lion... What're the odds... ;}
Liam did the voice of Aslan in the more recent Narnia movies
do weird & wonderful things with baby letter biscuits and kids alphaghetti,
like make Qui-Gon Jinn, and/or perhaps Obi-Wan Kenobi's name out of them and
substitute letters when you run out. And
you take pictures of your masterpieces, before you consume them lovingly
{Though you get miffed if the pix do not turn out and make them again}
You may have even bought "Spaceghetti" for the stars & rocket
ships, to go very nicely with your Star Wars names, even
"Oceanghetti" for the dolphins, as they're lovely, kind, gentle and
spiritual, just like Qui :)
Baby alpha biscuits
Yummy letter jubes :)
Isn't this the most beautiful biscuit {cookie} you have EVER Seen? WANT!!!! Although Seens a shame to eat it'!
Not sure who made the cake, sorry
My beautiful Qui-Gon codfee. My fave cafe used to print actual photos on your coffee or chai.
Sadly, the business folded during the coronavrius pandemic and I miss the joy they brought into my life and all their customers.
Liam's first job was driving a forklift for Guinness, LOL!!!
Would like to try this! Don't know who baked it. Sounds yum!
even buy letter items like pretty pendants, even bling bling ones, and sealing
wax envelope seals, etc with a Q on them to represent Qui-Gon and of course you
use green sealing wax, don't you? ;)
of course, you don't stop with food letterings. Lets not forget the
wonders of Scrapbooking ;)
Okay, so you got carried away and made some of your other faves ... You're forgiven ;)
when you make Qui letterings, you get annoyed when they're missing a letter or
the dash ;)
Greeen! Qui~Bling!
Lovely Ornate Q
& a Big Green
Q for you,
And you get things Qui
made up like Qui necklaces & pendants :)
This one, a tag from 'Equip' {Now Lovisa} jewellery
looks like a gorgeous Crystal Qui :)
adore wearing green, clothes, ribbons, etc and wear a lot of it. You are also
aware that green is the colour of abundance and the Heart Chakra, and Qui-Gon is
very loving. Green is also very soothing and meditative - just like Qui!
of course, you have Qui-Clothes and just more than one pair of Qui-boots as you
wear them all the time ;) - And of course you own Qui stuff, even if you don't
wear or use it;)
You WANT a pair of Motor Cowboy custom-made Qui-Gon Jinn boots, despite the cost
You went to see Episode 1 a ton of times
includin the later released 3D version, just to see Qui -
{16 tix here!}
even dyed your hair green (or had it dyed green by a hairdresser) - or wanted
to ;) {And you either have or want a green wig. Man, I wish I got
that gorgeous long green wig with gold streaks when I had the chance, now for
the life of me, I can't find one! :(
Nope, that's not a wig
All right ... all right ... that's a wig ;)
cool, ah? ~ For the green hair, went blonde first, (hurt like hell) Then
purple, then forest Green - then went Purple and Green! - looked
like a fairy!
house is a shrine of Green ... curtains, sheets, furniture, carpets,
accessories, appliances, (just got a green kettle, blender and toaster... ) ...
Green utensils, kitchen and otherwise, Finally got my green tea strainer!
Woohoo!! My life is complete! ;) ... You also have green white goods
- or shall we say, Green Goods ;) ... Washing machine, etc... {Or you
pained or covered them green ... ;) Or things that look light lightsabres
- like this pepper grinder:
You even have other green things like earphones, a green Mp3 player, a green mobile phone or green case, green suitcases, green bags, a green briefcase - Click to visit my GREEN THINGS PAGES! {Qui's very environmentally friendly ;} - 27 full on pages of green stuff! Well hey, as they say ...
Or you have a collection of beige and brown things too, cos his robes were beige and brown. Not that I'm obsessed or anything, LOL!!!
Natural soap
Gorgeous yarn
Curtains that reminded me of his robes, so a little obsessed, but it doen;t hurt anyone.
A Qui robe coloured fluffy chook on my friend's farm
A friend paid for a manicure for my birthday. Nice1 The Colour is "My Vampire os Buff} by OPI. Yes I love 'Twilight' too!
Qui coloured pool tiles
The jumper {sweater} and socks a a friend bought me, so nice! the Jedi coloured pants a kindly neigbour bought me. I am so fortunate!
you even put your copy of Star Wars: Episode I DVD in a green DVD case ...
stuck your Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Episode I Who Weekly movie poster on your
window, only to discover with a rude shock when you came home that MF was on
the other side. And so you bought
another copy and stuck Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan over him ... Even though Maul's
snarling mug may frighten off would be intruders, you would rather Qui and Obi
... and Qui can be menacing when he needs to me - and he's cute and sexy about
it too!!
room/office is or has a Qui-Gon shrine with posters, figures displayed and
all. You have Qui-Gon things in other
parts of your home too. You even have the Qui-Gon Hallmark ornament out
before Christmas/Solstice and of course you are not interested in stationery
unless it's Qui-Gon, it's green, or at least has Aslan on it ;) Okay, Qui will
forgive you if it's got Optimus Prime on it ;) - They're very muck alike
I think. I think they'd be friends :)
the front door to your room, you have the Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Episode I Welcome
door hanger, even with your room, the Darth Maul one saying Beware would
be more apt ;) but you don't want that git anywhere NEAR your Qui shrine. Be
afraid, Maul, be very afraid ... *In terror, Maul bolts, chased by a mob of
screaming Qui-Fangirls. He is never seen again ;) ... All right ...
down, Girls. You know Qui-Gon wouldn't want you to give into hate and
succumb to the Dark Side... ;)
were heaps of cool things they brought out for Episode III, and you wished they
would have made more Qui-Gon Episode I versions of some of the things - like
the folder, other stationery, etc, etc, etc ...
loved the Jedi Mind Game they brought out on cereal packets for Episode
III, as Qui-Gon was on the back of Coco Pops and Froot Loops. You loved to look at him and were miffed when
the Star Wars stuff was taken off these packets and replaced with Kong :( If it
was Optimus Prim, it wouldn't've been so bad :)
have a wealth of cool Qui-Gon stuff, including many or all versions of the
action figure, cups, glasses, tins, key rings, books, a replica of his
lightsabre, etc. - or you kept a couple
in your special Qui things place ;) and if you had the Qui~Gon party
stuff like paper plates & napkins, you didn't want to use them :)It was
years before I was able to use my Qui Napkins & plates - and did you know
even after 5 parties, not everyone used them {there were other napkins like
fairy, unicorn & Harry Potter and stuff too} and I still have some Qui
napkins left, the Force is with me, lol :)
even own an analog Qui-Gon watch, even although you cannot tell the time well
on analog watches well
you even have bootleg Qui figures, and even one that make him look like a
stunned rabbit - (and this look annoys you) or it was a particularly bedraggled
looking figure and you felt sorry for and rescued him. However you still
bought it as it was Qui - especially as you got excited that the figure came
out (or you found it at a garage sale, market stall, eBay) waaay after Episode
1 - Here are some examples:
Rescued from a
Holiday Hawaii Qui
See what I mean about stunned rabbit, lol?
absolutely adore your 12" Qui-Gon doll. he looks so realistic and is a
great likeness of Qui-Gon. They even got his eyes right! And he just looks so Qui! You love playing with his hair, though you
wish the hair was more luscious. You so
hate it when anyone messes up his hair! Grrrrr!!! {You are somewhat miffed that the 12"
Obi-Wan doesn't look much like Ewan though!}
you have your Qui doll figures do interesting things, like guard your prized
Easter Egg ;) {And below to the right, you can even see part of a Qui
T-shirt! And Disney's Hades got himself a Cameo too, Hey, Babe!}
you do silly Qui things - like this:
& You cut out the Qui Panel of the Episode 1 wrapping
down and the little notepad bit
paper didn't you?... Come on. Admit it ;)
on him just like that and just *had*
take this pic
{Click here {& scroll
down} to see the cute official Qui Milk ad}
own many interesting, obscure Qui things as well. Like the light up Qui-Gon Jinn holographic
projector, which even looks like a spirit Qui-Gon
got the lovely Qui-Gon Jinn Hallmark ornament and placed him with pride on top
of your Christmas/Solstice tree. After all he is an Angel :)
would give anything for the Qui-Gon Jinn writing set. {Yes, I'm still looking for one … A writer and
Qui-Gon lover without a Qui-Gon Jinn writing set? Forsooth!
Click here to see more Qui Goodies! Well I have most of the bits, except the big
green pen :*( .... Sadly even eBay has failed me here :( {Also failed me in
getting a Transformers G1 Soundwave towel and duffel bag :( ... Sigh ... One
day ... sigh ... ;)
you have other lovely goodies, like these ...
adore your Qui-Gon cushion and use it whenever you need a cushion, and even take
it to places, like Qi-Gong or mediation classes, where you need a cushion
want to see Qui-Gon in many different clothes (and perhaps even draw fanart or
colour in pictures of these?
Grab your stuff and come on over to see my Qui-Art page,
including pics of him in different clothing - even a lovely green Jedi
suit! :)
even made Qui-Gon things of your own.
You should SEE my Qui-Gon rag doll.
Squeeee!!! Now I have a decent sized Qui to cuddle! *Cuddles Qui*
{It took 3 days, 8 hours a day making his hair. Yes, every one of those strands is lovingly
sewn on individually … Sigh … I so love my cuddly Qui…}
You really wanna see
him? Okay :)
Click here to see my
Qui-Art & Creations
(In case you didn't see
him before, or would like to again ... C'mon, you know you want to
you have other Qui-Like toys, and thingies that remind you of him like these:
"Qui-Gon Jinn Bath
~ Do What you think you Cannot Do
~ And
cute Q's embellishments for Qui!!
made in a bubble bath kit
& eco-safe of course!
You want to see Qui-Gon with his hair in one pony-tail
want to see him with his hair down.
Yes, although you already know you can see this in Rob Roy you still
want to see Qui with his hair down. And you love to watch sexy Rob Roy because he
looks just like Qui-Gon - And you watch
this movie often. One Qui fan referred to Rob Roy as 'raw, untamed
Qui-Gon' ... Although Qui-Gon, tame? Well, he's good ... but he's
not a tame Jedi ... ;)
his hair is an obsession in itself ;) ... Just look at this ...
And you notice things like this:
{Sorry, forget the show}
were annoyed with Obi-Wan who said that Qui-Gon could have been on the Jedi
Council. You and Qui-Gon knew that it
was not his destiny to be on the Council and he knew that - nor did he want to
be. Qui-Gon is a free spirit, and
sometimes you need to use unorthodox methods for a positive outcome
adore watching The Chronicles of Narnia as Aslan who is much like Qui-Gon,
gentle and wise, and Liam is using his Qui-Gon voice. There could be no better person for
Aslan. Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D
{Likewise you hope for all of the sequels to be made with Liam as the
voice of Aslan}
makes you giggle that the Japanese word for cuteness is Kwai. Which rhymes with Qui. That's so
KWAI!!! .... And just look at this plush Japanese green tea pocky stick -
it looks just like a green lightsabre ... sigh ...
own or have played with one of those lady talking computer programs and have it
say nice things about Qui-Gon. Although
you may have to spell it Kwai-Gon as the silly thing says Quee-Gon if you type
Qui-Gon. As you can see I've played with
this! LOL! (If you want her to say
Snape, you have to type Snayp, otherwise she says 'Snapay' ... ;) Many
hours of fun!
want to see him in nothing at all ;} (And perhaps Snapay and Aro too,
hehe ;)
isn't cranky in those pictures like on the Qui-Gon Jinn A4 note pad and folder
and on those gold embossed pins (not the silver embossed key-rings) He's concentrating on the Force!
This is the silver one where he looks lovely ~
have a few of these ;}
have an entire Qui-Gon costume - and you searched high and low for the right
coloured wig/beard/moustache, didn't you? And you had a brown robe and grey
poncho made up to look like his - so you can wear them with your Qui Jedi
costume (and you want to get a pair of Qui costume boots :)
I look more like Obi-Wan
with the beard, LOL! Of course, Liam looks better in the costume ;)
But I was surprised that
I did look and feel good (without the scratchy beard & moustache, lol ;)
The third pic I had an
usher take at the movies with a Qui Stand up, wearing my "Luke
Skywalker" wrap ;)
With thanks to my pal
Louise for making the robe & poncho. Bless! I did dye the
poncho though! (The Costume is the Rubies one from eBay)
With Thailand 'fisherman'
pants as the pants with 'boot coverings' that came with the costume were sucky,
too tight & looked dumb.)
The boots, my beloved
Grandmother Johanna bought me, Bless her Soul :)
you also bought a light brown gown (or some other item of clothing) because it
reminded you of him :) - Like these ;) {And you get really pissed and upset
when they get stained :{ ... And you love to wear them :)
You get annoyed when pictures in articles and toys {Like the
Epic Force Qui-Gon} depict Qui-Gon with the "yelling face," which
makes him look angry. You know full well
he only shouted in one single scene in the entire movie and it was a yell of
urgency, not anger, for Anakin to drop and take off with the others
And If you own one of the talking Qui-Gon dolls, you did {or
wanted to} buy another 12" Qui-Gon doll and switch the heads, so that the
talking Qui-Gon doll does not look like a yelling Qui-Gon doll. And notice how toy does not even say that
line... Oi vay! You replace the batteries in this doll (and
your Qui-Gon lightsabre) often ;) I did the 'switcheroo' on my talking
Qui {from a loose 12" inch Qui that I bought from eBay} ... also, the non
talking Qui has better quality Jedi shirt ... As for the now not-talking
yelling face Qui-Gon, and the talking Qui's shirt, {did the switcheroo there
too} I donated him to under privileged children. Qui would have liked
that I think :)
You are annoyed with the electronic Hasbro Qui-Gon lightsabre -
in the fact that it, A} Does not fully retract, B} The blade does not lock,
C} That is does not have a clip to wear
on your Qui-Gon Jedi costume belt and C} That it is out of proportion {slightly
larger} than lightsabre - not to scale.
However, you also have the other Lucasfilm Qui-Gon lightsabre, which has
all of the features, lacking above, however this one does not light up or make
cool lightsabre sounds :*( - Why can't they make one that has the best of both
worlds??!! Ee-Chu-Ta! .... And you're
still waiting for Hasbro make realistic looking Lightsabres. Yes, I know
as well as you do :) that Master Replicas did one, but it doesn't light up,
expand ... or make the Zzzzzewwwwummmmmm lightsabre sound ... :( ... And When
Hasbro does do one *Uses the Force on Hasbro* ... You would overlook the $200 +
price tag that comes with it ;) ... And whichever lightsabre you have, you love
to play, pretending you're an expert Jedi Master ... and when it goes dead,
it's the power cell, not the batteries ;)
You were cranky when you bought the Japanese Manga comic version
of Episode I, as Qui-Gon looked old and cranky.
Instead of very kwai, like he should have looked - and you didn't bother
buying part II.
You were heartened to see him in a flashback scene in the Clone Wars
cartoon, mini-series episode 21, but cross that he was not in it apart form
that one episode, and how bad and angular he looked. Just look at his nose ...
(AND they got his eye colour wrong ... they're blue - not brown...) But he was
well characterised though. And his voice was nice, even though it wans't
Liam, {It was Fred Tatasciore} - but, Qui~Gal, you know that, huh? But
nonetheless you were ecstatic to see him in it and hear his gentle wisdom ...
sigh ... and also to hear him mentioned, indirectly by Anakin to Ashoka in the
Clone Wars CGI movie.
And also, the Qui plushie does not look cranky. He's meditating, thank you very much. And
you love your plushie very much. In
fact, you had your Qui-Gon plushie with you on one holiday, though he looked so
lonely without Obi-Wan, You bought an Obi-Wan plushie to keep him company. You even take them on "missions"
together, even overseas and if you ever went into outer space, your Plushies
would so be with you! You get upset when
their cute little brown robes get mislaid :*(
{I know - as my Qui-Gon plushie's robe was lost on a mission somewhere
between Sydney and Glastonbury {Avalon} … But found 2 years later and sent
across the seas to me by my lovely Step mum (Yay!) who wrote a note that she's
found my 'little Elf's cloak - and Qui-Gon does look very Elven :)
... Obi & Qui look sooo cute together - click here (scroll down) & see!
You can even see my Qui bear here too! ;)
You do cute things, like giving your Qui plushie a green pen
lightsabre ;)
He looks very cute,
doesn't he?
But you modified his hair to
look more real and natural and gave him a green pen for a lightsabre ;}
You love the Qui-Green cards and the cute little pewter action figure that came with the Qui-Gon VS Darth Maul card game, (pictured above). Every time you play, you have to be Qui-Gon and you want Qui to win - even when you play by yourself. Qui won when I played it, and I didn't cheat, promise! ;)
You may have even painted the Qui-Gon pewter figurine, or maybe just his lightsabre, and went to great lengths to paint it white in the middle and green on the edges, and perhaps even some green crystal glitter to make it all sparkly ;)
You bought the Qui-Gon paint yourself figurine and became annoyed that the toy came with such poodoo paints and you used proper water based model paints. You painstakingly painted his eyes oceanic blue and he came out really lovely :)
You place the brown cloak over your 12" Qui-Gon doll in the colder months and remove it in the warmer ones, like so ;)
Spring Equinox Autumn Equinox
And of course you wash his robes and clothes from time to time, don't you, putting them in a small-things washing bag (of course this is green too :) so they don't get lost in the wash ;) ...
You should've seen how dirty these were!!!
Force only knows what Qui and Obi get up to on those missions! ;}
get excited when you see people or other characters that look like Qui-Gon or
Liam. Like there's one guy that lives
near me that so looks like Liam and another who is a spiting image of Qui from
the back - and they both got on the bus with me!! And then there's this gorgeous stone wizard
figure at the florist that looks like an older Qui. He's even got a lightsabre … staff ;} … Sigh
… I want that Jedi Wizard :) ... But ...nine years later, I got another
lovely one, a gift from a friend :)
You have a qui T-shirt {or more than one...} which is well worn by now and it is one of your faves:
20 + years ago Now
You stuck Qui and Obi stickers in your diary or a sticker book
Isn't he Gorgeous :) ...
So Serene, just like Qui and his sword looks like Excalibur
You get very annoyed and upset when you read non-fiction wizard books {published after the release of Star Wars Episode I, that is after May 31999}, when they write Obi-Wan as a modern type wizard, and don't mention Qui-Gon :( I mean he's only Obi-Wan's MASTER … And he's very magickal and enchanting too, so there! *Grabs her Snape wand replica* ;) One did mention Qui-Gon was finding Anakin who they listed as a dark wizard... And this book listed Obi-Wan in the good wizards... So why not Qui. Author was obviously too narrow minded to see the bigger picture and the true Qui-Gon as we do.
imagine what Qui would look like at different stages of his life, baby, child,
teenager, 20's, 30's, 40's and what he would look like in his 70's, 80's and
beyond - still wonderful, I'll wager! The 'official' younger Qui's didn't do
much for me, I'm afraid.
You've perfected your Qui-Gon voice and accent. "Concentrate on the moment…"
And his quick wit - "the ability to speak does not make one intelligent.' - And, no it doesn't. - The ability to think and speak intelligently - now there's something!
You 'Use The Force' on weak minded muggles and speak with your Qui voice ;) I've done this quite a few times - successfully too, I might add ;)
you don’t like beards on guys, {and/or long hair} you definitely make an
exception for Qui-Gon (And maybe Ardeth Bey, Ulysses, Zeus, Poseidon, Merlin,
Alpha Trion, and of course the King - Aragorn ;) I didn't mention
Hades, 'cos he looks better without one ;)
you were miffed when you saw an article on famous characters with long or
interesting hair and beards (listed the likes of Gandalf, Ming, Planet of the
Apes guys, Chewbacca, etc) AND IT DIDN'T EVEN MENTION
QUI~GON!!!! Oppo Rancisis didn't get a mention either ... And Qui's
hair and beard, in the spirit of that severely (didn't mention any of the above
fellows either) lacking article ~ Maverick, yet Masterly ;)
a hair funni on Obi {And Storm}
You have lots of Qui-Gon sound files and pictures on your computer, that play when you perform certain commands. You even have Qui-Gon wallpaper, a desktop theme {complete with a cute green lightsabre pointer}, skins, gorgeous cutsie sprites and even mobile phone pics
You printed out the picture of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, saying Jedi Meditation Chamber, had it laminated and stuck it on the wall where you meditate
daydream about him ... sigh ...
wish you could meet both Qui-Gon and Liam Neeson and of course Obi & Ewan
have seen more than once every Liam movie or Tele-series you can get your hands
on and wish there were more. Likewise you have more than likely seen all Ewan's
movies too and have a collection of Liam movies and pictures of him from
Here are a few I've collected for you to enjoy
desperately want to see the ones you have not seen and get upset when you can't
get hold of these Liam& Ewan movies
own all or most of these on DVD/video and can't wait for them to come out if
they haven't yet
scour Liam and/or Ewan websites and http://www.imdb.com {The Internet Movie Database} for upcoming Liam movies
and learn of new ones well in advance
a new Liam and/or Ewan movie come out you rush to see it, even if it's a horror
movie and it might scare the Nerf out of you or gross you out, you make an
exception for Liam and perhaps Ewan ;) -
Like Seeing Liam in The Haunting - and you read the book too, didn't you
;) I went a step further ...
To make it look authentic, I burnt the edges of every page.
Took ages and over 800 matches {which I composted}
Someone told me I had too much time to waste... Bah!
I prefer to think of it as Art - and Art takes time :)-
were annoyed when you saw Chris O'Donnell full frontal in Kinsey, but
not Liam. {A pity it wasn't Ewan instead
of Chris!} Yes you know Liam has a fully
naked scene in Rob Roy, but you don't really get to see anything. However, you do so like his bare bum spied in
Under Suspicion ;}
*hated* the cover of Jedi Apprentice 16 which has a *very* angry Qui-Gon
on the cover. So *not* Qui. You either
loved or hated the cover of Jedi Apprentice 12. You either hated seeing
Qui-Gon in pain and wanted to comfort him, or perhaps you were thinking
something else … >;)
are so in love with Liam as Qui-Gon and characters like Aslan, you cringe when
he plays bad guys, although you gotta admit, Ducat {Batman Begins} was very,
very sexy!
are a wealth of information and knowledge about Liam (and Qui), perhaps have
even read a biography or two, though not if it portrays him in a bad light.
think Liam looks better bearded, long haired and toting a green
lightsabre. He himself said in one interview he's the tall, sexy one with
the green lightsabre. Ain't that the truth? ;)
love seeing Liam whup-ass in movies like Taken and Non-Stop
want to see Liam and Ewan in more movies together {Maybe even as a couple…}
were heartened to see Qui-Gon in episodes of the Clone Wars, especially when
Liam did the voice.
You were miffed when the 2015 Target “May the 4th Be With You” poster did not have Qui-Gon. Hmph! Maybe you stuck a picture of Qui over Darth Maul ;)
You love behind-the-scenes Episode I documentaries and want to see any you've missed. You have heaps already on DVD/video.
were relived when the rumours about Qui-Gon being a Sith Lord were not true,
even though you knew he was good all along! *Hugs gentle Qui*
Things like this remind you of Qui:
It really is a lovely book with much Qui~like wisdom.
It's wonderful to see people in this Universe who are much like our Jedi Master, that people like him are not just fiction.
I've met Maggie and she's wonderful :)
Now ... be honest. You want to make prequels to the prequels all about Qui-Gon or like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings history, a 12 volume history on Qui-Gon ;}
were amazed at some of the facts on this list that you may not have known
about, {fer shame! … Just kiddin' ;} … and you rush to Google , Qui-Sites
and/or YahooGroups to find out more ;)
And finally ~ you write and read lists like these! And roar with laughter. And perhaps thump your Green desk .. ;)
Face it, Sweetie ;) - You're a Qui-Goner ;)
Just like me and fiercely proud of it too! :}
And here's a special something from Qui to you ...
~ Feel. Don't think. Use your instincts. May The Force Be With You ~