~  Qui~Gon Jinn Dreams  ~



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 These are nightly dreams I have had about Qui~Gon Jinn from 1999 until now. I will be updating it as soon as I have more Qui dreams! {Scroll down for dreams}

Please do not archive, though you may link directly to this page.  Note: Dream dates are written Day/Month/Year.


Most of these dreams I have at home, unless otherwise specified.

Some dreams, I remember vividly, others not so.  Finally finished typing up all my dreams!!! :D


Please click here to see Qui-Dreams  {2002 ~ 2006}


     Please click here to read Qui-Gon Dreams ~  {2007 ~ 2015}


    Please click here to read latest Qui~Gon Dreams – {2016 onward}




Qui-Gon Jinn Dreams 1999 ~ 2001


?/7/99  {I was feeling stressed the night before this dream and woke up with a sense of peace, love and gratitude.}

I was lying in my bed, sobbing soundlessly, depressed about many things, weight, money, not getting off the ground with my writing... How beautiful Qui-Gon Jinn was killed Star Wars, Episode I...

The Spirit form of the gentle Jedi Master came to me. He said he hated to see me like that and he would always be here for me, and not to grieve over him. He started to train me as a Jedi Spirit Padawan.

Qui-Gon was dressed in the hempish light grey poncho he wore on Tatooine. I was a baby, crying, feeling as though the Universe had rejected me. Qui-Gon came to me, lifted me out of my cradle and held me, cradling me gently in his arms. Feeling his warmth and love, I stopped crying and looked into his kind blue grey eyes. He smiled warmly and stroked my head and face softly. His gentle arms felt like the safest most loving place in the Universe.



(Takes place about 30 years prior to the events in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

Qui-Gon Jinn had been caught by Darth Sidious and his apprentice who looked like Darth Maul, on a remote planet.

The Jedi ignited his blue lightsabre, ready to defend himself. However Darth Sidious foresaw that although this Jedi was young, he would kill both him and his apprentice if they fought him now. Sidious blasted Qui-Gon with a dose of the Dark Side, throwing the long haired Jedi back onto the tarred road, his lightsabre disengaging. Qui-Gon tried to stand, but he couldn't, feeling as if a giant hand pinned him to the road. He struggled against the hold, but couldn't break free.

Sidious smiled.

Frustrated, Qui-Gon tried again, still nothing. He heard a sound up ahead and stared as an enormous truck rolled down the road. Sidious flashed a hand at the truck, keeping it on course, making the driver totally oblivious to Qui-Gon lying on the road.

Again Qui-Gon struggled to break Sidious' hold. He stared again as the truck rolled closer. Fear gripped him as he foresaw himself crushed by the thing. Not a pretty sight. He stared at Darth Sidious, his eyes pleading, angry at the Sith's cruelty, but also at his own helplessness Again he foresaw his undesirable, painful death.

"Not like this ..." he said. "Don't kill me like this ... This isn't the way any Jedi should die..."

Sidious' apprentice looked at the Jedi, then at his Master.

"He is right, Master. He should not die like this, rather in battle."

"He will kill us both if I do not."

Qui-Gon was grateful for the younger Sith's views, however Darth Sidious wasn't letting up.

Qui-Gon could feel his fear overtake him. He knew he was still learning, but still, his loss of control embarrassed him as he looked at the truck, very close now. The young Jedi focused intently on the vehicle, shutting out all else, his fear most of all, shutting out the Siths, the truck's engine noise - everything as he focused on the truck's wheels - all 25 of them. He reached his arm out, spread his fingers and concentrated on nothing else than the approaching vehicle, diverting the truck at the last possible second, the gigantic vehicle swerving around him, the driver oblivious to what had just transpired as he continued on his way. Relieved that he had overcome his fears and break the Sith Master's control, Qui-Gon Jinn stood and retrieved his lightsabre with the Force, feeling foolish for letting his fear overtake him, even for that brief moment - it almost cost him his life.

Although impressed with the Jedi's power, Sidious did not show it and frowned. Nor did he foresee the Jedi killing both him and his apprentice now. The Master Sith ignited his lightsabre and his apprentice did the same.

The red and blue shards of light clashed, Sidious again impressed with the young Jedi's skill, strength and manoeuverability. He jumped back as the blue sabre almost sliced his shoulder. His apprentice was on the Jedi in no time, although the younger Sith missed a beat and Qui-Gon ran him through. The red and black faced Sith gasped in pain.

Although a Sith's bond held no love, Sidious felt the emotional shockwave and staggered back. Qui-Gon caught the mortally wounded Sith apprentice as he fell and lay him gently on the ground, pressing lightly on the wound to ease the pain.

"I'm sorry," he said, "you left me no choice."

The Sith seemed to understand. Qui-Gon stayed by his side until the Living Force left him, grateful Sidious had not chosen to attack him in those moments. Qui-Gon looked at the Sith Master, wondering if he would vow revenge for his fallen apprentice.

Darth Sidious looked at his deceased protégé, puzzled as to why the Jedi would bother to comfort a dying enemy. Different values, he thought to himself.

"Exactly," Qui-Gon said.

Again his abilities impressed the Sith Master. Sidious eyed his younger opponent and stepped back, foreseeing that if he battled the young Jedi now, his fate would match that of his young apprentice. It was the Sith's turn to be afraid as

Qui-Gon turned to face him. Darth Sidious did the only thing he could. He disengaged his lightsabre.

Qui-Gon eyed him, his own lightsabre still fully extended. At first he reasoned it may be a trick, but sensed his opponent had no intention of fighting him and sensed why.

A long silence followed, the only sound, the hum of the Jedi's lightsabre.

Darth Sidious was loath to be in this position. He knew little of his young opponent, only that he was considered to somewhat of a maverick by the Jedi Council and had on occasion broken certain Jedi Code Rules. Sidious only hoped that he would not break the Jedi Code of using the Force and Jedi Arts for Knowledge and Defence, never for attack.

Qui-Gon disengaged his lightsabre. "That is one code I will never break," he promised. He knew the Sith Master posed a threat to the Jedi, but he would not break the most sacred, important rule.

Sidious cursed himself for letting his fear cloud his judgement, but he was relieved nonetheless. I should have foreseen that, he hissed to himself.

"You are a coward," Qui-Gon stated.

Angry, Sidious began to return to his starship, Qui-Gon keeping a close watch to make sure he left without incident.

"Your time will come, Jedi," he said.

Qui-Gon eyed him. "My time for what?"

"To die."

A silence followed. "Everyone's time to die will come,"

Qui-Gon said evenly, although the Sith's words sent a chill through his entire body.

Although, Darth Sidious he knew he couldn't kill the Jedi just yet, he could not let his young enemy report back to the Jedi Council of the Siths existence. He approached Qui-Gon, slowly. The Jedi eyed him warily. Sidious purposely had his hand nowhere near his lightsabre. When he was in range, his land lashed out onto the young Jedi's forehead, forcing him to his knees on the grass.

"You will remember none of this," he said, using the Dark Side of the Force to block this event from Qui-Gon's memory.

Qui-Gon flinched, the pain of his head being bombarded by dark energies. He tried to struggle, but the Sith had the upper hand as he pushed Qui-Gon to the ground, retrieved the body of his apprentice and left for his starship, the ship's roaring engines doing nothing for the young Jedi's pulsating headache. He saw the ship take off, a spark in the sky and then it was gone and he flopped to the grass unconscious.

It was many hours before he came to, waking, the headache not as severe, the last thing he remembered was sensing something amiss down on this planet and coming to investigate. He had been crossing the road. A truck? Was there a big white truck? Had he been hit? He refused to believe he'd been so foolish.

Qui-Gon sat to compose himself, willing the Force to get rid of the headache and clear his mind. He slowed his breathing as he sat on the grass. Perhaps his ship had somehow crashed, or maybe he'd accidentally touched a poisonous plant, either way it still disturbed him. Someday he knew he would find the answer, although he knew it would be many years hence.



A spiritual friend and myself had figured out a way to, by using our own Spirituality, love, determination and the Light Side of the Force, open up a porthole to transport Qui-Gon Jinn to our time in this Universe, Sydney, 1999, also by using natural ingredients, and both our Forces, create a special, magical putty paste which would slowly, but surely heal

Qui-Gon's mortal wound. However we also knew there was great risk. Darth Maul could easily follow Qui-Gon to this Universe and we had to keep him somewhere safe. If Maul did follow us here the trick would be get him back to his Universe before he killed Qui-Gon.

Creating a porthole creates a strain on one's physical and emotional resolve and once one had gone from one Universe back to the other it would be weeks before they could attempt a transport again. By that time Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn would have recovered.

Although I was not a Jedi perse, I had learned a lot from

Qui-Gon. His wisdom, resolve, kindness, love and patience, (which I was still trying to master) ... I had constructed my own Lightsabre. He wasn't entirely sure what the Force link meant. I was his Spirit Padawan. I wasn't sure he knew who I was, our galaxies being so far, far away.

My friend and I decided to hide Qui-Gon in a secret old post

WWII Bunker, located in Sydney harbour, way, way under the ocean, access obtained on the shore. (Watching lots of movies, going on Sydney tours and working for the newspaper, one knows these things.) There were more than 1000 steps down into the bunker where we had transported him, onto a bed in there. Since he was so hidden, it would be difficult for Darth Maul to sense him, should he follow, however far from impossible, and so we stayed with Qui most of the time.

He lay motionless, barely alive as we administered the beige pinkish paste on both sides of his lightsabre wound and hoped it was enough to restore his life, but all would be for nought if Darth Maul found him. We covered Qui-Gon, keeping him warm. I could sense the Jedi Master's presence, although extremely weak, and he wasn't entirely sure what was happening. Gently I stroked his warm forehead, long hair, and tried to console him with my thoughts.

However the Dark Side had its own agenda and Darth Maul had made a successful jump to our Universe. My friend and I set up emotional blocks to block Qui-Gon's whereabouts from our minds should Maul probe our thoughts. 'He's somewhere safe', would be all he would read.

Maul had come prepared to face resistance - someone had to have transported Qui-Gon to this Universe and he sensed it hadn't been Obi-Wan.

I encountered the Sith Lord atop the Harbour Bridge and we fought, my violet lightsabre clashing with his red double bladed. He was a better fighter than I - though I wasn't bad... Our lightsabres clashed again, Maul almost loosing his balance, though he did seem impressed he'd encounter someone with Jedi capabilities. He swung his sabre, I ducked and kicked out at him, but he jumped and slammed his lightsabre into mine, pushing me off the bridge. A long way down, I hoped I could dive safely, I'd thought of this eventuality, but that was not to be as the newly constructed suspension bridge underneath the harbour bridge broke my fall - and almost my back, as I got twisted in the metal bars. I could not free myself and didn't think Maul was in a merciful mood. If I died, it would be almost impossible to protect Qui-Gon. Another porthole began to open and out of it fell a child, with the same colour markings as Darth Maul. The message I sensed was that he was Darth Maul's son ... who had no idea who his father was, and Maul wanted to keep it that way to protect him. The boy didn't have the Force, but Maul feared his Master, Darth Sidious would have the child killed if he knew. I caught the boy before he fell into the harbour below, where a large shark was swimming and shoved the kid back into the porthole as he almost slipped out of my grasp. Why had this happened? Weird? Perhaps the Light Side giving me a little leeway ...

By this time Maul had jumped onto the suspension bridge and stood before me. This was it. Ohh yeah. He's going to do it... Run me through, just like he did Qui-Gon, although I did sense he was a tad rattled by the recent occurrence, though doing his best to hide it.

"Where is Qui-Gon?" he demanded.

"You know I won't tell you."

As I had predicted he read my mind. Somewhere safe. Maul frowned and asked again. Somewhere safe.

The Sith glared at me and raised his lightsabre. "I will kill you if you do not tell me."

I said nothing.

"You would die for someone you have never met?"

"No. I will die for Qui-Gon."

Maul eyed me curiously before I spoke again. "If you kill me you'll never know."

The thing that did scare me was the entrance to the bunker was on the shore below us. I just hoped Maul couldn't sense

Qui-Gon's presence or break my mind blocks.

He snarled at me, paused and then spoke again. "You have my gratitude for saving my son," he said evenly. For that I will spare your life."

So he did have a decent fibre after all. I had wondered.

He his red lined yellow eyes burned into me. "I will find

Qui-Gon and I will kill him."

Then again, maybe not.

He raised his lightsabre and cut me free from the twisted metal railings. My back still hurt, but I'd live.

"Do not get in my way, Spirit Jedi," he warned and left in his pursuit.

That was close ... But how do we stall Maul? Sooner or later he'd sense Qui-Gon and I'd a feeling he would dog me until he found him and sooner or later I would have to go to Qui-Gon. I had no way to contact my friend - it would be too risky.

I managed to lose Maul on my way home, hopping on a few wrong busses, trains, ferries and taxis. I had a plan.

Bursting into my small house I had a quick bath.

Then donned my Qui-Gon Jinn costume which had come in the mail the previous day (I poodoo you not - this really happened). It looked good on, which surprised me, though much better on

Qui-Gon! I wore my woollen poncho over the Jedi costume to conceal it. It wasn't grey like the one Qui wore on Tatooine, but layers of white, beige, black and dark brown. I felt ready to rock & roll as I caught a bus back into the city, where I knew Maul was waiting like a lion stalking prey. He sensed my presence and was quick to move in on my position - I had to enter the bunker without him seeing ... I managed to lose him, momentarily as I ran for the shore, however at the last moment he saw me enter the bunker. Time was of the essence. I worked on the assumption Maul had seen me. How to traverse over 1000 steps in a few seconds... It would be too late if I ran down them, even at full throttle. So the only way to go was to jump down the middle. First I threw my large purple bag down and it landed with a thud after a long while. I had to play this right or break my ankles, legs or something worse, and then we'd all be stuffed. I took the pin dive down the middle of the stairs, stopping myself as I came nearer the bottom, landing safely on the either side of my bag. Looking up, I saw a shadow at the top of the stairs and it wasn't moving slowly. I burst into the room almost scaring my friend, attending to Qui-Gon.

"Maul's coming, we gotta move him."

She nodded, looking worried. Could we pull this off?

Together, we gently picked up the Jedi Master, his body lighter than it looked and moved him to the second room in the bunker. Strewn on the floor, were many towels, napkins, overalls, etc, which I scooped up, making a makeshift soft bed and pillow for the gentle Jedi. I stroked his face softly.

"I'll do everything I can," I whispered, kissing his cheek, and closing the door to the second room.

Together my friend and I used the Force and our Spirituality to move a brown metal book/utility shelf in front of the door to conceal it, moving it above the floor so it didn't scrape or make a noise that Maul might hear. I could feel the Sith coming closer. My friend set about quickly placing things on the shelf and a chest where the shelf had been to conceal our deception. I whipped off my poncho, resisting panic and ripped into my bag and tore out my Qui-Gon like wig, placed my hair behind my ears, pulled the hair on, and straightened it.

"Look okay?"

My friend nodded. I grabbed some dirt from the cylinder in my bag, wet it with the sink and applied it to my face, looking like a beard and moustache. Not bad, washing my hands, quickly hiding the cylinder, and kicking my big bag and poncho way under the bed. With not a nanosecond to lose, I leapt onto the bed, under the covers, threw them over myself, leaving part of my leg and the Jedi costume exposed, covering my face, though leaving the top of my head with the wig exposed, and the Qui-Gon look alike hair and pony tail fanning out on the pillow. Looking good. I only hope Maul fell for it.

A red lightsabre cut through the entrance before it was kicked open. Gave a whole new meaning to Devil at the Door ...

He made straight for the bed as I cleared all my own thoughts and thought like Qui-Gon, keeping my face hidden as I sensed Maul raise his lightsabre, one blade extended, figured he didn't need both.

"You would destroy all ... for which ... these girls have fought and suffered," I said, imitating Qui-Gon's voice in a weak state. "You are a ... coward."

I sensed Maul snarl and stab his lightsabre down. Yes, my plan was working, the blade was inches away from me, I sensed the Sith Lord stop and frown. He ripped off the covers. I moved my head slightly so the long hair fell over my face. With any luck, the plan would still work. However he slid his hand under my face and roughly turned his head toward me. Again he scowled.

"He isn't here," I told him. Which was partially the truth. "A coward am I?" Maul growled.

I sat up on the bed. "Killing a helpless unarmed man. What would you call it?"

He glared at me. "I almost killed you."

"You care. I'm flattered," I said, flat. "Better me than


"Your devotion and love for this Jedi Master is admirable," Maul said, grudgingly. "But it will not stop me."

I wiped off my improvised beard and moustache. "I had to do something."

"Not a bad costume," Maul said.

"Except for one thing."

The Sith Lord eyed me.

"I'm not as cute as he is."

Maul half smiled as he turned to the brown shelf, sensing something and started toward it. I ignited my lightsabre behind him. He ignited the other blade of his and spun to me. I held my ground for a while before he sliced the base of my lightsabre, rendering it useless. I kicked him and tried to grab his sabre. Although somewhat impressed I'd fight a Sith Lord without a weapon, he threw me back. I half expected to him deliver the fatal blow, but he didn't, although kept me at bay. I guess there had been only so far I could push him. My friend eyed Maul warily, although he didn't perceive her to be a threat. Maul started to the bookshelf again. I sensed if I ran for him he'd run me through. Together my friend and I tried to use our powers, but Maul had been prepared for that and shut us out. We stared worriedly at the bookshelf. All three of us saw a green glow protrude from the top of the shelf, then slice in a Zig Zag formation, like a Zorro Z. The bookshelf pieces, contents and door thrust out. Qui-Gon stood there, both arms extended, using the Force to expel the debris, one piece hitting Maul in the stomach. The Sith staggered back, but regained his composure and glared at

Qui-Gon. The Jedi Master, lightsabre blade extended, glared coldly at Maul, using all his strength and the Force in his emotional resolve, he Force pushed Maul back. The Jedi Master stood unfazed, majestic.

"Leave," he demanded. One word so deep.

Maul hated to admit fear, his real weapon turned against him. He glared again at the Jedi Master, grudgingly admiring his enemy's strength as he used his own power to open a trans-dimensional porthole to his own Universe and stepped through it.

When the last flicker of the glowing red/yellow porthole had disappeared, Qui-Gon dropped his lightsabre and collapsed. I bolted to him and caught the Jedi Knight before he fell to the floor. He breathed slowly. He had put all his strength into his emotional resolve and masking his physical weakness. If Maul had sensed for one moment that Qui-Gon couldn't have gone three rounds with a butterfly in this state, we'd all be up poodoo creek. My friend and I helped him onto the bed.

"Thank you both ..." Qui-Gon said, still very weak.

My friend had to leave as her spirituality was needed elsewhere. I hugged and thanked her. She smiled, wishing me well as she left, traversing all those stairs.

I stayed with Qui-Gon, although the danger had passed.

Gently I stoked his warm face. "You took a risk. He could have killed you."

He turned to me and smiled warmly. "As I recall so did you. More than once."

I smiled. "Guilty as charged."

He stroked my face gently. "After all you two have done for me, it was the least I could do. If it wasn't for you and your friend, I wouldn't be here now."

"This'll sound cliched, but I couldn't let you die."

I ran my fingers through his soft silky, unknotted hair.

"Thank you," he said, sincere. "You're right. Maul is a coward."

I chuckled, knowing there was no way Darth Maul could have broken through Qui-Gon's determination.

The Jedi Master smiled warmly and held my hand.

It wasn't long before he was up and about and starting to eat. He offered me some fresh seaweed and we ate together.

After we had eaten, we sat together. He stroked my face gently.

"Thank you," he said again. "The love in your heart and soul is beyond beautiful."

I smiled, tears welling in my eyes. "As is yours, Master


I leant against his chest and he placed his arms gently around me, hugging me, sensing I was upset.

"Let's not talk about my going back just yet. Our souls will be together, no matter where we are."

"I know."

We stood and held each other's hands. He kissed me softly and stroked my face. We embraced, our arms around each other's bodies gently.

Sensing my thoughts, Qui-Gon smiled warmly.

"The feeling is mutual, my young Spirit Padawan."



I imagined the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace final lightsabre battle again in my mind.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, behind the red shield, unable to help, watching his Master battle the vicious Sith Lord.

Jedi and Sith sabres clashed. Qui-Gon, fighting off the Sith's attack, however in the moment before Darth Maul had whacked Qui-Gon under the chin, the Jedi Master swerved to one side, blocking Darth Maul's blow, keeping him at bay. The Jedi's green blade pressing down on the top end of Maul's lightsabre. Maul scowled as he struggled to maintain a grip on his weapon.

Qui-Gon released his hold. Maul regained his grip and went for the Jedi Master, who side stepped the Sith's attack and in a break in his enemy's strokes, ran him through the midsection. Maul's lightsabre clattered to the floor as he fell, pain in his red-yellow eyes. The red shield released Obi-Wan. The young Jedi ran to his Master. Maul reached out with the Force, to grab his lightsabre, but Qui-Gon had been prepared for that, using the Light Side to propel the double bladed sabre down into the chasm in the middle of the room. Maul was loath to admit his fear, and even though he knew he was dying, he also knew the two Jedi could make it a lot more painful. However, Qui-Gon knelt down and gently pressed on the Sith's wound, easing the pain, Maul puzzled as to why the Jedi would bother to console an enemy.

Qui-Gon smiled knowingly. "We have different values," he said. "You gave me no choice."

Maul seemed to understand, as Qui-Gon stayed with him until the Living Force left the Sith Lord.

"Why did you do that, Master?" Obi-Wan asked. "He deserved that pain."

Qui-Gon looked at his young apprentice. "Perhaps, but cruelty is not our way."

"He would not have done the same for you."

Qui-Gon stood. "Of course not, but I will not abandon my beliefs."

"I'm ... sorry, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled warmly. "You still have much to learn, my young Padawan, but we cannot remain here. Anakin and the Queen need us."

Obi-Wan pointed to the Sith's body. "What are we going to do with that?"

"Leave him here for now. His Master will come for him."

Qui-Gon left with Obi-Wan, as they ran out into the hangar to liberate Naboo.



Had all these three dreams in the one night!! Woo hoo!

Quite a few Star Wars Fans, celebrities and entertainment folk were invited to watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace again, this time with THX sound, and large surround IMAX type screen and clear digital picture. There was also some added footage like the part where Obi-Wan's lightsabre wouldn't work because the power cell had fused, the scene where Qui lightsabres Darth Maul's probe ...

Anyway, the guest of honour from the Star Wars Universe was Darth Maul, unfortunately. Bugger. I really, really wanted it to be Qui-Gon or at least Obi-Wan, or perhaps Amidala... Hell even Anakin or Jar Jar! But no, it had to be Maul. Darth Bloody Maul. Suppose it could've been worse. He could have his Master with him. The publicity people were literally paying him millions - he was apparently saving to buy a luxurious Starship, and his Master wouldn't give him a cent.

He'd brought a box full of cuddly Star Wars Episode One toys for all in the theatre, and was giving them out, again surprised that most people seemed to want the toy of him. Cuddly. Not a word I'd use to describe him. Anyway the toy was floppy, more like!

I hoped he had a floppy, cuddly Qui-Gon somewhere in the box, but he didn't seem to. He had everyone else. I really had the shits. Qui is one of the main characters in the movie.

Maul looked at me. "Which one would you like?"

I kind of felt weird, him talking to me, but before I could tell him which one I wanted, he said, "sorry, I don't think I have any more Darth Mauls left..."

That sounded kind of funny coming from him. He dug around in the box.

"Found one, it's the last one," he said, pulling out the floppy version of himself , and as he did so, he unearthed a Qui-Gon – must've been right at the bottom. Typical Darth Maul, but nevertheless I was ecstatic as I grabbed my prize.

"Queeeeegeeeeee!!!!" I cuddled my soft Qui-Gon dolly, possessively. I held onto him tightly and played with his woolly hair.

"So ... uhh ... you don't want a Darth Maul then?"

I just looked at him and smiled. I wasn't going to pretend that I liked him and if he lightsabred me, so be it. Maul eyed me for a moment, seemingly impressed as he tossed his floppy self back into the box and tried to look disdainful as I played with and kissed my Qui-Gon dolly. He sat about 4 seats away from me, on my right, same row. The lights dimmed and movie started. I wasn't looking forward to *that* bit, but for the 13th time I watched it, as always, for Qui-Gon and yes, young Obi-Wan. I could feel Darth Maul (in the cinema) watching me as I watched the movie, sensing my love for

Qui-Gon and wondering how someone in another Universe could love someone she'd never met - or was ever likely going to. I guess for Maul that would have to remain a mystery. He seemed interested in my feelings for Qui-Gon and I was somewhat bewildered that Maul gave a shit about me at all. I held my Qui-Gon doll as I watched the movie. It was the same, but different somehow. Qui seemed more real, closer... He looked at me in a few scenes, as if he really saw me. At first I wondered if I was seeing things, but in one scene on Tatooine, he looked at me and smiled warmly, I knew I hadn't imagined it. He sensed my presence and my love for him and I sensed his gratitude, acknowledgement and appreciation, also his sense of wonder that someone in a galaxy far, far away would care for him as deeply as I did. In the cinema, Maul watched me, I doubt he really cared, but he did seem interested. In the movie Qui-Gon looked at Darth Maul in the cinema, his eyes telling Maul that if he hurt me, he'd regret it. Maul said nothing, though I snuck a glance at him, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

I really didn't want to watch Qui-Gon's death scene, but I felt I owed it to him and I did. I flinched when he was run through and could feel Maul, in the cinema watching me again, but as Qui-Gon fell, this time, he smiled weakly at me, silently saying it was all right. He channelled the pain as he fell and waited for Obi-Wan to defeat the Sith. Maul winced as he watched himself die and looked at me again, expecting me to smile, but I didn't. He got what he deserved, there was no need to be spiteful. I didn't hate Darth Maul. Hate led to the Dark Side, but I didn't exactly like the bugger either. As Obi-Wan held Qui-Gon, and promised to train Anakin, again Qui smiled weakly at me, his warm, loving smile, assuring me that his death was not in vain and that he would return.

I waited until all the credits had rolled before leaving. I could sense Darth Maul was still somewhat impressed by my love for Qui-Gon and my refusal to pretend I liked him (Maul) for my safety. Maybe he'd figure it out one day, as I left for my home, dodging him as he tried to follow me. For the first time since Seeing Star Wars Episode One, I felt at peace when the movie ended. Not depressed that Qui-Gon had been killed, but knowing he wasn't really dead. His spirit didn't get run though.

I always knew that, but now it felt more real. As though both Qui-Gon and the Force were with me.



Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul battled furiously in the bowels of the Naboo Theed Palace. Obi-Wan kept his frustration in check as he was trapped yet again behind the red, rotating force shield as he was forced to stand helpless behind it and watch as his Master battled the vicious Sith Lord alone. Qui-Gon swerved and kept Maul at bay. The Sith attacked again and Qui-Gon swiped where his defence was lacking, at his leg, and slashed his shin. Maul flinched and hissed in pain at the deep bloody gash, backed off, but still maintained a death grip on his double bladed lightsabre as he whirled it around, and tried to slash out at Qui-Gon, but the Jedi Master's sabre sliced his lower arm. Darth Maul stifled a yelp and growled as Qui-Gon advanced. He swung his lightsabre, but could barely stand, as Qui-Gon wrenched his defence out of his hand. Maul backed off, but the pain in his leg became too much and he slipped to the floor, backing off from Qui-Gon. The shield released Obi-Wan who ran to his Master. Maul's wounds bled deeply. He snarled at the two Jedi. Qui-Gon could see the pain and fear in his eyes. Maul tensed as Qui-Gon approached, then the Jedi Master stopped.

Obi-Wan came to him. "You know you have to do it, Master."

Qui-Gon looked at his Padawan and shook his head slowly. "I can't..."

Obi-Wan looked into his Master's eyes. "I know it's hard for you, but you have to kill him. He won't turn, no matter what we do."

Qui-Gon nodded and knew Maul's wounds would heal if they left him and he would be back to kill them when he was well and posed a threat to the Jedi and the Universe. Qui-Gon knew as well as anyone if their positions were reversed, Maul would not even consider mercy, but still he hesitated to kill a helpless unarmed enemy.

Obi-Wan gently pushed his Master aside. "I'll do it."

He raised his lightsabre and advanced on Maul.

"No," Qui-Gon said.


"I will." As much as it pained Qui-Gon, he felt he couldn't shun the responsibility onto his Padawan. That was the coward's way out he wasn't going to take it, despite the distaste of what he knew he had to do. Mercy, unfortunately was a luxury the Jedi could not afford. Qui-Gon advanced on Maul and knelt down.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

Maul said nothing, though to Qui-Gon's surprise he saw a flicker of respect in the Sith's eyes, just before he ran him through. Qui-Gon tried to make it as painless as possible, piercing Darth Maul's heart, killing his almost instantly. He held the Sith Lord's body, picked him up, and took him to the chasm in the centre of the room and let his body fall into the furnace at the pit.

Obi-Wan came to him.

"You did what you had to do, Master," he comforted.

Qui-Gon still looked sad. The young Padawan deeply respected and sympathised with his Master as he wiped a tear away from the older Jedi's cheek.

"Master, he wouldn't've granted us any quarter. He deserved what he got."

Qui-Gon nodded. "I know ... But nothing makes killing any easier, Obi-Wan."




I was Thalia in this dream.

Qui-Gon and Thalia had captured Darth Maul and were taking him back to Coruscant. He wasn't exactly sure what the Jedi Council would do with Darth Maul, perhaps try to turn him to the Light Side ... or kill him. Qui hoped for the former, but if that wasn't possible he knew the latter was the only option. Maul and his elusive Master posed a threat to the Jedi and the safety of the Universe.

However Maul had no intention of been taken prisoner to Coruscant and bided his time. He knew Qui-Gon would kill him if he started a lightsabre battle, and besides the shuttle was small and one misplaced slice could mean a hull rupture. Qui kept a wary eye on his enemy, as did Thalia. Maul said nothing, although subtly used the Force to change course.

Later in the trip, the sensors picked up an M class planet. Qui checked the controls, a tad confused. Coruscant was still a while away and there weren't supposed to be any planets for the next few billion kilometres at least.

Qui-Was confused when he saw the planet so close. Maul seized the opportunity, bashing the Jedi Master out of the way and messing about with the controls. Qui-Gon tried to stop him, but the shuttlecraft lurched, already caught in the gravitational forces of the planet. Maul knew he'd made a mistake as both he, and Qui-Gon madly tried to stabilise the descent, making it through the planet's atmosphere, and tried desperately to land as gently as possible. Maul glowered that he couldn't use the opportunity to kill Qui-Gon. He had no desire to die in the attempt. Both annoyed and afraid, Thalia fired up the thrusters. Bumpy didn't begin to describe the ride or the landing as Maul grabbed onto a railing and stabilised himself as Thalia grabbed onto a shattered console. Qui-Gon wasn't so lucky and was thrown to the floor as the shuttle crashed, jostling him about further.

The shuttle landed in the sand with a heavy, jolting, noisy crash. At least it didn't explode, but the shuttle was, in a word, fucked.

Maul thrust open the hatch and winced at the glare of the large sun. Wherever we were, it was bloody hot. Maul looked back at Thalia and Qui-Gon and glared at them.

"Don't look at us," Thalia snapped. "This is your fault."

Maul snarled, hiding his embarrassment at the whole situation. "Of course if you and Qui-Gon hadn't-" he started to say.

"Don't even start that," Thalia hissed. She'd had quite enough of him.

Maul snarled and checked the shuttle's barely functional controls. "This thing's stuffed ... Although the sensors are picking up a small abandoned ship four hundred clicks from here. It appears to be in working order ..."

Thalia sensed he spoke the truth. "I suggest we get to it then. It's the only way we're gonna get off this rock."

"I'm going," Maul said. "Alone."

"Typical ... We need to work together to-"

Maul glared at her. "I'll find it myself and leave myself."

"You're dressed in black."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

Qui-Gon turned, still on the floor. "You'll die out there. You won't stand the heat for that long ... If we work together we'll have a better chance of-"

Maul looked down at Qui-Gon. The Jedi Master, still a little weak from the ordeal of being tossed about the ship. Thalia reached out for the Jedi Master's lightsabre, flying to her hand and she ignited it in an instant, glaring at Maul, her eyes a cold glacial stare which could have frozen Tatooine's suns. "Don't even think about it."

Maul knew Thalia wasn't a Jedi, he sensed her unfailing love for the Jedi Master and knew if he did 'even think about it' she would probably kill him out of sheer devotion. He was quite surprised that Qui's Lightsabre had flown to her hand. As far as he knew she didn't have the Force, although he mused she must be able to use it in times of desperate need. Without a second thought, the Sith left, against Thalia's better judgement.

She knelt down to Qui-Gon. He was still hurt, but not badly.

"He's going to get himself killed out there."

"He must choose his own path," Qui-Gon said. "He'll soon realise his mistake."

Thalia helped Qui-Gon to sit on the shuttle's seat, which had been buckled in the crash.

"I'll be all right," Qui-Gon said. "Thanks."

His friend smiled. Qui-Gon wiped his face and shed his thick dark brown woollen cloak.

"That's a little better..."

He produced a cylinder of water, the last of the shuttle's resources, which he shared with Thalia. The two dabbed their bodies with the water as well.

"What if Maul finds the shuttle before us?" Thalia asked. "We'll be stranded."

"He won't," Qui-Gon assured, tying his dishevelled hair back in one large pony tail and shaking his head.

"Looks good," Thalia said and Qui-Gon smiled.

"There's a castle not too far from here," he said.

"The sensors don't show anything."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Of course not. I can sense its presence. It's ... enchanted."

Thalia smiled. "Your sensors are a lot better than the shuttles," she said with a smile.

Qui-Gon laughed. "Never quite thought of it that way."

Thalia took off her cape like jacket, but made sure her body was covered from head to foot, to protect from sunburn. This planet was a scorcher. Qui-Gon changed his long boots to ankle boots and shed some of his Jedi tunic.

"We'll still get cooked out there," he said.

"I'm sure you'll taste delicious."

Qui smiled at his lady friend and kissed her cheek.

Together they set off, making quick pace to the enchanted castle. Rumour had it this planet had only two Oasis type refuges and the only ones who could survive here were the planet's natural inhabitants, the Bakul - tree/shrub like people, about as tall as a human, their bark course, and capable of protruding noxious thorns. They were xenophobic and feared all outsiders and would stop at nothing to get rid of them. They were capable of drawing the little water they needed from the atmosphere and their nutrients from the sand. This castle of theirs was rumoured to be sacred, a tribute to their Ancient Regal Royal Leaders. They were supposedly humanoids that created the Bakul, giving sentient life to their plant life, in order for others in the Universe to appreciate that all life is sacred.

Thalia and Qui-Gon continued on their way to the castle. Thalia leaned her palm on a rock to rest and shrieked. It was like placing your hand on a hot iron. Qui-Gon spun around, concerned, as he looked at her red hand. He placed his palm over it and gently used the Force to dull the throbbing pain.

"Don't touch anything in the sun," he said. "It's very close to the planet. This place makes Tatooine feel like Hoth. The castle is shaded and there will be water there."

Thalia nodded again amazed at Qui-Gon's insight. He'd never been here, yet he sensed so much about this castle he'd never even seen.

Like Tatooine, this planet had two suns, in a binary star system, one on one side of the planet, the other on the other side. Night had no meaning here. And it was Summer all year round.

Qui and Thalia walked in the blazing, scorching sun for what literally seemed like an eternity, before we came up on the grey castle, which looked more like an old fashioned fortress. Needless to say, Thalia was relieved to see it as she traversed the stairs into the complex with Qui-Gon. He smiled at her, also glad to be out of the scalding heat. They reached a platform in the castle, shielded by a taller structure and some vegetation. It was still warm here, but pleasantly so.

"The Bakul will have sensed us," Qui-Gon said. "They'll want to get rid of us. I'm not sure if they're susceptible to the Force, and I don't want to have to hurt them."

Qui-Gon took off his Jedi robes and dressed in a long, loose white tunic he found in the upper courtyard area. Thalia smiled at him. He looked absolutely beautiful. He gave her a loose white dress, he found rumpled next to the tunic he had found. We planned to stay here for a while, our bodies transmuting the unpleasant heat of our journey.

"The Bakul are coming," Qui-Gon said, sensing them. "Quickly..." It would have been ridiculously easy for him to use his lightsabre, but there was no way he'd do that.

In the corner of the courtyard Thalia found a golden dress and mask surrounding a statue and quickly donned it.

Thalia and Qui-Gon watched the tree like Bakul traversing the stairs in pairs. A strange sight to see trees climbing stairs. Thalia composed herself and tried to quell the butterflies in her stomach. The Bakul stopped when they saw her.

"I am Princes Bala," she said, hoping they hadn't seen the movie Antz, or saw through her. "These strangers bear us no harm."

"Honoured Spirit of Ancient Princess Bala," the leader said. "We hear you."

Qui-Gon looked at the tree folk. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience. We crash landed here."

The leader nodded his branches.

"However, the other one we came with may-" Qui-Gon started to say.

"He is of no concern to us," the leader said, confusing

Qui-Gon a little. "You are free to stay here as long as you wish, Master Jedi, Spirit of Princes Bala."

Qui-Gon looked impressed. So did Thalia. She backed off a little.

"Do not fear, Princess. We will not harm you, for you are the embodied Spirit of our beloved Princess Bala. Although if this lifetime you are Thalia."

Again both Thalia and Qui-Gon looked impressed. "I'm sorry for my deception," Thalia started to say.

"But it was no deception, Princess, and even so, you only did so to protect yourselves and avoid any unnecessary conflict."

Thalia bowed in respect as the Bakul left.

"Farewell travellers."

Thalia took off the Princess headdress and placed it back on the statue.

"An impressive people," Qui-Gon said, "Princess," he added with a smile.

Thalia smiled back at him. "Why thank you, kind sir." She held out her hand, which Qui-Gon immediately kissed.

"I always dreamed I was someone respected and important."

"And I always knew, my Darling," he said, kissing her again.

Qui-Gon removed his white tunic and traversed the stairs to the right, down to the fountain pool in the lower courtyard and went for a swim.

"Ohh that feels good..." He came up from the water, shook his head, water splattering everywhere, his way hair clinging to his shoulders. Thalia almost sighed at the sight. Qui-Gon drank some of the crystal clear water, and Thalia joined him, never feeling so refreshed in her life.

The two dried themselves, leaving their hair wet and again donning their white attire.

"Feel better?" Thalia asked.

"At least I smell better."

Thalia laughed. "I hadn't noticed you smelled bad before."

Qui-Gon smiled, then he winced and placed his hand over his forehead.

"What is it?" Thalia asked concerned.

"Pain ... " Qui-Gon said ... "despair ... fear ..."

//Master ... please help me ... pl..e...ase ...//

"It can't be Obi-Wan ..." Qui-Gon said, closed his eyes focused. His eyes all of a sudden snapped open. "It's Darth Maul ... He's dying."

Thalia looked at Qui-Gon. For all intents and purposes, Maul deserved to be left to his fate, but she knew Qui-Gon couldn't do that.

"He's not too far from here," Qui said, and left down the back stairs. Thalia followed. Although she disliked Maul intensely, she did not hate him. Hate lead to the Dark Side and she would never betray her love for Qui-Gon. She respected deeply what Qui-Gon was doing and would do anything to help him, although she prayed to the Force that Maul didn't need CPR.

Again in the unpleasant scorching heat, although not for as long this time, before they came up on a collapsed black heap. Qui-Gon peeled back the hood and gently felt for a pulse.

"Extremely weak," he said. "He's severely dehydrated."

It was impossible not to feel sorry for the bastard, lying there, helpless his eyes closed ...

Qui-Gon picked him up and carried him back to the castle fortress, up to the upper courtyard. Maul's Lightsabre had been fused in the heat as well. "Obviously he missed the castle ..."

"His senses aren't as attuned as yours."

Thalia brought some bowls water and began administering it to Darth Maul.

Qui-Gon helped her. Before long, Maul started to regain consciousness and some of his strength.

He looked at Qui-Gon half angry at owing his life to him, half grateful, but he didn't want to acknowledge that as he looked at the Jedi Master, clad in a loose white tunic.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," Qui-Gon said.

Maul grunted. Qui-Gon gave him some more water. Maul was half tempted to throw it in the Jedi's face, but accepted it as he was quite thirsty.

"Maybe next time you'll listen to me."

"You're not my Master," Maul snapped, drinking some more of his water.

"You could have died out there," Qui said.

Maul knew that only too well, but said nothing as he finished his bowl of water. He still felt weak, and tried to mask that with anger.

"Go and have a swim," Qui-Gon suggested. "Help you cool off." In more ways than one, he hoped. Maul looked down at the tantalising fountain pool and decided to take Qui-Gon up on his offer although part of him was loathe to. He took off his black robes, by now most of the sweat had evaporated, though he was glad to be out of them, quite embarrassed at the smell, although Thalia sensed he was somewhat uneasy about his nakedness. Qui-Gon had the decency to grant him privacy, but Thalia's curiosity got the better of her. Did those red and black patterns go all the way down? She peeked. Oo. They did. Truth be known, Maul didn't have a bad body, but then it wasn’t his body that was evil. Thalia peeked again and stifled a giggle. What they said about guys with long swords was true. She masked her thoughts, not wishing to bruise Maul's ego. She and Qui-Gon shared a look and smirked.

Maul washed his clothes in the water, musing they wouldn't take long to dry in this heat, he was just grateful they didn't smell anymore. He emerged wearing his cloak and placed his other wet clothes on a tree.

"You won't be able to wear them," Qui-Gon said. "Black attracts heat, which is the last thing you need."

"What do you suppose I wear then? I may as well go naked." He huffed.

"I wouldn't advise that," Qui-Gon said. "Your skin can't get any redder."

Maul folded his arms, expectantly. Qui-Gon produced a white tunic, similar to his own, although a little more restrictive.

"I'm not wearing that!" Maul hissed. "Sith do not wear white."

"There's always a first time."

"No there isn't ... Isn't there anything else ..."

"Well there's one other thing you can wear," Thalia said.

Maul looked at her desperately.

"This is the Ancient Ceremonial Dress of Princess Malita of the Bakul, sister of Princess Bala, my embodied spirit."

Maul looked horrified and grabbed the white tunic from

Qui-Gon, hugging it possessively.

Thalia smiled. "I thought so." She placed the bright pink dress back onto the other statue.

Maul scowled, but wouldn't get changed just yet as he sat down in his almost dry black cloak.

A native rat flashed past and Maul grabbed it, glad his reflexes hadn't dulled much. He hadn't realised how ravagingly hungry he was until now. He held the squirming creature tightly, then sniffed it, screwed up his face and threw it away, the creature scurrying off, thanking its lucky stars that it wasn’t compatible with Darth Maul's digestive system.

"Here," Qui-Gon said, giving him some soft roots.

Maul snatched them.

"Let me guess," Qui-Gon said, "Sith don't eat vegetables either?"

Maul scowled. "Not as a main meal. I suppose Jedi don't eat meat?" Maul snarled.

"Some do, I don't."

"You have never eaten meat?"

"Occasionally when I've had no choice."

Maul said nothing more and began to eat his roots, not wanting Qui-Gon to know how impressed he was with their taste.

Qui-Gon and Thalia went for a swim together. Curious, Maul watched them from atop the upper courtyard. He'd never seen a human naked before, much less a female. Oh, he'd seen his Master naked once or twice when he stepped out of the shower unit, but that hardly counted. He was intrigued at their skin being all one colour, be it shades of pink or brown and how these two could be together, totally at ease with their nakedness. He was also Quite embarrassed to admit to himself that Qui-Gon had a much nicer body than his own Master.

Qui-Gon held Thalia in his arms, his hands softly caressing her shoulder's and chest.

"He's watching," Thalia whispered.

Qui smiled. "Should we satisfy his curiosity?" he asked in a mischievous whisper.

Thalia smirked.

"I take that as a yes," Qui-Gon smiled as he kissed her gently, yet passionately.

Maul watched with interest, then decided to let the two have their privacy, wondering about their intimate bond and their intriguing touching.

It was quite a while before the two emerged from the water. Maul watched them dress. Qui-Gon seemed totally at ease with his nakedness, not seeming to care that Darth Maul watched him. Maul glanced at Thalia, but to his embarrassment, he found Qui-Gon's body more appealing as he watched the Jedi Master pull on the white tunic. He hoped Qui-Gon hadn't sensed his thoughts. If he had, Qui-Gon said nothing on the matter as he went to Thalia.

"Refreshed?" he said.

"More than that," she said, kissing him.

Maul watched them interact again. Qui-Gon looked him, his eye contact telling Maul that if he even *thought* about hurting Thalia ...

Maul had discovered one of Qui-Gon's weaknesses, but had no plans to exploit it at this time. He found the female intriguing himself. Maybe he would have to use her if he could escape... but right now his main concern was getting off this scorching rock.

Qui-Gon and Thalia are some of the soft seaweed like roots.

"We'll have to get going soon," Qui-Gon said. "We can't stay here forever and my guess is that other shuttle won't last too much longer in this scorching heat."

Maul scowled as he shed his black cape and donned the white tunic.

"Looks good on you," Qui said.

As he expected Maul hissed at him and held up his now dry black tunic. "Do you know how expensive Alderaanian silk is?"

"Only too well." Qui-Gon pointed at his own beige tunic.

Maul tried unsuccessfully to stifle a smile.

The three stocked up on roots and water, pouring some over their bodies before they left.

Maul didn't want to admit it, but as awkward as he felt in this white thing, it was a hell of a lot cooler and much more refreshing. "Don't tell my Master," he growled.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Qui-Gon said.

The heat started getting to us after a while, though at least we had water.

"The shuttle's near," Qui-Gon said. "I can sense it."

We approached a cliff face and saw the shuttle a few kilometres in the distance, and started to walk down the slope. A gust of wind seemed to come out of nowhere and slammed into Thalia, pushing her off the cliff face. Qui-Gon yelled her name, Darth Maul leapt forward and caught her before she plummeted to her death. He hoisted her up somewhat roughly. She did not have to say anything, her eyes thanking him. Maul thrust her into Qui-Gon. His eyes met the Jedi Master's.

"Consider my debt to you paid in full. I owe you nothing."

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said, sincere.

Maul said nothing more and began on his way to the shuttle, Qui and Thalia following.

"Are you all right?" he held her.

Thalia nodded, still somewhat shaken. Again, Qui-Gon silently thanked the Sith.

Maul reached out to open the hatch of the shuttle. Qui-Gon grabbed his hand.

"Not so fast ... It's metal."


"So - it's been in the scorching sun all this time. Your skin would have melted."

Maul flinched. He didn't like that picture and the Jedi had helped him yet again. His own Master would've let him learn that lesson the hard and painful way. Maybe this Jedi gentleness and kindness wasn’t weakness after all, but Maul refused to acknowledge Qui-Gon's help. "So how do you propose we get in?"

"Stand back."

Maul and Thalia did so, the Sith thinking Qui-Gon was going to use his lightsabre. The Jedi Master raised his hand, the hatch clasp winding and the hatch opening.

"The Force is a brilliant lock picking technique."

Again Maul was impressed, but said nothing.

Qui-Gon stepped inside. "Wait," he said to the others. "It's like an oven in here ..."

He winced as he found his way to the environmental controls and activated them. It wasn’t long before the shuttle's temperature was pleasant. Eagerly both Maul and Thalia stepped inside. The three synthesised some cool water, feeling refreshed as they drank. Maul found some rumpled black clothing and gleefully put it on. Both Qui-Gon and Thalia smiled and shook their heads. White didn't really look all that bad on him. Qui-Gon placed Maul's lightsabre in storage and locked it.

It took a few minutes to cool the shuttle's exterior and ready her for take off. Qui-Gon plotted the course to Coruscant and the shuttle took off, out of the atmosphere of the hell planet as it was sometimes called and streaked amongst the stars.

"Next time you decide to crash land," Qui-Gon said. "Do it on Hoth."

"It was foolish of me," Maul admitted, reluctantly.

Qui-Gon nodded. "Yes, it was."

Maul had a feeling Qui-Gon wasn't only referring to his recent actions. Whilst he was slightly off guard, Qui-Gon pushed him into the holding cell and activated a force shield, by using the Force, so Maul could not escape.

"I'm sorry, but it's necessary."

Maul nodded. "What are they going to do to me?"

Although his face didn't show it, Qui-Gon sensed Maul's almost childlike fear and replied truthfully.

"That remains to be seen."



Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had stopped off on a peaceful, natural planet, which used to be the home of the Jedi Temple before it was transported to Coruscant. The Jedi sensed danger at being so isolated, although a beautiful natural world this was, Coruscant was much safer and more central and convenient.

Qui-Gon and his Padawan strolled through the luscious gardens. Tended now by nature and she was doing a wonderful job.

Obi-Wan hadn't been here since he was a child.

It was a sunny Summer's day, although not hot enough to be unpleasant and the gardens were well shaded.

"I miss this place," Qui-Gon said. "I love Coruscant, but at times it can be too busy."

"I agree, Master. I miss it here also. Remember how we used to play in the woods?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "How could I forget?"

"And that time you pulled me into the lake - with my clothes on?"

Qui-Gon laughed. "You complained that you were too hot."

Obi-Wan chuckled. "You know we'll be late for the Council's scheduled meeting?"

"I know, but it'll probably be years before we're scheduled to come out this far again."

"We took a long detour to get here in the first place, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled. "And it'll be even longer from Naboo, our next assignment."

"Master Windu won't be happy."

Qui-Gon smiled. "He never is." The Jedi Master slowed his pace. "Enjoy it, Obi-Wan."

"I am, Master."

"Not only being here. Life."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Be Mindful of the Living Force."

Qui-Gon smiled too. "Exactly."

He placed his arm around his young Padawan as they continued to stroll around the ancient gardens.

The Jedi began to feel hungry. They had finished their food capsules on their mission and there was no more food aboard their shuttle, due to the shortness of their mission. The last time they had eaten was three days ago.

"They used to grow all sorts of vegetables in these gardens," Qui-Gon said.

"It's been over twenty years, Master, I guess they've been eaten or rotted away."

"So it appears."

"We'll have to find something to eat. Coruscant is a good two weeks away."

The Jedi sat sown on the soft grass, relaxing in the sunlight, peeking through the trees.

Obi-Wan rolled over next to his Master.

"Thank you for bringing me here, even if it does get us into trouble and there's nothing to eat."

Qui-Gon smiled. "My pleasure, my young Padawan."

Obi-Wan saw a few rabbits nearby.

"Master, if I could catch one ..."

Qui-Gon looked upset. "No, Obi-Wan ... we can't ..."

"Master, there's nothing else. No vegetation here is edible."

Qui-Gon still looked upset as Obi-Wan tried to grab one of the rabbits, but even with his Jedi reflexes the bunnies were quick. Obi-Wan hesitated, then used the Force to draw one to him. He knew it was hardly fair, but what else could he do? Of course it didn't stand a chance, as the white rabbit bounded to him.

"No, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said. "There must be something else."

"Don't think I want to do this, Master."

He looked into his Master's eyes and saw how upset he was. Obi-Wan sighed and against his better judgement gave the rabbit to his Master, releasing his Force hold on the creature.

Qui-Gon held the soft, fluffy white rabbit in his hand and stroked it gently, his hand almost becoming lost in the soft, velvety, silky fur. Qui-Gon smiled.

"Don't worry," he said. "We're not going to hurt you."

Obi-Wan sighed again.

"I'm sure there's something else, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, as he continued to stroke the rabbit gently, the bunny's nose and ears twitching subtly. Qui-Gon sat with the rabbit in his lap. Despite Obi-Wan's disagreement with his Master, he was amazed at how Qui-Gon could keep the rabbit with him without using the Force on the creature. Again his Master's gentleness amazed him. He gingerly reached out and touched the rabbit, a little scared it might bite him or run off, but it simply sniffed him and bounded over to him. Qui-Gon smiled as he watched his young Padawan stroke the rabbit.

"He's so soft ... Master, I'm sorry ..."

"It's all right, Obi-Wan and it's a she."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Will I ever learn to be as kind as you?"

Qui-Gon smiled back. "If you want to be. That's why I'm teaching you."

"Thank you, Master. I could not have a better teacher."

"Even though we disagree."

"Especially when we disagree."

Qui-Gon smiled. "I could not have hoped for a better Padawan."

Obi-Wan smiled too, grateful. "Thank you, Qui-Gon."

"My pleasure."

The rabbit returned to Qui-Gon for a while before bounding off to her friends. The two still hungry Jedi stood, stretched and made their way back to the shuttle. Qui-Gon went on ahead and stopped by a large familiar tree.

Obi-Wan stopped by an old house, or what he thought to be a house at first. It was painted pink and blue, although the pastel paint was peeling off the external and internal walls. He went inside.

"Oh my god ... Oh my god ... I don't believe this ..."

He looked around and in some of the wooden compartments.

He stuck his head out of the door and saw Qui-Gon coming to him.

"I don't believe this," Obi-Wan said. "It's Mace Windu's old candy shop..."

Qui-Gon looked around. "Oh gosh, so it is ..."

I miss the children that used to frequent the grounds.

"Mace found so much joy making this place. Before he ..."

"Became such a prude?"

Qui-Gon looked at his Padawan and stifled a smile. "You said it, not me."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Look," he said. "Some of the candy's still here even. Stale, but edible." He held up some. "I guess we won't have to eat rabbits after all."

Qui-Gon smiled as he took come of the candy from Obi-Wan.

"Not bad ... Those compartments must've been well sealed."

The Jedi also shared some stale rock cake and butterscotch.

"I wonder if there's any of his chocolate duff still here?"

Obi-Wan opened a the appropriate very large compartment. It was full of ants. He quickly shut it.

"Well I guess someone's gotta eat it," Qui-Gon said.

They both laughed. "Is there any of that awful toffee left?"

Obi-Wan laughed out loud. "The stuff that would stick a razortooth cat's mouth together?"

"That's the stuff," Qui-Gon said.

Obi-Wan opened another compartment. "Yes! There's a block of it still here ..."


"You're not going to eat it are you? You'll never be able to speak again."

"On the contrary, Qui-Gon said, taking the block of toffee.

Although the food had been stale, the hunger pains the Jedi shared went as they walked toward their shuttle, reminiscing amongst the trees.

"Where have you two been?" Mace demanded.

Qui-Gon answered.

"What were you doing there? It wasn’t part of the mission. Were you forced to crash land?"

"No," Qui-Gon started to explain. "We-"

"Master Jinn," Mace started.

"We needed the time to reminisce," Qui-Gon said.

"Could it have waited?" Mace sounded irritated.

"No," Qui-Gon answered. "Our mission to Naboo will not leave time for that."

"It could have waited until after the mission," Mace stated.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Somehow I sense we won't be able to return here together."

Mace knew better than to argue with Qui-Gon.

"Besides, you know your candy shop's still standing?"

That caught Mace off guard. "What?"

"Some of the candy's still there too, stale, of course," Obi-Wan said. "You built those compartments to last, m'man!"

Qui-Gon held up the block of toffee. "Remember this lethal stuff?"

Mace could not hold back a smile, then he laughed. "Qui-Gon why can't anyone ever stay angry at you for long?"

The long haired Jedi Master shrugged.

"Must be his charming personality." Obi-Wan kissed his Master's cheek.

Qui-Gon laughed. "Tell Master Yoda we won't be long."

Mace smiled. "May the Force Be With You."

Qui-Gon nodded and cut communication.

Obi-Wan smirked. "You could make a Hutt give you money for nothing."

Qui-Gon smiled as the shuttle made its back way to Coruscant.

"There's one thing I don't understand, Master," Obi-Wan said.

Qui-Gon turned to him. "What's that, my young Padawan?" he asked gently.

Obi-Wan looked confused. "Do you think the Council will separate us? I couldn't bear to be with another Master. You said you sensed we won't be able to return here together after our mission to Naboo ... What does that mean, Master?"

Qui-Gon looked into his Padawan's eyes. "I'm not sure,

Obi-Wan, but I will always be with you."

Obi-Wan smiled and placed his arms around the older Jedi.

"I'm glad, Master. I couldn't bear to lose you."

"You will never lose me, nor I you."


19/10/99 – A Qui Dream on My Birthday, Bliss! :D


Qui‑Gon was concerned with the state of the Universe, all the evils in it, that no one seemed to care about each other anymore, and of course the Sith threat.  As his Spirit Padawan, I was by his side, with Obi‑Wan, helping him restore balance in any way I could.



Qui-Gon was in this Universe, helping it release it's hatred and negativity. I was helping him in his quest. He welcomed my help and was dressed in his grey poncho. We helped people in other universes too. Qui helped me to release my fears, angers and doubts and I felt safe and at peace with him.



I was in K-Mart looking at the specials on the Star Wars Pepsi cans. There were about 5 different Qui-Gon ones (in the dream) There were three other girls there all looking for

Qui-Gon cans.

"Are you guys members of the QJEB?" I asked.

Excitedly they said that they were and I was happy to meet them. We helped each other fish out all the Qui-Gon cans we needed, but I was upset that I couldn't find a tall Qui-Gon pepsi can. Apparently, he was the rarest, they had everyone else, but not him :( Anyway, we went and bought our cans. When we left the store, I saw Robert Carlyle from "The Full Monty," drinking a tall Qui-Gon can. Excitedly, I waited until he had finished. He tossed the can in the bin and I eagerly retrieved it, and asked him for his Autograph too. After that, myself and new friends from the QJEB all went to see Star Wars Episode One again!


1/12/99 - (From Rogue Trader) - I was Alia in this Dream.

Converted into a Fan Fic. See ANGEL FORCE


3/1/2000 - First Dream of the New Millennium!!! – Happy New Year!


I was watching Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace for the sixteenth time and enjoying it immensely. (I really have seen it 15 times up until this point in the time space continuum), up until the part where Qui-Gon was killed and I couldn't stop crying.

In the dream I saw episode I and III, Obi-Wan piloting a shuttle as a General in the Clone Wars, Anakin and Amidala falling in love, Anakin turning, the Jedi dying ... Obi-Wan in seclusion on Tatooine...

Then I watched the original chapters again and burst into uncontrollable tears when Obi-Wan died in ANH, I couldn't help it although I've seen this movie a hundred times (true)

Also sad that Qui-Gon wasn’t in these movies, even though the Balance came about and the Galaxy was safe.

Qui-Gon appeared to me in my bedroom and began to massage my shoulders.

"It had to happen," he said gently. "Nothing is certain, but he is not really dead and neither am I. Do not grieve for us."

He smiled warmly as he ran his hand gently through my hair. I leant against the Jedi Master as he consoled me and of course he was right. Although he and Obi-Wan's bodies may be long gone, their spirits are eternal.


3/1/00 Two Qui-Gon dreams in one nite - woo hoo!

Aurra Sing had tracked down the two Jedi near the Naboo baths. The older one shouldn't be much of a challenge she thought, igniting one of her stolen lightsabres - a blue one.

Qui-Gon ignited his own sabre in defence. His attacker verged on him. Aurra's duelling skills came as no surprise seeing as she was trained as a Jedi. Qui-Gon saw no point in explaining to her that not all Jedi were the same - hypocrites she called them. The red head's sabre clashed with his.

"You don't have to do this," he said.

Aurra hissed, thrusting her sabre. Qui-Gon blocked the blow.

Despite her admirable fighting skills, Aurra knew she was fighting a losing battle. The older Jedi wasn't nearly as weak and feeble as she's thought and cursed herself for underestimating him. He was quite handsome too, but she put that out f her mind. He wasn't giving her an inch either. His passion and strength impressed her, but she held her ground.

It was evident to her that she wouldn't win this fight. Honour wasn't something Bounty Hunters had in abounds. Aurra swung her sabre, at the same time, tripping Qui with her small foot, causing him out lose his lightsabre, and in the moment he was defenceless, she ran him through, the long haired Jedi plunging into the pool.

The Auburn haired Bounty Hunter heard another Jedi scream and sensed it was the older Jedi's Padawan. Aurra had seen the pain in the older Jedi's eyes before he fell, but saw no hatred or anger toward her, even a touch of understanding and pity and for a moment felt a twinge of guilt. Perhaps he wasn't like other Jedi.

Qui-Gon's body had barely touched the bottom when Obi-Wan dived in and retrieved him.

The young Padawan swam up as quickly as he could and pulled his Master onto the pool's edge.

The Jedi Master coughed up some water.

"Master ..."

"It's too late ..."

"No ..." Obi-Wan wailed, akin out a frightened child.

"Obi-Wan ... Promise me you will train the boy."

"Yes, Master."

"He is the chosen one .., he will bring balance ... Train him..."

Obi-Wan gently held his dying Master in his arms, grateful his opponent had the decency to allow them a few final moments together.

Obi-Wan laid his Master down gently, and stroked his wet hair, then looked across the blue waters of the pool, glaring at Aurra Sing.

She had watched the two Jedi with interest, not wanting to admit that she had made an error in judgement with Qui-Gon, indeed he was different from other Jedi, but nothing could change what had happened, as she prepared to fight the Master's Padawan, sending him desperately trying to transmute his anger - she respected that, also sending his utter distaste of her and his strong sense of justice.

The younger Jedi fought with more conviction. As well as the anger, Aurra could see the pain in his eyes and although felt somewhat remorseful about killing Qui-Gon, it hadn't changed her views on Jedi in general.

"He wasn't like the others," Obi-Wan hissed, fighting his tears.

"I know," Aurra rasped.

Obi-Wan sensed her silent remorse, but it wasn’t enough.

The two clashed viciously. It was somewhat disconcerting for Obi-Wan fighting someone who too used a blue Lightsabre, as far as he was concerned, she had no right to it.

The young Jedi blocked Aurra's blow, forcing her down, though she was up in a flash, her lightsabre pressing against


In the next clash Aurra missed a beat, Aurra ducked, and before she could swipe again, Obi-Wan sliced her head clean off, a second before, using the Force to ignite the lightsabres on her belt, slicing into her. In the last moments before death, Aurra respected the young Jedi, perhaps she did deserve this. Obi-Wan's conviction was the last thing she sensed.

The young Jedi didn't feel good about killing her, but justified. He watched her headless body crash into the water, becoming discoloured with her blood.

Obi-Wan ran to his Master.

"She won't hurt anyone again, Master, Jedi or no."

He gently stroked his Master's head again, barely able to look at the older Jedi's still form.

Obi-Wan sat on the grass beside the pool, tears falling a soundlessly as the soft wind.

He barely noticed Qui-Gon's body move slightly, then some more and he seemed to be breathing.

The Jedi Master's blue-grey eyes opened slowly. He took a breath and began to sit up, disorientated at first.

Obi-Wan sat with his back to his Master, knees hunched up to his chin, trying to appreciate his beautiful natural surroundings and all that his Master had taught him, but he found he couldn't smile at the rolling hills, the luscious grass or the cloud doted crystal blue sky.

It hurt Qui-Gon's eyes, everything seemed a blur, his body ached, the green surroundings swirled so, it gave him a headache. Qui-Gon sensed a great sadness, a heartbreaking emptiness, and it pained him.

Obi-Wan sensed a strange sensation and thought he heard a noise behind him. He jerked at first, then thought he might be sensing things, but he turned around anyway then blinked and his mouth slowly dropped open.

"M ... Master ....?"

Qui-Gon knew he heard something, but it seemed so distant. Obi-Wan was up in a moment and beside his Master, hoping to the Force that he wasn't seeing things, but when Qui-Gon's head turned to him, Obi-Wan saw the confusion in his deep eyes and placed his arms around his Master, holding him close, but gently.

"O ... Obi...Wan..." His vision still blurred, he could barely recognise his Padawan, but he could feel his presence and it gave him strength.

"Thank the Force you're all right."

"That ... remains to be seen." He winced as he placed his hand over his midsection.

Obi-Wan eased his Master on to the softer grass and let him rest for a while as his vision started to clear.

"The Naboo water seems to have healed the wound somewhat and ever since we got here, I've been looking forward to a swim."

Obi-Wan smiled, then gasped and Qui-Gon looked sympathetic as he wiped tears from his Padawan's cheeks.

"I love you too, My young Padawan...

Obi-Wan gently hugged his Master again. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Making me smile."

Qui-Gon smiled. "My pleasure."

A pause followed. "I ... I had to kill her, Master..."

"I know."

"I know you'd have preferred another way, but there was no hope of reconciliation ... she'd go on killing..."

"I know, Padawan, "Qui-Gon said. "For some, death is the only redemption."

Aurra's bloodied headless body, and her disembodied head floated by in the pool. Qui-Gon winced, grimaced, then vomited.

"I'm sorry, Master, I should have vaporised her body ... I was too upset ... I..."

"It's all right," Qui-Gon said, recovering from the horrible image.

Obi-Wan stood and walked to the water's edge, retrieved the lightsabres from Aurra's belt. "We'll take the back to the Temple." He placed them down and ignited his own sabre to full, touched it to the water, vaporising Aurra's body, head and blood, discoloured water, the pool water returning to its peaceful blue, no signs of the battle that had taken place here.

"Some people do deserve to die, Master, but it's still hard to kill."

Qui-Gon nodded sadly as Obi-Wan disengaged his lightsabre. His Master sat up and winced, placing his hand over his stomach and began to use the Force to ease the pain.

"Captain Panaka's speeder is just behind that tree. I'll bring it here."

"Obi-Wan I need to take me to a h-"

"There's a hospice not too far from here."

"A hairdresser. You know what chlorine does to my hair."

Both Master and Padawan laughed.


15/2/00 (I was Ardrien in this dream)

Ardrien came from a planet, Jolien, tainted with subtle radiation, as a result, her people's life expectancy was a maximum of 30.

Ardrien herself was 20. People had often commented on how young she looked for her age. Although her people had accepted their short life span, Ardrien had not. There was so much she wanted to learn, to do, there were other worlds, other life forms and thirty years seemed like nothing. She wasn't scared of death, but death so soon.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, two Jedi had come to her world at her request to see if they could do anything about the radiation, make it safe for her people. Ardrien herself wanted to explore the galaxy. She'd had enough of her world, where it had come to be the only fun thing to do was slide on the slippery roads. Even trees and grass here didn't last long with the radiation.

The Jedi had used the Force to protect themselves from the radiation. Ardrien was in awe of them, and took an instant liking to Qui-Gon, so wise and kind. She did rather like the young Obi-Wan and was impressed with his maturity for someone so young.

"If you don't mind me asking, Master Qui-Gon," she said. "How old are you and Obi-Wan?"

He smiled. "Take a guess."

Ardrien smiled as she looked at them both. "Obi-Wan, you look to be about thirteen, and Qui-Gon, you couldn't be older than twenty-five."

Obi-Wan smiled, seeing the delighted smile on his Master's face.

"Thank you," the Jedi Master said. "I don't think I've been so complimented in my life. I'm sixty-five, actually."

Ardrien stared in awe.

"And Obi-Wan's 25."

"Wow ... I guess people live longer on your worlds."

Qui-Gon sensed her sadness and gently held her hand.

"We'll do everything we can, I promise."

Obi-Wan knew his Master well enough to know he meant that even if it defied the Jedi Council's wishes yet again, and for once he agreed with him.

They walked alone one of the main streets of Jolien, typically deserted, with sad grass and a few dilapidated trees either side.

Ardrien's eyes saddened when she saw an old woman lying by the sidewalk. She knelt and turned her over, to see the last remnants of life slip away.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes as he felt the old woman's struggle and her sadness.

"Jiran..." Ardrien sobbed, holding the old woman's body.

"She was one lucky enough to live past the maximum life span."

Obi-Wan looked pained, seeing the old woman's withered body, how anyone could live like this beyond him, suffering, to watch your children suffer and die, to feed them contaminated food and water, because there was nothing else.

"How old was she?" he asked gently. The woman looked to be about ninety.


Obi-Wan stared.

Ardrien carried Jiran's body to the burial site, and chanted, the chant's words, singing of peace for the dead and liberation to the suffering.

Obi-Wan couldn't stop a tear escaping. Neither could Qui-Gon.

The threesome resumed their walk to the science Labs, the scientists studying the radiation. They had discovered it emanated from the planet's core and if one tried to stop it, Jolien would die.

"Perhaps there is a way," Qui-Gon said, tuning into the Force.

"Master if we can't stop it, then there's nothing we can do."

"I know, Obi-Wan, but we must do everything we can. No one deserves to die that young."

"I agree with you, Master, but the Council were adamant that if we can't-"

"Obi-Wan, how would you feel if you were told you only had five years maximum left to live?"

"I understand, Master, how you feel for these people, I do as well, but if there's nothing we can do, then-"

Qui-Gon nodded. "But we must do everything we can first."

Ardrien looked young for her age, Obi-Wan thought, she actually looked twenty. She was somewhat of a reluctant role model for those around her, also her kindness and determination to help her people.

Qui-Gon began to use the Force to talk to the planet. He tuned into its Living Force, Jolien was indeed alive. Gently, Qui-Gon used the Force to dissipate the Radiation, replacing it with a gentle heat, warming the planet.

Ardrien and Obi-Wan watched in awe, he'd never seen his Master talk to a planet before, let anyone save an entire world by tuning into the Force. It was truly beautiful to see the Force swirl around him, his soft hair taking on a life of it's own.

Ardrien gently hugged the Jedi Master, somewhat tired after his ordeal.

"It won't be an easy transgression," he said. "Many of your people will still die young, as they have too much of the radiation within them..."

"But you saved future generations ... How can we ever thank you enough?"

Qui-Gon smiled warmly. "Life is all the thanks I need."

Ardrien held his large, gentle hand and helped him to lie down.

"Master," Obi-Wan said in a quite voice. "That was *incredible* ... How did you-"

Qui-Gon smiled again. "One only has to believe."

Ardrien breathed the most relieved breath she had ever breathed. The middle aged woman as hailed a hero by her people, and the Jedi were treated as though they were Gods. It made Qui-Gon feel quite uncomfortable, as he tried to convince them he was just a man with a special gift.

As much as she loved her home world and her people, Ardrien didn't want to stay here. She wanted to explore the Universe, with the Jedi.

Her wondrous awe at something as simple as a space dust cloud, made Qui-Gon fall in love with her, rekindling his awe in simple things, he felt guilty about taking for granted. He helped her rid the radiation in her body.

Ardrien comforted Qui-Gon when he learned of Mace Windu's death at the hands of Darth Maul. He and Ki-Adi Mundi had gone to Naboo to stop the trade Federation blockade when

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were on Jolien.

"We never seemed to agree, but-"

"He was your friend."

Qui-Gon nodded in tears, Ardrien gently wiped away.

"Mace said there was something about that boy, and his Mother," Obi-Wan said.

"I sense it too," Qui-Gon said. "He also sensed the boy could be dangerous, but the Force is so strong in him."

"What was his name?"

"Anakin Skywalker."

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both helped to train the boy. Ardrien was only to happy to stay with them, well past forty now, she truly felt fortunate, and knowing that others on her homeworld had begun to live well past forty enlightened her.

Ardrien lived to be 101 years old where she died in Qui-Gon's gentle, loving arms.


4/3/00 – Happy Sydney Mardi Gras!


Qui-Gon wanted to rescue a Sith child, in hopes of ending the hatred, mistrust and conflict between the Sith and the Jedi, also he maintained that it was not very Jedi to let this child die.  He went against the Council's wishes.


A mad scientist on the other side of the galaxy was convinced that Qui-Gon was evil and set off in a space plane to kill him, with his loving apprentice, who was also slightly mad, and looked just like Darth Maul.


However when the old scientist found Qui-Gon cradling the frightened child, he was convinced the Jedi knew nothing but compassion and decided not to kill him.  Qui-Gon was quite bewildered at how kind this "Darth Maul" lookalike was as Qui took the child back to the Jedi and convinced them that he was not a threat, and the Sith were needless to say relieved that he hadn't killed the child and started to realise not all Jedi were the same and slowly peace negotiations began to take place.



In this dream you help Qui-Gon and Anakin escape Darth Maul and Sidious (Aka Chancellor Palpatine)

Converted into a Fan Fic. See "HOLIDAY BUSINESS"



The mystical beach of "Avalon" had been discovered. (Not the one in Australia!) A small beach, consisting of very steep cliffs either side, the drop to the water from the sand steeper still. However this water was crystal blue, thousands of feet to the bottom, and one could see the bottom of this ocean. On the ocean floor, near the beach lay a dolphin boat on its side, from the time of Ancient Greece, when this boat had sunk and drifted t the waters of Avalon.

Even I the depths of winter, the waters of Avalon are warm, much to Tharina's surprise as she swam.

Thor, the Thunder God and Qui-Gon Jinn had come with her. At first she wanted to scold Thor for dropping her into the water, but relented when she discovered how pleasant it was. Thor smiled and joined her, including a beautiful long purple haired lady called Spinnerella, from She-Ra Princess of Power. Tharina and Spinnerella swam together, Tharina admiring Spinnerella's grace and beauty, though Spinnerella told her she had grace and beauty of her own. Though Tharina loved how Spinnerella's beautiful purple hair spun out in the glistening waters.

However this peace was not to last. Large piranha/shark like creatures from another dimension invaded the peaceful, tranquil waters of Avalon, devouring one Femme, the others in the water screaming and desperately trying to get away.

Qui-Gon used the Force to propel himself, saving both Tharina and Spinnerella, Thor making sure both Femmes were safe. He kept both away from the water, despite the danger, both Spinnerella and Tharina were drawn to the water as this was their birth place. Qui-Gon kept both safe while Thor rescued the others in the water.

Tharina cried, though no sound came from her. This was the most beautiful, peaceful place she knew I the Universe, and now she feared for her life and the lives of others. These shark things were drawn to others life in the water like a magnet ... How could this happen to her beautiful home ...

Qui-Gon gently stroked her, comforting the distressed Femme, holding her gently, while Thor attended to a deep cut on Spinnerella's leg.

Qui-Gon began to sense the shark creatures in disarray, their confusion and guilt and realised they were not of thus Universe ... These were not their waters, nor were they creatures evil.

He used the Force to open a porthole to their world, and the creatures gratefully returned expressing their guilt at what had happened and the fear and destruction they had caused I their confusion.

Qui-Gon took a breath an began to focus on the force to rid this land of the chaos and fear the had griped it, a result of the past incident.

Thor using his power to frighten off anyone who would take advantage of this peaceful land. Tharina concentrated with the little Force sensitivity she had, many of the other people had left, though they had no memory of this place. Spinnerella used her powers to contain there energies as

Qui-Gon dissipated them. She mused Qui-Gon may not have needed her help, but opening the porthole and gathering the energies had taken a lot out of him.

The Jedi Master collapsed into the water, the two women, Tharina and Spinnerella diving in to save him, resting him softly upon the sand. He smiled gently, thanking them. Holding their hands, gaining strength from their love as the Oceans of Avalon flowed in peace.



A group of people, myself included were colouring in a colouring book of Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace. I was doing well and felt proud of the pictures I had coloured. However I was dreading colouring in 'THAT" scene as Qui-Gon is my favourite character. I was relived to see that - THAT scene wasn't in the colouring book, though there was a scene to be coloured with Qui fighting Maul (Qui-Gon's back toward me) just before THAT scene. I was told that I had to make it into THAT scene. I told the judges I didn't want to and they told me that I had to because it had to be conveyed that Qui-Gon died in the movie. I just couldn't do that, I couldn't colour that red lightsabre killing my baby ... But then how could I convey Qui-Gon had died or that his body had died at least without doing that horrific scene?

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were watching me in spirit, the young Jedi touched at how much I cared for Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon didn't particularly want to see a picture being coloured of him being run through, but and sensed my dilemma and stressed mind, and sent calming Force waves to me, although I was too stressed to sense it was coming from him.

I coloured the pic of Qui-Gon and Maul fighting, and decided I would NOT make it into THAT scene. The judges and the Jedi wondered how I would convey that Qui-Gon had died. I finished colouring the Naboo Celebration and the last page in the book had Qui-Gon standing on rocky ground on Tatooine. I coloured him, and gave him a blue-green glow and made the rocks a shimmering silver, like I imagined the moons of Iego, where the Angels come from, conveying Qui-Gon's physical death without the pain and trauma, the picture speaking more than a thousand words. He wasn't truly dead. Now he is the Guardian of the Universe, his pure soul protecting the Galaxy, seeing wonder in all living things.

A tear found it's way down Qui-Gon's cheek at the beauty of the image, his Padawan hugged him and they silently thanked me, for keeping Qui-Gon's legacy alive.



Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been sent on an urgent mission to the planet Aelon. It was thought by the Jedi Council that there was a Sith presence there. Both Jedi had a bad feeling about this and it was Qui-Gon who had first reported his sensings to the Jedi Council.

The feeling became worse as they approached the planet, thus they landed on the outskirts of the largest village, in a dense forest. The disturbance they sensed was in the village, though these people seemed primitive, they had not yet invented the automobile, though were aware of space faring races and welcomed visitors to their world. The Jedi concealed themselves beneath their hoods and went to investigate. The people of this world liked to eat tiny unhatched soft eggs of tadpole like creatures.

Qui-Gon was almost sick at how anyone could eat sentient unborn life forms, though he bought a stack of them, found a body of water, undressed and swam to the bottom of the deep pool with them. At one time a box of coloured dual plastic pencil sharpeners had been accidentally dropped in he pool. Qui-Gon moved them so the sharp edges would not harm the eggs or the creatures. He opened the sac and gently placed the eggs on the floor of the pool and gathered the pencil sharpeners, taking them to the surface and placing them in a receptacle.

Obi-Wan smiled.

"Never stop caring, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled back. "I don't intend to."

He began to subtly use the force to teach the people of this world that the creatures in the small white eggs deserved to live as mush as they did and their oceans and other bodies of water were beginning to suffer without them.

The two Jedi began to sense something as they approached a dwelling away from the main centre of the town. They began to feel uneasy as they approached.


"They're coming." Maul said.

"I know." Qui-Gon's mouth curved up into an evil smile. "And we're waiting."

"Are you sure we can do this?"

"We have to."


Qui-Gon stopped for a moment and shook his head slowly. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"So what's new? We've both had this 'bad feeling' since before we came."

"It's worse here ... I'm not sure, but..."

Obi-Wan sensed his Master's distress and became concerned.

"Are you all right? Should we return?"

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No, but we must proceed with caution."

They approached the abode.


"Positions," Qui-Gon said.

Maul nodded.


Qui-Gon entered the house slowly, keeping Obi-Wan behind him, fearing for his Padawan's safety, though he was prepared, his hand near his lightsabre, a flash of a shadow, they were both here. Obi-Wan seemed a little annoyed, it seemed as though his Master wasn't confident in his abilities, though he understood and was grateful for his Master's care. Although Qui-Gon wasn't quite prepared for what happened next. His eyes conveyed his surprise as he looked at himself. Needless to saw Obi-Wan was equally surprised, though he didn't have much of a chance to react as Darth Maul jumped out, igniting his double bladed lightsabre. Qui-Gon's eyes darted to his Padawan, then to his other self, realising a clone stood before him, sending Obi-Wan could handle himself.

"From your blood," the other said, answering Qui-Gon's question. "On your last mission."

"When my arm was cut."

"And your blood dripped onto the console ... and I'll be happy to have more of it."

"Never knew I could be so charming."

The clone ignited his lightsabre, green the same as Qui-Gon's. The Jedi Master began to engage the clone, who despite smooth moves, Qui-Gon could see he was having difficulty, as was Maul.

"He's a clone too in case you're wondering," the other Qui-Gon said.

"I can see that," Qui-Gon swerved out of the way as the other's lightsabre swooped down.

Qui-Gon could sense his Padawan was holding his own, though he had moved into another room and could not see what was happening, which stressed him somewhat, though he knew if he could see his Padawan it would distract him as he continued to fight with his doppelganger.

Obi-Wan flicked Maul's pink bladed lightsabre out of his hand, the Clone Sith looked afraid and backed off as Obi-Wan approached, blue lightsabre in hand.

The other Qui-Gon too looked afraid and backed off when his lightsabre was kicked from his hand. Obi-Wan stared as his opponent looked like he was about to cry. He would have thought it was a trick, though he sensed an immense childlike fear.

Qui-Gon sensed it from his opponent. Obi-Wan realised this 'Darth Maul' was a clone.

The Qui-Gon clone backed off. "Please don't hurt us ... They said they'd kill us if we didn't ..."

The Jedi Master sensed the clone's terror and despite his annoyance at being cloned, felt pity for his other self and disengaged his lightsabre.

Obi-Wan did the same, despite not quite feeling the same way about the clone he fought.

//He's not Maul, Padawan.//

//I know, but...// Obi-Wan shook his head.

The 'Darth Maul' eyed him curiously, though afraid.

"He said you would kill us..." the Qui clone said.


"And Darth Sidious, our Father."

"That man is not your father," Qui-Gon almost spat finding the idea quite repulsive.

"Are you going to kill us?" The question seemed childlike.

Qui-Gon hesitated.


//Obi-Wan, they're hardly a threat.//

//They tried to kill us!//

//They're terrified.//

"Are you doing that Force thing?"

Obi-Wan chuckled softly at the clone Maul's question.

"I'm sorry about before..." the other Qui-Gon said. "He said if we weren't ruthless you'd kill us and that if we didn't kill you then they'd kill us."

Qui-Gon took the clone's hand. "It's all right," he said. "Sidious will never know."

"You're not going to hurt us?..."

"We don't want to," Qui-Gon said, "but if you want to fight us we won't have a choice."

"We don't went to fight," the other Qui-Gon said.

The Jedi Master was relieved. "In that case, we can help you."

His Padawan respected his Master's compassion, but this clone of Darth Maul looked too much like the actual one, but he surmised, that was the point.

//Put your differences behind you Padawan, as much as he looks and sounds like him, he's not Darth Maul.//

//I know, Master, though this is rather ... strange.//

Qui-Gon smiled. //And it won't be the last strange thing we see, Padawan.//

Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled.

"They're doing that Force thing again," 'Maul' whispered to 'Qui-Gon.'

The two Jedi smiled and pretend they couldn't hear.

"Do you think they're going to hurt us?" the Maul clone whispered.

"They said they wouldn't..."

"So did Maul ... the real one when he tried to teach me how to fight..."

The clone lifted his sleeve, showing a scar reaching from his write to his shoulder. "It still hurts."

"Don't worry," Qui-Gon said. "I promise we will not harm you. Let me take a look at that."

He gently took the clone's red and black arm and touched it, calling on the Force, his patient seemed timid, though Qui-Gon assured him that it was all right.

"It feels a lot better now."

Qui-Gon smiled.

"They said you would kill us..."

"They were wrong," Qui-Gon said.

"Thank you ..." the Qui-Gon clone said, "but what will happen to us now?"

"We will protect you."

//Master, they're clones ... and//

//And that makes them lesser life forms?// Qui said with annoyance. //Clones have as much a right to live as we do.//

//I'm sorry, Master, you're right ... I can sense their feelings... and that's not quite what I meant. If people found out they were clones, there would be a revolution, here and it would spread-//

//No one has to know.//

"Are .. are you talking about us?" the other Qui-Gon asked.

Jinn smiled. "Nothing bad, I assure you. We want to help you, but, Maul and Sidious must think that we have killed you, so we must destroy all your communication equipment and move you to another area of this planet. You should be safe here, but tell no one that you're clones."

The other Qui nodded. "Thank you."

"Stand back," Qui-Gon said, as he and Obi-Wan ignited their lightsabres, as the clones showed him and his Padawan the communications room which they made quick work of.


Back on Coruscant ...

"It didn't work," Maul hissed.

"A pity, though it was worth a try."

"What can you expect from two worthless clones?" Maul took his feet off the desk. "At least my one could have been more... I mean a pink fucking lightsabre! I bet it plays with dolls!" He scoffed.

"What's that?" Obi-Wan asked.

"She's pretty isn't she? I got her at the market place with some other ones." The Maul clone began to brush the 6" doll's deep purple hair.

Despite one side of the situation looking ridiculous, the other side was quite cute.

"Stick to playing with those instead of lightsabres."

"They're prettier."

Obi-Wan smiled.

"You're going to have to choose new names and move away from here. We saw an abandoned abode not too far from the town ... We must leave soon, gather your things."

Qui-Gon picked up their lightsabres.

"Are you going to take those?"

"Not if you promise to use them wisely. You may need them to defend yourselves, but you mustn't use them to attack or show off."

The other Qui smiled. "We won't ... We promise."

The Maul clone nodded. "I'm glad we're changing our names. Maul just sounds so ... eww."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan chuckled.

"It's up to you, but choose names that you like and names that no one can identify you by."

"I have to take these back to the lake." The Qui clone held up a plastic bag full of the eggs. "I ate some a lot of them before... I didn't want to but he said I had to be bad and..." He bit his lip and started to cry.

Qui-Gon took his hand. "You're not a bad person."

"But I ..."

"You said you didn't want to and you feel bad about it."

The other Qui nodded.

"Then you're not a bad person, otherwise you wouldn't care."

The clone dried his eyes. "Really?"

Qui-Gon nodded the clone hugged him.

"I forget my own strength sometimes," Qui-Gon said with a chuckle.


Qui smiled as the clone placed the eggs into the lake outside.

The two clones gathered their belongings and set off with the two Jedi.

"Thank you for helping us," the Maul clone said.

"Our pleasure."

"We thought you'd hate us," the other Qui said.

"Jedi don't hate," Qui-Gon explained. "Though it was rather a shock seeing 'myself', I don't hate either of you."

"Do you hate the other Darth Maul or his Master?"

"Well I can't say they're my favourite people in the Universe, though hatred is not our way."


They helped the two clones settle into their new abode.

"It's different," the Maul clone said, "though I think I like it better."

"Me too."

"I'm glad," Qui-Gon said with a smile. "We have to go now, but we'll be back for a visit ... Remember you can't tell anyone you're clones and you can't ever let Darth Sidious or Maul know that you're alive. They will kill you ... They think you're dead, so you don't have anything to be afraid of."

The clones calmed.

"Thank you for everything, Qui-Gon ... Can you wait a second?"

Qui nodded and the clone went away for a minute and came back beardless.

"I guess I have to look a bit different."

Careful with that laser razor," Qui-Gon said, attending to three cuts on his other self's face.

"Thanks ... We'll miss you."

Qui-Gon smiled and wished all life forms in the Galaxy were this friendly.

"We must leave now."

//Are you sure they'll be all right, Master?"//

Qui-Gon smiled. //So you care about them now?//

Obi-Wan smiled back. //Yes. Master ... They are rather nice when you get to know them, even the Maul one ... Look at him, he's nothing like Darth Maul.//

//So you think the other one's like me?//

//Well he's more like you than the other is like Maul ... though your clone is a bit ... timid.//

//That's putting it mildly, though he is rather sweet isn't he?//

//You're sweet too, Master.//

Qui-Gon smiled. //Thank you, Padawan.//

//What are we going to tell the Jedi Council?//

//Everything, except the part about the clones.//

//But Master, the clones are a large part of this mission.//

//There was a Sith presence, they left, we found nothing.//

//Master, we can't lie.//

//We're not. There were no Sith here ... Padawan if we tell the Council, they're going to want them brought back to Coruscant and run all kinds of tests, scream about cloning, which will tip off the Sith, and the clones'll be hated, ridiculed and hurt for what they are.//

//I understand, Master, but how can people be so cruel?...//

//Many years ago, people hated others with different colour skin.//

//I can't believe people were so judgmental ... And If they take the time they'd realise that the clones are alive.//

//Not a few hours ago you felt otherwise.//

//And I'm ashamed of that.//

Qui-Gon smiled, as did Obi-Wan.

//Next thing you're going to tell me rocks and trees are alive.//

//Well rocks and trees do have their own spirits, Obi-Wan.//

Obi-Wan laughed. //Master, don't ever change.//

//I don't plan to.//

The two looked back at their new friends and smiled.

The Qui-Gon had chosen the name Angel.

"That's nice."

"So what are you gonna cal yourself, Maul?"

The other chuckled and looked at his collection of 6" female action figures. "I like this one," he said, picking up a copper skinned red clothed doll. "The girl said she was a Golden Girl called Rube."

He rested his head in Angel's lap. "Do you think we'll be okay?"

Angel stroked him gently. "Yeah, our friends'll look after us."

"Master, you are such a softie."

Obi-Wan smiled as he watched Qui-Gon wipe a tear from his cheek. "We'll they're sweet ... and they're friends ... friendship between a Sith and a Jedi is rarer than an Alderaanian water diamond - I know, technically they're neither Jedi nor Sith, though perhaps one day both sides of the Force can unite in peace."

Obi-Wan smiled, though his Master's wish would have to remain a wish for many years to come as they boarded their shuttle.

"Well this is definitely counts as one of our stranger missions, Master."

"You think that was strange, Padawan? You ain't seen nothin' yet."

"Why don't I like the sound of that..."

Qui-Gon laughed.



Qui-Gon and Hades from Xena (Stephen Lovatt) were in this dream. I had to find them both and sat in the park near Central Station, (Sydney) and all of a sudden, every person in the city looked like Qui-Gon, clothes, hair, everything.

I tuned into my senses and Hades' energy, I found him, glad I had it in me, rescuing both Hades and Qui-Gon from a fate of oblivion, and I took the grateful, beautiful men both home safe :)



I was at a personal development convention, at which Liam Neeson was a guest speaker. I put my name down for his workshop and was thrilled when I got in, however, I didn't want him to know that I was a fan, however I wanted so much to tell him how much I loved and respected his portrayal of

Qui-Gon in Star Wars Episode I, but was terrified if I so much as mentioned it to him, he'd think I was a crazy fan and want nothing to do with me, thinking the only reason I was at this convention was to see him.

In his seminar I was incredibly careful not to look at him too much, though he did look very nice as he talked about one's self worth. I felt enlightened, this coming form him, as usually the rich and famous don't really care about others.

After the seminar, he invited some of us to sit with him at lunch, myself included. I was delighted. I was terrified.

I ordered an avocado bun, so not to have salad falling everywhere, was careful to eat it slowly and not to look at Liam too much who was diagonally opposite to me at this smallish round table. He spoke to me, about the seminar, I told him it was good and that I learnt a lot and thanked him for it. He smiled and said he was glad. I had to excuse myself at that point, really wanting t tell him, but not finding the nerve. I want and sat by the stairs. To my surprise, he came and sat next to me.

"Guy trouble, right?"

I half smiled. "Something ... sort of like that..."

"Why don't you just tell him?"

I gave an embarrassed smile, though surprised that Liam seemed so insightful. "I'm ... kinda shy and I'm not sure ... well if he'll understand and it's not really like that ... It's just something I want to tell him."

"What's holding you back?"

"I'm afraid he'll ..."

"Reject you? Hate you?"

"Well it's not really like that either ... you see ..."

Liam smiled. "You can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone else. Promise I won't tell him."

I chuckled and took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes. There's this guy-"

"That you like."

"Well ... sort of ..." I spoke quickly so he couldn't interrupt or leave. "Well this guy, you see starred in this movie that I really like and I wanted to tell him that the character he played really enriched my life in so many positive ways and I want to thank him and I didn't want him to think that I was a crazy fan that was going to follow him around all day for autographs and stuff, because I'm not."

Liam looked at me. "You should tell him." He started to leave.

I took hold of his hand and spoke quickly again. "Liam, I really loved Qui-Gon in Star Wars, he had a really positive influence in my life and I wanted to thank you."

Liam put on a mock surprise look. "Oh, it's *me*"

I smiled and nodded, he smiled back.

"You poor thing, you've been sweating over this all day."

I looked embarrassed again as we walked back to the table.

"So do you really like this guy?" he asked

We both laughed.

Liam asked me to wait at the table.

When he returned, he gave me a beautiful autographed photograph of Qui-Gon.

Titania, follow your heart, feel, don't think, May The Force Be With You."

I smiled and thanked him.

"My pleasure, I don't usually do autographs and I don't think all Star Wars fans are crazy."

I chuckled. "Thanks, I've been wanting to thank you since I saw the movie."

He smiled warmly. "May The Force Be With You."

And it was.



There was an alien reptile-insect like creature that has hatched from an egg, killing people in a small country town, by sucking their innards out. There was a young boy living in the town and Liam Neeson had made the town his home. Liam evaded the alien as it almost caught him. The alien also seemed to steer clear of the boy.

It so turned that the boy was the only one who could stop the alien with the help of Liam. The boy was an alien himself, in the form of a human, who were the arch nemesis of the evil aliens, and the only ones who could stop them. Together they teamed up, Liam becoming empowered with the Force and helped the boy stop the alien. The boy killed it and ate it, chewed up and ate the other eggs so nothing like this would ever happen again.

Since the alien had been killed, all its influence vanished, and the dead town people came to life, none the wiser.

Liam was grateful for the assistance form the Force and

Qui-Gon, but cared never to go through that again as he left the town.


01.01.01 - Happy Space Odyssey!!

In this dream, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were endeavouring to save the Universe. I was with them, as we sat in the chrome J type 327 Nubian.

Qui-Gon sat, looking at the space map. He turned and smiled at me. I was glad to be with him and his Padawan as our silver ship streaked through space, hopefully to be at Peace one day.



Qui-Gon Jinn gently embraced his Padawan, the younger Jedi melting into his Master's arms, feeling as though this was the safest, warmest place in the Universe. The older Jedi kissed his face, then held his hand as the two sat on the Jedi Master's warm bed. Obi-Wan looked sad as Qui-Gon ran his hand through his Padawan's short hair. The Jedi Master smiled warmly, as he held his Padawan in his arms, Obi-Wan starting to sob softly.

Gently, his Master wiped his tears away.

Obi-Wan managed a smile. "I'll miss that."

Qui-Gon smiled back at his Padawan, as Obi-Wan gently ran his hands through his Master's soft, long hair.

As the two laid back on the mattress, Obi-Wan continued to caress his Master's magnificent mane. Qui-Gon closed his eyes, cherishing his Padawan's gentle touch, but more so, his love.

"I don't want to go, Master..." Obi-Wan said.

"You have to, My Padawan." Qui-Gon spoke sorter. "You must train Anakin."

"I know, Master, but I don’t want to leave you."

Qui-Gon smiled. "We will not leave each other, My Padawan. Our Spirits are forever as One."

Obi-Wan smiled and spoke softly. "I know, Master, but I will miss your touch."

"And I yours, my Beloved."

Gently, Master and Padawan kissed, Obi-Wan caressed his Master's face and spoke to him softly.

"Master, promise me one thing before I leave."

"Take care of myself and don't piss off the Council?"

"Well that too."

"That's two things."

Obi-Wan smiled. "And promise me one more thing."

"And what's that?" Qui-Gon asked with a smile.

"When I come back, I want to see your hair right down to your ass."

Qui-Gon laughed. "It hasn't been that long since I was twenty!"

"Promise, me, Master." Obi-Wan's eyes twinkled.

Qui-Gon smiled. "I promise, My Padawan."

Gentle they shared one last kiss, for many years to come.

In the years that followed, they missed each other terribly, though kept in Force Contact, as with Anakin. The boy grew into a fine young man.

And when Obi-Wan returned, Qui-Gon had kept his promise, he had let his hair grow even past his ass.

Obi-Wan gasped. "Ohh, master, you look ... wonderful!"

The Jedi Master smiled. "Thank you, My Padawan. I feel twenty again!"

Obi-Wan lifted his Master's hair and toyed with it. "You know, I wasn't sure if you would!"

"And break my promise?"

"But I bet you pissed off the council!"

"Hoo yeah."

The two laughed, as entered the bedchambers and caught up on old times, Obi-Wan gently stroking his Master’s luxurious, silky hair, before the two shared their first kiss in over ten years.



I was on a train, going somewhere to start a new life, sick of the one I have now with all my bills, never enough money. I wasn't sure where I was going, though Qui-Gon Jinn and Hades were also on the train with me, and I knew, wherever I went, they would protect me.



In this dream, I had landed an extra spot in Episode II. I was so excited! It was like actually being there in the Star Wars Universe. It felt real. I played a friend to Obi-Wan and a slightly mad grey faced Gungan warrior J

Obi-Wan ... Ewan McGregor and I were on a transport, with some aliens. It really felt real, that we were really in a galaxy far, far away .. Though it also felt frightening, as it was a time or turmoil and it also felt sad, without Qui-Gon. However, Qui .. Liam Neeson came to us and I was very excited, as this meant that Qui-Gon was going to be in the movie. He was wearing his chocolate brown Jedi robe and pants, though he wore a grey top with a sash. He spoke to us of scenes and what they were doing and he welcomed me to the set and told me that every actor was as important as the leads and he smiled at me in a way that I knew Qui-Gon was indeed real.




Shmi sat in her room crying softly as she undid her hairpiece. She almost yelped when her hair clip pulled so hard she thought her head would explode.  She barely noticed Qui-Gon sit behind her.

            “Allow me” he said, gently untangling the mess Shmi got her hair into. Shmi almost gasped at his unexpected, yet not unwelcome presence. He gently touched her scalp, using the Force to heal the pain.

            “You’re worried about Anakin,” he said softly.

She nodded. “What’s going to happen to him?”

“I’m not sure. Even the wisest Jedi cannot see all ends.  I feel the Force strong in him. Shmi took the Jedi Master’s hand and looked deeply into his eyes.

“That’s what I have always been afraid of, yet it has come as somewhat of a relief also.

Qui-Gon smiled gently.  He began to massage Shmi’s shoulders.  At first Shmi thought he may want more, but sensed his touch was innocent.  He went on to give her a full body massage, for around two hours.

“Never have I flet so pampered,” she said.  “Thank you.”

The Jedi Master smiled. “My pleasure.  You’ll sleep well tonight.”

“Of that I have no doubt.  Again his words were innocent.


Shmi thought of him as she lay in bed and wondered what it would be like to have a man in her life, one such as Qui-Gon Jinn wished that Qui-Gon had the means to free her too.


?/9/01 "Goddess Dream"

The challenge had been set. You had passed the first to challenges, almost as easily as a hero would, dodging spiked maces, duels, amongst other things, without so much as a scratch. You dodge expert snipers shooting poison darts, but you sense there's something more to this challenge than physical prowess.

The third challenge is nigh and many more lie ahead.

Night has fallen. The challenge is to rescue your friends, trapped within the barn. It is set in an unknown garden.

A Goddess tree guards the garden. She lets you pass. Although she is a tree, you see the outline of a female body within the tree. You see her yellow eyes, shaped like lemons, her gentle face impassive, though shows much expression. Though you are told if the sleeping Goddess awakens, and her eyes glow, you are to be, for want of a better word, sacrificed to her.

You free your friends, both Suzannes, Pauline, Maxine, Karen from the barn. They are much relieved and grateful and much hugging ensues. You see them safely across the grass. Hades stands at the edge of the garden and uses his powers to send your friends home. You slip on the grass, and as you look up at the Goddess, her eyes glow bright yellow. At first you hope you are seeing things - that there has been a mistake, but there has not.

Hades, as well as Qui-Gon and Lore, your Spirit Guides are all standing at the edge of the garden. Lore looks more concerned. Painfully, Hades realises this is the way it has to unfold.

The Guides speak to your mind, telling you to take off all your clothes and jewellery. You are still afraid, but you do so.

The Tree Goddess reaches down and picks you up, very gently reassuring you that there is nothing to fear, but you are still afraid.


Carefully, she placed you inside her mouth.

Hades takes a breath and holds a distraught Lore.

"Do not be afraid," he tells you. "I will always be with you. No harm will come to you, I promise."

The Goddess gives you her warmth and love. She is the embodiment of Isis and Gaia, the Earth Mother.

You feel Hades' gentle, loving embrace.

//As Hades promised,// the Goddess says to your soul, //no harm will come to you.//

Her mind-voice is gentle and sincere, but still you are afraid. Tears form in the Goddess' lemon shaped eyes, for she does not wish to harm you, physically or emotionally.

//Please do not be afraid... This is the only way ... I am sorry, I do not wish to frighten you...//

You hear her gentle, calm, contrite words and you realise you will still be who you are. You will not be harmed, and you relax, realising it had to be.

The Goddess relaxes and calms, relieved you are no longer afraid. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

The Goddess swallows.

Hades takes a deep breath. Qui-Gon holds his hand. Their spirits never leave yours. Tears adore both Hades' and Qui-Gon's cheeks, though both God and Jedi know you are safe.

Inside the Goddess, you feel bathed and caressed by warmth. You see light and swirling rainbow colours. You feel free. Love embraces you. You feel as though you are in her womb, heart and soul, rather than in her stomach. You realise without fear or doubt, your purpose.

The Goddess smiles warmly, heartfelt that you have realised what she has known all along.

The Goddess glows as life pours from her body into the Earth. Mother's milk from her breasts, nourishment from her vagina, giving the Earth life. Your pure soul was chosen to save the Earth, to expel the physical toxins, the poisonous emotional toxins, hatred, greed ... Creating and planting love within the Earth Mother. Life pours into Gaia. She feels renewed and revitalised, awakening dormant memories. Years of neglect are caressed and massaged away, your spirit and soul once again awakening hers.

Qui-Gon and Hades hold each other. Tears stream down Lore's face as he sits alone, realising your importance, his hands touching the Earth, thanking her.

Osiris and Horus shimmer into existence, their gentle faces showing only love and compassion. Gently Osiris embraces Hades and Horus holds Qui-Gon.

"Your love for her is beyond beautiful," Osiris says gently.

Hades smiled warmly. "As is yours."

The Goddess opens her eyes, her being glowing. From her body leaps your spirit, full of love and vitality, free from physical limitations.

Hades hugs you before anyone else can get a chance :)

You chucked softly and embrace him. Qui-Gon hold you also and you wipe the Gentle Jedi's tears away.

Lore comes to you, yellow tears glistening on his opalescent gold face.

"Thank you," he says, sincere. "I never would have known who I am if it wasn't for you."

Gently you kiss him and hold him. "Thank you for being there for me."

"My pleasure," he whispers, as he returns to his future realm.

Osiris walks to you, his pristine white robe glistening in the moonlight, his forest green face, gentle, full of love and life. You kiss him softly and he holds you in his loving arms.

"Your bravery is unprecedented, as if your love. I am honoured to stand in your presence."

"As I am in yours."

In heartfelt tears, Horus hold you also.

Isis steps from the tree, her dark eyes, brimming with tears, which soon fall. She embraces you with all her heart.

"Ohh ... my beloved is right ... I thank you more than I can say ... Without your love, the Earth would have died. I am so sorry you were so frightened at first..."

You give a warm smile and kiss her.

"I realise now, my Goddess."

You hold her gently.

Qui-Gon gently embraces you, and you lean against his strong and protective chest.

"The Force Is With You Always," he says.

Gently you wipe his tears away.

"As It Is With You."

Softly, he kisses you, his beard against your cheek, like velvet.

Hades comes to you again.

"I cannot express what I have to say in words, but I'm going to do my best. What you have done, millions would or could not do. Your sacrifice has once again given life to Mother Gaia - to all of us ... You have awakened stories and myths that have been lost through the ages. Your love has no boundaries and as Osiris said, I too am honoured." Gently he kisses you and holds you in his loving arms.

"As I am honoured, Hades. Your love is Eternal."

"As is yours."

And your embrace, too, is Eternal.




Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker had come to 21st century Earth to stop Darth Maul who had somehow ended up here and was hell bent on taking over.

Maul had lured Luke to a Hotel looked somewhat like the Park Royal in Kings Cross, Sydney. Luke sensed darkness coming from the Janitor's room and was prepared to fight. He wore his black attire. Maul wasted no time in pouncing once Luke was in the room. The Jedi held his ground, despite the fact the Sith was more adept. Luke struggled, though was determined not to let Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan down. He sensed the Jedi Master and his Padawan were on their way.

Maul gave no quarter, nor did Luke, he could not afford to. This Sith was a better fighter than his father, and his hatred more intense. Luke lost his footing due to an unfortunate spill on the floor. Maul grinned ran him through. Luke gasped with pain and slumped. Qui-Gon burst into the room and continued the battle. To his relief, he sensed Skywalker was still alive and vowed to protect the young Jedi with his life. Luke vaguely saw Qui-Gon battling with the Sith. Though from what he did vaguely see, he felt the Jedi Master was a much better combatant than he, although he also sensed Qui-Gon would trade his lightsabre for peace any day. Searing pain shot up Luke's spine and he could not help but gasp, and then wish he didn't. Qui-Gon show him a concerned glance. That gave Maul the opportunity he needed to run the Jedi Master through. Luke stared in horror, hating himself for being so careless. Maul raised his lightsabre for a final blow.

Obi-Wan could not have been a moment too soon. He gave no quarters and got none. Fast and furious, Maul hated him. He did not have the reserve or compassion of his Master. Obi-Wan ripped the lightsabre out of Maul's hand, searing the Sith's hand, and arm. In a rage, Maul pushed past him and fled with great reluctance. Obi-Wan didn't have as much reason or gentleness as his Master either.

Obi-Wan knelt down. "Master ..."

Qui-Gon breathed slowly, his hand over his would Obi-Wan gently placed his hands over his Master's and helped send healing energy to the wound, alleviating the would Master from fatal to manageable. Luke was not hurt as badly.

Worriedly, you came into the room, relieved to sense that

Qui-Gon will make it, but frazzled that he may have lost his life, and you really want to kick Maul's ass.

Qui-Gon smiled gently, as you and Obi-Wan helped him up. You sense what happened and are annoyed with Luke, but you realise, he could not help his pain, as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan help to head him. Both Qui-Gon and Luke are still hurting, but stabilised.

All three of you exit the hotel.

The Powers That Be decided to punish Maul for what he has done, and change him into a mangy black and orange alley cat. Although you are a cat lover, you can't resist giving Maul a bloody good kick up the arse, sending him flying.

"I understand how you feel," Qui-Gon said gently, "but hate leads to the Dark Side."

"I don't hate him, Qui, I just kicked him up the butt."

The Jedi Master can't help but smile. Neither can Obi-Wan and Luke.

Maul leaves, raging, but realising he deserved it. Outside he is attacked by another, larger, alley cat, and forced out onto the street. Before anyone can stop him, the mangy moggie is partially run over by a speeding car.

Obi-Wan and Luke seem to think he got what he deserved. Qui-Gon exited the hotel glass doors, you and the other Jedi following him.

"Bring me that cloth, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, pointing to a dirty white rag on the footpath.

"Master ..."


Obi-Wan did as he was asked.

Qui-Gon walked out onto the street, gently gathering the cat in his arms and tying the cloth around Maul's wound, stopping the heavy blood flow.

The Sith did not want to admit his fear, though he did not even have the strength to extend his claws. He was sure the Jedi would kill him, but Qui-Gon's gentleness confused him.

Obi-Wan sighed. Even you felt a bit sorry for the Sith, despite what a bastard he is, and Luke too looks impressed. Will he ever learn to be that compassionate? He wonders.

Qui-Gon takes the wounded cat to the City Central Mission.

"Will you look after him?"

The woman smiles gently. "Poor thing ... Usually it's just people here, but animals can bring such joy, don't you think?"

Qui-Gon didn't answer.

"We have a vet here, he can see to the cat's wounds. Does he have a name."

"Uhh ... Maul ..." Qui-Gon said, somewhat uncomfortably.

"Ahh, I see, a feisty one."

"You could say that. Take care of him," and with that, the Jedi Master left with the others. Qui-Gon still sensed that although touched, Obi-Wan really thought he should have left Maul to his fate.

Maul watched Qui-Gon go. This Jedi's compassion which he had so long considered a weakness, had given him comfort ... saved his life when he had tried to kill him. He almost could not believe the Jedi Master's compassion extended his worn enemies - but it had and Maul was still confused. Perhaps someday, he wondered, he would understand it, as he curled up and went to sleep.

Qui-Gon smiled to himself. Perhaps someday Obi-Wan would understand it too.



Qui-Gon, Hades, Professor Snape and I were outside on a train platform waiting or the Hogwarts express, also waiting to see the shooting stars.

A moment later, millions of then appeared in the sky, large and spectacular. It was incredible, streaks of star light against the darkening sky. Even Snape was impressed and moved by the experience, but he said nothing.

The sight was indeed beautiful. These were no ordinary stars. I caught two of them in my hand, and they glowed to my touch. I showed Qui-Gon, Hades and Snape. Qui smiled gently, Snape gingerly touched them, surprised at how warm and soft they felt. Hades caught one and stroked it gently. The stars bid us farewell left our hands to join their brothers and sisters, to make a beautiful Universe as the Hogwarts express arrived, taking us all to the school of magic.



I was dancing with Qui-Gon. He smiled and held me gently in his arms. I also danced with Hades. He too held me, and he held and kissed Qui-Gon, our love helping to make a peaceful, beautiful Universe.



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