~ My Twi ~
My Twilight inspired Creations
Carlisle and Aro inspired chocolate. You now I bet they're both coset chocoholics ;)
My Cullen Inspired Bookmark. Front + Back (Bookmark fanmade)
The lion represents the crests, the grey represents Carlisle as he is usually wearing greys or blues, and grey is also an elegant colour, representing Elves, like on Lord of the Rings. The leaves represents the forest, the black heart, love, the red bead blood, and the teardrop as the Cullens, especially Carlisle don't like to have to kill, even animals and there was a scene in 'Twilight' where Carlisle seemed to be blessing the buck that he killed for his family. The silver also represents elegance.
My Volturi inspired Bookmark - Front Aro, Back Caius.
You can see why the tassel that came with these official bookmarks on my Twilight Goodies page was not good enough ;)
The silver represents elegance, and the red represents blood drops, the black beads, the Volturi's darkness, the yang to the Cullen's light (yin), the metal 'Pandora' like bead had the Greek Key, also used by the ancient Romans and Italian fusion designer Versace, representing the Volturi's wealth and elegance, the ornate heart, I just love Aro. :) The pendant I found in an antique shop with the red ruby gems attached and it just looked so Aro, and very special being antique. The elegant bead on Caius' bookmark is reminiscent of the patterns on his scarf, and yes, that is a real ruby :) - A ruby crystal of Burma, no less!
Both Cullen and Volturi bookmarks were incredibly fiddly to make, but I love my vamps and the end result was well worth the time.
The Cullen one was ready made, except I put on the small lion and small Cullen crest.
I custom made the Volturi one with things special to them, like a pomegranate, feather and leaf (for the bird and tree on their crest) and money as they're very rich!
Mind you Carlisle's net worth is around $34 billion US according to Stephenie Meyer!
My Bag charms. Cullen (ready made) with apple and heart and Volturi (custom made by me) with intricate heart and pomegranate
The gorgeous vintage hook I doctored for my Aro poster
Salute, Bella! ;)
"Essence of Italy" no less! :D
A gorgeous cup of creamy Volturi coffee I made for a competition to win a coffee machine. Didn't win, dang, but coffee was delicious!! I even used my bow and 'Aro' stencil :)
Bella has her Edward. I love my Aro :) My Aro inspired Jewellery box
My beloved, gorgeous Aro banner - He watched over me at night :) Squee. He's my Twi sweetheart.
The ribbon at the top is black and silver, the ornate silver and gold down the bottom adds elegance :)
Ti Amo, Mia Bella Aro
A message in a bottle for My Beloved Aro :)
My Aro Shrine. The gorgeous doll reminded me of how I picture Renata, she looks after my Aro. Hugs!
If you look carefully, you can see my message bottle :)
Renata - Isn't she gorgeeous?!?! She came with tah dress and even has velvet snow leopard print undies!
My custom OOAK Carlisle and Esme.
My Carlisle is an unknown Ken doll with rooted hair who I picked up second hand. His clothes were a set of Ken clothes.
My Esme is a Kelsi 'High School Musical' doll - not sure which version, with a cute purple Barbie dress as Esme looks great in purple. She wore a purple shirt in the first 'Twilight' movie.
I thought the Kelsi doll looked a lot lie Esme and I hunted around for a Carlisle for her! I am on the hunt for a Ken sized doctor's outfit for him.
A custom Aro doll I made. Made from a Disney Fairies Vidia doll.
I cut her hair a bit shorter and removed her wings. This was the most 'Aro' looking doll I found. Even has a smile like Aro's! >;)
Aro's clothes are a Ken suit which was orange that I dyed black as I could not find a black suit. I painted the eyes red.
My Volturi and Cullen inspired Candle, which I made udring a meditation, labyrinth walk evening. It's a good thing Carlisle's Vegetarian, or he may eat me at my etching of his lion crest, lol ;)
Another Cullen~Volturi inspiration