Disclaimers: George Lucas (Lucasfilm) Own the Star Wars Universe.

Summary: AU - Both Qui-Gon and Darth Maul survived the lightsabre battle on Naboo.

Qui-Gon settles on Naboo and starts a family.

Author's Notes: Takes place during and after the events in Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

This story was sparked from a dream I had on 16/1/00.

Rating PG - Epic Drama – Romance

Pronunciations of names: Eirtaé (Har-tay)






Part I


With relief, Obi-Wan sensed his Master’s wound was not fatal, though the shock was still with him as he battled the Sith. Maul swiped his sabre, Obi-Wan saw an opening, swiped his blue blade, slicing into Maul’s side. The Sith’s face twisted in pain and rage as he backed off, clutching his side, amber blood cascading from the wound. Maul cursed inwardly as he lacked the strength to stand, his yellow eyes burning into Obi-Wan’s, the young Jedi refusing to fear the Sith’s boiling rage.

Obi-Wan disengaged his sabre and was by his Master’s side in an instant. Qui-Gon’s breathing was slow, his Padawan held him gently. The older Jedi felt his love, his fear and concern, as he began drawing the energy he needed from the Living Force to heal his wound and regain his strength.

After a while, Qui-Gon opened his eyes, still hurt, though he was able to stand.

Maul glared at the two Jedi, masking his fear with hatred. Obi-Wan glared back at his fallen enemy and advanced on him, igniting his lightsabre. Qui-Gon pulled him back.

//Master, he would have-//

//I know, Obi-Wan, and I sense your anger, though revenge isn’t our way.//

//It’s not that, Master, he’ll recover and I doubt he’ll be in the mood for a friendly cup of chai.//

Qui-Gon smiled slightly. //And I’ll deal with that when the time comes. It’s still wrong,

Obi-Wan, he can’t defend himself in that state and despite what he is, you can’t let your anger get the better of you.//

//I know, Master ¼ It’s against everything I know ¼ But to lose you¼ //

//Padawan, I’d’ve felt the same in your position.//

//But you would’ve controlled your anger, Master, I’m sorry ¼ //

Qui-Gon smiled again. //That’s why you’re learning, Padawan, now we must leave.//

Maul glared in disgust at Obi-Wan, though not without a sense of respect for his Master.

Before the two Jedi left, Qui-Gon turned around and raised his hand. Maul did the best he could to mask his fear. He knew as far as the Jedi were concerned, he deserved this, though he did feel somewhat relieved when the Jedi did not intensify his pain. He actually felt it alleviating a little. It took a while to sink in – the Jedi had actually *helped* him. And not just with the wound. Why? Maul hadn’t the foggiest. Grateful his wound was healing, he was still puzzled as to why his sworn enemy would help him at all. But then what did the Jedi expect, Maul thought, gratitude? He grunted. Perhaps that’s why Qui-Gon had helped him, though Maul was not about to oblige, but then he thought the Jedi Master could just as easily have killed him, though that thought was pushed to the back of his mind.

//Return to Coruscant.//

Three words, colder than deep winter on Hoth and Maul knew his Master would not be gracious upon his return. The younger Sith swallowed, standing slowly, making his way back to his Infiltrator, moving as quickly as he could to avoid being seen. He wasn’t exactly the most popular person on Naboo.

Once aboard, he took off instantly, and when he had cleared Naboo space, set his ship on autopilot and promptly fell asleep.

  • * * *
  • Bright coloured ribbons swirled, flower petals blew in the wind, as Boss Nass held up the Crystal Orb of Peace, one of the most beautiful things Qui-Gon had ever seen as he stood beside the Queen, Anakin and his Padawan.

    After the celebrations were over, Queen Amidala turned to the Jedi Master.

    "You should be resting, Master Qui-Gon."

    "And miss all the fun?" he smiled.

    The young Queen smiled, through her pasty face paint.

    "I will," Qui-Gon assured, "after I speak with Master Yoda."

    "See that you do."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "Yes, Your Highness."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon stood before Yoda.

    "Waited for Obi-Wan you should have, when battled the Sith you did," the Jedi Master scalded, though his tone wasn’t harsh. "Fortunate you are," the older Jedi Master observed.

    Qui-Gon nodded. "I know, Master."

    "Rest you must."

    "I will, Master."

    The small Jedi turned to leave.

    "Master Yoda," Qui-Gon said, "what of young Anakin?"

    Yoda turned around and grunted softly. "Feel deeply for him you do."

    "Yes, Master, I do."

    "Danger I sense in him. Disagree with the Council’s decision I did. Train him will


    A wave of relief washed over Qui-Gon like he never would have believed. "Thank you, Master Yoda."

    "The Council you should thank. Warned you I have."

    "Yes, Master. I respect your judgement."

    Yoda gave a smile. "As do I yours, though careful you and Obi-Wan must be."

    "Of that I promise, Master."

    * * *

    Queen Amidala had graciously allowed Qui-Gon to rest in her palace.

    "Thank you, Your Highness, though I feel I’m imposing."

    The Queen smiled. "It’s a big palace, Master Qui-Gon, and you are certainly not imposing. My world is safe thanks to you and Obi-Wan. It is the least I can do. Is there anything you require?"

    "I would like a bath if it’s-"

    "Of course it’s not too much trouble."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "Even without the Force you can sense what I’m thinking."

    The Queen chuckled.

    * * *

    It was the biggest bathroom Qui-Gon had ever seen. The Queen had insisted that he be allowed to use her bathroom. Although Captain Panaka had come to trust the Jedi, he seemed quite alarmed at the Queen’s decision. Qui-Gon sent a subtle Force wave to the Captain to calm him down, after all Panaka was doing his job and Qui-Gon could sense how much he respected and loved his Queen.

    The Jedi Master lowered himself into the enormous bath, sighing inwardly as the water relaxed, though at the same time, stimulated his nerves. Slowly he began to wash, clearing his mind of the past mission, arguably one of the toughest and most significant.

    He vaguely heard someone enter the bath chambers, though he sensed no danger, so he did not open his eyes.

    "Ohh ¼ I apologise, Master Qui-Gon, I did not realise you were here. It was so quiet."

    The Jedi Master opened his eyes and turned in the milky bath waters to see Eirtaé, one of the Queen’s handmaidens.

    She gathered his clothes. "I’ll have these cleaned."

    "That’s not necessary, I-"

    The blonde handmaiden smiled. "Please, allow me. You must rest yourself. I will bring some new attire."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "I’m not used to being pampered."

    Eirtaé almost giggled. //He calls this pampered?// She smiled at the Jedi Master. "It’s our pleasure, Master Qui-Gon. You saved our world."

    "And that is my pleasure," he said. "It is also my duty."

    Eirtaé left with his clothes, admiring the gentle Jedi’s compassion. Qui-Gon sensed something more from her, though chose not to pursue it as he submerged his entire body beneath the water, releasing his pony tail, his hair flowing free under the water, as he reached for a bottle of shampoo and began to wash his long hair, the lather, thick and creamy, his hair feeling like Alderaanian silk. Shampoo fit for a Queen he mused, the physical dust and dirt form the mission seeming to dissipate in this vast oceanic bath.

    His body and hair clean, though Qui-Gon mused, the stress, both physical and emotional would take more than expensive shampoo, as he wrung out his hair as he allowed himself some more time in the white water to relax.

    The young handmaiden returned with a satin robe and nightshirt.

    "Thank you Eirtaé."

    "My pleasure, Master Qui-Gon."

    She smiled warmly at the Jedi Master as she left.

    Qui-Gon didn’t care to count the time and refused to feel guilty for the indulgence, as he rarely allowed himself such luxury as he climbed out of the gigantic granite bathtub and began to dry himself before putting on the cool, soft satin attire. All he wanted now was to sleep.

    * * *

    Queen Amidala began to lead him to the guest bedroom which Eirtaé was preparing.

    "I must thank you again, for your generosity, Your Highness."

    Amidala smiled. "Think nothing of it. I trust you enjoyed your bath?"

    "The volcanic rock pools on Alderaan don’t even compare."

    The Queen chuckled softly. "Lovely, isn’t it? I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw it. It was like my own private ocean."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "Myself and my hair thank you."

    Amidala laughed softly. "Wonderful shampoo isn’t it?"

    "Fit for a queen," Qui-Gon agreed.

    The Queen smiled and leaned closer to the Jedi and beckoned to him. Qui-Gon bent down a little as she whispered into his ear. "It costs five credits a bottle at the market place. Shh. It’s my deepest, darkest secret. Not even Panaka knows."

    Qui-Gon chuckled, respecting the young queen even more.

    "Eirtaé buys it for me when I can’t get out without being seen. It’s our little secret."

    The blonde handmaiden blushed a little.

    "Your secret is safe with me," Qui-Gon promised with a gentle smile.

    "Is your room to your liking?" Eirtaé asked as the Queen left.

    Qui-Gon smiled. "It’s lovely, thank you."

    Eirtaé felt a little uncomfortable as she straightened the bed clothes and placed Qui-Gon’s clean clothes on a chair. She became a little more uncomfortable, and didn’t look at

    Qui-Gon as she fussed with some ornaments.

    "Thank you, it’s fine," the Jedi Master said, sensing her discomfort.

    Eirtaé smiled, then sighed. "I’m so sorry, Master Qui-Gon ¼ you probably know what I’m thinking ... and I feel so embarrassed, I ¼ Please don’t be annoyed with me, I –"

    The Jedi Master smiled warmly. "Annoyed? I’m flattered in fact."

    Eirtaé smiled, despite her nervousness.

    Qui-Gon gently took her hand.

    "I’m sorry if I-" she began to say.

    "It’s all right," the Jedi Master said. "Don’t be ashamed of your feelings. They make you who you are."

    "Thank you, Master Qui-Gon ¼ Though it’s strange, I’ve never felt this way ¼ toward a man before."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "Pleased to be the first ¼ And don’t worry, you will find the right person for you."

    The handmaiden smiled again. "You think so?"

    Qui-Gon nodded. "Trust your feelings, now this old man must get some sleep."

    "You’re not old," Eirtaé stated.

    Qui-Gon chuckled. "I’m sixty-five."

    //Gods above and below, he looks to be thirty something!//

    "Hey, thanks."

    Eirtaé gasped, then smiled. "Enchanting dreams, Master Qui-Gon."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon Jinn chose to make a home on Naboo, Queen Amidala only to happy to welcome him.

    "You honour us, choosing to make our planet your home," she said.

    The Jedi Master smiled. "Lots of fresh air, kind people, beautiful scenery, peace and quiet. What more could a Jedi want?"

    "Our planet is safe thanks to you ¼ " The Queen paused. "We have a home for you. It is located in the plains."

    "I am honoured, Your Highness."

    "It is you who honour us, Master Qui-Gon."

    He walked with the Queen to the abode, a few hours walk from the palace.

    "The home was built by my predecessor, the late king Veruna," Amidala said.

    "Thank you, Your Highness, it’s lovely," Qui-Gon said, though sturdy, Qui-Gon sensed the energies of the dwelling weren’t suited for him, though he was far too polite and kind to say a word to the Queen, and a Force touch here and there, this place might feel like home.

    "I am glad you like your new home. Feel free to redecorate," she said with a smile. "I must leave you now, Master Jinn."

    "Thank you again, Your Highness."

    The Queen smiled. "Call me Padmé."

    "Only if you drop the Master."

    Again Amidala smiled. "As you wish."


    * * *

    "Nice place, Master, could do with your touch though."

    "I’ll say," Qui-Gon said. "This wood is so heavy, brings the energy of the place right down ¼ Of course I couldn’t say anything to the Queen."

    Obi-Wan smiled. "You’ll think of something, Master, you always do."

    The older Jedi smiled. "Though I do love it here, Obi-Wan. I’d heard Naboo was a beautiful world, though coming here, beautiful just doesn’t describe it."

    "I miss you at the Temple, Master."

    "It’s not like I’m never going back there, Obi-Wan ¼ Coruscant's just not what I need right now. I need trees."

    Obi-Wan smiled. "I think I forgot what they looked like."

    Qui-Gon laughed, though despite his new home Obi-Wan sensed something amiss.

    Qui-Gon needed time to himself, his Padawan knew, and what better place than to do that than in the plains of Naboo?

    "I must see the Queen," Obi-Wan said. "And you need to get some rest, and don’t feel guilty if you sleep longer than five hours."

    "Ohh, I plan to sleep for a week."

    Obi-Wan chuckled softly, as he left.

    * * *

    The Queen of Naboo approached the young Jedi.

    "Obi-Wan, there’s something troubling Master Qui-Gon, though I can’t quite place my finger on it."

    Kenobi smiled. "For someone who’s not Force sensitive, you’re good."

    Amidala chucked as Obi-Wan continued.

    "I came to the same conclusion ¼ He seems ¼ troubled as I am from events in the mission. Our entire civilisation was rocked to its core."

    The Queen nodded, deep in thought. "I have a plan," she said, but I’m going to need your help."

    "You have it, Your Highness. What did you have in mind?"

    "I plan to buy a gift for Qui-Gon."


    * * *

    Qui-Gon Jinn sat on the grass outside his new home, enjoying the fresh air and peaceful pace. He knew he and Obi-Wan could be called on a mission at any given time, so he savoured the peace while it lasted.

    He became intrigued, and a tad concerned when he saw the Queen’s entire consort approaching his abode, including the Queen herself, Obi-Wan walking beside her.

    "Master Qui-Gon," Amidala approached him. Behind her, a troop of guards carried a tall wooden box.

    "To what do I owe this pleasure, Your Highness?"

    "I told you you could call me Padmé," she said with a smile, before continuing. "I bring you a gift."

    The Jedi Master smiled warmly. "I’m honoured, but really it’s not necessary."

    The Queen returned his smile. "Oh, but it was. You saved my entire world, Master


    "I told you you could drop the ‘Master’." He said with a smile.

    The Queen chuckled and took his hand. "Nevertheless I felt it prudent. On behalf of my world, I present this gift to you."

    The guards gently placed the box down. Qui-Gon approached it.

    "Open it carefully, Master," Obi-Wan cautioned.

    Qui-Gon smirked. "You know what it is, don’t you? This is what you’ve been keeping from me for weeks ¼ "

    The young Jedi smiled. "Well hurry up and open it."

    Qui-Gon returned his smile as he began to open the front of the box, intrigued.

    He was greeted by an array of white feather packaging, and then he stared, total disbelief.

    "Ohh my Gods¼ "

    Shmi Skywalker smiled softly. "If you don’t like me you can send me back."

    Gently Qui-Gon lightly kissed her as he gently threw his arms around her.

    "If you don’t mind I’d like to keep you forever ¼ if that’s all right with you¼ "

    A light kiss gave the answer. Qui-Gon gently hugged her and lifted her out of the box, stroking her face gently when he placed her upon the grass.

    He looked over at the Queen. "Thank you ..." He almost cried.

    Queen Amidala smiled. "My pleasure, Qui-Gon."


    * * *

    Today Obi-Wan, Anakin and Shmi were helping rebuild a school, on the other side of the planet badly damaged during the brief Trade Federation occupation.

    The younger Jedi had forced Qui-Gon to stay at home, the older Jedi needing to rest his mind as well as his body. Qui-Gon felt something was amiss, but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

    Qui-Gon slept a deep sleep, which was quite rare for him. He turned over, sensing something, but he did not awaken.

    Silently, a dark figure entered the house, revenge the only thing on his mind. He sensed Qui-Gon sleeping. Curled up asleep, this six foot plus man looked like a small kitten, seemingly unaware of the impending danger. Maul wasn’t in the mood for a rematch, he wanted it over – now. But his was too easy. He used thrust out a hand and used the dark side of the force to ensure Qui-Gon would not awaken. The dark lord ignited his lightsabre and sliced in-between Qui-Gon’s mattress, until it caught fire. Ha waited until the bed was engulfed in flames before he left.

    "Sweet dreams, Jedi..."

    * * *

    Obi-Wan looked up as a silent chill wind washed over him. He dropped his work panel

    "Qui-Gon’s in danger ... I have to go to him."

    "Is he going to be all right?"

    Anakin and Shmi looked worried.

    "I .... I don’t know ..."

    "You must trust in the Force, Ani," Shmi told her worried son. Usually it was he who consoled her.

    Obi-Wan, Shmi and Anakin hoped into a speeder. Obi-Wan began to rush to his Master’s aid, hoping he was not too late. It would take time to get to the other side of Naboo.


    * * *

    Upon reaching the house, Obi-Wan grew colder and colder and his fears were confirmed. The house lay in ruin, burnt to the ground, smouldering. The fire had been put out by a rains that morning.

    Obi-Wan looked around and saw steam rising from a chocolate brown cape.

    "No ... no ..." he told himself, hoping. Slowly he approached it, dreading to look underneath. Shmi would not let Anakin see.

    Obi-Wan took a deep breath and looked under the cape.

    "Master ..."

    Qui-Gon was a little dirty, but otherwise, fine.

    Slowly, he opened his eyes. "Obi-Wan ..." and he became aware of his surroundings. "What ..."

    The young Padawan looked equally dumbfounded. It dawned on Qui-Gon what had happened. "I sensed darkness .... but ... I couldn’t wake up ..." He looked afraid.

    Obi-Wan took his Master’s hand.

    "Darth Maul was here," Qui-Gon said. "He burned the place to the ground."

    "But you survived."

    Qui-Gon nodded. "The Force protected me..." he said, in awe, silently thanking the remarkable energy.

    Shmi and Anakin looked on in wonder and relief. Gently, Obi-Wan helped his Master up.

    "I hope the bath’s still working."

    The young Padawan smile as he lead his Master over charcoal and debris to the only thing that still stood in the house, the bathtub. Qui-Gon touched it lightly and removed his clothed behind his robe. Obi-Wan bent to turn on the tap and withdrew his hand in an instant, as the metal taps were hot to the touch. Qui-Gon used his robe to turn on the water and climbed into the bathtub.

    Shmi smiled gratefully.

    Qui-Gon washed the soot and dirt form his body, silently thanking the Force again.

    Obi-Wan also thanked the Force for protecting his Master

    * * *

    However, elsewhere in the Universe, one was not so happy. In a violent rage he swept clean a ledge, breaking all the ornaments.

    "The day shall come when I shall have my revenge."

    Darth Maul's amber eyes glinted with menace.



    End Part I





    Part II



    Pronunciations – Dair (Dare); Thal (Th-aal)


    Qui-Gon missed Obi-Wan, although they visited one and other from time to time,

    Obi-Wan needed to train Anakin his own way and Qui-Gon didn’t want to interfere with that. Obi-Wan was no longer his Padawan, he was a Jedi Knight now.

    Qui-Gon had built a house in the grassy Highlands of Naboo, near a simple village. A peaceful place, away from the cities. A fair way from the palace at Theed, but not inaccessible by transport.

    Obi-Wan had come down to Naboo for the bonding ceremony of Shmi and Qui-Gon, conducted by the Queen and he had been touched to see his former Master so happy and at peace. Qui-Gon and Shmi had exchanged silver necklaces with faerie charms as bonding gifts.

    "Congratulations, Master."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "You know I’m not really your Master now, Obi-Wan."

    The younger Jedi smiled. "I know, but I’m so used to it."

    Qui-Gon chuckled and handed his former Padawan a glass of pomegranate mead, then turned to Shmi, held her and kissed her gently as the celebrations went on well into the night.

    Qui-Gon lay down with Shmi, late that night, her arms curled around him and the two kissed gently, and slowly began to remove their clothing, holding each other close.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon cooked a vegetarian breakfast for himself and his beloved.

    "Smells lovely," Shmi said with a smile. "You really spoil me."

    Gently he kissed her. "Of course."

    Qui-Gon began to sense something and became a little puzzled, but it did not show. Shmi sat down for breakfast. Qui-Gon still seemed concerned, and it dawned on him what he was sensing and he coughed.

    "What’s the matter?" Shmi asked, concerned.

    "Nothing ... I ... um ..."

    "If I didn’t know better I’d say you were hiding a birthday present, but my birthday has passed and I loved my present."

    She indicated her dress. Qui-Gon smiled.

    "No, it’s not that ... do you remember our bonding night?"

    "Of course..."

    "Well ... I don't quite know how to say this to you ... uhh ..."

    "What is it Qui-Gon? You haven’t forgotten our anniversary, it’s not for quite a few months yet."

    Qui-Gon chucked. "No, it’s not that either. There’s no easy way to say this to you... You’re ..." Qui-Gon took a breath. "Promise me you wont kill me."

    "Qui-Gon, what ... ohh my Gods ... I am?"

    Qui-Gon nodded. Shmi chuckled. "Of curse I’m not going to kill you. This is wonderful!"

    She leapt up and hugged him. Gently Qui-Gon returned the embrace.

    "No wonder I’ve been feeling overly hungry these past few weeks."

    "Are you sure you don’t what to kill me?"

    "Of course not, creating life is beautiful."

    "Yes it is," Qui-Gon agreed with a gentle smile.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon and Shmi sat on a public transport on their way to buy some things for the baby. Along the way, the transport gave a violent jolt, throwing Shmi to the floor. Qui-Gon rushed to her.

    "I’m all right ... the baby..."

    Gently Qui-Gon placed his hand on her womb, sensing, and he blinked when he sensed two life forms. One was gently unconscious, the other’s spirit was leaving.

    //I’m sorry...// it said. //I can’t stay...//

    //Don’t go ...// Qui-Gon pleaded.

    //I have to ... I can’t hurt you ...//

    //Please, little one, I don’t want to lose you...//

    //But I can’t ... I can’t bear to hurt you ... I ...//

    Qui-Gon took a breath. //Whatever challenge you will put forth, I will take it, but please, give me a chance...//

    //It’s not you ... You will love me and I will hurt you ...//

    //Please ...// Qui-Gon said. //I’ll deal with that, little one. Please stay with me.//

    //Promise me you’ll love me...//

    //Always ... I’ll love both of you.//

    The little soul seemed to calm as Qui-Gon’s energy embraced him. The Jedi Master opened his eyes and sighed with relief. "They’re both going to be fine."

    Shmi breathed with relief than looked at Qui-Gon. "Both?"

    * * *

    Qui-Gon held Shmi’s hand, sending her gentle waves of the Force to help nullify the pain as she gave birth to fraternal twins.


    The Jedi Master held his newborn sons, named Dair, the Naboo word for freedom and Bela, the Naboo word for dawn. He handed Bela to his mother and held Dair, the one who had almost left, and cradled him gently.

    "They’re gorgeous, Master," Obi-Wan said, playing with Bela’s tiny hand.

    He looked up and saw his Master was crying.

    "I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a father."

    Obi-Wan wiped the tear away. "And I’ve always known you’d be a wonderful one."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon gently bathed Dair one morning, the feisty little baby splashing about as though there were no more tomorrows and the infant laughed.

    "I know you’re going to be a challenge," the Jedi Maser said.

    Dair splashed his father again. Qui-Gon chuckled and tickled him gently.

    * * *

    Both Dair and Bela were Force sensitive, but were not destined to become Jedi knights. Qui-Gon was not disappointed, some part of him was relieved. He wanted an easier life for his children and they could use their Force sensitivity for other things. Not only Jedi did good in the Universe. Dair was somewhat disappointed, but had grown to accept it.

    Young Dair was very demanding and very challenging for Qui-Gon and the Jedi Master knew, this was his path. Dair and Bela got on famously. Bela was soft spoken, but very attached to his slightly older brother. Qui-Gon loved to watch them play, by themselves and with other children. Although Dair was a handful, Qui-Gon would not have him any other way.

    For some reason, Dair and Anakin never got on when they would meet and Qui-Gon hoped they would grow to accept one and other.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon drove the hover trolley down the isle, Dair asking for practically everything in the shop. Qui-Gon’s patience was indeed being tried.

    "Can I have these biscuits? Dair held up a packet of chocolate "Dare" biscuits.

    "No, we have biscuits at home."

    "But not these ones."

    "No, Dair."

    The young boy scowled and threw the packet onto the floor and cried.

    "Dair, please pick that up."


    Qui-Gon sighed. It was going to be another one of *those* days.

    He moved on with his trolley.

    "You don't love me." Dair scowled.

    Qui-Gon sighed inwardly. Dair scowled behind his back and picked up the biscuits.

    Qui-Gon reached up for some herbs. Dair quietly placed the packet of biscuits underneath some other groceries. Qui-Gon pretended not to notice. Dair didn’t speak to him for the remainder of the isles. When he reached the checkout, Qui-Gon saw the biscuits and decided to let it pass.

    The Jedi Master pushed the hover trolley toward his vehicle.

    "Can we get some of those?" Dair asked pointing to a stall with some small live grey creatures.

    "No, Dair, we don’t eat meat."

    Dair waited until his father had gone behind the vehicle, bought one with his own pocket money and ate it. He liked the taste, but felt somewhat contrite as he joined his father and smiled triumphantly when he saw the "Dare" biscuits. Qui-Gon said nothing on the journey home. He didn’t know what to say to his son.

    Dair helped his father unpack the vehicle, especially the bag with the biscuits.

    "I’m going to lie down for a while," Qui-Gon said as they entered the house.

    The Jedi Master lay down on his bed for the first time in three days. Dair watched his father sleep and became concerned.

    Shmi smile warmly.

    "He’s very tired, Dair, why don’t you help unpack the shopping?"

    Dair nodded and did as his mother asked.

    Not only that, but he began to do the housework as well, feeling rather guilty. He wanted everything to be perfect when his father awoke.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon awoke form a long slumber and saw it was seven o’clock in the evening.

    "I didn’t men to sleep so long," he said.

    "You needed it, Shmi said."

    "I haven’t even unpacked the shopping yet."

    Shmi smiled. "The shopping was unpacked yesterday afternoon."

    "What? Have I been asleep that long?"

    "Sometimes you work yourself too hard."

    "Thanks," Qui-Gon said.

    "For what?"

    "Unpacking the shopping."

    "Oh, Dair did that."

    "He did?"

    Qui-Gon stood and saw the house tidier than it had been in ages.

    "Don’t tell me Dair did that too?"

    "As a matter of fact he did."

    "I should overwork myself more often."

    They both laughed.

    "What’s so funny?" Dair asked coming to them.

    "Thank you," Qui-Gon said. "The place looks wonderful, you’ve done an excellent job."

    Dair beamed.

    "Either that or who are you and what have you done with my son."

    The five old boy chuckled and blushed and paused before he spoke. "Daddy, I’m sorry about ..."

    Qui-Gon knelt down to his son. "Don’t worry about it."

    "And the biscuits, I ... I promise I won’t eat them all in a day."

    "I’ll believe that when I see it."

    Dair laughed, Qui-Gon hugged him gently. Shmi smiled and went to check on Bela, sleeping off a fever.

    "Is he going to be all right?" Dair asked, concerned, coming to them.

    Shmi nodded. "He just needs rest."

    Qui-Gon looked in on his sick son, sleeping peacefully. This was not the first fever his younger son had had and the Jedi Master worried about him. He had left the house a few days ago, hoping the shopping would take his mind off Bela, but it had not and he knew Dair too was worried about his younger brother.

    "Daddy," Dair said. "Can you make him better?"

    Qui-Gon knelt down to him. "I can use the Force to make it less uncomfortable for him, but he has the fever for a reason. Illness always teaches us a lesson. It also teaches us to value life."

    Dair threw his arms around his father. "I’m sorry ... I’m sorry ... I shouldn’t have ... I ... those creatures at the markets ... I ..."

    "I know."

    Gently Qui-Gon wiped away his son’s tears. "I’m glad value your lesson."

    Gently he returned his son’s embrace.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon looked at his beloved uneasily.

    "What is it?" Shmi asked. "You don’t like my new dress and you’re afraid to tell me?"

    Qui-Gon chuckled nervously. "No, it’s not that ... it’s lovely ... I ... well ..."

    "What is it, Qui-Gon? Oh no ... we didn’t forget about Obi-Wan’s birthday did we!"

    "No, that’s next week."

    "Thank goodness! ... But then what is it? I haven’t seen you this nervous since a few years ago when Kraka the Hutt offered you his daughter in marriage."

    Qui-Gon laughed.

    "Good thing you were already bonded."

    The Jedi Master smiled and gently kissed his beloved.

    "So what is it?"

    "And then there were three," he said softly.

    It took a while to sink in. "You don’t mean ..."

    Qui-Gon nodded.

    Shmi smiled. "Only one this time?"

    Qui-Gon nodded again and smiled back at his betrothed.

    * * *

    "Congratulations, Qui-Gon," Padmé said, embracing him.

    "And to you as well, on your re-election."

    Queen Amidala smiled. "I didn’t know if they would re-elect me. So many people suffered when the Trade Federation occupied my world."

    "And it was you who saved them."

    "I couldn’t’ve done it without your help, Qui-Gon."

    The Jedi Master smiled gently. "It was my duty and my pleasure."

    "So have you thought of a name?"

    "We’re going to call him Thal, that’s the Iegan word for star."

    "That’s beautiful."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon down with Shmi, both holding their healthy newborn son.

    Dair wasn’t quite sure what to make of his brother. At first he was jealous of all the attention he was getting and the fact that his new brother was not Force sensitive did not help.

    Bela didn’t seem to mind, but Dair was very influential and so both brothers didn’t play with their younger sibling much.

    * * *

    Thal was not Force sensitive and felt somewhat inadequate for it, though Qui-Gon assured him many times that he did not love him any less.

    Thal felt alienated form his brothers. Dair and Bela often played by themselves.

    Today, they all played ball down by the lake. Dair and Bela used the Force to throw the ball to one and other, too high for their five year old brother to catch it. Bela felt it was wrong, but didn’t want Dair to be upset with him. Thal tried to catch the ball, but couldn’t and felt even more alienated. Why did his brothers hate him so much?

    Qui-Gon sensed distress. Concerned, and went to see what it was. When he came close, he sensed it was Thal and saw what was happening.

    Dair and Bela sensed their father’s presence and stopped what they were doing, letting Thal catch the ball. Thal knew it was because Qui-Gon was there and he was grateful, but still felt upset. His brothers looks contrite but Thal mused it was only because

    Their father was there.

    The Jedi Master sat down with his two sons.

    "Do you think that was fair?" he asked. "To treat him differently because he’s not Force sensitive?"

    "We were just playing," Dair said.

    "Yes, and Thal was very upset."

    "We didn’t mean to upset him," Bela said, apologetically.

    "Can you tell him we’re sorry?" Dair asked.

    "No, you will."

    Dair and Bela approached Thal’s room. Thal looked away for them, though he knew Bela wasn’t entirely responsible.

    "We came to say we’re sorry," Dair said.

    Thal looked up.


    Dair nodded and gave a lopsided smile. "If you want you can play with us tomorrow and we promise not to use the Force."

    Thal smiled. "You can if you want."

    Dair smiled. "C’mon, let’s go get something to eat."

    That night after dinner only one of Qui-Gon’s special vegetable patties were left. All three boys went for it at the same time.

    " I want it!" Dair said.

    "So do I," Thal argued.

    "Why can’t I have it?" Bela asked.

    "I asked first," Dair scowled.

    "I saw it first," Thal said.

    Qui-Gon watched his children. "May I have it, please?"

    The three children quietened down as their father took the vegetable pattie to his plate and cut it into three pieces, giving one to each of his children.

    "Please don't fight," he said quietly. "Not over something like this."

    Slowly he left the table, leaving three guilty children.

    "He’s really upset," Bela said.

    "I know what we can do," Thal said, "we can make a special vegetable pie for him."

    "How can we make a pie?" Dair asked. "We don’t know how."

    "Mum can help us."

    And the three children began concocting their little scheme.

    Shmi smiled. "I’ll make sure he doesn’t come into the kitchen. Be very careful with the knife when you cut the vegetables."

    Shmi found Qui-Gon sitting in the living room. Gently she sat on his lap and toyed with his hair. Qui-Gon smiled. "I love it when you do that ..."

    "I know."

    Gently, he held her hand. "I best see what the children are up to."

    "They’re fine," Shmi said, "don’t worry."

    "I trust your judgement," the Jedi Master said with a smile.

    "Promise me you’ll stay here and relax."

    "I promise, Master."

    Shmi chuckled and went to help the children.

    Bela lined the dish, Thal cut the pastry and helped Dair with the vegetables.

    "Are you sure father won’t come in?"

    "I made him promise to relax."

    "You’re good," Dair said.

    Shmi chuckled as she helped the children place the dish in the oven.

    "Now help clean up," she said.

    "Clean up?" Dair asked.

    "Yes, it’s all part of cooking and you want your father to be surprised don’t you?"

    The children began to clear away the mess.

    Qui-Gon had almost fallen asleep on the sofa when he opened his eyes. He thought he smelt something cooking, but dinner was finished.

    The children took the pie out of the oven and let it cool for a short while.

    "Let’s take it to him," Dair said, excitedly.

    "Careful not to burn your fingers," Shmi cautioned.

    Qui-Gon was about to stand up, when his beloved and his three children came to him, bearing their gift.

    "We made this for you." Dair said.

    He Jedi Master smiled, touched. Thal offered him a piece.

    "Sorry it’s a bit burned."

    Qui-Gon chuckled. "Something made with love is always perfect."

    He began to eat his piece of warm pie. "Thank you, children. It’s delicious."

    "It’s our pleasure," Bela said with a smile.

    "And it’s my pleasure to share it with all of you."

    Together the children, Shmi and Qui-Gon began to share the pie.

    "We’re sorry about before," Dair said.

    Qui-Gon embraced his three children. "It’s forgotten," he said. "Thank you for your beautiful gift."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon had bought his children an enormous chocolate egg, which he would give them a small piece of each day. This particular day, one of the children had snuck into the room and pinched a piece.

    Qui-Gon sat in the room with his three children. "Been waiting, haven’t you?" he said.

    They all smiled.

    "But today one of you came into the room and stole some."

    The children were silent.

    Qui-Gon began handing out chocolate pieces to his children. He shook his head at Thal.

    "You have already had some today."

    "But I haven’t, I-"

    "I want you to think about what you have done."

    "But it wasn’t me, I-"

    "That is enough, Thal."

    Dair shifted uncomfortably, knowing full well it was not Thal who had stolen the chocolate but could he tell his father?

    "I want you to go to your room," Qui-Gon said.

    "But-" Thal began.


    In tears, Thal left. Dair felt guilty, but what could he do?

    "Father," he said. "Can I take some chocolate to Thal?"

    "No, he has to learn his lesson."

    Dair didn’t know what to say as he left the room with Bela and went to see Thal.

    "Are you okay?"

    Thal sat on his bed, looking upset.

    "What are you doing here?" Qui-Gon asked, coming to them.

    "I just wanted to see if he was all right."

    "Thal is to have no visitors until he apologises."

    Qui-Gon looked at his youngest son.

    "How can I apologise for something I haven’t-"

    "And the longer you lie to me, the longer you’ll stay in here."

    Thal looked away in tears.

    Qui-Gon sat on the sofa in the living room. Dair came to him.

    "It’s not about Thal, is it?"

    "You’re being too hard on him."

    "He has to learn stealing is wrong."

    "What about that time you stole that power supply on a mission?"

    "What was different. I was trying to save a galaxy gone mad."

    "It was just a piece of chocolate."

    "Nevertheless, he has to learn his lesson."

    Dair became afraid. He had never seen his father so adamant before.

    "It’s because he’s not Force sensitive, isn’t it? That’s why you’re being so hard on him."

    "Don’t be ridiculous. That has nothing to do with it."

    "Why then?" Dair was almost in tears. "Do you hate him?"

    "Of course not."

    "Then why are you being so mean?" Dair failed to stop a tear escaping. "Do you still love Thal?"

    "Of course I do."

    Thal had come out of his room and was listening to the conversation.

    "I have something to tell you," Dair said, swallowing.

    "I am not going to change my mind. Thal is staying in his room until he apologises."

    Dair spoke rapidly. "He didn’t steal the chocolate. I did."

    "I know."

    The young boy looked up. "What?"

    "And so does Thal."

    "You mean .."

    Thal came to Dair. "Please don’t hate me. Father asked me to play along."

    Dair half smiled. "You knew it was me all along?"

    Qui-Gon nodded. "Sorry, Thal, if I seemed a bit harsh."

    "You were only acting."

    "And you did such a good job, I felt guilty."

    Thal threw his arms around his father.

    "But why?" Dair asked. "Why didn’t you just tell me off?"

    "I doubt you would have learned your lesson. And Why did you tell me it was you when you knew you could get in trouble and that I might be as angry with you as I seemed to be with Thal?"

    "Well he was ... or seemed to be so upset and I ... I feel bad and I .." Dair threw his arms around his little brother.

    "You do love me." Thal said.

    "Of course I do."

    "But you always pick on me."

    "That’s because I love you."

    The two children giggled.

    Dair turned to Qui-Gon. "I’m sorry, father. I promise I won’t steal again, unless I’m saving a galaxy."

    Qui-Gon chucked, embracing both his sons.

    Shmi came past the living room and smiled when she saw her beloved asleep with Dair and Thal curled up next to him and brought them a blanket.

    Dair awoke the following morning, looking sad.

    "What is it?" his father asked.

    "I had a strange dream ... I was in it ... you were in it, but I was older ... and we were living on Naboo ... But we were poor and ..."

    Qui-Gon looked up when he heard a noise and felt a presence and found himself looking

    at a spitting image of himself.

    * * *

    End Part II





    Part III


    Pronunciations – Miralee (Mirror-lee)


    Both Qui-Gons looked at one and other. Dair looked at his father, then at the other


    //He’s the one in my dream...// Dair said to his father.

    "I sense no danger, so there has to be a perfectly logical explanation for this," his father said.

    "I suppose there must be," the other Qui-Gon said, "since none of us are dreaming."

    "Dad, what happened?" a boy older than Dair stepped out, then stared.

    There was no mistaking that boy was Dair, somewhat older. The younger Dair hid behind his father.

    * * *

    "So let me get this straight," the older Dair said. "Your son dreamt about us, and somehow opened a porthole to your Universe?"

    Qui-Gon nodded. "That appears to be the case. Strange though it may seem."

    "Stranger things have happened," the other Qui-Gon said.

    Qui-Gon could tell his counterpart felt somewhat uncomfortable, and he couldn’t blame him. He also sensed the other had feared for his son, but seemed to have relaxed now that there was no danger. Dair stuck his tongue out to the older version of himself and ran away.

    "He’s just shy," Qui-Gon said. "And he’s not sure what to make of all this."

    The older Dair smiled. "Can’t say I blame him."

    "Did the others come with you?" Qui-Gon asked. "Dair’s brothers?"

    Dair shook his head. "No, It’s just me and my father."

    "You’re wondering about Shmi," the other Qui-Gon said, then he paused. "She passed about four years ago due to a rare illness."

    "I’m sorry," Qui-Gon said.

    "I miss her, though her soul is with me always ... And do not fear. Your universe is different from ours and it will not happen that way."

    "Nevertheless I am sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to help."

    "It is not as if we’re trapped here. I sense the energy of the porthole and it doesn’t look to be dissipating any time to soon, but I do not wish to be a burden on you."

    "You’re not," Qui-Gon said. "Let me get you something to eat."

    "If it’s not too much trouble."

    "Of course not."

    The younger Dair peered around the door. The older Dair smiled as his younger self ducked out again.

    "I don’t bite you know. Why don’t you show me your stuff?"

    "Only if you promise not to break or steal anything."

    The older Dair smiled. "I promise." And he went with the smaller Dair.

    Both Qui-Gons smiled and watched their sons go.

    Qui-Gon pulled some vegetable patties out of the warming unit.

    "Here," he said. "You need to eat something. I have some more for Dair when he comes back."

    "So you don’t have any brothers?" Dair the younger asked.

    "No." The older Dair didn’t want to tell his younger self that his brother Bela had died of the same disease that killed his mother. He didn’t want to frighten the young boy. He almost cried when Bela came out to play, but controlled himself.

    He played with the two boys, and smiled at Dair.

    "So, have you kissed Miralee yet?"

    "Err! Don’t be disgusting!" Dair screwed up his face. "...Have you?"

    The older Dair smiled and nodded.


    The older Dair laughed. "She’s not that bad you know."

    The younger Dair laughed, somewhat intrigued, but tried not to let it show.

    * * *

    "My Gods, you look exactly alike," Shmi said, scarcely believing her eyes.

    The other Qui-Gon swallowed. He knew she was not his beloved, but in a way she was.

    Shmi took his hand. "I am so sorry for your loss," she said.

    He gave a kind smile. "I couldn’t have got through it if it wasn’t for Dair."

    Qui-Gon smiled gently, sensing how hard this was for his other self.

    "I know you are not from my universe," he said, "but I’ve missed you ..."

    Gently Shmi placed her arms around him and he returned the embrace. Softly Shmi kissed him. "Know that she will always be with you."

    "Thank you."

    Qui-Gon smiled gently, sensing how much his other self needed comfort.

    The older Dair ate rapidly and Qui-Gon put more food before him, sensing how hungry the younger boy was. His father felt uncomfortable.

    "I am sorry to put you out like this," he said.

    "No trouble."

    He walked away with his other self. "I wish I could provide for him more, but funds form the Jedi are stretched and I-"

    Qui-Gon gave an understanding smile. "You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I know you’re doing everything you can."

    "Thank you."

    Qui-Gon handed his other self a pad. "Take this, it’ll provide some support, until you’re out of the woods."

    The other Qui-Gon looked down at the pad and saw a large amount of credits. "I couldn’t possibly..."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "Take it. You need it. I take it this pad will work in your universe."

    "I don’t know what to say ... thank you ... I ... If it was just me, but Dair ... he needs more than I can provide for him."

    "Don’t be too hard on yourself."

    The other Qui-Gon smiled. "I should take my own advice, shouldn’t I?"

    Both Qui-Gons smiled and embraced one and other, grateful to have touched each others lives.

    "But I’m still not sure if I can-"

    "Take it," Shmi said, "he won’t let you leave until you do."

    All three of them smiled.

    "If there’s anything I can do for you," the other Qui-Gon began.

    His other self smiled. "It’s not necessary. Having you here has been very enlightening."


    * * *

    "Do you have to go?" the younger Dair asked, sadly.

    "I’m afraid so," the other Qui-Gon said. "But we’ll met again sometimes, perhaps in your dreams, little one."

    The two families bid a fond farewell and hugged one and other as Qui-Gon and Dair entered the invisible energy porthole.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon swallowed as Shmi came into the kitchen.

    "How are you feeling?"

    "I had a wonderful sleep. Did you?"

    "Well ... not so much."

    "Sorry to hear it, you didn’t toss much."

    "I ... uhh ... well ... that is, I ..."

    "I’m with child again aren’t I?"

    "How did you know?"

    "You always act as if I’m going to kill you and you know I won’t."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "The baby is healthy," he said. "I haven’t sensed the gender yet. I want a surprise."

    Shmi embraced him. "As do I, My Love."

    * * *

    "Dair, why did you push Miralee into the lake?" Qui-Gon demanded.

    "She pulled my hair."

    "No she did not," Qui-Gon stated firmly.

    "She was being mean. She called me names and yelled at me."

    "That was after you pushed her into the water."

    Dair scowled.

    "I want you to think about what you have done. It’s a cold day and it wasn’t a very nice thing to do. And I want you to go and apologise to her."


    "Yes you will, Dair. You won’t be allowed back into this house until you do."

    "You hate me."

    "No I do not, and hate leads to the Dark Side. I am angry with you."

    "Anger leads to the Dark Side too."

    Qui-Gon folded his arms. "Yes, if one lets it control them and you know perfectly well what I mean."

    Dair scowled again.

    "I want you to go an apologise to Miralee now."

    "I don’t want to."

    "You will go, Dair."

    "Don’t use the Force on me," Dair snapped.

    "I didn’t, now go."

    The young boy scowled as he left.

    He trudged over the grassy Highlands of Naboo to Miralee’s house. He waited a while before knocking on the door, dreading what the girl’s mother would say. Jola answered the door.

    "Dair. You’ve come to apologise?"

    Dair expected to be roused, but he nodded.

    "She’s been crying all day. I don’t think she’ll be too happy to see you. Come in." Dair followed Jola inside. "She’s upstairs. Miralee," she called. "Dair’s here."

    At first there was no answer, then a scowling girl appeared from the top of the stairs.

    "What do you want?"

    Dair was silent at first.

    "Go away." Miralee turned and began to walk back to her room.

    Her mother signalled to Dair.

    "Wait," Dair called. "I’m sorry, okay? It was a mean and dumb thing to do and I’m really sorry."

    Miralee turned around. "Did I hear right? Did you just say sorry? Dair the perfect admitting a mistake?"

    Dair scowled, then he smiled. "Yeah, I guess I did. Forgive me?"

    "S’pose ... Wanna see my new crystals?"


    Miralee’s mother smiled as Dair went upstairs.

    "Sorry," Dair said, again, fingering Miralee’s still wet hair.

    Miralee’s mother was distracted by a call on her communicator. "Hello?"

    "Hello Jola, It’s Qui-Gon. Is Dair there?"

    Jola smiled. "Yes he is and he did apologise."

    "That’s good." There was a smile in Qui-Gon’s voice. "I hope they’re friends again."

    "Yes, they are. Miralee’s showing Dair her new crystal set."

    "Sounds lovely."

    "I bought it for her at the markets, she seemed so upset about-"

    "I’m truly sorry about that. Dair can be quite a handful at times."

    "Of that I have no doubt."

    Qui-Gon and Jola laughed.

    "Honestly I think she was more upset about Dair pushing her than she was about the cold. They’ve formed quite an attachment."

    "He pushed her into a freezing cold lake because he likes her?"

    "I think so."

    Qui-Gon chuckled. "That explains it. He’s always been a bit reserved with his feelings. It’s good to see them playing again."


    * * *

    "I had another dream," Dair said. "I was in it and so were you. You were a king and I was a prince ... but ..."

    "What is it, Dair?"

    "You weren’t very nice and ..."

    "Dair you must realise that it was a dream and if it was real, it was an alternate universe and that is not me."

    "I know, but it was hard seeing you like that ... But it got better. You ... he hit Dair really hard one day and he felt bad and wanted to change his ways. Before, he had made Dair believe that he had killed Shmi, but he hadn’t because despite her defiance, he had loved her. She was once of the rebels against his rule."

    "Hard to believe I could ever be like that."

    "But he asked for his love back and she went back to him because he agreed to change his ways and he was much nicer to Dair and his people."

    Qui-Gon smiled. "A happy ending."

    Dair nodded. "Yes, it was."

    "And you see, the other Qui-Gon wanted to change his ways and you, or rather your other self showed him the way. You have yet to learn how powerful love is."

    * * *

    "Father, I don’t want you to go ..." Dair tugged on Qui-Gon’s Jedi shirt.

    "I have to, Dair."

    "They can send someone else."

    "No they can’t. The leaders of Alpha Prime have asked me to go to their world to negotiate a peace treaty and the Jedi Temple have deemed it adamant that I answer their request." They had begged Qui-Gon, actually.

    "But why you?"

    "They trust me."

    "And it’s your father’s compassion and love for peace they admire," Shmi said.

    "I know that .... but you’ll get hurt ..."

    "Dair, you worry every time I go on a mission."

    "But this is different. I have a bad feeling about it, please Father, don’t go."

    "I’m sorry, Dair, those people need me."

    "I need you."

    Qui-Gon knelt down to his son. "I know that and I will return to you all, I promise." He embraced Dair.

    After a short pause, Dair returned the embrace. "I still don’t want you to go."

    "I’m sorry, but I must."

    Qui-Gon stood and hooked his lightsabre on his belt.

    Dair swallowed. "If you must go, be careful."

    "Of course I will," the Jedi Master said gently.

    The other children and Shmi were worried as well, but not so much as Dair.

    He folded his arms as his father boarded the shuttle. "Father, please ..."

    "I’m sorry, Dair, but I must."

    The young boy ran inside and cried. Shmi looked after him, sympathetically.

    "He’ll be all right, but, Qui-Gon I can’t blame him. Please be careful."

    Gently he kissed and embraced her. "Of course."

    * * *

    Dair worried about his father on the mission.

    "He’ll be all right," Bela assured him.

    Thal nodded. "He’s been on lots of missions before."

    "But he’ll get hurt ... I sensed it ..."

    "But he will come home. He promised."

    Dair placed his arms around Thal. "I hope so."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon returned from his successful mission, supporting a blast to his shoulder.

    "Nothing to worry about," Healer Haden said. "Should be right as rain in a week or so."

    "Thank you."

    "Don’t be embarrassed, Master Qui-Gon. You’re not the first Jedi who’s been shot."

    The Jedi Master smiled. "No and I suppose I won’t be the last either. I am grateful it was only my shoulder and the wound will heal."

    Haden smiled. "That’s the spirit."

    Qui-Gon gave his report to the Jedi Council.


    "Master, are you all right?" Obi-Wan asked, concerned.

    "I’m fine, and before you ask, my pride is fine too."

    Obi-Wan smiled, but there was something wanting.

    "I’ve missed you."

    "And I you, my former Padawan. What is it, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked, sensing some discomfort, after a long pause.

    "I’m concerned about Anakin," he said.

    "As am I. I have sensed some strange feelings from him, but I cannot interfere,


    "I’m not asking you to interfere, I’m asking for guidance. You’re aware that he and Padmé have fallen in love?"

    "Yes. I am sorry if I seem to have been neglecting you."

    "No, you have been busy with your family and your recent mission ... I’m afraid Anakin’s neglecting his duties. I can’t seem to get through to him. It’s as if he resents me."

    "He’s twenty now, Obi-Wan. He’s not a little boy anymore."

    "I know that."

    "I don’t believe this!" Anakin hissed. "You too? Obi-Wan put you up to this, didn’t he?"

    "Your Master expressed some concerns."

    Anakin looked annoyed. "I thought you would at least be happy for me."

    "I am, Anakin, love is a beautiful thing, but you must not neglect your training."

    "I’m not."

    "You have much to learn."

    "That’s what Obi-Wan says."

    "And he is right. Anger leads to the Dark Side, Anakin."

    "I know that," Anakin said, feeling anger rise up within him and he tried to quell it.

    Qui-Gon remained calm. "Do not let your feelings rule you. You are a Jedi, Anakin. We serve a higher purpose than ourselves."

    * * *

    Qui-Gon returned home.

    Shmi threw her arms around him. "The children are asleep," she whispered.

    Qui-Gon found them on he and Shmi’s bed and he smiled warmly.

    "I wasn’t sure when you’d be back," she whispered.

    "It’s all right," he said, climbing into bed with his three children.

    "Do you want me to wake them?"

    Qui-Gon shook his head. "It’s all right," he whispered.

    "They’ve missed you."

    "They can see me in the morning. They need their sleep."

    Shmi coughed. Qui-Gon stared at her, then smiled as his children awoke.

    "Daddy!" they cried at once.

    Dair threw his arms around his father, then pointed to his shoulder. "See, I told you you would get hurt."

    He hit Qui-Gon’s good shoulder. "What if it had been worse?"

    The Jedi Master gently wiped a tear away from Dair’s cheek. "I needed to go, Dair. The people of Alpha Prime needed me. Their people were killing each other, children were dying."

    Dair gently embraced his father again, being careful of his shoulder. "I love you."

    "I know, Dair, I love you too. I love all of you." He embraced his beloved and his children before falling into a much needed deep sleep.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon played with Dair and Shmi outside. Thal had stayed with Bela, sick in bed.

    Bela smiled weakly at his brother.

    "Go and play with the others," he said.

    "No, you need some company and besides, they’ll be in soon. Dinner’s almost ready and you know Dair and food."

    Weakly Bela chuckled. "I wish I could play today."

    "You’re too sick."

    "I know." Bela coughed. "You can go out and play if you like. I’m really tired and I need some rest."

    "Only if it’s okay with you."

    Bela smiled. "Of course it is. Go and have some fun."

    "Yes Master," Thal said with a smile as he covered his older brother up.

    Bela chuckled softly as he lay down. Thal left the room and got halfway to he door when a feeling of immense sadness traversed his body. He ran back to Bela’s room.

    //Father, come to Bela’s room, quickly.// Thal had no idea if his message got through, since he was not Force sensitive, but he sensed there was no time to run and fetch his father.

    Thal’s message did get through and Qui-Gon, Shmi and Dair were there in an instant. Thal was relieved.

    "No ..." Dair knelt by Bela’s bed. Gently he took his brother’s hand.

    Weakly Bela opened his eyes and smiled warmly. Slowly he took a breath. Dair looked to his father. "There’s got to be something you can do."

    Bela shook his head. "No ... I realise now it is my time."

    "No!" Tears filled Dair’s eyes. "You can’t..."

    "Please, Dair I don’t want to leave any of you, but I must ..."

    "No, Bela, please ... Please, father," Dair begged.

    Qui-Gon knelt down. "I’m sorry, Dair, there’s nothing I can do. It is the will of the Force."

    Dair burst into tears and laid his head down on the bed. Gently, but weakly Bela stroked him. Qui-Gon held his sons’ small hand. Thal wiped tears away in silence.

    "Please ..." Dair kept on saying.

    Bela was too weak to wipe his own tears away as he lay back down. "I am needed elsewhere," he said. "I know you ... don’t understand now ... but you ... will. I’m sorry ... I have to ... leave you."

    Gently, Dair wiped his brother’s tears away. "Where are you going?"

    "I don’t know,’ Bela said softly. "The Force will guide me."

    Qui-Gon felt his own tears and tremendous love for his son, wise beyond his years.

    "May The Force be With You."

    "And also with all of you."

    Bela took one last breath and closed his eyes. Shmi held Thal, unable to stop her tears. Qui-Gon gently held Dair, his son sobbing well into the night.

    Bela was buried near his and Dair’s favourite spot to play. Dair tried not to cry, but he couldn’t help it. He placed his arms around Thal, his brother returning the embrace, grateful Dair had not shut him out.

    "We shall never forget our brother and son," Qui-Gon said. "The Force has guided him and will guide him in his new life.’

    * * *

    Shmi felt no pain or discomfort as she gave birth.

    Gently Qui-Gon held his daughter.

    "I have a sister?" Dair said.

    "You both have a sister," Qui-Gon said.

    "Can we see her?"

    The Jedi Master knelt down and showed his sons their new sister.

    "She’s soooo cute." Dair place the tip of his finger in her mouth. "But I bet I was cuter."

    Qui-Gon chuckled. "You were all very cute."

    Gently, he handed Avalon to her mother. Shmi took her child and began to cry. Gently

    Qui-Gon wiped tears from her cheeks.

    * * *


    "Take care of her."

    Dair turned around and saw a shimmering form. "Bela!"

    The form smiled. "I can’t stay long, Brother, I wanted to tell you to take care of Avalon and Thal."

    "I will, I promise."

    "Please don’t feel resentful when she’s old enough to sleep in my old bed. I don’t need it anymore and don’t get mad if she plays with my old stuff."

    Dair smiled, then looked sad. "I miss you."

    "And I miss my family here too."

    "Where did you go?"

    "The Force took me to a beautiful place, with rainbow colours."

    "It sounds really nice."

    Gently Bela touched his brother’s forehead. "Do not grieve over me, my old brother, for I am not gone. My physical body may be no more, but a soul can never die."

    "I love you."

    "And I you. Someday you will understand the Force, Dear Dair and you will go where it needs to take you. Farewell, but not goodbye."

    Bela’s form disappeared. Dair wiped a tear from his cheek and went to tell his mother, father and brother about what he had seen.

    * * *

    "I know she won’t replace Bela." Qui-Gon said to his sons, particularly Dair. "But I want you to help look after her. She’s been diagnosed with a rare brain disorder which means she won’t be able to speak, even when she grows up."

    "Is there a cure for her?" Dair asked,

    Qui-Gon shook his head.

    "What about the Jedi? Can they help?"

    "No. I don’t want you to treat your sister differently," Qui-Gon said. "She’ll need lots of looking after and patience though, as she won’t be able to talk properly."

    "We understand, Father," Dair said, wishing there was something he could do for his sister.

    "We must realise the Force has a greater purpose in mind."

    * * *

    Avalon lay in her cot, wailing. It was not long before Qui-Gon peered over the side.

    The child stopped crying. She had no idea what was looking at her. It was big and furry, and that may have frightened her, but whatever it was had the kindest eyes she would ever see and she stopped crying. Gently Qui-Gon lifted his daughter out of the cot and held her.

    "Everything’s fine," he said softly. "I’m here and your mother is in the other room."

    But Avalon didn’t want to be left alone and so Qui-Gon brought the cot into he and Shmi’s room and all had a peaceful night’s sleep.

    * * *

    Avalon grew up with much support, love and patience. Her hair was a fiery red and her eyes emerald green. She was three now.

    She had climbed a tall fir tree one day. Qui-Gon sensed danger and ran outside. Avalon screamed as she fell. Qui-Gon used the Force to break her fall and caught his daughter in his arms. Although Avalon could not speak, she was grateful, and she looked into his kind oceanic blue eyes once more.

    * * *

    Qui-Gon awoke with a start, breaking out a cold sweat, an icy shiver shooting up his spine.

    "No ... Force no ... " he took a deep breath and wished it was all a bad dream.

    A great darkness had descended. Qui-Gon’s throat tensed and he began to cry. "No ..." he whispered. "Ohh Gods ... why ..."

    Qui-Gon boarded a shuttle to Coruscant and met Obi-Wan at a place he liked to go outside the Temple.

    "What are *you* doing here?!" the younger Jedi snapped.

    Qui-Gon jolted at the anger, but he had half expected it.

    Obi-Wan sucked on a luminescent orange Death Stick.

    "You shouldn’t use those."

    He glared at his old Master. "And why the hell not?"

    "Obi-Wan, I –"

    "He killed them! He killed them all!" Obi-Wan’s eyes were now brimming with tears. "Yoda barely got away! He’s gone into hiding on Dagobah! ... Padmé’s pregnant with his children. Did you know that?"

    "Yes, Obi-Wan, I did."

    "She’s safe on Naboo for now, but for how long?" Obi-Wan swallowed the lump in his throat. "He killed Mace while he was sleeping! Depa Bilaba gave her life protecting the children! And then he blew up the whole fucking Temple! There were *no* survivors ... The Council ... All the children ..." Obi-Wan burst into tears.

    Qui-Gon went to hold him. Violently the younger Jedi pushed him away.

    "You said he was not dangerous!!"

    Obi-Wan’s words ran through Qui-Gon, more painful than Maul’s lightsabre all those years ago.

    "Yoda was right ... the boy should *never* have been trained!"

    "I sensed so strongly that he was the Chosen One..."

    "Chosen for what? Death and destruction?" Obi-Wan nibbled his stick.

    Qui-Gon shook his head. "The Force wasn’t clear, but it was clear that he would bring Balance."

    "Hoo yeah ... balance for what?" Obi-Wan took a long suck of his Death Stick.

    Qui-Gon snatched it, threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

    "That cost me five hundred credits!"

    "Obi-Wan, I can’t tell you, or the Jedi how sorry I am. I don’t know how this could have happened..."

    "Go on. Blame me. Anakin did. Everything’s my goddamned fault."

    "No it isn’t, Obi-Wan."

    "He almost killed me ... The hate in his eyes ... The triumphant look on Darth Sidious’ face ... Why ..." Obi-Wan looked in dismay at his smashed Death Stick.

    "Why do you care? All you wanted was for me to train Anakin ..." Obi-Wan did not care for Qui-Gon’s tears.

    "Yes and I am sure he still has a part to play... I still feel he is the Chosen One ... The Force isn’t always clear, Obi-Wan."

    "I don’t care!" the younger Jedi hissed. "How could I not have seen this?! How could *you* not have seen this? I wish we’d never met that accursed child!"

    "Obi-Wan, don’t think for one moment that I knew this was going to happen, or that I am not grieving for my lost friends and comrades." Qui-Gon wiped tears away. "But I sense the Force has a greater part to play yet."

    "Well call me when it tells you what it is."

    Obi-Wan turned to leave.

    "Where are you going?"

    "Away from here."

    "Come with me to Naboo."

    Obi-Wan glared at him. "I don’t want to be anywhere *near* you’!"

    "Obi-Wan, please! I want to help you."

    "How you helped Anakin?"

    Another painful blow. "Please, Obi-Wan."

    "Go to hell."

    Qui-Gon swallowed. "Where are you going to go?"

    "Tatooine," Obi-Wan answered. "Don’t bother to write."

    "Please, Obi-Wan..."

    The younger Jedi turned and left. In tears, Qui-Gon watched him go, wishing there was something ... anything he could do, but he sensed time was the only thing that could heal his former Padawan.

    Qui-Gon walked past the ruins of the Temple, fell to his knees and cried.

    //Ohh Anakin ... how could you ...//

    He received no answer as he looked up into the cloudless sky.

    //Why ...// he asked the Force. //Why must it be like this? ...//

    //All will be revealed in time, Qui-Gon...//

    But the Force’s answer did little to alleviate Qui-Gon’s aching, heavy heart and he cried well into the night.



    End Part III




    On to Parts IV- VI


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