Disclaimer:  Twilight Universe created by Stephenie Meyer  {Movies by Summit Entertainment}  Thank you!


No monetary profit is being made from this writing.  Fanfic is a labour of Love J


Summary:  The Volturi have altered the manner of how they dine and have become far more picky 


Rating: PG





Dinner Plans …



In the Volturi Chambers, Heidi stood with an ordering pad and pencil in hand.

            “What would everyone like this evening?” she asked, turning to the Leaders first.

The trio mulled it over and began to think.  Aro indicated that Heidi ask the present members of the Guard first, while he and his brothers thought.


            “I feel like Chinese,” Demetri said. “Yeah,” he nodded his head.

            “I’ll have what he’s havin’,” Santiago said.  “Actually, make it Japanese, Heidi.”

Heidi nodded, scribbling the order down and turned back to the Masters, Aro and Caius still making up their minds, Marcus, almost rolling his eyes. He’d probably made up his mind before they’d gathered even, Heidi thought, however she feared the other two may get upset if she asked him first and not them.  The small woman did not let them see her irritancy as she turned back to the members of the Guard.


            “Jane, may I take your order?”

The slight vampiress’ fiery red eyes twinkled with sadism. Heidi almost shuddered.  “Yes,” she said softly, a smile tugging at her delicate lips.  “I’d like something Jamaican.”

Alec smiled and nodded in agreement.  Nice.  But Heidi, I’d like Irish tonight.”

            “Mmm,” Jane approved.  “Maybe we can share?”


Aro chuckled, his milky red eyes twinkling.

Heidi turned back to the trio as she wrote down Jane and Alec’s order.  “Are you ready to order, Masters?”

            “Yes,” Marcus quipped, before the other two could intervene.  “I would like some good old fashioned English food, thank you, Heidi.”

Heidi nodded, wrote and turned, hoping the others had made up their minds.

            “Master Caius?” she prompted.

            “Usually I am not fussed, but tonight I feel very much like Scandinavian, thank you.”

Heidi nodded as she wrote.  At least Caius said ‘thank you’ tonight she mused.

“Master Aro?” she hoped.

He paused for a while, thinking, then screwed up his face and paused again.

            “You are such a fussy eater,” Caius complained.

Aro scowled at him.  “I’m not sure what I feel like,” and he began to pace.

Caius rolled his eyes, then glared at his older brother. Marcus signed inwardly and shook his head ever so slightly.

            “Please, don’t let me keep you all waiting,” Aro said politely, stopping momentarily.


Somewhat relieved, Heidi turned back to the Guard.

“I’d like Indonesian, thanks,” Chelsea said.

“Good choice,” Afton agreed, “but, I’d like to go Australian tonight.”

Heidi nodded as she wrote, hiding her frustration, pencil etching deep into the page.

            Guatemalan,” Corin said.

            “I want spicy Indian,” Felix said, rubbing his hands together, grinning.

Heidi did not look up as she wrote.

            “Renata?” she asked, composing herself a little more as she turned to her friend.

            “Vegetarian for me, thanks.”

Heidi smiled as she took note.   Behind them, Caius huffed, but Aro shot him a look.


            “If Renata wishes a vegetarian meal,” he said, “then that is what she will have.”

Caius grunted.  Renata smiled in the only way she could when Aro silenced his youngest brother.  Her and Heidi’s eyes sparkled. 


Again the Vampire Hunter turned to her Leader.

            “Master Aro?” she prompted, with a little more oomph, to become inwardly annoyed to see he still had not made up his mind. However she had partially forgiven him for sticking up for his beloved bodyguard.

            “Hurry up and order,” Caius demanded.  “I’m starving!

            “Hardly,” Aro scoffed. “But I still don’t know what I feel like,” he pouted.

Caius shook his head and huffed impatiently.

            “Chinese?” Marcus prompted.

Aro shook his head.  “No.  Had Chinese two nights in a row now.  And besides, way too much MSG.”

            “Italian?” Caius offered.

Again Aro refused.  “Had Italian the night before that.”

            “Thai, Master?”

            “Thank you, Jane, but I’m not in the mood for spicy tonight.”

            “Hurry up!” Caius snapped, the only one who ever dared speak to the Volturi Leader in such a manner.

Marcus sighed, annoyed, bored.

            Ah!  I know…” Aro perked up.

            “Finally….” Caius muttered, voicing the thoughts of all present, except for Renata who seemed happily content to wait for her charge’s order.

            “Greek, Heidi.  I feel like Greek.”

            “Good choice, Master,” she agreed, almost through gritted fangs, as she wrote, her pencil’s point snapping halfway.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Aro’s delicate mouth.  “Oh and Heidi…”

Furious, Caius turned and glared at his brother. Heidi was glad someone did.

            “Make mine a large.  I’m very hungry.”  Aro placed his hand over his stomach and smiled, vermillion eyes sparkling.

            “Ah yes,” Caius said, snapping out of his annoyance.  “Mine as well.  I’m rather famished.”

            “Supersize me too,” Felix added.

Heidi was ready to murder them, such as it was with family, as much as she loved them … even Aro.

            “Yes, Masters.  Anything more?”

            “No, that will be all,” Caius said, quickly, before Aro could change his mind.

“Hurry along now, Heidi,” Aro said, cheerily, clasping his hands together, much to Heidi’s annoyance.  “Oh, and Heidi-”


Now Caius and Heidi looked ready to murder him.  Even Marcus, glared at his brother.

Aro smiled pleasantly, fangs just visible, “hold the olives, please.”

Too cranky to actually smile, Heidi flashed her fangs at him as she left, closing the door behind, in her mind’s eye seeing Aro smirking.



In high dungeon, she stormed down the stone hallway.

            “It’s a lull in the tourist season… Where in the HELL do they expect me to find all these people?!”






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