Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic/fanart.

Summary: Tempest's profile and story.

Author's Note: Tempest created by Seawave and Equus.

Rating - PG





"Trust no one."

Profile: A cold, impersonal fighting machine, hides the softer delicate interior. Long ago, on Cybertron, before the Decepticons, Tempest used to be good friends with Soundwave. When Megatron began to form the Decepticon army, Tempest wanted to join the Decepticons to be with Soundwave. Soundwave knew that Tempest being a kind, compassionate, considerate and childish was not suited for the Decepticons and told him that he did not want to see him anymore. Soundwave did what he thought was best for both of them. However, Megatron sought to destroy Tempest. Absolutely terrified, Tempest fled into hiding and he was heartbroken at how someone he considered his best friend could have betrayed him. For years he suffered from heartbreak at what he considered Soundwave's betrayal, and years later began to feel immensely angry with Soundwave and found it made him feel better to concentrate on hating Soundwave than how much the Decepticon hurt him. Since then, Tempest has absolutely despised Soundwave with a passion. He was embarrassed when he found that thinking of brutal, painful ways to kill Soundwave made him smile. Tempest does not consider himself a cruel person. He trusts absolutely no one, as he is petrified of being betrayed and hurt deeply again. He now belongs to no allegiance, but stays with Slipstream and Destroyer. He trust's them, but only enough to watch his back in battle. He doesn't like fighting He would rather not kill, no matter on which side he's fighting, although wouldn't pass up the chance to have a go at Soundwave. Tempest loves his De Lorean mode and reverts to it often as it provides him with an escape. He doesn't say much. He's terrified of giving anything away. Six words is probably the most he's ever used in a sentence since he was young (he was very talkative then). He's built a strong imaginary wall around himself and encased his heart in a stronger imaginary casing that even Unicron couldn't break. So far it has worked. Optimus Prime is the only one that has ever broken through the wall and really got to know Tempest. Tempest's former name was Peace.

Abilities: In De Lorean mode, his maximum speed is 390 mph - Range 1000 miles. He's impervious to heat, artillery and beam/ray fire in both modes. He can use his headlights as laser cannons. In his robot mode, he carries a high-energy laser rifle. He's a brilliant fighter and is quite strong.

Weaknesses: Sometimes his transforming mechanisms glitch, putting him in a foul mood, until they're fixed, but his main weakness is he's is terrified about others discovering about how he was, and how he is inside, although he tries not to think about his past, sometimes it's unavoidable. He's quite vulnerable inside and can be easily hurt.




SPEED -- 8 RANK -- N/A






Tempest was a Neutral Transformer, neither Autobot or Decepticon. He seemed to be a cold and impersonal fighter. An excellent fighter, no matter on which side he was fighting. He never let the enemy get the better of him. As a robot, He was efficient, manoeuvrable and accurate. He was fast and manoeuvrable, not to mention an eye catcher in his red DeLorean mode. Tempest hardly said anything. Destroyer and Slipstream trusted him to a certain extent.

Tempest, on the other hand, trusted absolutely no one. He trusted Destroyer and Slipstream enough to stay with them, but that was all.

He was standing by the computer the headquarters after one battle.

"You were excellent in battle, Tempest," congratulated Destroyer.

Tempest said nothing. Destroyer knew his friend was the silent type, and gave him a little pat on the back. "Good work. Keep it up."

"You were real cool, Tempest," added Slipstream. "How 'bout pretending to fight us?"

Tempest lay his high-energy laser rifle down. "Fight when need to." And he walked away.

To anyone else, he may have come across as rude, but Slipstream and Destroyer knew better. Tempest never said much and was extremely private.

            * * *

In the next battle, Tempest was fighting on the Autobots' side.

After the battle, Optimus Prime came to him.

"Tempest," he said, "you're an excellent fighter, but please, when you're fighting with the Autobots, try and be less ruthless."

Tempest looked at Optimus Prime and said nothing, but nodded, then flew back to his headquarters with Slipstream and Destroyer.

"I saw Prime tell you off," said Slipstream. "But he's quite cool, actually. Do you know much about him?"

Tempest looked at Slipstream "Intelligent, good fighter, strong, powerful, kind." He walked away. Tempest did not like fighting, but he felt that's all he had.

            * * *

After the next battle, in which Tempest, Slipstream and Destroyer fought on the Decepticons' side, Megatron had given him Mindwave, a small Autobot captive and ordered him be interrogated. When they arrived back at their headquarters, he ordered Tempest to perform the interrogation him.

Mindwave began to regain consciousness. He looked at Tempest and was a little frightened.

"Autobot plans" said Tempest.

"What? ..." asked Mindwave, softly, a little unsure.

"Tell Autobot plans" ordered Tempest.

"I ... I can't ... I-"

"Tell me."

"I can't."


Although Tempest had not hurt Mindwave or threatened to hurt him, Mindwave was becoming frightened.

"Tell me."

"But you were fighting on the Decepticons side - you'll-"

"Not tell 'Cons."

"Oh ..." Mindwave said, surprised. "Optimus Prime hasn't told us any particular plans, but the Autobots are going out on patrol."


"Nine am tomorrow."


"Around our headquarters and the cities nearby," replied Mindwave. "Why ... why did you want to know?"

"Might join them," Tempest said.

"Oh ... well ... Why didn't you say so? I told you what you wanted to know. Can you please let me go now?"

"Don't know if can," replied Tempest.

"Please ..." said Mindwave.

"Don't know."

Mindwave then put on his `doggy eyes.' Tempest looked at him.

"Please let me go ..." pleaded Mindwave, making his doggy eyes look more effective.

"Don't," Tempest said.

"Please, Tempest," said Mindwave, "let me go ..."

Tempest said nothing.

Mindwave looked at him. "Tempy ..."

Tempest looked at Mindwave. "Don't call me that."

"Sorry" said Mindwave, "but can you please let me go?"

"Don't look like that..."

"They're getting to you aren't they? ..." asked Mindwave, smiling a little.

Tempest didn't want to admit it, but the 'doggy eyes' were.

"I let you go. Tell no one."

"I won't" promised Mindwave.

"Better not."

"I won't" said Mindwave again.

"Find out you tell ..."

"I won't ..." said Mindwave again. "There's no need to threaten me. You can trust me."

"Trust no one."

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Better not" said Tempest again.

"Tempest, I told you, you could trust me."

"Told you - trust no one."

"Don't you even trust Optimus Prime?"

Tempest shook his head.

"You can trust him, Tempest. Everyone trusts him - even some of the Decepticons."

"Trust no one."

"Tempest, why are you like this? ... Something must've happened to you a long time ago."


"Something did, I can feel it."

Tempest was growing uneasy.

"I can read your mind, Tempest."

Tempest didn't believe Mindwave could actually read his mind, but for some reason, didn't think he was lying either.

"Under your ruthless, cold, impersonal exterior ..." began Mindwave, "you're kind, soft, understanding, easily hurt ... and you were betrayed by-"

"Stop it ..." said Tempest, his voice almost shivering.

"Sorry" said Mindwave. "Didn't mean to hurt you."

"Know that " said Tempest. Better not tell anyone - or else."

Mindwave jerked. Tempest's words frightened him, even though Mindwave could sense somehow that Tempest did not want to harm him. The young Autobot took a breath. "I promise I won't, Tempest. There's no need for threats."

"Sorry." Tempest had not meant to frighten the small Autobot. How he felt inside was important to him, and extremely private. Not even Slipstream or Destroyer knew.

"Optimus Prime knows a lot about you," he Mindwave said before he turned to leave.

"Knows ..." said Tempest, a little scared and uneasy,

"how? ..."

"I don't know. He knows a lot of things that I don't think anyone else does. I heard him talking about you about that you were not always with Destroyer and-"

"Enough," Tempest said. "Remember - tell no one."

Mindwave gave a reassuring nod and left, leaving Tempest feeling both uneasy and a feeling he couldn't explain. If he hadn't known better, he would say he felt a tad glad that someone else knew, someone he may be able to talk to.

Later, Destroyer and Slipstream came to him.

"Where's Mindwave."

"Let him go."

"Did you find out any information from him?" asked Slipstream.

"Patrol 9am. Cities near 'Bot headquarters."

"Good," Destroyer said. "Now we know, we'll be prepared if there's a battle."

The following day, Tempest asked Optimus Prime if he could join the patrol with the Autobots.

"Sure you can."

"Thank you."

Tempest didn't feel like he fit in with the Autobots, but enjoyed the drive in his red DeLorean mode, feeling the wind gush past him. It gave him a sense of freedom, however short lived it was. He often liked to drive around. After the patrol, Tempest went to Optimus Prime, feeling quite uneasy and frightened.

"What is it, Tempest?" asked Optimus.

"See you," said Tempest quietly.

"What about?"

"Private" said Tempest. "Don't want anyone else ... hear."

Optimus Prime nodded and took Tempest into his private quarters and locked the door. Tempest said nothing for a while.

"Mindwave said ... could trust you."

"Yes, you can," Optimus assured.

There was a pause for a while.

"Trust no one."

Another pause followed.

"Mindwave said you knew."

"Knew what?" asked Optimus, curious.

"About me ... How ... was inside ..."

"Yes, Tempest, I do."


"It's just an insight I have into certain people, and I had seen you briefly before the war, and then you 'disappeared.'"

Tempest was a little puzzled and uneasy.

"Anyone else know 'bout me ... inside?"

"Just Mindwave and I that I know of."

"Don't tell," said Tempest, shivering inside.

"I won't" said Optimus Prime. "I promise."

"Better not."

"Tempest, you can trust me."

"Trust no one."

"You can trust me, Tempest. I-"

"Trust no one."

Tempest paused for a while. "Mindwave better not ... tell."

"He won't."

"Better not."

"He won't, Tempest," said Optimus Prime, again, a little louder. "Listen, you can trust me. I don't lie."

"Don't ... know ..." said Tempest worriedly.

"Listen," said Optimus Prime, gently, "I know you don't know much about me, but I assure you, you can trust me, and Mindwave will not tell anyone."

"Hope so," said Tempest "His sake."

"Don't hurt him. He won't tell and neither will I."

"Not sure ..." said Tempest, his voice shivering a little. "Tell Mindwave sorry frightened him."

Optimus Prime nodded. "I will. I understand, how you feel, Tempest. You don't know much about me, I'll tell you more about me. Can you tell me more about yourself? I don't know anything about your history. I can tell you that you can trust me, but I want you to feel that you can trust me."

"Don't know ... Can't ..." Tempest shook his head.

"What happened to you, Tempest?" asked Optimus Prime.

Tempest glared at Optimus Prime.

"Something must've happened to you in the past a long time ago... What was it?"

"Nothing," lied Tempest.

"Tempest, don't lie to me" said Optimus Prime gently. "I'll understand. What ... what happened?"

"Lots ..."

"What, Tempest?"

"Plenty ..."

"Plenty? ... Lots? I can't help you unless you tell me more."

There was a long pause. Tempest wasn't sure if he could trust Optimus Prime, but was grateful that Optimus Prime seemed to want to help him. "Someone ..." started Tempest, then stopped.

"Who?" prompted Optimus Prime, gently.

"Can't ..."

"Who was it?" asked Optimus again. "An Autobot? Decepticon?"

Tempest paused for a while. "'Con."



"What ... what did they do? Hurt you? Betray you?"

Tempest looked at Optimus Prime, marvelling at the Autobot's perception. "Both."

"Who was it, Tempest?"

"Can't tell."

"You can tell me."

"Don't know ..." said Tempest, frightened.

"You don't know who betrayed you?"

"Don't know ... tell ..." A tear rolled down Tempest's cheek.

"It's okay to cry," comforted Optimus Prime, "You're being very deep with me, Tempest I thank you for that and appreciate it, but I wanna help you. Who hurt and betrayed you?"

Tempest paused for a while, embarrassed that he had let his emotions slip.

"S ... Soundwave ..." he replied.

"Do you know why?"

"Friend ..." said Tempest.

"Soundwave was your friend?" asked Optimus Prime, very surprised.

"Before war ..." said Tempest. "Best friend, but not now."

"And then? ... What happened?" asked Optimus Prime, very curious, but more concerned.

"Loved Soundwave. Always together. Not imagine ... without Soundwave."

"Did he care for you?"

"Thought so. He was kind." There was a pause. "He joined 'Cons. I wanted join ... be with Soundwave. Soundwave say no. Tell me, not want be friend anymore."

Optimus could almost feel how hurt Tempest was.

"I upset and not understand. Soundwave say I not suited to 'Cons and told him ... I like, inside ... "

"Who did he tell?"


Optimus gave a start. "Then what happened?"

"Megatron ..." began Tempest, then paused. "Hunted me ... All over ... Cybertron."

"It must've been terrible ..." said Optimus, feeling very sorry for Tempest.

"Terrified ..." Tempest tried not to cry.

"Why didn't you come back to the Autobots?"

"Scared ... couldn't ... Hiding from Megatron. And not trust - not even Autobot."

"I understand " said Optimus, gently. "Has anyone else betrayed you?"


"Who ... who was it?"

"Scavenger," replied Tempest.

"Scavenger... " said Optimus, surprised, "but he's not like the others..."

"Think Megatron tortured ... Don't hate Scavenger."

Optimus nodded. "Anyone else betray you?"

"Yes. Autobot... Skyfire."

"Skyfire?! ... But why did he ..."

"Not know" replied Tempest. "Told Megatron where was. Megatron nearly got me."

"Do you hate Skyfire?"

"Don't know ... Why ... betray me? ..."

Tempest almost started to cry again.

"I'll speak to Skyfire about it" offered Optimus Prime, comforting him. He saw that Tempest felt unsure. "I'll find out why he betrayed you. It'll be all right."

Tempest nodded. "Thanks."

"It's all right ... So what happened to you afterwards?"

"...Kept ... hiding everywhere."

"But now, you're Neutral and fighting with both Autobots, and Decepticons aren't you still scared of Megatron?"


"Has he done anything to you since then?"

"No ... Don't think he knows who am."

"What if he found out?

"Torture ... kill ... scrap parts ... Even now ... looks at me... feel frightened ... uneasy ..."

Tempest started shivering. Optimus Prime gently comforted him.

"You're welcome to join the Autobots if you want to, Tempest."


Optimus nodded. "I understand. Do Destroyer, Slipstream ... Shadow know about how you are inside?"

"No, but know something happened."

"How did you get to be with Destroyer?"

"Hiding on Cybertron, from Megatron. Terrified. He ... found me in Cybertron. Tried to escape - couldn't." Tempest hesitated for a while. "Cornered me ... I shiver ... petrified ... Cried. Beg not kill me. He not listen. Blast at me. Jump away. He blast leg. Bleeding. Couldn't stand. Megatron come for kill. `No way out ...' he say. I petrified. Then feel someone grab arm and pull me away from blast. I look up. It ... it Destroyer. He saved ... life ..." Tempest flashed back.

Megatron had cornered him. The Decepticon Leader's merciless reputation had already reached far and wide. The Autobot was terrified, shivering, knowing there was no way for him to escape. Megatron had wounded him and was about to deliver the final blast.

'Pathetic wimp...' he spat disdainfully at the Autobot, and prepared to fire.

The victim looked away, terrified, then felt himself being pulled up. A blast blasted Megatron. Tempest looked up at the large Transformer who had pulled him out of the way and who had blasted Megaton. Tempest started to struggle, but his strength was no match.

'Hey, easy, little one... I'm not going to hurt you. I just stopped Megatron from turning you into a scrap ornament.'

The little Autobot seemed to calm a little, but was still shivering.

'I'm Destroyer,' the large one said. 'Don't let the name fool you, I'm really a nice guy,' and he smiled.

Destroyer took him to his hideout and locked the blast doors. The Autobot tensed when he saw another Transformer.

'This is Slipstream,' Destroyer introduced. 'He won't hurt you either. He's my friend.'

The other winced at that word and felt his insides ache.

'It's all right,' Slipstream, seeing the new one's tension. 'What happened to him, Destroyer?'

'Megatron was about to turn him into sub atomic particles.'

Slipstream looked sympathetic. 'Never liked the bugger either, myself.'

If he were in another state of mind, the little Autobot may have smiled.

Destroyer took inside a small room. 'It's the spare room,' he had said. 'It's yours if you want it. You can stay here for as long as you like, all right? You don't have to stay, if you don't want to, but ain't safe out there, Kiddo.'

The Autobot knew that only too well.

'What's your name?' Slipstream asked.

Tempest wanted to tell them, but through his pain and fear it difficult to speak. 'Peace ...'

"Your name was Peace?" Optimus Prime asked.

Tempest nodded. "Changed ... Feel storm raging inside now."

"I understand."

'It's all right, Peace,' Slipstream said. 'You can trust us.'

Shivering, Peace shook his head. 'No ... no one trust...'

Both Destroyer and Slipstream knew that Tempest had undergone a traumatic experience. They wanted to help him, but knew they could, only when Tempest would let them. They let him be, in the room they had given him. Destroyer gave him a small energon cube, which Peace slowly drank.

'That's where the energy is if you need any more,' Destroyer said, pointing to the energon storage compartment.

Peace looked at him and seemed to give a small nod. He wanted to say something, but could not make his mouth form the words or his vocal components make the sounds.

The following day, Destroyer and Slipstream went to check on Peace and found the room empty.

'Oh no...' Destroyer said, feeling upset. 'He's gone.'

'Do you suppose he'll be all right?' Slipstream asked, sympathetically.

'I sure hope so. The poor kid was so scared..."

'No wonder with Megatron's badass cannon in his face.'

'Somehow I think it's more than that.'

At that, Peace stuck his head out from under the resting ledge. Destroyer smiled, grateful.

'Had me scared for a minute there, little one. Thought you'd run off." The second he took a step toward Peace, the little Autobot ducked back underneath.

'Hey, I don't bite, y'know,' Destroyer smiled. He knelt down and stuck his hand under the bed. 'Ouch! I see you do, though!' Destroyer managed to grab him, who screeched and kicked. 'Hey,' Destroyer said, retrieving him from underneath. 'I told you, it's all right. Neither of us are going to hurt you and I'm not gonna kill you just 'cos you bit my finger. Look, it's still alive.' Destroyer wiggled his index finger and swore, he almost saw Peace smile. He fed him a small energon cube and spoke to him.

'I know what you went through was very frightening, needless to say very unpleasant. But both Slipstream and I are here if you need us, okay?"

Peace nodded, but felt he could never trust another again. He was always ready to leave Destroyer, but somehow began to trust the two enough not to harm him. He changed his name and like Destroyer and Slipstream, Tempest became Neutral, not wanting to be part of the Autobot or Decepticon forces. To Destroyer and Slipstream's surprise, over the years, grew in size, becoming larger and stronger than Slipstream, but they knew Tempest would not hurt Slipstream - unless the other decided to hurt him, physically or emotionally and Slipstream would not do that. Tempest always admired the strong, unbreakable friendship between Slipstream and Destroyer and to a certain extent felt jealous of it for a while, but that feeling passed. Tempest's manner grew cold and impersonal. As always, he rarely spoke and only did so when he felt necessary, but at one stage, many years later, he approached Destroyer.

'Thank you,' he said

'What for?'

'Saving me, Megatron, taking in, caring for.'

Destroyer smiled. 'Better late than never... It's okay, Tempest. I'm a softie, at heart, I really am. If you need anything, just ask.'

Tempest nodded, even though he didn't know how.

Tempest brought himself back into the present moment and looked at Optimus Prime. 'Been with ever since. Never told about me... inside. Saved Slipstream's life too."

"Yes," said Optimus Prime. "Slipstream told me about it."

"What say?" asked Tempest.

"I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone."

"Please tell." Tempest decided to test Optimus Prime's word.

"No, Tempest, I can't. Imagine how you would feel if I told someone what you were telling me ... I gave my word to Slipstream. I cannot and will not break my promise, and I will not break the promise I made to you. You will have to wait until Slipstream tells you."

"Good," Tempest said. He respected Optimus Prime's promise, but still wasn't sure whether he could truly trust him.

Optimus then realised it was a test and smiled.

"Not mean to offend," Tempest said.

"I know. Perhaps you and Slipstream could share your stories."

Tempest paused. "Maybe ... someday."

"What do you think would happen if Destroyer and Slipstream found out about how you were inside?"

"Probably kick out ... Laugh ..."

"No one's laughing at you, Tempest."

"Hate getting laughed at ..."

"Everyone does, and I'm not laughing at you."


"When they found you, you were very vulnerable and they knew that."

"Not now," Tempest said. "They know... think not like that now."

"I'll tell you something private about myself, which I haven't told many others," Optimus Prime said.

"Don't have to."

"I want to ... Once, I was very scared of Megatron ..."

"You never scared ..."

"Everyone gets scared, Tempest ... Fear is natural. Millions of years ago on Cybertron, nine million and six, to be more or less exact, I was reconstructed."

"What ..." began Tempest, a little confused.

"I was formerly Orion Pax, a brash, young Autobot."

"You ... Orion Pax?" asked Tempest, very surprised.

"Yes" replied Optimus Prime. "I was reconstructed into who I am now, but as Orion, I made the same mistake of trusting Megatron."

"But why? ..."

"I admired what he could do, his power, but I failed to see how he used that power. He pretended to be friendly. Later, he began attacking all my defenceless Autobot friends. He almost killed me and my love Ariel. I was more than frightened. I was terrified. I begged him not to hurt myself and my friends. I was too weak to fight back and he did not care. I look back on that now and hope it never happens again. Megatron blasted my friends and we all would have died if Alpha Trion hadn't reconstructed us. I owe a great deal to him. He saved my life and gave me a new one."

"He reconstructed?" asked Tempest in surprise. "Means he's your..."

"My father."

Tempest was very surprised.

"Good looks must run in family."

Optimus chuckled softly. "Thanks."

There was a pause, then Tempest spoke. "Must've been terrified when Megatron ..."

"Yeah ... I was ..."

"Yeah? ... Not ... affirmative?"

"I'm not so formal all the time."

Optimus smiled and looked at Tempest. "Do you know Kamikaze?"

Tempest nodded.

"He's a little like you on the inside."

Tempest looked at Optimus Prime, puzzled and confused.

"He had two parents" began Optimus, "both Autobots."

"Autobots? " asked Tempest, in surprise, "Kamikaze was Decepticon ..."

Optimus Prime nodded.

"To Kamikaze's knowledge, both of his parents were killed millions of years ago when a building they were in was blasted in a battle and collapsed ..."

"Not killed?" asked Tempest, quietly, feeling sorry for Kamikaze.

"One of them was," replied Optimus. "His mother, Carah."

Optimus paused for a short while.

"Kamikaze knows now that his father's me."

Tempest widened his optical sensors and stared at Optimus Prime.

"What? You??"

"We both created him to be an Autobot" explained Optimus Prime. "There was a battle ... I went outside to assist the Autobots. Ironhide saw Megatron outside the building. He blasted at him, but his blast hit the building. It ... it collapsed. Carah ... was ... was killed, but Kamikaze escaped. I thought they were both killed. The next time I saw Kamikaze, was millions of years later, fighting on the Decepticons side. I couldn't believe it... Like you, he had been created on the Transformer Growth Program, the GPD and he had grown, but I recognised him. Later he told me he couldn't handle being an Autobot after what happened ... I was grateful he was alive, and thankfully I got the chance to talk to him and tell him I was his father ... and he rejoined the Autobots."

"Can't believe ..." said Tempest, surprised.

"It's true, Tempest," said Optimus Prime. "I don't lie, especially not to someone as vulnerable as you. I ..."

"Not vulnerable ..."

"You are, inside. I'm not trying to insult you."

"I know. Meant can't believe amazing sort. Kamikaze, he mind you tell?"

"No, like you, he used to be very private about it, but now he feels more confident in himself and he's found that telling others has helped him come to terms with it."

"Prime, I not join 'Bots."

"I'm not forcing you to join the Autobots. That's not why I told you that story.


"I could never force a friend to do anything they didn't want to."

"Don't be friend."

"I want to be, Tempest. Even if you don't like me, you'll always be my friend."

"Don't be friend ..."

"Why not?"

"Could never like you ... back ..."

"It's all right. It's what's inside that counts."

Tempest gave a small nervous smile. "Scared, O.P."

"Of what? " asked Optimus gently. "Megatron? Someone else?..."

"Everything ..."

Tempest began to cry soundlessly. Optimus Prime gently comforted him. Tempest wiped the tears away, trying not to feel embarrassed.

"Scared about others finding out?" he asked.

"Yes ... Megatron, Soundwave ... Everything..."

Optimus Prime looked at Tempest. "You hate Soundwave, don't you?"

"Like nothing in universe." Tempest's voice was colder than in Winter on Pluto and it sent a shiver up Optimus Prime's entire body.

"Do you want to destroy him?"

"Your name Optimus Prime?"

"I don't approve of killing. I ... I understand your hatred for Soundwave and your motive, but don't expect me condone your actions if you do."

"When, not if ... Don't expect you to like, Optimus ... was like that before ... hated killing."

"And you like it now?"

"No. Still hate - only like kill Soundwave ... Didn't like fighting ... do now."

"You don't like fighting on the inside, Tempest."

"I know. Learned to fight ... protect self from Megatron and others. Destroyer helped. Watch 'Cons, 'Bots in battle. Watch you, Optimus Prime. You good. "

"Thank you, Tempest, but I fight only when I have to I despise violence in any form."


"Tempest, you've built up an imaginary, invisible wall to shield yourself from everyone ..."


"I know" said Optimus Prime. "You're afraid I'm gonna betray you, aren't you?"

Tempest was silent for a while. "Yes ..." he admitted, his voice shivering. "Please not be angry..."

"I'm not. I would never betray anyone, Tempest."

"Can't help ... Once betrayed - never again."

"I understand ..." said Optimus Prime. "Even if you hate me, I understand."

Tempest was surprised, but said, "don't hate."

"Thank you."

"Don't hate anyone except Soundwave ... Gonna kill him ... You hear?! Gonna kill him!!"

"Calm down, Tempest..." said Optimus Prime, gently. "How... how will you kill him? ..."

"Painfully. Shoot, then rip apart ... Tear insides out..."

"Stop it ..." interrupted Optimus Prime, not wanting any more gory details.

"Sorry" said Tempest, quietly. "Sometimes only thing kept me going, thinking about that."

"Just make sure I'm not around when you do it," said Optimus Prime. "It'll make me sick."

"Really don't like it ..."

"Hate it."

"Used to be same."

Optimus Prime nodded. "I know."

Tempest gave a small smile.

"I'll always be your friend, Tempest" promised Optimus Prime.

"I'm ... fighter ... ruthless ... Need to be."

"You're not like that inside. You've made yourself like that on the outside. But it's a cover up."

"Sometimes hard to tell ... between me and ... old me."

"I think the old you should come out," said Optimus Prime. "Break down the walls."

"Can't now ...hard..."

"Do your best, Tempest ..." said Optimus Prime, gently. "Omega Supreme was like you. He was betrayed too."

"No one be stupid enough ..." said Tempest. "Omega ... pretty... big ..."

"Yes, well he was still betrayed. The Constructicons were once Autobots. They were close friends of Omega Supreme."

Tempest widened his eyes in surprise.

"They were reprogrammed into Decepticons by Megatron," Optimus continued. "They lied to Omega, betrayed him, and destroyed his city - Crystal City. The most beautiful city on Cybertron. Omega has been a lot like you ever since ..."

Tempest felt sorry for him.

"He's staring to understand only now," said Optimus Prime.

"Doesn't want revenge?" asked Tempest.

"He did" said Optimus, " but he discovered that revenge wasn't the way. In getting revenge, he almost killed the ones responsible and almost let another city be destroyed and he severely regretted it."

"Looks all right now," said Tempest.

"He is all right now, but the terrible memory is still with him, his friends, their betrayal ... the destruction of his beautiful city ... Who knows? Perhaps it will be able to get rebuilt someday ..."

"Hope so" said Tempest.

Optimus Prime smiled. "You see, revenge isn't always the best alternative, but remember, I will always be your friend, no matter what you decide to do."

"In ... battle ... on Decepticons' side ... could hurt ... or kill you."

"I know, Tempest, and I can't blame you for that."

Tempest was very surprised. "Never met anyone so understanding. No one understood me before... "

"I so, Tempest," said Optimus "I ..."

Tempest started to cry. "I'm stupid ..." he sobbed.

"No you're not."


"You're not. No one is stupid. Even the Dinobots are not stupid. They're not very intelligent, but not stupid."

"Dinobots not stupid. I'm stupid."

"You're not, Tempest."


"You're not."

"Well Not stupid ... acting with stupidity."

"What do you mean?"

"Promised myself ... Millions years ago ... Never cry again ... complicate things. Now - complications ..."

"I'm sorry if I've upset you, Tempest," said Optimus Prime. "I really am."

"Not your fault - Soundwave's."

Optimus said nothing to that. "I'll always be here if you need me, even if you're fighting on the Decepticons side."

Tempest was very surprised. "But ... 'Cons - enemies..."

"Yes, I know, but I always help my enemies when they really need me and you are not my enemy."

Tempest was even more surprised. "Why help enemies? ..." he asked, confused.

"Because, they're living ... they're alive, sentient ... I can't bear to see anyone in pain and I couldn't stand back an watch someone die, even if they were my enemy."

"I alive" said Tempest. "Soundwave kill me - inside."

"Some don't care, Tempest, but I do."

"Why? They ... don't."

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Everyone deserves a right to freedom and a right to live ... Even Soundwave ..."

"Don't think so."

"I understand how you feel about what he did to you, but Soundwave's sentient. He's alive. He ..."

"Not for long."

"Tempest, although, Soundwave hurt you a lot and I understand how you feel, but Soundwave deserves-"

"To die."

"Tempest. I don't think you should kill him. Revenge isn't-"

Tempest slapped Optimus Prime, hard across his face. Tempest's hand was shivering. "Sorry ..." His voice was shivering as well. "So sorry..."

"It's all right, Tempest," said Optimus, rubbing his face. "You didn't mean it."

"Sorry ..." said Tempest again, still shivering.

"It's all right" comforted Optimus.

"No not. Slap me back - harder!" said Tempest.


"Prime, slap back ... Deserve it."

"No you don't. I'm not like that. Just because you slapped me, doesn't mean I'm gonna do it to you."

"Go on."

Tempest turned his cheek towards Optimus.

"No, Tempest." Optimus gently turned Tempest's chin towards his face. "I don't want to slap you. You don't deserve it. "


"Tempest, you don't. I-"


"I don't want to hit you."

"I hit you."

"You were angry, upset, Tempest. Sometimes our actions cannot be controlled when we're angry. I am not angry with you."

"Should learn control ..." said Tempest. "Can't ..."

"You can only do your best."

"Have ... Can't ..."

"It's all right, Tempest," said Optimus Prime gently. "You'll learn in time ...

"Hate Soundwave..." Tempest growled.

"Look," said Optimus Prime, "I don't want to get into you and Soundwave. That's your vendetta. Your affair."

"I know, Tempest said. "Sorry."

"It's all right," Optimus said. "But, Tempest, I want to say, I'll always be your friend and I'll always be here if you need me, no matter what happens."

Tempest looked at Optimus Prime and gave him a smile. "I guess me too."

"Thank you, Tempest," said Optimus, touched.

"Thanks O.P ... Best friend ... only friend ..."

"Thank you, Tempest," said Optimus Prime, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What matter?" asked Tempest, concerned.

Optimus Prime was silent for a moment.

"For what you've shared with me ... and becoming my friend."

Tempest smiled.

"Do you trust me now?" asked Optimus Prime, hopefully.

Tempest hesitated for a while, thought about everything Optimus had told him, then nodded.

"Yes - Only you." Tempest felt scared at first, but Optimus Prime's words, more than that, his feelings and sincerity had won Tempest's trust - the first time he had trusted another in over nine million years.

Optimus Prime smiled. "Thank you, Tempest." His voice was sincere. He gave Tempest a gentle, friendly hug.

"No one ... hugged me before ..." said Tempest, sounding a uneasy.

"Everyone needs a hug now and then."

There was a pause. "Are you hungry?" Optimus asked.

"... Yes, am, but not realise until now."

Optimus smiled. "Neither did I," he smiled. "I'll get some energon."

Optimus brought back a box of energon chips.

"I would've brought us each an energon cube, but there's none left. Only boxes of chips." Optimus offered some to Tempest.


Tempest took a handful. Optimus then took a few and politely ate them. Tempest, without realising, ate much more than Optimus, and finished the box.

"Sorry if seemed greedy ... You had enough?"

"Yes, thanks, Tempest."

"Didn't eat much. How many chips you have?"


"Eight! That all?! Not still hungry?"

"No. I don't eat much."

Tempest looked at Optimus Prime's stomach. "Can say that again. No wonder so thin!"

Optimus Prime smiled, then laughed gently.

There was a pause.

"Come with me. We'll go and see Skyfire about-"

Tempest looked at the floor and nodded nervously. "Thank you."

"It'll be all right Tempest. I'm sure he did not mean to hurt you," Optimus comforted.

Optimus found Skyfire in his quarters.

"Skyfire, I wanna talk to you."

"Sure, Prime.

"It's about Tempest here. I've been talking with him ... He says you betrayed him."

Skyfire was shocked as he flashed back. He was silent for a few moments.

"Did you?" asked Optimus Prime.

"Tempest ... I never ... "

"Way back on Cybertron."

"Name was peace back then," Tempest said.

"Oh, back then ... Well ... sort of ... I-"

"Why, Skyfire?" Optimus prompted.

Skyfire looked at Tempest and took a deep breath. "You ... told me you were fleeing to hide in the city of Iacon and not to tell anyone. A few astrominutes later, Megatron came to me. I had no idea about the Decepticons. Megatron was still wearing his Autobot insignia ... He said you had a major malfunction and needed repairs and that you were dying ... I was worried about you and so I told Megatron where you were. I thought Megatron was gonna help you ... I've regretted what I did that ever since... For millions of years, I had always wished wanted to tell you. I ... I thought Megatron killed you that day. I felt awful ... I hated myself ... Tempest, I am truly sorry ..." A tear rolled down his cheek. "Then millions of years later, I recognised you in a battle with Destroyer and Slipstream. I couldn't believe you were alive. I dropped my weapon and stared at you ... I wanted to run up to you and hug you, but you shot me."

"Sorry ..." confessed Tempest. "Fighting on 'Cons side ... Didn't know ...

"It's all right" forgave Skyfire. "You're alive, aren't you?"

Tempest managed a smile. "Forgive you..." he said

Skyfire felt immensely grateful. "Thank you..." He thanked Optimus Prime again and felt vindicated.

"I understand, Skyfire," said Optimus Prime, gently. "I'm sorry, I didn't know why you had-"

"It's all right, Prime. Thank you for the opportunity."

Optimus smile, grateful to have put this age old regret to rest. He left Skyfire's quarters with Tempest and returned to his own.

"Thanks for everything, Prime," Tempest said, sincere.

"It's all right."

Tempest started to leave. He then turned around.

"Please not tell anyone."

"I won't, Tempest, I promised. It's up to you to decide if you want anyone else to know."

Tempest smiled. Perhaps he would someday, but not now. He didn't doubt Optimus Prime any longer and trusted him sincerely, and he hadn't felt that he'd betrayed himself either. Long ago he'd promised himself he would never trust again - but that was before he had met Optimus Prime.

Tempest arrived back at his headquarters.

"Where the heck were you in the battle?" demanded Destroyer.

"What battle?"

"We just had a small battle with the Decepticons. There were seven of them and only three Autobots. Where were you?"

"Patrol with the 'Bots ..." replied Tempest. "Then at 'Bot HQ."

"Took your time."

Tempest looked at him blankly. Destroyer said nothing more. He knew how utterly useless to press Tempest. He may as well be asking Starscream to be dainty and discreet. Tempest saw Slipstream, sitting in the main chair, nursing a bleeding injured leg.

"What happened leg?" he inquired.

"I can't walk until it's fixed," Slipstream grunted. "I'm gonna kill that damn Soundwave!! He did this!"

Tempest turned Slipstream's head towards his face and looked him right in the eye.

"Soundwave - mine."

"Okay ... okay ... Soundwave's yours" Slipstream said feeling uneasy.

"What's this with Soundwave all of a sudden?" asked Destroyer.

All of sudden! HAH! Tempest clenched his fist and slammed it hard into his hand. "My business. Soundwave - Mine."

"Okay" said Destroyer. "Soundwave's yours. We won't even lay a finger on him."


"Hey, Tempest," said Slipstream, "blast him in his leg for me, will ya?"

Tempest looked at him. "Do much more than that." He then walked away.

Destroyer then shrugged and decided to leave Tempest be.

            * * *

In the next battle, Tempest, Destroyer and Slipstream were fighting on the Decepticons side. The battle was quite long.

"Destroyer," called Megatron, after the battle, "battle successful -- return to headquarters."

Megatron, before he left, picked up Bumblebee, a small Autobot, wounded in the battle. He was unconscious.

"Take this Autobot to your headquarters and destroy him" Megatron ordered.

"Yes, Megatron," said Destroyer, somewhat grudgingly, taking the little Autobot from him.

He then flew to his headquarters with Slipstream and Tempest. Destroyer tied Bumblebee's unconscious body to the table with energon bands.

"Kill 'im, Tempest," he ordered.

Tempest looked at the helpless Autobot, lying on the table.

"Don't want."

"Don't want what?" asked Destroyer.

"To kill."

Destroyer was surprised.

"We fought on the Decepticons side today, Tempest, " he said. "We ..."

"Don't like kill ..."

Destroyer glared at him. "I order you to kill this Autobot."


"Do it now!!" yelled Destroyer.

"I SAID NO!" screamed Tempest, slamming both fists on the table, denting it, making everything on it jump. "Since when follow Megatron's orders? Tell him stick up ass." And then he stormed off in high dungeon, leaving Destroyer and Slipstream utterly astounded. They almost fainted. That was the first time they'd EVER heard Tempest yell or say anything to that effect. Tempest stormed into his quarters and locked the door. It was the slidey kind, so he couldn't slam it. He sat on his bed, put his face in his hands and cried.

Destroyer decided let Bumblebee go. He too wasn't keen to kill either. Tempest was right. Megaton was not their leader, so why follow his orders? When Megatron radioed them to find if they'd destroyed Bumblebee, Megatron wasn't too happy with Destroyer's answer and he told him what Tempest had said - the former half, anyway. Again, Megatron was not pleased, and Destroyer didn't particularly care.

After the next battle, in which Tempest, Destroyer and Slipstream fought on the Decepticons side, Tempest returned to the temporary Decepticon headquarters.

Later he saw Soundwave, outside, standing near a large pool of sticky mud. Tempest grinned - he simply could not resist, and threw a large piece of metal at Soundwave, causing him to fall into the mud. Tempest quickly dashed inside the headquarters, before Soundwave saw him and planned to humiliate the Decepticon. Soundwave stood up, seething, and dripping with mud. He walked inside and was teased and insulted by the other Decepticons.

"You know, I've heard of humans using mud packs, for complexion, Soundwave," said Brawl, "this is ridiculous... and do you think it's going to help you?"

That was followed by a chorus of raucous laughter. Soundwave glared laser beams at Brawl, wishing he had his concussion blaster, but he said nothing, ignored them, walked into the wash quarters and started to wash the mud off himself. It was quite sticky, and took him some time. Tempest secretly taped Soundwave cleaning himself, with a small Cybertronic video camera, then secretly controlled an alarm to go off in the main control room in Autobot, Decepticon and Destroyers headquarters, the Decepticons, Autobots, Destroyer and Slipstream all rushed to the main control room in their respective headquarters to see what the fuss was all about. Tempest beamed the contents of the video to all of them. It played on the main computers. All were puzzled, but most thought it was hilarious. Soundwave had finished washing off the mud and drying himself off. He raced to the control room to see why the alarm went off and was puzzled by what laughing was about. He walked into the main control room and glanced at the computer screen. His optical sensors widened as far as they could go. Soundwave couldn't describe how embarrassed and humiliated he felt. He tried to turn off the computer, but the others wouldn't let him. Unluckily, for Soundwave, Megatron and his Cassettes weren't there to help him. The other Decepticons started making fun of him. Some Decepticons didn't care for it, and let Soundwave be, others however ...

"Singin' in the rain, eh, Soundwave?" said Skywarp.

"Rub a dub-dub" teased Brawl.

Tempest was loving it. He knew what he had done was a childish prank, but it would have to do for now.

Absolutely seething, Soundwave started to walk away, but they grabbed his arms and held him tightly.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Brawl.

Soundwave felt frightened, but managed to violently struggle free and leave. Luckily, only he and Megatron knew the secret combination code to the door to his quarters. At first, he had suspected Skywarp, as he was always the prankster, but this time Soundwave felt it was not him. Soundwave sat on his resting ledge, wondering what he had done to deserve this humiliation and swore to himself whoever was responsible and those who had insulted him would pay dearly.

Later, he felt it was safe to open his door. He cautiously peeped around, but everyone had left. He left his door open. Soundwave was still feeling quite humiliated.

Tempest walked past his quarters and saw Soundwave looking quite miserable. Gotcha, you bastard! He then walked into Soundwave's quarters.

"What the matter?" he asked, barely able to keep a straight face.

Soundwave jerked and looked up at Tempest.

"The others saw fit to humiliate me." His voice was almost a growl.

Tempest could hear the anger and hurt in Soundwave's otherwise monotonous voice and he pretended to be sympathetic.

"Not worry about what they say."

Soundwave looked at Tempest.

"They not know you like I know you." Tempest marvelled at his ingenuity of twisting the truth. "You not like them," he continued. "You different."

"I know," Soundwave said. "Thank you."

"Pleasure," Tempest said. Pleasure to humiliate you!

Soundwave seemed to smile.

"Not let them get to you," Tempest said.

"I cannot help it. They hate me."

Tempest looked at Soundwave. Not blame them!

"Except Megatron and the Cassettes," Soundwave continued. "But they were not there."

Awwww... Tempest felt no sympathy at all for the navy blue Decepticon and was glad Soundwave had not recognised him.

"You very private," Tempest said.

"Yes," Soundwave replied. "The others would not understand - or care."

"They might." I won't.

"Thank you for your support, Tempest."

Tempest almost laughed. "Fine," he said.

            * * *


By the next day, Tempest made sure every other Transformer knew everything Soundwave had told him and needless to say Soundwave became the centre of more insults and humiliation.

Soundwave came to the room Tempest was in, and found him sitting with his legs up on the desk.

Soundwave looked at him. "I trusted you ..."

Tempest could tell Soundwave's voice was hurt. Good.

"Trusted you, bastard," Tempest spat and glared at him.

All of a sudden, it came back to Soundwave. "It's you, Peace..."

"Yes." Tempest let his feet drop to the floor.

"You still remember ..." was all Soundwave could say, after a long period of silence.

"All life, Soundwave ..." Tempest said, voice colder than liquid nitrogen.

Soundwave began to feel extremely uneasy. He turned to leave in a hurry, but with a remote control device, Tempest controlled the door to lock. Very uneasily, Soundwave turned around.

"Coward," Tempest spat.

Soundwave said nothing. Tempest pulled out his high-energy laser rifle.

Soundwave's mind was racing, but on the outside he remained calm. Soundwave looked at Tempest. "You have hated me all this time?" Soundwave's observation was half question.

The look of true bitter hatred in Tempest's eyes answered him. Soundwave's uneasiness grew and he wished he had Megatron and his Cassettes to help him, but they were not.

Another long, awkward silence passed. Soundwave knew that if Tempest had survived, this confrontation would come to pass sooner or later - it had happened later, but was still a massive shock.

"I did not intend to hurt you, Tempest," confessed Soundwave. "I-"

"Bullshit as humans say! Who cares what intend?! ... You did."

Tempest blasted Soundwave in is stomach. Soundwave fell and Tempest blasted him again in the upper arm. Tempest approached him. Soundwave's uneasiness grew. Tempest roughly grabbed him and thrust him into the chair. Soundwave made to stand, but Tempest violently pushed him back down, then grabbed a sharp, jagged metal dagger and held it in a threatening manner. He saw the extremely uneasy look in Soundwave's optical sensors.

"Scared?" he asked, sarcastically. " How... think I felt when Megatron hunted?"

"I felt I had to tell him. You were not suited to the Decepticons."

"Know that ... was young then ... very young."

Before Soundwave could say anything, Tempest stabbed him in the shoulder, then roughly jerked it out of him. Soundwave gasped in pain. Tempest stabbed him in his other shoulder. Soundwave winced and tried to grab the knife, but Tempest brutally bashed him in the face.

"This nothing compared to how much ... hurt me, Soundwave."

Tempest didn't care how frightened his ex-friend was. He stabbed him in the middle of his arms. Soundwave jerked with pain, but trying to jerk away, only hurt him more. Tempest held the blood dripping spike at Soundwave's neck. Soundwave tried to pull his head away.

"Don't ..." he said, uneasily.

"Why not?"

Soundwave couldn't think of an answer that Tempest would understand or accept.

"Are cassettes out of chest?" asked Tempest.

"They are on Cybertron with Megatron. Do not hurt them..."

"Cassettes had nothing to do with betrayal. You did."

Soundwave was grateful that Tempest wasn't going to hurt the Cassettes, but frightened of what he was going to do to him. Tempest stabbed him in his chest, shattering the cover. Soundwave yelped with pain. Tempest stabbed him again.

"Stop ..." said Soundwave, weakly. "Please do not kill me..."


"I do not wish to die."

"Think I did? ... Pathetic cheap walkman... flat batteries."

Soundwave bristled at the insult, but said nothing.

"Gutless," Tempest spat.

Again, Soundwave said nothing.

Tempest roughly jerked his arm, to which Soundwave winced. "Stupid dumb bastard, would you be insulted..."

"There is no need for insults," Soundwave said, his voice cold.

"Ohh yes there..."

Tempest stabbed Soundwave in his stomach. Soundwave gasped in pain and collapsed onto the floor. Tempest kicked him in his stomach. Soundwave gasped with pain. Tempest kicked him again. He knelt down to Soundwave and was about to stab him in his throat. Soundwave's shivering became more intense.

"Please do not ..."

Tempest could hear Soundwave's voice trembling, but he did not care. He grabbed his throat and then started to strangle him. Soundwave gasped and tried to pull Tempests' hands away. He knew there was no one who would help him and Megatron wasn't due back until tomorrow morning. Tempest then grabbed his high-energy laser rifle and blasted Soundwave twice in his stomach and then blasted Soundwave in his leg.

"From Slipstream" he said.

He then aimed his laser rifle at Soundwave's head. He could see how frightened the Decepticon was.

"No" he said. "Won't shoot."

Soundwave felt relieved.

"Want your death to be painful ... Like how hurt me."

Soundwave's fear escalated again. Tempest stabbed the dagger spike into Soundwave's stomach, in exactly the same place he'd shot him, slowly twisted it around, then jerked it out of him. Soundwave gasped and yelped with pain. His eyes showed the pain he was feeling. He tried to grab the dagger from Tempest, but Tempest stabbed it through his hand, then jerked it out. Soundwave was in immense pain and bleeding. His arms were in too much pain to move and he could do nothing. Tempest seemed not to care. He aimed his rifle at Soundwave's head and slowly started to pull back on the trigger. Soundwave knew words would not save him and said nothing. His eyes showed his fear. Tempest continued, then Optimus Prime's voice rang through his head. 'Because, they're living ... they're alive, sentient ... Everyone deserves a right to live ... Even Soundwave ...'

"Nothing ... do to you can lessen my pain. This," Tempest gestured to Soundwave's wounds, "nothing compared to pain I suffered. Hate you" Tempest spat, "for what you did, but I not a killer." He stood, kicked Soundwave and left, leaving the Decepticon, quite relieved lying on the floor.

Through his physical pain, Soundwave felt pity for Tempest, despite what the Neutral had just done to him. An he hoped that Megatron got back soon.

Tempest was amazed to find much of his built up anger had been released. He knew Megatron would repair Soundwave and he didn't care. He honestly didn't know if he had meant to kill Soundwave from the beginning or not. He had longed for millions of years to really hurt him and now he had, even if he felt Soundwave's pain wasn't much compared to his. Tempest felt Soundwave deserved every stab, every kick, every blast and more, but why then did he feel so empty?

Megatron walked past a room and saw Soundwave, sitting up, leaning against the chair, holing his arm across his stomach and chest, wounded and bleeding.

"What happened?!" he exclaimed, rushing in.

Soundwave looked up at him, immensely grateful Megatron had arrived 5.4 hours early.

Megatron gently picked him up, carried him to the repair bay and gently repaired his wounds. It took some time, but the wounds were not fatal - they would have been eventually if they had not been seen to. Soundwave's automatic repair systems may have compensated, but Megatron was not going to leave him in pain, and Soundwave was grateful to be free of physical pain. Megatron handed his friend an energon cube which Soundwave gratefully and slowly drank.

"Thank you." Soundwave was still rather weak, but with the energon, found his strength returning to it's usual levels.

Megatron smiled. "Who did this to you? ..." he asked, a dangerous anger in his voice.

"Tempest ..." Soundwave replied, starting to explain.

"I will kill him." Megatron turned to leave.

"No, Megatron," Soundwave said, clasping his hand around Megatron's upper arm.

Megatron looked at him, puzzled, also demanding an answer.

"I must talk with him," Soundwave said.

Megatron nodded. "As you wish. It's been a long time. But I will talk to him first."

Soundwave nodded.

Tempest was about to leave for his headquarters, when he heard footsteps behind him.

"So ... You are Peace that I tried to track down destroy so many years ago on Cybertron..."

Tempest froze, at the sound of Megatron's voice. The Neutral was too frightened to feel embarrassed.

Megatron stood close to him. "I would have killed you, but you escaped me ... I thought you looked familiar..."

Every sub-atomic particle in Tempest's body was trembling, but he remained rock still and calm.

"Why did you join the Decepticons, when you were not like the rest of us?"

"Should know," Tempest said, disdainfully. "Soundwave told everything."

"Oh, yes ...I remember ... You used to be friends with him, right?"

"Not any more. Wish never made friends with that scrap."

Megatron bristled at that. "You still don't belong with the Decepticons."

"Not with 'Cons!" Tempest almost yelled.

"But I must admit," Megatron said, reluctantly. "You've become quite a warrior and gained a far more respectable status."

"Thanks," Tempest said dryly, turning to leave.

Megatron grabbed his arm and tightened his grip, uncomfortably. His voice became dangerously low. "If you ever harm Soundwave again ... I will kill more painfully than you can ever imagine. If you think you suffered before, Tempest-"

"Can threats, Megatron." By the tone of Megatron's voice, and the look in his eyes, Tempest knew that Megatron meant business.

There was a pause.

"Soundwave wants to talk to you," Megatron said simply.

Tempest was genuinely surprised. "Does?"

"Yes. He's in room AA-23. Do not forget what I told you."

Tempest gave a nod and went to the room, half expecting to be blasted by Soundwave, and so prepared himself. Tempest entered the room. Soundwave, who's strength had not fully returned, hoped that the violent anger would not surface again, and hid his nervousness well. Tempest used his internal scanners.

"No recording devices," he said aloud, the looked at Soundwave. "Expected you to attack, after what I did."

Soundwave shook his head. "That is not the purpose I called you here. Neither I or Megatron will harm you. Trust me."

Soundwave instantly realised that was the wrong thing to say.

Tempest exploded. "You think EVER trust you again? ..."

Soundwave shook his head. "I am sorry."

There was a period of silence.

"Need talk," Tempest said. "About everything."

"Yes," Soundwave agreed. "I am glad you agree."

"Talk," Tempest said.

"It was a long time ago-"

"In galaxy far, far away," Tempest added humourlessly. "Have any idea how much you hurt..."

"I do now," Soundwave said. "I never thought it would effect you this-"

"Don't care what thought!" There was another pause. "Hard, but I will talk ... normally ... this once." It was hard for Tempest, as he hadn't spoken 'normally' for many, many years. "... I'm sure you... remember our friendship."

Soundwave nodded.

"Back then you were my only friend. I trusted you with my life, Soundwave. Often thought did something to upset you-"

"You didn't," Soundwave said.

"Then what the hell was it? I've never forgotten the friendship we shared. The time ..." Tempest paused, then continued. "The time when I wasn't afraid to love someone - the time when I was loved back. You think I haven't done my damnedest to forget it! I cared about you more than life, Soundwave. I would never have hurt you. I only wanted you to be happy. Damn it, Soundwave, I loved you more than I can ever say. And you betrayed that, you son of a bitch! I will never forgive you for that. How could you ever do that?... Why did you do it? Damn you! You owe me an answer!" Tempest's eyes began to brim with tears. He thought he had outgrown the pain, but he had only masked it with hate.

Soundwave looked at him. "I will tell you the truth, Tempest. Whether you believe me is up to you."

Tempest said nothing, but knew Soundwave would have very little to gain by lying now and now Tempest was older and wiser, he could tell.

There was a pause before Soundwave continued. "I never disliked you," he began. "I saw you as a younger brother. Your innocence, playfulness, gentleness and naiveté was unique. I wanted to protect you. I-"

Tempest couldn't help letting out a short laugh, which Soundwave ignored, as he was half expecting it.

"How well do you remember our friendship, Soundwave?"

"Very well, Tempest. I remember the time you sliced your finger open. Do you remember that?"

Tempest nodded, inwardly surprised that Soundwave did and they flashed back.


Soundwave turned around to see Tempest crying and coming to him with a badly bleeding index finger.

'What happened, Peace?' he asked, sympathetically.

'Sore finger. I cut it on that sharp metal slab over there.' Tempest pointed.

Soundwave knelt down. 'It is not as bad as it looks,' he said, inspecting the wound. He picked Peace up, and sat him on the metal block. Soundwave took a silver Cyber-bandage and cloth out of the storage compartment in his back and gently clasped the cloth around Peace's finger, absorbing the blood, then took it away and wrapped the bandage around it. 'It will hurt for a little while," he said, 'until your automatic repair systems heal it.'

'Thanks, Soundwave.'

Peace hugged him.

Both Tempest and Soundwave returned to the present. Tempest was half between crying and smiling. Soundwave had been so kind to him at first. He looked at the Decepticon.

Soundwave continued. "You may be hurt by what I am about to tell you."

Tempest folded his arms. "Nothing you say can hurt me now. Besides, never bothered you before."

Soundwave was hurt by that, but said nothing about it. "I felt myself growing apart from you. You clung to me, as if you had no life of your own. You agreed with me about everything. I did not want you forever clinging to me. I had previously met Megatron and agreed with his philosophy. We had much in common. I could communicate much better with him than anyone and I wanted to join the Decepticons. I needed to. You said you wanted me to be happy. I am happy with the Decepticons. You were not suited to us."

Tempest nodded. "Know that now, young then."

Soundwave nodded. "I did not want to abandon you. I told you I did not wish to associate with you any longer and that people change."

"I remember that," Tempest said, flashing back, looking at his young self, seeing the child's innocent blue eyes filling with tears.

"I did not intend to hurt you, and at first, I did not expect Megatron to want to destroy you."

"And expect me to believe you cared?"

Soundwave continued. "I thought he may give you a severe warning... I knew he would be angry-"

"What Megatron do to people angry with?" It was a statement.

Soundwave knew only too well. "He has been angry with me on the odd occasion and has not blasted me."

"You his pet - and good suck up."

"Friend," Soundwave corrected, an edge to his voice. He knew it would not do to lose his temper on this occasion, despite the fact he hardly ever lost it. He allowed himself a moment to calm before continuing. "Megatron wanted to destroy you ... You ran away, terrified."

"Blame me?"

Soundwave shook his head. "No ... I felt I could not ... betray Megatron."

"So betray me instead. Really makes me feel really wanted..." Tempest glared at Soundwave. "Knew Megatron may want to kill me."

Soundwave paused. "It is a chance I took. Megatron still is my best friend - one of my few friends." Soundwave paused. He hadn't told many that, but felt Tempest needed to know and felt that he knew the half of it anyway.

"You care about Megatron?"


"Said you cared about me too."

There was a pause. "I know."

"You don't care Megatron. Betray him too if want to."

"I have never betrayed Megatron. He is my closest friend."

Tempest believed Soundwave about that, from the look in his eyes, despite the fact he found it hard to believe.

An awkward silence followed, then Soundwave continued.

"Megatron sought to destroy all Autobots. As you know he hunted you down. In his eyes, you were nothing - a childish coward - a loser."

"Young ... inexperienced..." Tempest said. Loser... Tempest thought to himself. Maybe I could have done something more with my life than drown in my pain and anger ... but I didn't know how to back then...

"I was with Megatron on the first few occasions when he went after you," Soundwave said. "You fled inside Cybertron. On one occasion, I saw you."

This surprised Tempest. "Told Megatron?"

"No, I didn't."

This surprised Tempest even more. "Why ... not?"

"I saw you hiding behind a large generator, crying softly. I felt I could not let him kill you and pretended that I had not seen you. I hoped he never discovered, as I didn't want him to feel that I was disloyal."

"Remember ... hiding, generator ... thought didn't see."

Soundwave nodded. "After that, I never saw you again, until recently. To tell you the truth, I thought you had been killed."

"So did I, a few times. Megatron continued to hunt for me, and other Autobots. Once cornered me. If not been for Destroyer, hoisting me out of way, would have been killed."

"Megatron told me you had been rescued. He gave up hunting for you. To be frank, he did not deem you worth the energy."

"Never liked him much either."

Soundwave said nothing to that. "I am sorry my decision to leave you hurt you so deeply and isolated you. I realise I was wrong to tell Megatron."

"Not sorry."

"I am."


"Tempest, I did not intend to hurt you this much."

"Well you did."

"I know."

"Never had a single friend after that. Always scared be betrayed, so never showed true self again. Like this because of you. ... Only nine million years later, made a true friend."

Inwardly Soundwave was both surprised and pleased, but he had a feeling Tempest was keeping this name of his friend a secret. "Tempest, I cannot alter time, or go back and change things. I realise my mistake and I've told you. I am not asking forgiveness. You may not realise this, Tempest, but I have feelings too. And I am not responsible for your feelings."

"Know, you can't change time," Tempest said. "Know you have feelings and I have made mistakes too."

Tempest thought back on his life. He'd always hated Soundwave for what he had done, but now Soundwave had talked to him, Tempest caught himself seeing it from the Decepticon's point of view. It still did not make him want to forgive Soundwave, but Tempest felt a flicker of respect for the Decepticon, and received an insight into him he never thought was there, and knew that Soundwave had harboured an immense guilt about what had happened and had longed to tell Tempest about it.

Tempest thought about what Soundwave had told him after the 'mud bath.' Soundwave had confided in him, and Tempest had purposely betrayed that trust. He felt guilty about that now. He'd hated Soundwave all his life, as he felt the other had betrayed him, and Soundwave didn't have many he could turn to, really only Megatron. Even if his small cassette Decepticons were here, they couldn't do much if the other Decepticons decided to really gang up on him, if Megatron was not here.

"Sorry," Tempest said.

"What for?" Soundwave was genuinely confused.

"Push you in mud, tape you and betray you."

"That was you?..." Part of him wanted to feel angry, but Soundwave was not. "I deserved it," he concluded.


"And if you had not done it, perhaps we would not have spoken to each other."

Tempest nodded. "Thank you," he said.

Soundwave cocked his head in a quizzical manner.

"For telling truth."

"Thank you for listening."

"But do not expect me to forgive you, Soundwave."

"I never have."

Tempest gave Soundwave a look of surprise as he left. Soundwave watched him go, feeling grateful and as if a nine million year old weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and that perhaps in another lifetime, he and Tempest would meet again on happier terms.

Tempest left the temporary Decepticon headquarters, and flew back on his way to his, feeling his pain and pain and the hatred, lessen considerably. He no longer despised Soundwave, even felt somewhat sorry for him. Much had happened to them in the past nine million years and Tempest could not help feeling that perhaps in future he could find it in his heart to forgive him, something he never thought possible in millions of years. Tempest was surprised to find how good these feelings felt. As if a nine million year old weight had been lifted from him. He felt lighter and happier and thanked the Universe for letting himself find his peace. He spent a little while driving in DeLorean mode, before returning to headquarters.

"Where have you been this time?" asked Destroyer, expecting either an aloof reply or a snap.

"'Con headquarters" replied Tempest, somewhat cheerily.

"What's amatter, Tempest? " asked Slipstream. "You look ... different."

"Yeah. I feel different. Innit great!" He spun around. "Oh, I blasted Soundwave the leg for you." Tempest gave a small smile. "And sorted out some things with him too and I feel grrreat!" And he kissed Slipstream.

Destroyer and Slipstream stared at each other, then at Tempest, who only smiled. To their knowledge he had never talked that way before - usually never more than six words in a single sentence, and they had found him about nine million years ago.

Smiling, Tempest retreated to his quarters. Gotta find something else to do than hate Soundwave, now...

Slipstream watched him go. "What do you suppose's gotten into him? ..."

"Dunno," Destroyer said. "But whatever it was, has been bothering him for a loooong time. I'd say he's just sorted it out."

Slipstream smiled. "That's great. I've often wanted to help him, but didn't know how. I worry about him, you know."

"I did too and I knew whatever happened to him was very private."

"Do you think he'll tell us about it?"

"He might, in his own time."

Slipstream smiled. "It's so great, though. I've never seen him this happy."

Tempest overheard their conversation and smiled too. He'd seen Slipstream as a younger brother, even though he was a few years younger than Slipstream, and Destroyer more as either an older brother or father figure. All this time, he'd never realised how much he cared for Destroyer and Slipstream or how much they cared for him. They too were his friends.

The next day, Destroyer's computer detected a battle.

"It's a battle" he said, looking at the computer screen. "The Decepticons are losing."

Destroyer then started to leave with Slipstream.

Tempest wasn't in the mood for fighting.

"Hurry up, Tempest ..." complained Destroyer.

Tempest reluctantly went with them. They flew to the battle site and began to battle against the Autobots.

During the battle, Tempest saw Optimus Prime get blasted by a stray missile. Optimus fell to the ground, in pain, wounded. He was bleeding. Tempest felt sorry for him, but couldn't show it or do anything about it. He then saw Starscream about to blast Optimus Prime.

I'm supposed to be fighting on Decepticons side ... thought Tempest. But ... cannot let Starscream kill one of dearest friends ...

Tempest carefully aimed his high-energy laser rifle at Starscream and made sure no one was watching him, then pulled the trigger. Starscream yelped and fell to the ground, then ran off when Tempest blasted at him from his hidden vantage point. The Autobots pressed the attack and the Decepticons retreated soon after.

Tempest waited until all Decepticons and Autobots were out of sight and detection range and Destroyer and Slipstream had returned to headquarters.

Tempest slowly walked over to Optimus Prime, who was still in pain and barely alive. The Autobots hadn't noticed him as he had fallen into a deep crater. Tempest took a vial of acetonium out of his chest compartment and gently put some onto Optimus' wounds, which started to heal them.

Optimus Prime began to open his eyes. "Ohhh... that was some blast."

Tempest helped him to sit up. "Okay?"

"Tempest ..." Optimus said, surprised. "... But you were fighting on the Decepticons side today..."

"I know, Prime ... But no matter what side fighting on, you always my friend."

Optimus Prime smiled warmly, feeling his strength returning. Tempest helped him up.

"Thank you."

"It's all right, Prime."

"I see you didn't kill Soundwave."

"Almost did - hurt him a lot. Was going to kill him, but remembered what you told me and not sure at first if wanted to kill him. We had very long talk. I understand him better now. Don't know if forgive."

Optimus Prime smiled gently. "It'll take time if you feel you can forgive him."

"Megatron found out who I was too," Tempest said. "Said would kill me if hurt Soundwave again."

"He cares about Soundwave a lot."

"I know ... now ..."

"Now that Megatron knows who you are," said Optimus Prime, "are you still frightened of him?"

"A little."

"Tempest, you can join the Autobots if you want to. You're most welcome."

"Thank you, Prime ... but don't want to be part of any allegiance. Not mean to offend..."

"You haven't, Tempest."

"More suited to 'Bots than 'Cons," Tempest said, "but would rather not be fighting at all."

"Tell me about it. I understand, Tempest."

"I know, Prime ... even though not join 'Bots you always my dearest friend."

Tempest gave him a gentle, sincere hug, which the Autobot leader returned.

Tempest returned to Destroyer's headquarters and he decided it was time he told his friends about his past.





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