Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic.

Summary: Skyline's story. Skyline created by Seawave

Rating - PG




Skyline was a small Decepticon - a good spy. He liked espionage. He was a show pony, loved attention and praise and always tried to be better than anyone else, hence his unpopularity with the other Decepticons - and not to mention Autobots. Megatron tolerated him, because Skyline was good at what he did. Skyline showed off a lot and quite often teased the other Decepticons and used them to get his own way.

"I hate that little Skyline ..." snarled Brawl.

"Yeah" said Blitzwing. "I wish the Autobots would kill 'im. I wish we could kill 'im, but he's Megatron's new pet. "

After one battle, Skyline was captured by the Autobots. He had been wounded in the battle and left unconscious.

"Look, Brawl!" exclaimed Blitzwing. "The Autobots've got Skyline!"

Blast Off laughed loud. "Good! Hope they annihilate 'im!"

And they left Skyline to his fate.

Skyline regained consciousness and realised where he was.


"He's awake," said Brainstorm.

"Good" said Hardhead roughly. "Let's kill him ..."

Hardhead put his finger on his trigger and started to enter Skyline's cell.

"Hardhead," said Optimus Prime, somewhat angrily, "We are not Decepticons. Brainstorm, interrogate him." Optimus walked into the main control room.

Hardhead went into the cell. Skyline looked up and hoped nothing happened to him. The Autobot pointed his gun at him.

"Tell us all the Decepticons plans."

"We don't have any."

"I'm warnin' you ... Y' better tell me..." said Hardhead

"We don't have any ..." said Skyline again, shivering.

The Autobot shot near Skyline.

"Don't ..."

"Tell me and I won't shoot ..."

"I already told you we don't have any ..."

"He wouldn't tell me - said they didn't have any... Let's just kill and be done with it," Hardhead said.

"But he's so small ..." said Beachcomber.

"So what? He's a Decepticon. "Let's kill him."

"No" said Beachcomber.

"Who cares what he is? He's a Decepticon and we should kill him."

"No!" said Beachcomber angry. "He's a child, so he can learn to care for others like some of us."

"You must be utterly defective! He's a Decepticon. He doesn't care about anything but himself. You couldn't teach a Decepticon to care about anything! It's impossible! It's just the way they are, Beachcomber. They don't care about anybody but themselves."

"He's just a child, Hardhead ... I know the older ones are like that and it may be too late for them, but since Skyline's a child it's not too late ..."

"You're an idiot," said Hardhead, walking away in a huff. He hated Decepticons and all they stood for - why should he care about them?

Beachcomber watched him go, upset how Hardhead was always so ruthless.

Skyline was hiding his fear as best he could. He had realised he was quite hungry. Later, Optimus Prime came in and could see the Decepticon was frightened and low on energy and brought him a small Energon cube.

"Thank you," he said, drinking it.

Optimus nodded, and walked out of the cell.

Later, Hardhead saw Skyline in the cell, fully energised.

That stupid Beachcomber's been in here ... he thought angrily and he stormed off to find Beachcomber. He found him in his room.

"Why did you give that Decepticon energy?" he demanded angrily.


"You know what I mean."

"No - I don't."

"Don't lie to me, Beachcomber."

"I'm not Hardhead. I honestly haven't got a clue what you're on about."

"Don't lie. You do know!"

"Like chill out!"

Hardhead couldn't control his temper. He slapped Beachcomber across his face. Beachcomber fell onto the floor. He slowly stood up and tried to ignore Hardhead and started to tidy his quarters. Hardhead slapped him harder. Beachcomber slipped and fell onto the floor again. He started to stand, but Hardhead kicked him. Beachcomber gasped, and Hardhead looked at him on the floor. He hadn't meant to kick Beachcomber that hard.

"Sorry" he said.

"Like get lost!" yelled Beachcomber, putting his arm over his stomach.

"I didn't mean it," he said, trying his best to sound gentle, which came out rather awkward.

He said, "Fine. Apology accepted, but I didn't give any energy to Skyline."

Hardhead sighed. "Don't lie. I know you did. I'm gettin' out of here before I lose my temper again ..."

Angrily, Hardhead left.

Meanwhile, at Decepticon headquarters ...

"hmph!" Astrotrain laughed. "I wonder what the Autobots've done to him ..."

Blitzwing was drinking an Energon cube. "I don't know and I don't care," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed the food. "I hope they killed him."

"Yeah" added Brawl.

No one came into Skyline's cell for days. Skyline was feeling quite neglected and starving. He'd never been so hungry in his life before. He was used to energy being there at his beck and call.

Hardhead came into the Decepticon's cell.

Skyline looked up.

"Please ..." he said. "I need something to eat."

Hardhead laughed. "Hah! I wouldn't feed you for the universe! You're a Decepticon and I'm an Autobot. You don't care about anybody but yourself. Why should I help you?"

Hardhead kicked him. Skyline gasped, and crashed into the wall. Hardhead was coming toward him.

"No ... Please ... Leave me alone ..."

Hardhead kicked him again harder. Skyline tried to get away.

He dodged Hardhead's next kick and made for the door, but it was locked. Hardhead smiled and came for him.

"Don't hurt me ..."

Hardhead relentlessly kicked him. Skyline vomited and wished Hardhead would stop, but Hardhead was right, he was a Decepticon and didn't care about anyone but himself and it was also very hard to think while someone was trying to kick you to death. Skyline's skin split open. He screamed with pain.


Hardhead stopped and thought of all the disgusting ways he could kill Skyline. He felt like ripping all his circuits out. Hardhead put his hand on Skyline's warm circuits. Skyline was petrified. He put his hand on Hardhead's wrist.

"Please ..." he said, looking into Hardhead's eyes, almost crying.

Hardhead looked at Skyline then he looked at his hand. He took it off Skyline's circuits and wiped the blood off. Hardhead looked at Skyline and was somewhat shocked at the damage he'd done.

Dang! There I go ... losin' it again!

Not that he wanted to, but Hardhead had to repair Skyline before Optimus Prime found out. Hardhead took him to the repair bay and reluctantly began to repair him.

Hardhead wasn't a medic by profession, but he's learned some tricks of the trade as a soldier. Hardhead discovered the Decepticon had lost quite a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. Hardhead went to the chemical nutrient storage room and performed a scan. Many of the Autobots had different blood types which weren't compatible, nut Hardhead found one which was almost a perfect match. Optimus Prime's. He took a cylinder back to the repair bay. There he closely examined the blood samples. There wasn't much of a difference, except Skyline's was younger. Hardhead completed the transfusion process and put Skyline back together. The Decepticon slowly began to wake up.

"Ohh ... Thanks for repairing me."

Hardhead looked at Skyline, but didn't say anything.

He then said, "Do not tell Optimus Prime or any other Autobot what I did to you ... Or I'll ..."

"Okay ... Okay ... " said Skyline, starting to feel frightened again. Obviously what Megatron told him about all the Autobots being weak wimps was a crock of shit.

A few hours later, Optimus Prime came into Skyline's cell in the morning.

"Here's another cube for you," Optimus said. "Sorry I didn't come sooner."

Skyline nodded and hungrily drank the cube.

Hardhead was walking past at the time and heard what Optimus had said.

So it wasn't Beachcomber who gave him the energy. Boy do I feel like a doofus.

Hardhead swallowed his pride and apologised to Beachcomber.

"It's all right, but like lighten up, okay and like keep a lid on that temper of yours - you ain't always right, you know."

Hardhead nodded. "Yeah - it does kinda get the better of me a lot of the time..."

A few hours later, Arcee was walking past the prison cells and was accidentally shot by a faulty immobiliser laser beam and couldn't move. The immobiliser beam was designed to immobilise enemies, if they happened to break free and do a runner. The beam was then programmed to stun the enemies, but it was faulty, and had set itself to kill ...

"How do I get myself into these situations!?" Arcee hid her fear.

Skyline was what had happened through the small window in his cell door. Somehow he didn't want her to get destroyed and wanted to help her, but couldn't get out of his cell. He watched helplessly.


"Hang on, Arcee!" called Springer running toward her.

He fired at the immobiliser beam, but his blast had no effect. The cannon was about to fire at Arcee. And she saw Springer about to pounce.

"No, Springer!"

Springer heroically jumped in between the destructor beam and Arcee. The destructor beam hit Springer. Arcee screeched Skyline gasped. He couldn't believe it. Springer had risked his life or -gave his life for Arcee. Skyline hoped Springer was okay. The cannon self destructed, due to the malfunction. Arcee stood and ran to Springer. She knelt down beside him. Springer wasn't moving.

"You stupid lummox!" Arcee yelled, keeping tears back. "Why'd y' go and do a stupid thing like that for!"

Arcee called the medics. First Aid, Ratchet and Hoist to look at him while Wheeljack and Grapple cleaned up the destroyed cannon.

Ratchet took a look at Springer.

"Hmm ... We may not be able to repair him ... It'll be very hard."

"Do your best," Arcee said sadly.

"You got it," promised Hoist, and they carried Springer away.

Skyline hoped Springer was going to be all right - and he noticed something - He was feeling concerned for another - an Autobot off all people! He'd never felt concerned for anyone except himself before. He smiled. It was a strange, but not unpleasant feeling.

"Ohh ... what the hell happened? ..."

"Springer!!" exclaimed Arcee. "Thanks, but that was a stupid thing to do!"

Springer smiled. "Saving you stupid - I doubt that!" He grabbed her and she laughed and kissed him.

"Thanks, Ratchet," she said to Ratchet as she hugged her boyfriend.

The Doc smiled.

A few minutes later Arcee and Springer were walking past the cells.

"See - it destroyed itself," Arcee said. "Wheeljack and Grapple took it totally out of commission and are going to build a more stable one."

Skyline smiled, glad both Springer and Arcee were fully functional.

"Thanks f'r riskin' y'r life for me, Springer," said Arcee.

"I had to, Darl, I couldn't let you die. What about our fun times?!"

"But if you died we wouldn't have any fun time, dummy!"

Springer smiled. Arcee grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder. She jumped on top of him. Springer threw her off. They loved playing roughly. It looked as though they were fighting for their lives!

Skyline watched from the cell. He smiled at how they played. It looked like fun!

Optimus Prime was thinking about Skyline. The Autobots didn't need him and he had noted the change in the young Decepticon's attitude. "You see I told you he could change ..." said Beachcomber.

Hardhead nodded. A million things flew through his head, but all he could say was, "I'm sorry."

Beachcomber nodded. "It's cool."

Optimus Prime released Skyline. Skyline thanked him and flew back to Decepticon headquarters.

The Decepticons were still wondering about Skyline.

"They musta destroyed him by now," said Brawl. "He's been gone for more than a week!"

Megatron was also thinking about Skyline. He hoped the young'un hadn't been destroyed by the Autobots. "Yes," he said. "Perhaps they have, a pity, he was a good spy."

Skyline flew into Decepticon headquarters moments. Brawl dropped the glass frame that he was holding. It smashed on the floor.

"Sorry Brawl ..." Skyline said.

Brawl looked even more surprised. Since when was Skyline sorry for anything?

"It's okay ..." Brawl blurted.

Astrotrain and Blitzwing were in one of the control rooms. Skyline came in. Blitzwing almost passed out.

Shit it! Why didn't they destroy him? ...

"Why do you think the Autobots didn't destroy you? Did they think you were too beautiful too?" asked Astrotrain sarcastically.

Skyline laughed at Astrotrain's joke. "No they just let me go."

Astrotrain and Blitzwing were both surprised. Skyline would usually get very angry and threaten them if they made jokes about him. Why The sudden change? Did he want something?

"Are you okay?" asked Astrotrain, not sure of an answer.

"Yeah" replied Skyline happily and smiling. "I'm fine."

Blitzwing in tank mode, tried to ignore Skyline and get back to his target practice. He tried blast the target board.

"Shit!" he exclaimed. "My gun won't fire!"

"I'll repair it for you, Blitzwing, If I can" offered Skyline.

He hopped into Blitzwing and tried to see what was wrong with his gun. He saw the fault and quickly repaired it. Skyline hopped out of Blitzwing. He repaired a small dent in the outer barrel of Blitzwing's gun. Skyline was in front of the tank gun barrel. Blitzwing thought of blasting him to pieces, but didn't want to, for some reason. Skyline seemed much nicer than the asshole he usually was and he had also wilfully repaired his gun. Skyline jumped off Blitzwing. Blitzwing resumed target practice. Skyline left them for his quarters.

"Will ya look at that," Astrotrain said, amazed. "The little bugger's actually likeable now. What did the Autobots do to him? Heh! At least the Autobots're good for somethin'!"

Megatron shook his head, stifling a smile.


Skyline lay on the bed in his quarters, glad to be a changed person for the better. Perhaps one day, he would discover what it really is to have a friend and people to care for him.

Even though he was a Decepticon, Skyline was grateful to the Autobots for the positive changes in his life.



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