Disclaimers: Saint George (Lucasfilm) crated the Star Wars Universe.  Lucasfilm owned by Disney. George Lucas created the Star Wars Universe. Movies by 20th Century Fox/Disney. I make no Republic Datari {Credits}, Peggats, Truguts, Wupiupi, etc from my fanfic/fanart/fanfunnies.  Story written purely for enjoyment and the only profit I make is the happiness my writing brings.   The Force is With You Always :)


Summary:  Obi-Wan stages a daring attempt to rescue his Master from the Sith.



Rating PG






                                                        SILENT STRENGTH



It had been six months since his Master had been captured.  Obi-Wan had been at his wits end to find him and now he had.  He had warned his Master that it was a trap, but Qui-Gon went anyway.


Obi-Wan had stolen Darth Sidious' starship and borrowed his identity.  He practiced for weeks getting the accent right, and hiding his feelings. It had not been easy, but his Master stood a better chance that Obi-Wan barging in, neither of them would likely survive.  Obi-Wan felt his Master growing weaker by the day.

  "I'm coming, Master," he said softly.  Qui-Gon was too weak to hear him even with the Force.


Obi-Wan was grateful the journey had been uneventful as he docked Sidious' starship at the Sith base.  As he expected Maul had come to greet him.

  "Master, I trust you had a pleasant journey."

  "Quite," Obi-Wan said in Darth Sidious' voice.  The mask although it fit well, felt uncomfortable.

He walked to the main control room, his black cape trailing behind him.

  "What of the Jedi prisoner?" he asked Maul.

  "I'd be surprised if he was still alive."

  "Bring him."


  "I do not like loose ends, Maul.   You can deal with him."

  "Why couldn't I have dealt with him six months ago?"

  "Insolent worm!" Obi-Wan hissed in Sidious voice. He was surprised how easily acting came to him.  "And fetch his lightsabre."

Maul cringed.  Obi-Wan almost smiled.

  "I wanted him to suffer," 'Sidious' said, though Obi-Wan found those words difficult to say he did not falter.

 "He's hardly a match for me in his condition." Maul said with a sneer.

  "Do I have to ask you again?"

  "N … no, Master."

Sidious was the one person Maul was afraid of and Obi-Wan was enjoying it immensely, though he was careful to hide his true feelings.  Hate poured off Maul. Obi-Wan was repulsed by it like so much putrid rotting flesh.

Maul returned with Qui-Gon's lightsabre, which Obi-Wan took.


He went down to the prison cell and was shocked with what he saw when Maul illuminated the cell, but he kept his cool.  His Master lay on the floor, in a terrible shape, alive but very weak.  The stench of rotting flesh that Obi-Wan was relieved to see was leftovers from scraps of food he had been thrown down the shaft. 

Maul smiled.  "Get up, Jedi."

Qui-Gon sat up slowly, his eyes squinting in the light.  He stood shakily, using the wall for support.

  "Hurry up," Maul snapped.

Obi-Wan would have lightsabred him, but he kept calm.  His Master looked haggard, his hair very long and tattered, his clothes filthy.


  "You smell like a rotting bantha corpse," Maul hissed when they walked along the corridor.

  "That's kind of you," Qui-Gon said softly.  "I would have said Ewok."

Maul hit him.  Qui-Gon fell to his knees. Maul was about to strike him again.

  "Enough," 'Sidious' called.  "You can have your fun with our guest later.  Go and train while he cleans himself up."

  "Train?" Maul growled.  "I do not need to-"

A glare from 'his Master' had Maul scurrying off to the training area.  Obi-Wan glared after him as he lead his Master to his stolen starship.  Qui-Gon welcomed the change in scenery, but it did not help thinking he was going to die.  Where was Obi-Wan he wondered.  He'd vaguely sensed his Padawan, but he was not sure.

  "You will get yourself cleaned up," Obi-Wan said harshly.  "Food will be provided for you to recover some of your strength, after all, it will hardly be a challenge, will it?"

  "Thank you," was all Qui-Gon said.

It amazed Obi-Wan at how calm his Master was and how polite in the face of his enemies.

Qui-Gon was vaguely aware that 'Darth Sidious' was leading him to the docking bay.

  "Why are we going this way?" he asked, curious.

  "Do not ask questions."

Qui-Gon fell silent.  Obi-Wan opened the hatch and led his Master inside, before he closed it, breathing a sigh of relief.  Qui-Gon grew more puzzled.

  "It's all right, Master," Obi-Wan spoke in his own voice, taking off the mask.

Qui-Gon stared in disbelief, then relief washed over him.  "You came."

  "Of course I did," Obi-Wan said with a smile.  "I'm only sorry it took me so long."

Qui-Gon placed his arms around his Padawan.  "I should have sensed you…"

  "I've been practicing the Sidious act for weeks and in your condition, Master, do not feel hard on yourself for not sensing me."


Maul had discovered something fishy was going on, and rushed to the docking bay to see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan inside the hatch.  Obi- Wan placed his arms around his Master.  From Maul's angle it looked at though his Master was hugging a Jedi and he did the only thing he could.  Laugh.  But he realised he would not be laughing once his real Master returned.  Maul realised the Jedi would be long gone before he could man the laser cannons and spat bitterly on the floor.  Obi-Wan looked at him and smiled.


When they had departed, the young Jedi activated the cloaking device, he did not want to attract any unwanted attention.  His Master sat at the table.

  "I can't thank you enough, Padawan … Despite the fact that what you did was very dangerous."

  "I know, Master, but it was the only way to save you.  I'd gladly risk my life for you as you have done many times for me."

  "Thank you again, Obi-Wan."

  "My pleasure, now let us get you something to eat, I bet they hardly fed you."

Qui-Gon shook his head.  "A few scraps a month, and most of them were rancid."

Obi-Wan glowered.  "I've reconstituted two tabouleh salads for us." He set down two largish bowls and a pitcher of crisp water.

  "Thank you, but strangely enough I'm not hungry."

  "Master, you've hardly eaten in six months.  I bet there was no water either."

Qui-Gon shook his head.

   "It's amazing that you survived."

  "At least there was air," Qui-Gon said.  "We must thank the Force for small mercies, Padawan."

Obi-Wan nodded.  "Yes, Master, but they treated you like an animal. I've a good mind to shove them in separate cells for six months without food or water and see how they fare."

   "We are not Sith, Obi-Wan."

  "I know, but they just make me so angry.  Yes I know anger leads to the Dark Side, Master, but after what they did to you…"

  "I would feel the same had they done it to you," Qui-Gon confessed.  "I am very tired, Padawan.  I must rest.  The hard floor in that cell was not comfortable at all.  It was quite cold and near the engine room, which was hardly ever silent."

  "I'm so sorry, Master," Obi-Wan wanted to cry.  "How could they do this to you?"

  "I'm here now, Obi-Wan, that is the past."

But somehow Obi-Wan could sense his Master was still haunted by the horrible experience.

  "Let me check the auto pilot," he said.  "I'll be back soon."

Qui-Gon nodded as his Padawan left.  When Obi-Wan returned he found his Master had eaten both bowls of salad and drank the entire pitcher of water.

  "I thought you said you weren't hungry," he said with a smile.

  "I didn't think I was, I was just going to have a nibble.  It seems my stomach got used to not having food.  I'm sorry, I should have left one for you, I …"

  "It's all right, Master, you needed it a lot more than I did, and besides there's more where that came from."

  "If you don't mind I'd like a shower before I retire."

  "I can do better than that, Master, this ship has a bath.  I'm sorry that it's Darth Sidious bath room though."

Qui-Gon smiled.  "It will do for now and I need a scissors to cut my hair.  It's grown far too long and I look like a mangled bantha."

Obi-Wan smiled and led his Master to the bathroom. He found a pair of scissors in the draw.

  "Let me do that," he said.

Carefully he cut his Master's hair to its normal length.

Slowly, he brushed his Master's hair after thoroughly cleansing the brush.

  "That feels better," Qui-Gon said. "Thank you."

Obi-Wan ran a bath for his Master as Qui-Gon undressed, letting his soled clothing fall to the floor.  He stepped into the warm water and sighed.

  "Sometimes I would dream of a bath when I could sleep," he said.

Obi-Wan embraced his Master and kissed his cheek.

  "You always told me not to take anything for granted."  He bundled his Master's soiled clothes into the wall unit to cleanse them and left his Master be.

Qui-Gon smiled as he lowered himself into the welcoming water.  He did not want to think that Darth Sidious had also used this bathtub, for now it was a rare gift.  The water welcomed him as he washed away dirt from his body and his hair.  AT first he was surprised at how dirty his hair and beard was, but not having bathed or showered in six months he realised it must be normal for that amount of time.


Obi-Wan reconstituted another salad and ate it quickly.  There were two starships in the vicinity.  Obi-Wan readied the weapons juts in case. Fortunately they had paid the cloaked ship no heed.  Obi-Wan was later relieved to note they were civilian ships which would not have given him any trouble in any case.


Qui-Gon emerged from the bath and used the auto dry.  He donned his now spotless clothes.  He was disgusted with the state of the water of the bath, but then it had been his first bath in over six months, through no fault of his own.


He left the bathroom and found Obi-Wan in the dining area of the ship.

  "Master, you look wonderful."

  "I feel like a zillion credits."

Obi-Wan smiled.

  "Amazing what a little food and a bath can do," Qui-Gon said, "But now I must rest.  For a year or two at least."

Obi-Wan smiled, leading his Master to the sleeping area.  This ship was indeed luxurious.

His master lay on the bed and sighed.  "A bed …"

Obi-Wan smiled again.  "I'm sorry for talking these things for grated while you suffered, Master, I will never again."

He sat down on the bed next to his Master.  Qui-Gon placed his arms around his Padawan.  Obi-Wan sensed his Master needed rest now more than anything else, he could barely keep his eyes open.  Obi-Wan stood and turned off the light.  A wave of panic overtook Qui-Gon.

  "Master?" Obi-Wan turned on the light.

  "I'm sorry, Padawan, it was so dark in there …" Qui-Gon sighed.  "A Jedi Master who's afraid of the dark …"

Once again Obi-Wan sat by his Master's side.  "Master, you had a horrid ordeal.  Do not be ashamed."

Qui-Gon sighed.

  "Would you like me to leave the light on?"

Qui-Gon nodded.  "For now."

Obi-Wan increased the illumination a little more.   Qui-Gon winced.

  "I'm sorry… too much, your eyes will need time to adjust."   He decreased the illumination, lighting thr room in a dim light.

  "That's fine," Qui-Gon said.

  "Would you like me to stay with you?"

The Jedi Master nodded.  "Just until I fall asleep."

  "All right, Master," Obi-Wan said, holding his hand.  "And when you wake, just call me."

Qui-Gon lowered himself into the bed and placed his head on the pillow and sighed, grateful to have a bed to sleep in even if it was not his own.  Qui-Gon fell asleep in an instant.  Obi-Wan stayed with his Master for an hour after he had fallen asleep, before returning to the communications area.


Meanwhile, Darth Maul stood shakily after having been electrocuted by his Master.

  "He must have been good to have fooled you," Sidious said.

Maul glowered.


Obi-Wan opened a channel to the Sith. 

Darth Sidious smiled.  "So you're the one who stole my ship."

  "Yes, and after I dock it will go to be analysed."

  "To what do we owe this pleasure, young Jedi?"

The young Jedi glowered.  "I think you know.  Around four hours ago I rescued my Master from what I could only describe as hideous conditions."

Sidious said nothing.

  "He was trapped in a cell without food or water for six months."

  "It's a wonder he survived.  Very resilient your Master."

Obi-Wan realised that was as best a compliment as he was ever going to get from this man.

  "Yes, he is, but that doesn't change the fact that you treated him like an animal.  In fact worse.  I wouldn't even treat a Rancour the way you treated my Master.  There wasn't even a lavatory in the cell.  I wonder how you and your blasted apprentice would fare in those conditions.  I doubt you'd survive.  I doubt you care that it was cold and noisy in the cell either."

  "You should be happy that your Master was alive."

  "He came to you seeking peace, and you threw him into a prison cell."

  "We could have killed him."

  "Let me guess, you wanted him to suffer."


  "There's a code of conduct even between enemies that you two broke, I doubt you care about that, but what goes around comes around."

And with that Obi-Wan cut communication.


Qui-Gon slept for four days solid before he awoke and had another bath.

  "Master, it's so good to see you up and about again."

Qui-Gon smiled.  "It's great to be up and about again without the confines of that accursed prison cell."

  "I gave the Sith a piece of my mind."

Qui-Gon smiled.  "I sensed it while I slept. Good for you and thank you."

  "My pleasure, Master.  Now I bet you're hungry."

Qui-Gon nodded as he sat down for another salad.


When they arrived, Qui-Gon was greeted by his Jedi friends at the Temple, all quite surprised at how he had survived his ordeal.  After the hub-hub had died down, Qui-Gon was becoming tired again and Obi-Wan lead his Master to their quarters.


And this time Qui-Gon slept in the dark, without incident.


When he awoke, Obi-Wan was kneeling by his bedside.  Qui-Gon placed his arms around his Padawan.  "Thank you … You gave me strength, Obi-Wan  thinking of you, your youth, your resolve, it was more than the Force which kept me alive in there."

Obi-Wan returned the embrace and gently kissed his Master's forehead.

  "It's wonderful to have you back, Master."

Qui-Gon kissed his Padawan's head.  "It's wonderful to be back."







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