Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic/fanart.

Summary: Ultra Magnus' Sacrifice.

Rating - PG



{For Claudia}


Night time.

Blasts shook Autobot headquarters, disturbing the peaceful stillness. The Autobots were under attack by the Decepticons. They hated violence and didn't want to fight, but felt they had to, to defend themselves, and more importantly, the Universe.

Optimus Prime saw the Decepticons attacking the defenceless, humans.

"This is not the Humans' war. Remember that even if it costs us our lives. We must protect them all."

The Autobots all respected Optimus Prime's compassion. They counter attacked the Decepticons.

"What's this senseless violence all about?" asked Ultra Magnus sadly, wanting the whole war to end.

The battle raged on and on. No side appeared to be winning.

Ultra Magnus hated violence, but had to fight. He felt it was his duty to and was willing to sacrifice himself for his friends if he needed to. He was extremely courageous and caring for others. He was trying to lead the humans to safety.

"Move back," he said gently. "We don't want any of you to get hurt."

He managed to get all the Humans to safety inside Autobot headquarters, then knelt down.

"Stay here until the battle finishes" he said to them. "Be careful."

That's all the Humans ... I hope they'll be all right.

Ultra Magnus looked to the battle ground and saw, a little girl, a few meters away, crawling on her knees in the mud. He gasped and ran as fast as he could to her. He had to get her to safety. The Decepticon jet, Cyclonus blasted at the girl with his oxidating laser. Ultra Magnus heroically threw himself between the laser and the girl. The blast was extremely painful. Ultra Magnus, hoped the girl was all right, before he crashed onto the ground. She was, thankfully and relieved, but very frightened. What if she had been killed? .... And Ultra Magnus? Was he alive? She hoped so. Cyclonus blasted Ultra Magnus three more times. The girl screamed.

It was brave of Magnus to save her, thought Cyclonus, but why sacrifice himself for a pathetic human?

Cyclonus was about to blast Ultra Magnus again, but was forced to retreat, by Optimus Prime, who blasted him. The Autobots finally managed to win the battle and the Decepticons retreated.

Optimus Prime ran to Ultra Magnus. He wasn't moving. The human child was crying.

"He .... he threw himself in front of me and was shot ...." she said sadly.

Optimus gently picked her up. He could feel her shivering and comforted her. "Are you all right?"

She nodded, still shaken by what had happened.

"Ultra Magnus .... Is he?"

"I don't know" said Optimus Prime. "Lets hope he's all right. What's your name?" he asked.

"Claudia," she replied. Optimus took her inside, hoping Ultra Magnus was all right. Two other Autobots, Ironhide and Grapple helped carry him inside.

The other humans were also concerned for Ultra Magnus and respected his sacrifice. They hoped he was all right and were escorted home by the Autobots.

Ironhide and Grapple took Ultra Magnus to a room and laid him gently on a metal bed.

"I hope he's all right" said Grapple sadly.

"I hope so too" said Ironhide. "He always thinks of others before he thinks of himself."

"That's Ultra Magnus" said Grapple. "I hope he survives."

Sadly, they walked out of the room.

Optimus walked past them with Claudia.

"How's Ultra Magnus?" he asked.

"He's still unconscious," said Grapple. "We don't even know if he's alive."

Claudia felt very guilty and upset - as if it was all her fault. Optimus hoped his friend pulled through. He too was very upset. He went to Ultra Magnus with Claudia.

You'll make it, old friend .... he thought.

Although Optimus Prime felt very upset about Ultra Magnus, he honoured his sacrifice and knew he'd have done the same. Ultra Magnus slowly began to regain consciousness.

"Ohh ..... What happened?" he asked weakly.


"Prime ...."

"You're all right" he said, relieved.

Claudia gasped with happiness and felt her guilt ease. Optimus gently picked her up.

"I'm glad you're okay ...." said Ultra Magnus.

"Thank you for saving me, but sorry for all the trouble. I...."

"No. It's all right. I couldn't let him kill you ...." said Ultra Magnus weakly. "I had to save you." He held Claudia gently in his hand, feeling proud of what he had done, then laid back down on the bed, still very weak from Cyclonus' blasts. He fell unconscious again.

"Come on, Claudia," said Optimus Prime. "He still feels very weak. Let him rest for a while."

Claudia nodded and followed Optimus Prime out of the room.

The next morning, Optimus and another Autobot, Perceptor went to Ultra Magnus.

"Will he survive, Perceptor?" asked Optimus, hopefully.

Perceptor examined Ultra Magnus.

"I don't know. He's suffered severe internal damage. We couldn't try to repair him yet, if we do, we'll only damage him further. He may not survive."

Both Optimus Prime and Perceptor were very upset. Ultra Magnus was a good friend and didn't deserve to die.

"I really can't tell at this stage if he'll survive," said Perceptor. "He was severely damaged. We'll have to wait.... and hope."

Optimus Prime nodded, hoping Ultra Magnus would survive.

They both left the room.

Ultra Magnus was barely alive. A few hours after Perceptor and Prime had left, he slowly opened his eyes, still very weak. He was grateful that Claudia was alive. That was his main concern. He didn't want to die, but if he did, he would've died to save an innocent child's life. Claudia's life was worth more to Ultra Magnus than his own. He weakly sat up on the bed.

"Ohhh ....."

His whole body felt more and more painful.

A few minutes later, Ultra Magnus was feeling tired. He didn't want to rest, but grew weaker and weaker the more he tried to stay awake.

The next morning, Optimus Prime and Perceptor came into the room. Perceptor examined Ultra Magnus for quite a long time.

Optimus Prime was getting worried.

"Well?" he asked at last. "Is Ultra Magnus going to survive?"

Optimus wasn't sure he wanted an answer.

Perceptor hesitated. He didn't want to answer. There was a long silence. They both were shivering inside.

A tear rolled gently down Perceptor's cheek.


Optimus closed his eyes. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't believe it. He very much respected Ultra Magnus' sacrifice, but wished he was alive. Optimus couldn't explain how much he respected Ultra Magnus', or the emotional pain he was feeling now. It hurt more then any physical pain. Optimus knew that every Autobot would want to do the same if they had to and they all respected Ultra Magnus' sacrifice. Optimus looked at the life support machine. The lines were wavy, but barely. Ultra Magnus was dying.

"We all honour and respect your sacrifice, Ultra Magnus," said Optimus Prime, hoping Ultra Magnus could hear him.

Ultra Magnus faintly heard Optimus Prime's words. He felt extremely weak and wanted to speak to his friends, but sadly realised it was impossible. He was too weak, even to cry. Optimus then commended Ultra Magnus as the most courageous Autobot. The Autobot City Commander felt very honoured, but couldn't show it. He wanted to thank Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime could feel inside him what Ultra Magnus was feeling. He wanted to hear his friend speak, but sadly realised he couldn't.

"You will always be remembered, Ultra Magnus" he said.

Ultra Magnus tried desperately to say something.

Extremely weakly and faintly he managed to say, "thank you...."

Optimus Prime looked at his friend. He held Ultra Magnus' hand gently in his two hands. Optimus could feel what Ultra Magnus was feeling. This was an extremely upsetting, emotional moment.

Optimus Prime looked at the life support system. The lines were growing straighter. Optimus hated feeling helpless. His friend was dying and there was nothing he could do to help him. A tear rolled gently down his cheek and splashed onto Ultra Magnus' body. That was the last thing Ultra Magnus felt before the lines of the life support system went dead straight.

"You will always be remembered, Ultra Magnus," said Optimus softly and sincere.

They both knew Ultra Magnus would never hear that. Sadly, they walked out of the room.

Optimus gathered all the Autobots together. Sadly he told them Ultra Magnus' fate. There wasn't a dry pair of optical sensors in Autobot headquarters and there wasn't a single Autobot that didn't believe in and respect Ultra Magnus. They all honoured him.

Claudia didn't know Ultra Magnus had died. She was hoping he was alive and was very worried. She went to Optimus Prime.

"Optimus, Ultra Magnus, is he ...."

Optimus sadly shook his head. He was crying. Claudia began to cry too.

"Why did he have to die? ....." she asked sadly. "He didn't deserve to."

"I know," said Optimus Prime softly, sadly. He gently picked up Claudia. "But we all honour his devotion and sacrifice."

"I honour him too, Optimus," she said. "Ohh ... but I wish he hadn't died ....."

"So do we all, but he would've sacrificed himself for anyone in need, and in this case it was for you. And I would have done the same."

Claudia felt important, but at the same time, very guilty. Optimus Prime could see that.

"Don't feel guilty, Claudia. It was Ultra Magnus' choice, not yours. He would feel guilty if you had died. He chose to give his life for you. Be grateful you're alive."

"Thank you, Prime. I am grateful, but I want Ultra Magnus to be alive too."

"We all do, but if he was alive, you wouldn't be. I wish you both were alive."

"So do I."

Claudia could see that Optimus cared a lot about her. She hoped no other Autobots died for her.

She then went into the room where Ultra Magnus' body was lying. She was very upset.

"Magnus ..... why? .... Why? .... You sacrificed yourself just for me. I'm not that important .... It was extremely loyal, caring brave and courageous .... There's millions of words I could use to describe your valiant action. Thank you, Ultra Magnus. I love you."

Claudia paused for a while. Then she said, "I'll always honour, respect and praise your action, Ultra Magnus, and I'll always love you."

Tears poured out of her eyes. She then left the room.

Claudia thanked Optimus for caring about her and reassuring her.

"It's all right," he said gently.

In the room, Ultra Magnus was lying on the bed. The lines on the life support machine were all straight. All of a sudden, it exploded. The explosion hit blew Ultra Magnus off the bed. It took a while to calm down. Ultra Magnus, on the floor, opened his optical sensors, amazed and grateful the machine had overloaded.

Optimus Prime was by himself in a small darkish room. Ultra Magnus came entered the room. Optimus Prime had his back to him.

"Magnus .... Why did it have to be you .... Why not me?"

"It was my choice, Prime."


Optimus Prime couldn't believe his optical or audio sensors.

"How did you?"

Ultra Magnus explained to him.

Optimus smiled and gave him a gentle, friendly hug.

"Glad to have you back, my friend."

"Great to be back."

The Autobots were all in the main control room talking about how brave, caring and courageous Ultra Magnus was. They all were very upset about what had happened to him.

Optimus Prime came into the control room with Ultra Magnus. None of the Autobots could believe it. Ultra Magnus explained to them what had happened. They were all overjoyed and grateful to have him back. At that moment, Claudia came into the control, room to see Optimus Prime.

"ULTRA MAGNUS!!" she screamed, not believing her eyes.

Ultra Magnus explained to her what had happened.

"Ohh .... Thank you for ...."

"That's all right, Claudia, I had to. "

She smiled. "I'm so glad you're alive."

Ultra Magnus smiled at her. "So am I."

He gave Claudia a lift home.

"Thank you," she said. "Sorry, Ultra Magnus ...."

She then began to cry.

"It's all right, Claudia," said Ultra Magnus. "It's my duty to protect all innocent life."

Claudia smiled and kissed his dashboard.

"Oooh, thanks!"

She smiled. "Thanks, Magnus."


Ultra Magnus returned to Autobot headquarters.

All the Autobots would always honour Ultra Magnus' supreme sacrifice. They would always remember, respect and love him. His sacrifice would inspire them, commanding their love, honour and respect. Ultra Magnus' love, care and supreme sacrifice would live in the hearts of all. And it was this honour which was the strength of the Autobots.



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