Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic/fanart.

Summary: Optimus Prime is changed into a human to learn more about them.

Rating - PG




"Ironhide," said Optimus Prime. "I really want to learn more about humans. I need to use our Transformer/Human transporter to convert me into a human. Can you please program a destination? You can contact me there."

"Right on, Prime."

Ironhide punched in the co-ordinates and fired the beam at Optimus Prime.

"Ahh ... W ... Wait! ... " he exclaimed, suddenly. "There's a malfunction ... There's no telling what'll happen or where you'll end up ..."

Ironhide tried to stop it, but he was too late. Optimus Prime had already disappeared. The transporter had not delivered Optimus to the co-ordinates specified.

A worried look took over Ironhide's complexion. " I hope he's okay ... "

He organised a search party for his leader. His friend.

"He's gonna be hard to find. We don't know where he is or what he looks like in his human form. "

Optimus Prime materialised behind a brick wall. He looked at himself. He was human, dressed in some sort of a uniform.

"Okay, I'm alive ... but where am I?"

Optimus looked around the corner and saw he was at a school. A school called `Optimus Prime Elementary.'

He smiled, and felt a touch embarrassed. "These humans are so sweet ..." he said to himself. "They even named a school after me ..." He walked into the playground.

"You must be the new year nine boy," said one of the teachers.

Optimus Prime looked up at him and nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Opti ... uhh..."

Optimus remembered a movie he had watched with his friend, Jazz the other night.

"My name's Bond, James Bond."

The teacher smiled.

"A sense of humour. I like that." What's your real name?

"This is it, sir.

"Famous name, huh? I'm Mr. Dexter, your home room teacher. Rush along now, Bond, the buzzer's gone."

Optimus Prime followed Mr. Dexter to class. He sat in front of a blonde haired girl. She turned around to look at the new student. Whoa ... he's cute!

"You must be the new guy," she said, biting the end of her pen. "What's ya name?"

"Optim ... James Bond. "

The girl smiled. "Mine's Adora," she said. "It's great you chose to come to Optimus Prime Elementary. We all really love Optimus. He's helped us in so many ways. He's so cute ... kind, gentle... so understanding ... everything ... He even cares about his enemies, the Decepticons."

Optimus' eyes widened a little. "You think he's cute?"

"He's gorgeous."

"Really? I also like how he's so kind."

"I wish I could meet him," said Adora.

Optimus smiled again.

"Have you ever met him?" she asked.

"Well ... uhh ..."

"Have you ever seen him? " she asked excitedly.


Adora put her hand on her face. "You even talk like him ... You're so cool ..."

"Cool? Hardly. My body temperature is 42 degrees."

Adora giggled.

"Adora," came the voice of Mr. Dexter, "you can socialise with James later. Be quiet for roll call."

Adora, embarrassed, withdrew to her desk.

The first lesson, English began.

"You must be James " said Mr. Davids, the English teacher.

"Affirmative ... yes, " Optimus said.

"Sit down over there" said Mr. Davids. "Today, James, we are studying the greatest book of all time. The Biography of Optimus Prime."

Optimus Prime couldn't help smiling. He was flattered that the humans had written a book about his life.

"Have you read the book, James?" asked Mr. Davids.


"Good, then you can tell me ..."

Mr. Davids asked `James' to portray a verbal picture of Optimus Prime. Optimus smiled. This would be easy for him!

"Well ... I ... Optimus Prime is ..."

Optimus Prime began to tell the class about himself, from 'James' view.

"Well done," congratulated Mr. Davids. "It's almost like you were Optimus Prime."

Optimus smiled. More than you know.

"I'm sorry, James," said the principal, Mr. Nelson, "but only group one has a vacancy. That's the hardest group. I hope you have a knack for maths."

"That's okay, sir. I hope group one's not too easy!"

The principal gave a puzzled smile.

Optimus Prime entered the classroom.

"Hello, James," Mr. Strong greeted, giving him a math book.

Optimus sat down and opened it. It was ridiculously easy for him.

"The answer please, Bond," Mr. Strong said.

Optimus Prime looked around.

"I suppose, Double -0 Seven, when you were staring out of the window, you were paying attention?"

"I know the answer, sir."

"Well then, kindly share it with the rest of the class."

"Point zero five-five."

Mr. Strong was astounded. "That was a university maths sum ... How long did it take you to work out?"

"Less than a second."

"WHAT??!! It took me three hours!"

"I ... I find mathematics quite easy.

"I can see that ..."

After Maths, it was lunch time. Optimus felt very hungry, but had nothing to eat.

Adora and her friend Tasha sat next to Optimus Prime.

"James ..." she said in a sexy voice.

Optimus Prime smiled at her. She offered him some chips. He took some and thanked her, then politely ate the them.

"Isn't he gorgeous?" Adora whispered to Tasha.

Optimus, although human, distinctively heard what Adora said.

"Thank you, Adora."

She blushed a little. "How did you hear what I ... doesn't matter..."

"I've got good audio sensors ... ears."

Adora smiled. She took a packet of cigarettes and a can of beer out of her bag.

"You shouldn't smoke ... or drink... " said Optimus Prime. "It damages humans' internal systems."

Adora smiled shyly. She threw the beer and cigarettes into the garbage bin. She wanted to impress James, even if he did sound like her mother. She gave him a short kiss on his cheek.

"What was that for?"

Adora shrugged.

The buzzer rang.

Optimus managed to get through the day. He found the of Earth history very interesting. At the end of the day, he didn't have a home to go to, but he located a deserted dilapidated house. He lay on the floor and found a ripped blanket, but he was still cold, lonely and hungry. Optimus covered himself with the blanket and went to sleep on the floor. He found it hard to sleep, as the cold wind kept blowing through the broken window and the blanket didn't provide much warmth. He finally managed to, hoping to see his Autobot friends soon.

Optimus walked to school the next day and asked Mr. Strong if he could be placed in a higher maths class.

"But you're in the highest maths class in junior high."

"What about senior maths? Could I ..."

"No. It'll be too difficult."

"Please let me try."

Optimus Prime picked up Mr. Strong's four unit maths book and turned to the hardest chapter.

"Don't be ridiculous, James. How can you possibly expect to understand the hardest maths in senior high?"

Optimus Prime took a pencil and wrote the answers neatly by the problems of two pages, within a minute, without using a calculator.

"It's still too easy for me."

Mr. Strong was astounded. "Well," he managed to say, when he found his breath, " it's not often I have a true genius in my class. I'll ask the principal to my year twelve class four unit Maths class."

"Thank you, Sir."

Four unit mathematics, was harder than the other and interesting, but still incredibly easy for Optimus Prime.

At lunch, Optimus was sitting by himself. He enjoyed school, but really wanted to get back to his friends and become a Transformer again. He loved humans, but would rather be a Transformer. That was what he was and he could do more to protect the humans that way and the Earth needed Optimus Prime, not James. In a way, Optimus felt frightened that he would never become a Transformer or see his friends again.

"What's amatter, James?" asked Adora, sympathetically, seeing the upset look on his face.

Optimus Prime looked at her. She won't believe me if I told her the truth. "I ... I feel sick ..." he said weakly.

"I'll take you to sickbay" she offered.

"No ... no ... it's not that bad."

"Please let me take you ..."

"All right, Adora," he gave in, standing.

Adora slowly led him to sickbay. Optimus lay on the bed.

Adora asked `James' if she could take a photo of him. Optimus agreed. Adora took the instant picture. Optimus looked at her and smiled. She smiled and showed it to him.

"You're really good looking," she complimented.

"Thank you," smiled Optimus, feeling a little embarrassed, not knowing what else to say.

Adora went to class. Optimus Prime lay down in the bed. It was so comfortable, he fell asleep in no time.

Later, he was woken up by the cleaner.

"You can go home now, James" he said. "Still feeling sick?"

"No ... " replied Optimus Prime. "I'm just tired."

The cleaner brought Optimus Prime some warm vegetable soup from the dispenser machine.

"Here" he said.

"Thank you."

Optimus Prime was starving. He hadn't had anything to eat since Adora gave him some of her chips yesterday.

"Would you like another?"

"Yes, please. Thanks."

After he had finished the second bowl, Optimus Prime left the school grounds.

On his way home, found a ten dollar note on the ground. With it, he bought some vegetarian food for his dinner, then continued on. That night, he slept better.

Optimus found school interesting, but would rather live his Transformer life. If his friends knew where he was, Optimus wouldn't be so worried about getting back. Would he ever see any of them again? He hoped so. He walked into the main playground and saw a little girl running. She tripped, fell over and grazed her knees quite badly on the bitumen ground. The girl began crying. Optimus Prime rushed to her.

"It's all right, little girl," he comforted, picking her up and holding her gently in his arms. "What's your name?"

The girl stopped crying. "Beverly."

Optimus Prime carried Beverly to sickbay. He put her down and gently cleaned the blood off her knees with some warm water and cotton wool. He then put a bandage over the wound.

"Thank you."

Optimus smiled. "It's all right."

"A boy from your grade won't usually help a girl like me."

"I'm not the usual."

"What are you doing?" the voice of Mr. Nelson.

Optimus explained what had happened.

"That's very good of you, James, I'll see that you get a merit award."

"Thank you, sir."

What on Cybertron is a merit award?

Optimus was late to his four unit maths class and explained to Mr. Strong.

"It's always good to help others," he said. "Sit down now, please."

Optimus Prime found the maths lesson quite easy.

"The day after tomorrow is an important test" informed Mr. Strong. "I'll revise everything, because I know some of you are having problems."

Optimus turned around and saw some of the frightened looks on some of the class' faces. He wanted to help them. He understood it even better than the teacher.

Optimus Prime at recess, saw Brent, a boy in his maths class, crying.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I ... I don't understand any of this ..." Brent sobbed, worried. "It's so hard ..."

Optimus began to help him. He explained everything as clearly as he could.

By the end of recess ...

"Thanks a million. I don't know how you managed to do that..." said Timothy, amazed. "I've learned more with you in thirty minutes, than I have in a whole year with Mr. Strong!"

"It's okay. I have a knack for helping people."

"I wish there were more people like you around."

Optimus Prime nodded and smiled at him.

The following day, Mr. Strong was ill and absent from school.

"Oh no ..." gasped Deanna, worriedly. "How'll we revise without him?"

The entire class shared her concern. Except 'James' that is.

"I'll help you all" he offered.

"How can you help us?" Michael said, sarcasm in his voice. "You came from the junior group. Only Mr. Strong can help us."

"I can help you" Optimus said. "Trust me."

He began helping all the students with their mathematical problems.

"You're even better than Mr. Strong ..." said Brent, amazed. "It's so much clearer now."

Optimus Prime smiled and began receiving praise from the entire class. "It's fine " he said, feeling grateful he'd helped them.

The day of the test came. Mr. Strong burst into the classroom.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't come ... I was sick as a dog," he said apologetically. "I was so worried about you ..."

"It's all right, sir," said Brent. "James took the lesson into his own hands.

Mr. Strong dropped his books. He then quickly picked them up.

"You're definitely math gifted, Bond," he said.

'James' smiled.

"Quieten down now, all of you," said Mr. Strong. "Exam conditions."

He handed out the test paper. It was extremely simple for Optimus Prime. He finished the one hour paper in a few minutes. Mr. Strong shook his head, amazed.

The next day, the test was given back. Not a single pupil failed. Brent was so surprised that he passed his first four unit maths exam, he hugged Optimus Prime.

"Well, James," Mr. Strong smiled, "you're certainly better at this than I am. I can't even get full marks for this topic. Optimus smiled and took his paper. He hated being modest, but he knew mark before he started. Everyone in the class was grateful to him.

The class then went out for recess. Optimus bought a small chocolate coated vanilla ice cream. He sat down on a bench and began to eat it politely. Adora came to him.

"Hey, Double -0 Seven ..." she called.

Optimus smirked. He found being called that rather amusing.

He offered Adora a lick of his ice cream.

"Thanks" she said, her mouth full. "Wanna come out with me tomorrow tonight? I'm goin' to a late night disco."

"Uhh ...I don't know ..."

"Please, James ..." she begged, putting on a 'doggy eyes' act.

"I don't have anything to wear ... or any money to get in."

"I'll pay for you and I'll bring you some jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers."

Optimus felt uneasy. He knew she was interested in him, but he had hoped to avoid this. He didn't want to hurt her.

The next day Adora brought the clothes for Optimus. At first she thought they would be too small, but they fit perfectly.

"You look great!"

He smiled.

After school, Optimus Prime bought a vegetarian burger and a bottle of natural mineral water. Later, he walked to where the disco was being held and was greeted by an excited Adora.

"Hi, James," she said happily, kissing him.

Optimus Prime gently kissed her back.

"It's great you could come," she said.

He smiled. "I'm glad to be here."

"Do you want anything to eat? They have some meat pies and chicken wings over there. I'll buy you some."

"No ... I don't eat meat. I love animals."

Adora blushed and felt guilty. "Me too," she said.

Adora then took him inside. The place was dark with coloured lights flashing. The first songs that came on were the songs from Jazz's debut album, `Do it with Style or Don't Bother Doing it.' They then played Blaster's album 'Where the Music's Rockin,' I'm Rollin.' Optimus Prime smiled. Jazz and Blaster were great singers. Their albums were still number one on the top forty after many years. The music wasn't exactly his style, but he was glad the humans liked it. Optimus found he was a great dancer. Although he didn't miss Blaster's volume knob, he missed Blaster and all his other friends.

"You're so cool ..." admired Adora, grooving with him.

Optimus had now learned what 'cool' meant in human slang terminology. Adora then introduced him to some of her other friends.

"Hi, guys. This is the cute guy, James from school."

Optimus felt a little embarrassed, but smiled. Adora began to dace with him again. Optimus Prime was having a great time, but he still missed his friends, and was worried if he would ever see them again. Adora slipped and fell to the floor when she was dancing. Optimus helped her up and they continued to dance together.

"James," said Adora, "would you mind if I grooved with some other guys?"

"No" said Optimus Prime, kindly. "Go ahead."

Adora smiled, feeling grateful that 'James' wasn't selfish. She went to dance with Peter, one of her other friends. Optimus Prime sat down. He bought a can of cold lemonade. Adora was dancing with her other friends. She started to feel sick. She vomited on Joe..

"Yuck, Adora!" he exclaimed in disgust.

"Sorry ..."

Adora began to feel sicker. It was hurting. She then fell onto the floor, unconscious. Optimus Prime rushed to her, concerned.

"What happened?!"

"She's sick " said Max angrily. "Look! She spewed on my new leather jacket."

"Is that all you care about? Your clothes? Adora's sick. She's unconscious. Do any of you know where she lives?"

"Yeah" said Peter.

"Well, we have to take her home. She's ..."

"Put her on the cushions over there" said Max. "She can go home when she wakes up."

"I don't believe this!" Optimus said, raising his voice. "Adora needs our help and you don't care. How can you consider yourselves her friends?"

"Well ... since you put it that way ... Err ... We weren't thinking."

"I'll take her home" said Optimus.

@#$%! I can't transform. "Do any of you have a vehicle?"

"No. We haven't even got our drivers licenses. She doesn't live far from here."

Peter gave Optimus the address.

"Thank you, but just remember, when someone needs your help, you should do everything you can for them."

"Sorry ..."

"It's all right, just remember that next time. "

Optimus Prime carried Adora home, walked to the door and sounded the buzzer. No one came. He rang again. Still no one answered. He found a key under the doormat and opened the door. He turned the lights on and carried Adora upstairs. He found her room, turned on the light and saw the walls were plastered with posters of him, Optimus Prime. He lay Adora gently on her bed and changed her into her night dress, then went to get a towel and a bucket. He covered Adora up with blankets.

She began to wake up.

"Where am I ... what happened ...?" she said with a start.

She got a fright when she discovered she was in her room in her night dress.

"But who ..."

Adora then looked around and saw `James.'

"I brought you here after you fell unconscious" he explained.

"Thank you. It's not often you meet someone who's cute and kind as well."

Optimus smiled and gave Adora a glass of cold water with an aspirin. Adora thanked him and drank it.

"Don't you have any parents?" he asked.

"Yeah" replied Adora. "But they're away for two weeks."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah " said Adora. "What happened?"

"It would appear you ate something that was not compatible with your digestive system. Food poisoning, but you're okay now."

Adora smiled. Optimus spent the night at her house, then went to school with her the next morning.

"Adora for James ... Adora for James ... " called Max.

Adora and Prime smiled.

The Autobots were still searching for Optimus Prime.

"I hope we find him soon ..." said Ironhide.

They had been searching for days. They drove past a school. "Here's the school that the humans named after Optimus" said Ironhide, driving past.

"What a cool school," admired Jazz.

"They should name something after me ... " said Sunstreaker.

"Yeah ... Like what? `Sunstreaker's' beauty salon'?" teased Windcharger.

Sunstreaker crossly bumped Windcharger's bumper.

"Hey, watch it!"

Optimus Prime looked across the street and gasped.

He saw Ironhide, Windcharger, Jazz and Sunstreaker in their vehicular modes, driving on the road. Luckily the traffic lights stopped them.

"Wait here, Adora," said Optimus. "I have to go."

"Go? Where? It's only morning and we're already late for home room."

Optimus quickly ran out of the school grounds.

"Come back!" exclaimed an astonished Adora.

Optimus Prime ran to his friends, just before the traffic lights changed from whoa to go.

"Ironhide! ... Ironhide! ..." he gasped as the Autobots were about to drive away.

They transformed in surprise.

"Who are you?" asked Ironhide.

Optimus Prime smiled.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten, me already, Ironhide ... It's me - Optimus."

Ironhide felt grateful, but also doubtful.

"If you really are Optimus Prime, I'm sorry, but I have to find out if you're telling the truth."

"I understand, Ironhide," said Prime, respecting his friend's concern.

Ironhide began questioning him.

"What was your transforming mode back on Cybertron?"

"I had two modes. A Cybertronic truck and then a combat deck."

"What was your rank before you became the Autobot leader?"

"Lieutenant Commander."

"Yeah" said Windcharger, "but we're so popular now, the humans know so much about us - Anyone could know that."

"Ironhide," said Optimus, "pick me up. I can tell you something to prove that I am Optimus Prime."

Ironhide picked Optimus Prime up gently. Optimus Prime softly whispered into Ironhide's audio sensor, something that happened to him a long time ago on Cybertron.

"I believe you now, Optimus Prime."

"What did he say to you?" asked Sunstreaker.

"Something private."

"What was it, Ironhide?"

"None of your damn business, Sunstreaker!" snapped Ironhide angrily.

Sunstreaker withdrew. Adora came running to where the Autobots were and gasped.

"Oh, wow ..."

Ironhide put Optimus Prime down. Optimus told Adora the truth and she almost fainted.

"Please don't be angry with me. I..."

"I understand, Jam ... Optimus Prime and I believe you. No wonder you were so smart and acted a little weird."

Optimus Prime smiled and kissed her. She kissed him back.

"I wish we could tell the other students and teachers the truth, but they'll think I'm crazy."

Optimus smiled. "Just tell them that I'm going to another school. I wish I didn't have to lie, but ..."

"Don't worry, Prime and don't be sad. It's been great."

Optimus smiled. Adora then asked the Autobots for their autographs. She gave them an autograph book. The Autobots had a little difficulty, writing in the tiny book. Sunstreaker was taking the longest.

"Hurry it up, Sunny ..." complained Jazz.

"I can't rush. I must make this work of art as neat as possible and where will this human be without a stunning picture of myself?"

The Autobots shook their heads. Sunstreaker handed the autograph book to Adora. She smiled and kissed his hand. She then looked at his picture.

"You're cute," she said.

Sunstreaker put his hand on his hip. "Naturally ..."

Adora giggled.

"Farewell, Adora," said Optimus Prime.

Adora waved sadly.

"Bye. I hope I can see you again, James."

"Myself as well."

The Autobots transformed into their vehicular modes. Optimus Prime climbed inside Sunstreaker and they all left for Autobot headquarters.

"I've repaired the transporter, Prime," said Ironhide. "I hope it works."

Optimus Prime nodded. Ironhide carefully fired the beam at him. There was a flash of light. Optimus Prime was in his normal Transformer form.

"Al-Right!!" exclaimed Jazz.

Ironhide smiled.

"It's great to have you back, Prime. We were worried that..."

"So was I. It's great to be back. Being a human was interesting. I learned a lot, but I'd rather be a Transformer. I love my friends and I can do more to protect the Universe this way."

"This transporter is more trouble than it's worth, Prime," said Windcharger, concerned.

"I agree. We must repair it and be sure it doesn't malfunction again."

Ironhide put the machine in the repair bay.

"Ratchet ..."

Ratchet groaned. "I'm a doctor, dammit! Not a mechanic!"

Optimus Prime began telling his friends about his experience. They were all very interested, but most of all, grateful to have their leader - their friend back.

"The school work was simple, but interesting" said.

He held up his tiny four unit mathematics text book.

"Well, Double -0 Seven ..." began Ironhide.

Optimus Prime chuckled, grateful to be back home amongst his friends.



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