Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic/fanart.

Summary: Navigator's profile and story.

Author's Note: Navigator created by Seawave

Rating - PG





"Follow instincts, not orders."

Profile: Navigation is his speciality. He can tell how far an object is, it's angle and direction in less than a second. Needless to say he's an excellent navigator. Apart from navigation, Navigator isn't all that intelligent. There is a deeper side to him. Although he's excellent at navigation, he doesn't really like it. He can't go anywhere without looking at objects, analysing the distances, angles ... It's like reading. His brain automatically calculates it without him doing anything. Navigator has been known to successfully navigate his way around the entire Decepticon headquarters with his optical sensors closed, but prefers to see where he's going. He feels there has to be more to life than navigation. He wishes he could be like other Transformers. He tries to, but it's hard for him. He feels lonely and wishes he had someone to talk to. He feels fighting is a waste of time and energy and can't see any point in the Transformers war. He would rather not fight or kill. Navigator will do whatever he's ordered, even if he doesn't want to. He feels he needs freedom. He feels guilty about something he did a long time ago on Cybertron. He was ordered to torture a young Autobot to the death. Although a Decepticon, Navigator did not want to hurt the Autobot, who was many times smaller than himself. The frightened Autobot begged Navigator not to hurt him, but as ordered, Navigator began the torture. He tried to shut out the Autobot's screaming, and found he couldn't go on with the torture, and stopped it before it killed the small Autobot, and hoped his superior never found out. He let the Autobot recover and then released him. He later found out that the young Autobot's name was Orion Pax.

Abilities: Excellent navigation skills. Navigator is quite large and quite strong. In plane mode, his maximum speed is Mach 9 - Range 5500 miles, armed with pulsar cannons. In robot mode, he carries a shoulder mounted powerful air-to-ground missile launcher and an electron-pulse rifle.

Weaknesses: Sometimes Navigator gets extremely depressed. This can hamper his performance. He's also not sure if he wants the other Decepticons to find out what he's really like. Navigator is slow in virtually everything except Navigation. He has extremely high fuel consumption.



SPEED -- 7 RANK -- 8






A long time ago, on Cybertron, a new Decepticon was created. His name was Navigator, programmed to be excellent at any sort of navigation. He could tell how far away a pin was, its exact angle and direction without blinking. He has never made a single mistake when it came to navigation, hence his name. There is also a deeper side to him. Although he is excellent at navigation, he doesn't exactly like it. Although he's a Decepticon, he doesn't feel ruthless and can't see the point in the Transformers war. He feels he has yet to find his true purpose in life.

I really need a friend ... thought Navigator sadly to himself. I...

"Navigator," called Megatron.

"Yes, Megatron?" Navigator hid his irritation at having his train of thought interrupted.

"The Autobots have concealed a powerful new weapon within the Polyhex boundary. I want you to help us locate it." Megatron, Navigator and a few other Decepticons flew inside Astrotrain's shuttle mode.

After a while Navigator said, "Megatron, I have located the exact proximity of the weapon."


Navigator told Megatron the precise location of the weapon, its location and angles. The Decepticons found it underground and commandeered it.

In the next battle, they used it on the Autobots. Many Autobots were wounded and some killed. Navigator looked at what was happening and left the battle.

I do not wish my skills to be used for death and destruction...

Megatron came to Navigator after the battle.

"Battle successful - Excellent results. Excellent work, my friend."

Don't call me your friend.

Navigator nodded, feeling upset.

Navigator locked the door to his quarters and sat on his resting ledge.

Those Autobots were hurt and killed because of me. I know I am a Decepticon, but...

The next day, Megatron had captured a small, young Autobot The Autobot tried to escape, but couldn't. He became frightened. Megatron then tied him to the bed with strong energon bands. The Autobot tried to struggle free.

"Don't strain your linkage, pathetic Autobot weakling ... You'll never break those energon bands ..."

The small Autobot knew it was no use, but kept trying.

"Navigator," Megatron said, " kill this Autobot, will you? I have other matters to attend to."

Navigator froze. Kill?

"I want you to destroy this Autobot."

Navigator did not want to kill, but felt he had to obey Megatron. He the Autobot lying on the bed.

I do not want to destroy this frightened, helpless Autobot but Megatron will kill me if I do not. I feel I must obey him. He's my leader.

"Well ... what are you waiting for? ... " asked Megatron, impatiently.

"Nothing, Megatron. I'm just going to get the Cyber-serum."

"What on Cybertron for?"

"It'll kill him instantly - quick and painless."

"That's all fine and well, but I want this Autobot destroyed slowly and painfully ... "

"No ..." the Autobot gasped. his voice shivering.

He then tried to struggle free. Megatron laughed evilly and gave Navigator a laser sword. Navigator ignited it.

"No ... Please don't ..."

The Autobot tried to pull himself away. Navigator didn't want to hurt or kill him, but felt he had to. He held the sword closer to the Autobot.

I'm sorry ... said Navigator, sadly in his mind, as he stabbed the sword into the Autobot's chest.

The young Autobot screamed in pain. Navigator wanted to throw the laser sword away and repair him, but knew he couldn't.

The Autobot was crying and shivering.

He's so helpless ... Should do this to Megatron - see how he likes it.

Navigator continued slicing the sword down the Autobot's middle. He couldn't stand listening to the screaming. It made him feel terrible. Navigator was shivering inside. He couldn't bear to look at the Autobot's Pax's face. He could almost feel him shivering.

"Navigator, stop" said Megatron.

Navigator gladly turned off the sword, but the Autobot was still whimpering with pain.

"Silence, you pathetic Autobot wimp" ordered Megatron, backhanding him. "Navigator, rip out his power pack. "

"What? ... but ..."

"But what?" asked Megatron, surprised.

"But that'll kill him ... " said Navigator.

"But of course ..." Megatron smiled evilly.

"All right ..." gave in Navigator, wishing he could punch Megatron in the head.

"Rip it out - now."

"No ... no ... no ..." wailed the Autobot, petrified.

"Don't worry, ... " said Megatron sarcastically. "It'll all be over soon ..."

"He's all yours, Navigator ..."

Megatron walked out of the room. Navigator dug his hand into the Autobot's body and could feel him trembling. Navigator put his hand around the Autobot's power pack. The Autobot tried to struggle free. It was hurting him a lot, and he couldn't.

"No ... please don't ... ple...ease ..." he gasped.

"Sorry ..." confessed Navigator, softly and sadly, as he ripped out the power pack, trying to be as gentle as possible. He saw a puzzled look on the Autobot's face just after he said he was sorry, but he also saw the pain in his face.

"I'm truly sorry ... " said Navigator, very softly and sadly, looking at the Autobot's body. "How could I have done this?..."

A tear rolled down Navigator's cheek. He then wiped it away quickly and walked out of the room to Megatron.

"Here's the power pack" he said.

"Excellent, Navigator, you did a fine job. Now wash the blood off it."

Navigator looked down at the power pack in his hand. It was covered in the Autobot's. Navigator felt truly sick. He had not noticed it before.

"Also, Navigator," said Megatron, "when you were destroying that Autobot, I noticed you seemed concerned for him, in your voice and eyes."

"I didn't care for the Autobot, Megatron," lied Navigator. "I don't particularly like the sight of blood and guts ..."

"Well get used to it," snapped Megatron, "and wash that power pack."

Navigator did as he was told.

He later returned to the Autobot's body. He hadn't looked at the mutilated mess before, feeling certain he would vomit, but he forced himself to look at it now. Look what you did, you bloody bastard...How could I have killed someone so young and helpless... Navigator really wanted to sock Megatron one. But you don't have the guts, do you? He told himself.

Later, Megatron was in a huff, because the Autobots had broken in and stolen, as far as he was concerned, the body of the Autobot, which he had planned to melt for scrap. Navigator was pleased and hoped the Autobots repaired him, but that didn't make him feel any better with himself.


The Transformers war raged on for many years on Cybertron. Navigator could see no point in it. He fought by command only, not choice. He hated violence, but felt there was nothing he could do about it. He had considered joining the Autobot force, but there would still be fighting, no matter what side he was on.

Navigator was lost in one battle. The Deceptions searched everywhere, but could not find him.

"No sign of Navigator, Megatron," informed Skywarp. "We've searched the entire planet. "

"We've been navigatin' for Navigator and found nothin'" added Rumble.

"He was probably destroyed by the Autobots" assumed Skywarp.

"They shall pay for it ..." cursed Megatron.

"It may not have been the Autobots, Megatron, " said Shockwave, "We've searched Cybertron's exterior and interior. If the Autobots had destroyed him, we would have found his remains, but found nothing. I have no further information."

"It doesn't add up ..." said Megatron, puzzled. "What could've happened to him? ..."

The Decepticons returned to their headquarters.

When Navigator hadn't returned for many years. The Autobots and Decepticons all but forgot about him.

* * *


The Autobots then left Cybertron, years later, as the planet was running dangerously low on energy. They were followed by the Decepticons. The Decepticons attacked in outer space. During the battle, the Ark, the Autobots' spacecraft, with everyone on it, was dragged down by the force of gravity to the planet below which was called Earth. The Ark crashed into the bottom of a volcano and exploded. All the Transformers inside were destroyed and remained that way for four thousand millennia.

Navigator was not in the crash, as he was still missing, and presumed dead when the Transformers left for Earth.

He was not dead. In one battle, he had been drawn into a black hole. Miraculously, he had not been destroyed by the pressure. He had tried to escape more times than he'd bothered to count, but he kept getting drawn back into the hole and almost being compressed to death.

He finally managed to escape. Navigator found his way back to Cybertron, but found no other Transformers. He was upset and longed to see his people again. Navigator took a supply of energon cubes. He spent quite a long time trying to navigate his way to his people.

Meanwhile, the computer on Earth started reactivating the Transformers. The war began again - on Earth.

The Transformers learned many things. The Autobots befriended the Humans and swore to protect them and Earth from the Decepticons.

The Transformers had been on Earth for eight years before Navigator picked up a faint reading from the third planet of a solar system in the milky way. He flew to investigate.

"I hope it's them ..." he said to himself, wearily. "I have been searching for four million and eight years, four months, one week, two days, twelve hours, five minutes and fifty-five point five astroseconds."

Navigator flew down to the planet below where the signals were most strongest. He landed in a meteor crater and transformed into his robot mode. He then climbed up the wall of the crater and peered over a rock above. He could not believe it. Navigator fell back down into the crater.

"I can't believe I've actually found them ... " he breathed, quietly, with overjoyed tears in his optical sensors. "I've finally found them ..."

Navigator waited until the battle had ended. He saw the Decepticons retreating and waited until both Autobots and Decepticons were out of sight and detection range, then followed the Decepticons at a safe distance and flew to their undersea headquarters.

Megatron was in the main control room.

"Megatron ..." called Brawl, suddenly, "intruder outside- Do you want me to destroy 'em?"

"Negative, Brawl, I will decide if the intruder is to be terminated. Go with the other Combaticons and bring him to me."

"You got it."

Brawl left with the other four Combaticons. They flew outside and saw Navigator. Navigator saw they were Decepticons, but didn't know who they were, as the Combaticons were created on Earth. Navigator looked at them and did nothing and they began to attack.

Navigator did not want to fight back. "There's no need to be hostile. I have not come to ... "

"Haven't come to what?" interrupted Brawl.

"I have not come to fight" replied Navigator.

"Too bad."

The Combaticons began to fire at him. Navigator did not want to fight his own kind, but felt he had to defend himself. The Navigator was unarmed. Onslaught then blasted him with his sonic stun gun. Navigator fell to the ocean floor, wounded. Onslaught walked to him. He lowered his gun.

"Who are you, anyway?" he asked.

"Navigator. You could have asked me that before attacking."

"Ah, shaddup ..." said Brawl.

Onslaught helped Navigator up and took him inside the Decepticon headquarters with the other Combaticons.

"We've got him, Megatron," informed Onslaught, coming into the main control room.

"Who is he?" asked Megatron, not bothering to turn around, as he was holding a large glass panel.

"He claims to be a Decepticon" said Onslaught, "but he may be an Autobot impostor. He says his name is Navigator."

Megatron spun around in shock, dropping the glass.

"N ... Navigator ..." he said, still in a state of shock... "I thought you were dead ..."

"Negative, Megatron" Navigator started to explain, but Megatron interrupted him.

"Where ... where have you been all this time?"

"Looking for my fellow Transformers - Decepticons. I ... I was trapped in a black hole for a very long period of time. Miraculously, I managed to survive the pressure. I survived on energy particles drawn into the hole. After many years, I finally managed to escape. I then looked for the other Transformers ..."

"And now ... after all these years, you have found us ..." Navigator nodded, gratefully.

"It's been a long time, Navigator," Megatron said, putting his hand on Navigator's shoulder.

"Yes, it has, Megatron. And," said Navigator, looking at the Combaticons, "my welcome home was hardly overwhelming."

"Were these scrap piles hostile to you?" asked Megatron, angrily. "I'll melt them down into paper clips ..."

"It can be forgiven," said Navigator. "This time."

Megatron began to explain to Navigator about the Transformers war on Earth.

Earth interested Navigator, but not for its vast energy resources, but its strange beauty and difference to Cybertron.

Megatron introduced Navigator to the newer Decepticons and reunited him with the older ones.

Navigator, a few hours later, transformed into his plane mode and went to explore Earth. He wanted to learn more about it.

"A very interesting, unique and beautiful planet" he said to himself.

He observed all aspects of Earth - The inhabitants, which he found very interesting, the plant life, the cities and country and nature.

A few days later, the Decepticons attacked the Autobots.

"Why must we always fight? ..." asked Dead End, quietly. "It's such a waste of time and energy ..."

Navigator agreed totally, and was glad another Decepticon shared his view, but he knew he had to fight.

Not many Autobots knew or remembered him, but Optimus Prime did and he gave a start. I ... I thought he'd been terminated ...

Ironhide came to him. "Who's the big, new Decepticreep? I can't help thinking I've seen him before."

"You probably have, Ironhide. A long time ago on Cybertron."

"Do y' know him, Optimus?"

"Yes, Ironhide, I do."

"What's his name?"

"I ... I can't remember ... It ... it was a long time ago ..."

"How do you know him?"

"It was a long time ago, Ironhide, some other time, perhaps."

"'Kay, Chief."

Ironhide and Optimus Prime began to fight off the Decepticons.

Although Navigator didn't like fighting, he was quite good at it. He blasted a few Autobots. Some Autobots blasted at him, but Navigator managed to manoeuvre out of the way in time, both in plane and robot modes.

The battle ended, with no side gaining victory. Both sides were running low on energy, and so had to retreat for more supplies.

Optimus Prime had been slightly wounded by Navigator in the battle.

"You okay, Chief?"

"Yes, it's just a small blast wound."

Optimus Prime put his hand over his chest and stood. The pain quickly wore off. He then walked into Autobot headquarters.

"I cannot remember the Decepticon's name" he said, "but I vividly remember him. I saw him a long time ago on Cybertron, many years before we left for Earth. I know virtually nothing about him. We must capture him to find out more about him. "

The Autobots planned on how to capture Navigator.

"We'll trick him and capture him at the next battle" Optimus said.

Navigator got to know the Decepticons and they got to know more about him. None of them really liked or disliked him.

Navigator walked into the energon room. There were four energon cubes left in the room. Just enough for him. He had quite high fuel consumption, so ate quite a lot. Navigator drank three of the energon cubes and was about to drink the fourth one. Breakdown, a smaller Decepticon, burst into the room. He saw Navigator, about to drink the last cube.

"Please ..." he said, desperately, "... I'm starving...

I need that cube ..."

Navigator hesitated.

"No need to panic, Breakdown. Here. You can have it."

He handed the cube to Breakdown.

"Thank you."

"It's all right. There's no need to be so hysterical. "

Breakdown smiled and began to drink the cube.

"Don't eat so fast ..." said Navigator, wiping the spilt energon away from Breakdown's face. "It's not good for you."

"I know. I'm sorry, but you usually have to be quick around here."

Navigator smiled. Breakdown then left the energon room. Navigator still felt a little hungry, but he could survive on three cubes.

Some Decepticons began to tease him about how much he ate and how slowly he ate it. Navigator was getting upset and fed up with it.

"Look ..." he snapped, angrily. "I can't help how much energon I need. It's just the way I am and I don't like eating fast. There are other Decepticons with high fuel consumption - why not go and insult them?"

"All right ... relax ..." said Thrust. "We were just teasin'."

"Well don't." Navigator turned on his heel and walked away, without saying another word.

In the next few days, the Decepticons raided a nuclear power plant. The Autobots later attacked to stop them. The Decepticons were outnumbered, but managed to get away with half the energon cubes they had stolen. Navigator was about to pick up a few cubes near him. The Autobots blasted them. The explosion knocked Navigator unconscious.

"Take him back to headquarters," said Optimus Prime.

"Lie him down there" said Optimus Prime, pointing to a large metal bed. "We'll have to wait until he regains consciousness. Meanwhile, tie him to the bed with energon bands, so he can't escape."

The Autobots did as Prime said.

Navigator, a short while later, began to regain consciousness.

"Ohhh ..." he groaned.

He tried to get up, but then realised that he was tied to the bed.

These bands are quite weak ... he thought. I could easily break them, but I'll just see what they want with me first.

"Who are you?" asked Optimus Prime.


Navigator ... thought Optimus Prime. Yes ... I remember now ... He paused for a short while. "Where were you when the Transformers left Cybertron?"

Navigator told them his history, as he had told Megatron.

"I understand" said Optimus Prime. "So now you've come to join the war again?"

"I have not come to join the war, Optimus Prime," explained Navigator, "fighting is pointless. A waste of time and energy."

Optimus Prime felt the same way, but was surprised a Decepticon felt like this.

Navigator went on to say, "I have not come to fight in the war, or to accomplish 'conquest of the universe.' I have come to be with my people again. I only fight when I have to, or when I am ordered to."

Optimus Prime was even more surprised. He was dubious at first, but believed Navigator.

"Sorry ..." he said. "I didn't realise."

"It's all right" said Navigator. "I didn't expect you to." " "You're very unlike the other Decepticons ..."

"Yes, I know."

"Most Decepticons seem to love fighting and violence, you..."

"I told you, I don't see the point of unnecessary violence."

"You're quite loyal," said Optimus Prime, "aren't you?"

Navigator hesitated for a while.

"I don't agree with everything Megatron says and does and everything he orders me to do, but I feel I must obey him, even what I don't want to. He is my leader. If I do not obey him, he will destroy me."

"I understand" said Optimus Prime. "I'll release you from the energon bands now."

"That won't be necessary." Navigator, snapped all the weak energon bands around him.

"Then ... then why didn't you try to escape? ..." asked Optimus Prime, in surprise.

"I didn't know what you Autobots wanted with me."

"I can't get over how different you are. I know all Decepticons have their differences, but you seem to be unlike any of them."

"In a way I want to be the same as everyone else, but I like how I am inside. My feelings ... about fighting, other aspects, but I can't tell any other Decepticons ... I ... I feel lonely..."

Navigator felt he could talk to Optimus Prime, but for some reason, he felt he couldn't join the Autobots. Optimus Prime felt sorry for him.

"Have you ever tortured or killed any Autobot before?" Optimus asked.

The question threw Navigator. There was a pause.

"If I told you no, I'd be lying. Once ... Megatron ... ordered me to kill a small, young Autobot."

"What was his name?" asked Optimus Prime.

Navigator thought for a while.

"O ... Orion Pax ... I ... I didn't want to harm him ... But Megatron ordered me to ... I-"

Navigator closed his eyes.

"He ... he was so frightened ... I didn't-"

Navigator kept tears back, surprised that it still haunted him after all this time. "I didn't want to ... he was so ... so helpless ..."

"It's all right, Navigator," said Optimus Prime, gently. "I remember."

"But ... how ... could you remember, Prime?" asked Navigator, confused, "unless Orion Pax told ... you ... wa... was he ... repaired? ..."

"Yes. He was also reconstructed."

Navigator looked puzzled.

"Is Orion still alive?"

"Well ... yes ... He was repaired by his best friend Dyon and his girlfriend Ariel and later, badly wounded by Megatron and an Autobot named A3, later to be known as Alpha Trion, reconstructed him."

"Do you know who Alpha Trion reconstructed Orion into? ... I want to see him."

"You already have. He's me, Navigator."

"You, Optimus Prime?"


Navigator gave himself a few moments for this to sink in. "I'm... I'm ... truly sorry about what I-"

"I know, Navigator. I've known all along."

Navigator looked confused.

"But how? ..."

"You said you were sorry before you killed him ... me."

"I remember now. I'm glad you understand, Optimus Prime."

Optimus smiled.

"You look hungry, Navigator."

"Starving, actually."

Optimus Prime then brought Navigator an energon cube. Navigator looked at it.

"Thank you, Prime."

He then slowly drank it. He was still quite hungry.

"Uh, Prime ... this is a little embarrassing, but I have ... Uhh ... I have-"

"High fuel consumption?"

Navigator nodded. "How did you know?"

"There are Autobots of high fuel consumption too. It's nothing to be ashamed of. How many more energon cubes do you require?"

"Three ..." replied Navigator. "My usual intake is four, three times a day ... If it's too much for you ... I..."

Optimus Prime shook his head. "No, it's all right, Navigator."

He left and brought back three extra energon cubes. Navigator slowly drank them all.

"The other Decepticons sometimes insult me about how much I eat and how slowly I eat it and it kinda hurts..."

"That's how much energon you need for your survival. If you didn't eat that much, you would die."

"I know, Prime, but I-"

"Don't let anyone get to you like that. The Decepticons often have a go at me, because I hardly eat anything at all."

"They do?" asked Navigator in surprise.

Optimus Prime nodded. "Doesn't it bother you?"

"No. I ignore it. It does not in any way reflect how I am inside."

"Thanks, Prime. I'll try it."

Optimus Prime smiled, then let Navigator go.

He was very kind to me ... thought Navigator. Understanding, forgiving, especially after what I did to him, but I just feel I can't join him and the Autobots ... I wish we weren't enemies, but there's nothing I can do ...

Navigator found it hard at first, but he managed not to let the teasing get to him, but it still hurt him in a way.

I wish they'd accept me the way I am ... he thought sadly.

Later, he heard a few Decepticons arguing. The arguing became louder and louder.

"Stop it ..." he heard Rumble say.

"Why should we, creep? " asked Vortex. "You wrecked the whole spy mission ... "

"Hey ... it's not my fault I slipped ..." protested Rumble.

"Clumsy scrap heap ..." said Brawl, degradingly.

"Yeah ..." added Swindle. "We would've had the Autobots if you hadn't've fucked everything up ... If Onslaught was here, we'd form Bruticus ..."

Rumble tried to get away from the four Combaticons, but they wouldn't let him. Navigator heard them fighting. The Combaticons began to bash Rumble up. Blast Off then blasted him with his ionic disperser rifle. Rumble was hurt and wounded. He couldn't get away or use his pile driver arms. He became more and more frightened.

What are they gonna do to me? ...

There were a few blasts. Rumble cried out in pain. Navigator burst out of his quarters.

"Leave him alone" he ordered. "And shut up!"

Vortex looked at Navigator. "Hah! What are you going to do about it?"

He kicked Rumble.

"I said, leave him alone" said Navigator, louder.

"Why should we?" asked Blast Off. "It's because of him that our spy mission failed. We would've had the Autobots if..."

"Rumble slipped" pointed out Navigator. "It was not his fault. It was not intentional."

"Suppose so ..." said Swindle. "But he's still a clumsy idiot."

Blast Off pointed his ionic disperser rifle at Rumble and pulled back on the trigger. Navigator bashed Blast Off's arm upwards. The blast hit the ceiling. Navigator then grabbed Blast Off's throat in his one hand.

"I told you all to leave him alone!"

"But he -" gasped Blast Off.

"I don't care!" yelled Navigator. "He's much smaller than any of you and here, the four of you are ganging up on him. It isn't fair."

Navigator tightened his grip on Blast Off's throat. Blast Off started coughing and trying to push Navigator's hand away.

"Stop ..." he gasped.

"Are you all going to leave Rumble alone?"

Blast Off hesitated for a while. Navigator tightened his grip a little. Blast Off quickly nodded.

"Guys ... guys ..." he gasped. "Come on ..."

The three other Combaticons agreed to leave Rumble be. Navigator then loosened his grip on Blast Off's throat and let him drop to the floor. Blast Off, on his knees, put his hand over his neck. He then stood up and walked away with the others.

Navigator looked at Rumble. "Are you all right?"

Rumble nodded.

"Hey, thanks, big guy."

Navigator smiled and helped Rumble up. "It's all right. They should've seen it wasn't your fault, and it was unfair of them to bully you like that."

"Yeah ... But I owe you one."

Navigator smiled. "Don't worry about it," he said, walking away.

Soundwave came to him later and expressed his gratitude at helping Rumble. Navigator was glad that some Decepticons at least had come to appreciate him. Navigator liked helping others. He wished he could do it more often. He began to walk to his quarters.

"Navigator ..." he heard Megatron call, "I want you to destroy Optimus Prime."

Navigator jerked a little. "Destroy Optimus?"

"Yes ... I want you to fly to Autobot headquarters, and destroy him. I will send the Stunticon Breakdown to distract Optimus Prime and to steal some energon cubes. Attack without mercy."

"A ... As you ... command, Megatron."

Megatron smiled, then walked away. Navigator transformed into his plane mode and flew as fast as he could to Autobot headquarters.

Breakdown landed and began to walk to the entrance of Autobot headquarters. As he was walking, he tripped and fell into a small pool of spilt, highly corrosive acid. It began to eat into him. Breakdown screamed with pain. Navigator immediately started to fly down to help him, but he then saw Optimus Prime run out of Autobot headquarters.

I don't want to kill him again ... thought Navigator, but Megatron's orders are ... and Breakdown's ... Ohh, what the hell am I going to-

Navigator then looked down at Optimus Prime, who was walking toward Breakdown, who was in excruciating pain. Breakdown saw Optimus Prime and was absolutely petrified. Optimus walked closer to him.

"N ... no ... pl...ea...ase ... don't ... kill ... me..."

Breakdown was absolutely desperate. He tried to get away from Optimus Prime, but that only made his pain more excruciating and unbearable. Optimus managed to get hold of him, who tried his best to struggle away.

"Do...on't ..." Breakdown's voice was shivering.

"Relax" said Optimus Prime, holding Breakdown in his arms, "You're badly wounded. You'll kill yourself if you keep struggling. I want to help you."

Breakdown was puzzled at first, but let Optimus Prime take him out of the acid. Optimus Prime lay him gently on the ground. He gently placed some acetonium liquid onto Breakdown's acid wounds, which healed them instantly.

"Thank you ... Optimus Prime."

"It's all right, Breakdown, but what was all that fuss about?"

"I ... I thought you were going to hurt me ... kill me..."

"I would never hurt someone so helpless, even if they are my enemy."

Breakdown smiled.

"Just one thing," said Optimus Prime, "why were you-"

"Megatron wanted me to steal some energon cubes" said Breakdown, "that's all."

Optimus Prime believed what Breakdown had said, but not sure if `that was all.' He then let Breakdown go and watched him fly off. Navigator was still hovering high above the clouds.

Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader, helped a Decepticon. He saved Breakdown's life. I can't kill him ... I just can't... He saved a Decepticon's life, and I can't kill him again ...

Navigator left for Decepticon headquarters.

"I trust you destroyed Optimus Prime, Navigator?"

"Uh, no ... I didn't."

"NO ... What do you mean NO???!!!"

"Breakdown was wounded by some spilt acid and Optimus Prime saved his life. I thought ..."

"What did you think?"

"I thought because he saved a Decepticon, I shouldn't kill him."

"Prime sometimes surprises me" admitted Megatron, "but that is not an excuse for not terminating him."

"But he saved Breakdown's ..."

"Breakdown is expendable!" said Megatron angrily.

Navigator felt upset that Megatron didn't view the situation as he did. He doesn't care much for the other Decepticons... "I cannot believe it, Navigator. This is the first time you have ever failed me. You could've terminated Optimus Prime, and you let the opportunity go."



Navigator said nothing and felt a little frightened. Megatron blasted him in his arm and chest. Navigator fell backwards, crashing into the wall.

"I do not understand ..." he said, sadly, softly.

Megatron blasted him again. Navigator was confused, frightened and hurt.

"I'll give you ONE more chance ..." said Megatron, "since you're virtually new here - but one chance only."

Megatron lowered his fusion cannon and walked away. Navigator was still wounded. He tried to stand up and finally managed to. He walked slowly to his quarters leaning on the wall. He entered his quarters and talked to himself about his feelings on the war, unaware that he had left his door open.

Breakdown was walking passed Navigator's quarters and walked inside.

"Navigator," he said.

Navigator jerked his head up and gasped.

"I ... couldn't help hearing what you were saying, and I..." started Breakdown.

"Please don't tell Megatron ...or ... or any other Decepticons..." panicked Navigator.

Breakdown shook his head. "I won't" he promised. "I feel the same way too."

"You do?" asked Navigator, surprised.

Breakdown nodded. "And thanks for sticking up for me."

"It's a pleasure. I can't see any purpose in war" Navigator said. "I can see why the Decepticons hate the Autobots, but personally I don't hate the Autobots at all. Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't. I promise."

Breakdown could see Navigator still looked upset.

"Hey, cheer up ... The Decepticons don't understand me properly either. You don't need everybody to be your friend, just one or a few. I think you and I will get along just fine."

Navigator smiled. "Thanks."

Navigator was thrilled to have a few friends amongst the Decepticons, whom he could relate with and talk to. But he felt he could only talk to Breakdown about private things and joke around with. Even though Rumble looked up to and respected him, Navigator felt he just couldn't talk with him the way he could with Breakdown, but he appreciated Rumble's support.

            * * *

He and Breakdown went out flying, and on missions a lot together. Breakdown sat in his cockpit. Navigator still wished the other Decepticons would understand him, but Breakdown was the only one Decepticon whom really did. Navigator had secretly longed for a friend all his life, and now he had finally found a true one. He didn't feel lonely anymore. Breakdown helped Navigator expand his knowledge and intelligence. Breakdown was absolutely terrific with any type of mathematics. Navigator helped Breakdown with navigation and various other aspects.

Navigator still had his differences from the other Decepticons, but he learned to put up with the teasing, which was becoming less and less, as the other Decepticons were becoming used to him.

Navigator walked into his quarters and reflected back on his life, the things he did on Cybertron, trapped in the black hole, trying to find the Transformers ... Even if they didn't accept him the way he was, Navigator was grateful to be with his own kind again. He still did not know if he would remain with the Decepticons.

He felt he could not join the Autobots, but he seriously thought about leaving the war and asking Breakdown to join him and he decided that's what he was going to do.







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