Disclaimers: Saint George (Lucasfilm) crated the Star Wars Universe.  Lucasfilm owned by Disney. George Lucas created the Star Wars Universe. Movies by 20th Century Fox/Disney. I make no Republic Datari {Credits}, Peggats, Truguts, Wupiupi, etc from my fanfic/fanart/fanfunnies.  Story written purely for enjoyment and the only profit I make is the happiness my writing brings.   The Force is With You Always :)


Summary: A seemingly routine mission goes awry.


Rating PG

Pronunciations: Vhane – Vi-aan - Ovha – Short – O and a. O-va






"Patience, Padawan, we’re almost there."

"You said that fifteen hours ago."

"It’s better than being twelve days away."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Feels like forever."

"Avorana needs our help."

"Do you really think we can do anything? Their mistrust is deep."

"That’s why we’re here to help them. The fact that they asked us is the first step."

Obi-Wan stopped pacing and sat down. "Refresh me on their history."

"The Dvarkiana came to Avorana fifty years ago when their world, Korana was destroyed. The Avorania allowed the newcomers to come to their world and welcomed them at first. They soon became afraid that the Dvarkiana and their ways would destroy their way of life."

"And then they began to take the Dvarkian children away to teach them the customs of Avorana and Dvarkian customs were forbidden."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Understandably the Dvarkiana revolted, believing they had the right to practice their customs."

"And even now the Dvarkiana customs are severely frowned upon."

"The Avorania are a reptilian race, while the Dvarkiana are mush like humans. Both are humanoid. The Avorania want to drive the Dvarkiana off their planet, but the other race refuses to leave, as they believe they have nowhere else to go. We’ll be meeting with Vhane, the leader of the Avorania and Ovha, the Dvarkian leader when we arrive."

"Sounds like we’ve got our work cut out for us."

Qui-Gon nodded.

"They have had to obtain food for us off planet, as both Avoranian and Dvarkian cuisine is incompatible with the human digestive system, so whatever they give you, you love it."

"As long as it’s not Brussels sprouts."

Qui-Gon laughed.

* * *

A tall green, scaly skinned Avoraian met the two Jedi as they arrived.

"Greetings, honoured Jedi. I am Vhane. You have travelled far. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"My pleasure," Qui-Gon said, bowing slightly. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and my Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"We are honoured."

"We are also honoured," an equally tall, long haired Dvarkian male said, bowing. He seemed annoyed that Vhane had not introduced him. "I am Ovha, emissary to my people, the Dvarkiana, at your service."

Again Qui-Gon bowed.

"We will begin negotiations tomorrow morning," Vhane said. "It is getting quite late and I’ll be willing to wager the Jedi will want to rest after their long journey."

"You are most gracious," Qui-Gon said as he and two tall Avoranian women escorted himself and Obi-Wan to their quarters.

"I trust these are to your liking? Your Padawan’s quarters are two doors down the hall."

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said.

"I shall leave you to recuperate. Dinner will be served at Yensee ... oh I am sorry. That is seven o’clock by your time standards."

"Much obliged," Qui-Gon said. "We know that you have gone to a lot of trouble."

Vhane smiled. "If it will save my world and my people, I will personally have the Interplanetary Resort flown here for you."

Qui-Gon smiled. "That won’t be necessary, these quarters are fine."

The Avoranian left the two Jedi alone.

Obi-Wan turned to Qui-Gon. "Master, he was hiding something from me. Something he was terrified I’d find out, not you so much, but he was definitely hiding-"

"I’m sorry to say this to you, Padawan, but he thinks you’re incredibly ugly."


Qui-Gon tried unsuccessfully to stifle a smile.

"Has *he* looked in a mirror lately?" Obi-Wan said, miffed.

"We can’t all look like the angels of Iego. If it makes you feel any better, Padawan, I still love you." Qui-Gon kissed obi-Wan’s forehead.

Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled. "So does he think you look ugly too?"

"No, he thought I have beautiful fur and resisted a strong urge to reach over and pat me."

Obi-Wan started to laugh, then gently stroked his Master’s hair. Qui-Gon made a purring noise, then playfully bit his Padawan’s hand.

"Don’t let Vhane know that you know, it’ll make him feel awful."

"Of course not..." Obi-Wan smiled, then looked serious. "Are we really going to stop this feud? Both races seem very proud."

"That is what we are here to do. We can only do our best, Padawan and something tells me all is not as it seems here."

* * *

A large piece of latticed rabbit pie was placed before Qui-Gon.


//I’ll survive ...//

//At least it’s not Brussels sprouts.//

Qui-Gon sent a chuckle though the Force. //Yes, that would be a complete disaster.//

The Jedi Master closed his eyes for a moment, blessing the animal for its sacrifice, before he began to eat. Obi-Wan looked over, concerned.

//We can’t risk offending them, Padawan. This is a very volatile situation.//

"I trust the meal is to your liking?" Vhane asked.

Qui-Gon nodded. "Thank you, it’s delicious."

//What does it really taste like, Master?//

//It’s very nice, really, though it’s not the taste I mind.//

The Jedi and the two adversary species continued to eat.

"Thank you, you’ve gone to a lot of trouble," Qui-Gon said when a chocolate vanilla brandy custard desert was brought out.

Vhane smiled. "We wish you every comfort."


* * *

Qui-Gon awoke the next morning, feeling very tired. He yawned, stretched and shook his head. He’d had a good night’s sleep and couldn’t put his finger on why he still felt so sleepy. The Jedi Master said nothing of his fatigue to his Padawan, as he began to dress. Perhaps his fatigue had something to do with being on a new planet, but

Obi-Wan seemed fine, though the Jedi Master he thought nothing more of it.

Master and Padawan walked along a decorated corridor. Two Dvarkian women rang engraved white gold bells around the two visitors. Qui-Gon was lead away.


//I’m going to have a bath, Padawan. It’s already been arranged.//

//A bath?//

//Yes, I need one.//

//You could have had one last light or early this morning.//

//I was too tired.//

//Master, these people are waiting for us.//

//Yes, but I must do this.//

//You smell fine, Master.//

//Thank you, but I still need a bath.//

Qui-Gon said nothing more as he was lead into an enormous bath chambers with a bath as big as an ocean.

"You may bathe here, Master Qui-Gon," Ovha said, taking his robe.

"Thank you."

"We have placed the petals of the ffodil flower in the water to cleanse you."

Qui-Gon nodded his thanks.

//Master, I can’t believe you’re doing this!//

The older Jedi undressed, climbed into the steaming water and sighed.

//Master ... I-"

//This is lovely, Obi-Wan.//

//Master, this isn’t like you. You do care about these people don’t you?//

//Of course I do, but I must be at my best.//

Obi-Wan shook his head. What in the Universe had come over his Master?

//I believe you’re neglecting your duties. If the Council knew-//

//Tell them if that’s what you want..//

//I didn’t say I would tell them, Master, though I really think you’re stretching the friendship. These people need us.//

//And we will help them, after I’m finished.//

//I don’t think you see my point, Master.//

//You think I’m being selfish.//

//In a word, yes. I’ve never seen you act like this before. What’s come over you?//

//We’ll discus it later, right now I’m having a bath.//

Obi-Wan could barely contain his frustration. As he sat, alone waiting, while Vhane and Ovha had gone to prepare the negotiation room.

Qui-Gon was enjoying his bath immensely. He took out his hair tie and placed it on he border of the bath and submerged himself in he steaming waters. He turned on the spa unit, his body being massaged by thousands of tiny bubbles. When he emerged, he turned it off and began to wash his long, thick hair.

//Master?// Obi-Wan sounded irate.

//What is it?//

///I still can’t believe this. We have a crisis on our hands and you’re *washing your hair*!//

//I’ll be out in a moment, Padawan. Patience.//

//This is a test, isn’t it?//

//You tell me.//

He sensed Obi-Wan was still annoyed. Qui-Gon continued to cleanse his hair. He washed out the creamy lather and wrung his hair out.

And he relaxed in the steamy waters.

Ovha and Vhane returned to Obi-Wan.

"The negotiation room has been prepared," Ovha said. "It is customary of my people to spray a discussion area with Harmony spray which consists of essences of various shells, plants and essential oils."

Vhane looked somewhat distant.

"He does not agree with my people’s customs."

"But I did allow you to go along with them. These negotiations are too important."

"Exactly and that is why our guests and the room must be prepared." He spoke to Obi-Wan. "You and your Master have undergone the Cho’lhak – a cleansing. It requires visitors’ auras to be cleansed. Not that we believe you were dirty of course, you understand that it is our custom."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly as Ovha continued. "Your aura was cleansed with the ringing of the Lo’ran bell, however, the leader of a visiting party, in this case your Master, must undergo a deeper cleansing, consisting of a ritual bathing, with ffodil flowers."

//Master ...//Obi-Wan began somewhat uneasily.

Qui-Gon smiled. //Apology accepted, Obi-Wan.//

//But I haven’t apologised yet ... Master, I am *so* sorry ... I ... I don’t know what to say. I should have realised you cared about these people and-//

//Apology accepted,// Qui-Gon said again.

//Why didn’t you tell me? It *was* a test, wasn’t it? And I failed miserably.//

//You did ask me if it was a test, which means you didn’t fail. Yes, you could have performed better, but there will be other opportunities, and that’s why I’m teaching you.//

//Yes, Master.// Obi-Wan still felt upset, but pulled his head up. These people didn’t need a depressed Jedi.

Qui-Gon climbed out of the warm bath and dried himself. He used a wall unit to dry his hair and replaced his hair tie.

* * *

Qui-Gon slowly and carefully laid out the facts of the feud between the Avorania and the Dvarkiana. Ovha tried to keep calm, but Qui-Gon sensed anger rising in him. He sensed the Dvarkian leader wanted peace, but he still had a tremendous amount of anger. He sensed Vhane was afraid of the Dvarkiana, not physically, but he feared that the other race sought to take over his kind.

"The Jedi are here to help you," he said to Vhane and Ovha. "We are not here as a miracle cure for all your problems. That is up to you. We will do what we can to help both the Avorania and the Dvarkiana, but I stress, we will not take sides. Nor will we help by giving military or espionage assistance to either side, should war eventuate. We sincerely hope that will not be the case. We are not here to escalate this feud, we are here to help stop it."

Vhane nodded. "This is one of the reasons you were brought here. We need a neutral mediator."

Qui-Gon nodded and he realised he was feeling tired again, but hid it.

The negotiations broke for lunch. Qui-Gon was relieved to have a meat-free salad, but the main concern on his mind was helping bring peace to this world.

* * *

"The Avorania took our children!" Ovha tried to be calm. He did not want to jeopardise the situation.

"That was over fifty years ago," Vhane said. "And we realised we were in error. For over thirty years, not one child has-"

"Regardless of how long ago it happened, it should not have happened," Ovha said, having regained his composure. "And to this very day our sacred rituals, our beliefs are ridiculed and frowned upon."

"You believe in statues!"

"Our statues are monuments, tributes to our Gods. We do not worship or pray to our statues. They are to remind us what our Gods look like."

"Your Gods are nothing more than fairy tales."

Ovha felt rage rising in him.

Qui-Gon intervened. "If I may, it seems that both the Avorania and the Dvarkiana have differing beliefs. The Avorania believe in science whereas the Dvarkiana believe in Gods and Goddesses. The Jedi believe in the Force, but I have met many who don’t, or have other beliefs. One of my closest friends does not believe in the Force, he believes that our fate is controlled by an overseer."

"How can you be friends if you disagree?"

"We agree to disagree. He believes as strongly in his overseer as I do in the Force. We have been through some difficult times, but we have both seen each other through. He’s challenged me and I have challenged him, but in the end, we both have our separate beliefs and we are both friends."

"How can we keep our way of life safe if the Dvarkiana-"

"We did not come here to conquer your planet!" Ovha exclaimed. "We can here because we had nowhere else to go."

"Why here?"

"You know the story, but I shall refresh your memory. Our ship, with as many of our people as we could carry had run out of energy and Avorana was the closest planet. We had no choice. At first you welcomed us."

"And you began putting up your statues and temples and taking over our planet."

"We were merely trying to replace what we lost. You have no idea how many sacred texts and artefacts were lost when our planet’s core imploded. Our scared temples, all gone ... my people scattered ... lost ... many thousands perished ... " Ovha wiped away a tear. "And then you began to take our children as well..."

Qui-Gon felt for the Dvarkiana, but he would not let himself take any side.

He felt himself growing more tired and had to stifle a yawn, which surprised him.

"The Avorania perceived us to be a threat and we were no longer allowed to practice our rituals to our Gods and Goddesses. If they caught my ancestors praying, they were arrested. Thankfully that has been stopped, but still my people feel insecure and unwanted, even frightened to practice our sacred beliefs."

"And so your people plan to start a revolution which will result more deaths." Vhane said.

Again Ovha felt anger rising. "If our situation was reversed, how would you feel? Vhane felt anger rising now. Qui-Gon held up his hand. "It’s getting late. I suggest we close the negotiations for the day. It is clear we need to alleviate the pain you both feel, but we can’t do this by arguing and laying blame. We will talk more on this tomorrow."

* * *

Hardly a word was spoken during dinner. Obi-Wan thought he was seeing things at first when he saw his Master stifle a yawn, but then it had been a long day.

"Things could have gone better," Qui-Gon said to his Padawan, "but they needed to voice their concerns and woes, that is a first step."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Let’s hope we can do something for them."

"That’s why we’re here."

The younger Jedi sensed his Master was tired and left him to get some rest.

Qui-Gon fell asleep in an instant.

* * *

Obi-Wan stayed at the negotiation table with Vhane and Ovha, wondering where his Master was.

"We cannot start negotiations without Master Qui-Gon," Ovha said.

Obi-Wan became very uncomfortable. //Master, where are you?//

No reply. He sensed his Master in the complex and to his shock, discovered Qui-Gon was still asleep.

"...My Master has asked me to begin the negotiations this morning," Obi-Wan lied. "He will be along monetarily."

He hoped neither of them asked what Qui-Gon was doing. To his relief none of them did.

"Let’s begin where we left off last night..."

* * *

Qui-Gon awoke, feeling even more tired than the day before.

He sighed to himself as he yawned, rubbed his face and stretched. He wanted to go back to sleep and hoped it was not time for him to get up. He looked over at the wall clock. Anahe daram, and next to that, standard time 11:00. Qui-Gon blinked and shook his head. It surely couldn’t be eleven o’clock. He checked the clock in the bathroom which said the same thing. Perhaps there had been a power blackout the night before and the clocks had been thrown into disarray. One way to find out.

Qui-on looked outside and stared. The sun was nearly overhead. The Jedi Master’s mouth opened, then he shut it and swallowed.

"Oh my gosh .... *Oh my gosh* ..." He slapped a hand to his forehead and dressed as hurriedly as he could. As tired as he was he could not afford a shower this morning and thanked the Force he smelled fine as he hurriedly brushed his hair.

Qui-Gon composed himself as he entered the negotiation room.

"Apologies for my absence," he said. "I’ve been in contact with the Jedi Council."

"I hope you have not been called away." Vhane said, concerned.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "On the contrary, I have been informed that we may stay as long as necessary." He hoped that did not ask him what he was talking about for three and a half hours, and thankfully they did not. Obi-Wan glanced a his Master, sensing the older Jedi had just told an outright lie. Qui-Gon sensed the younger Jedi’s frustration.

//Master, what-//

//Not now, Padawan.//

//Another test?// Obi-Wan said, dryly.

There was no response from him Master.

Qui-Gon sat down, finding it hard to keep his eyes open and half dreaded explaining what had happened to his Padawan.

* * *

After the days meditation was over, Obi-Wan met his Master in his quarters, his stance demanding an explanation.

"Talking with the Jedi Council ... you bloody slept in!" he scalded.

"I know ...." Qui-Gon said, offering no defence. "Don’t spread that around." The Jedi Master was embarrassed. "They’ll think we’re not serious about helping them."

"Of course I wouldn’t do that. I didn’t know what to do in there, Master you left me in a very awkward position."

"I’m sorry, Padawan, I don’t know what happened and you seemed to have handled things well."

"I suggested that we all mediate for an hour to relieve tension."

"Did it work?"

"Yes, for the moment, and I had to recap yesterday for the other two and a half hours."

"You didn’t need me after all."

Obi-Wan gave his Master a look. "Usually you’re your own alarm clock."

"I’ve been feeling quite tired of late."

"See you’re there on time tomorrow. I don't want to have to come in here to wake you up."

"That won’t be necessary."

"Perhaps you should use the alarm clock in the room."

Qui-Gon seemed embarrassed and nodded.

* * *

The next morning, Qui-Gon was in the negotiations room ten minutes early, feeling even more fatigued than the day before. He could barely keep his eyes open. Thankfully neither the Avoranian nor the Dvarkian noticed anything, but Obi-Wan did. He sensed all his Master wanted to do was sleep and he became annoyed. He sensed Qui-Gon wanted to help these people, but his mind seemed elsewhere.

"We’ve established that the Avorania and the Dvarkiana have differing beliefs,"

Qui-Gon said evenly. "Ovha, I realise it must be hard for you to forgive the Avorania, and Vhane, I realise it must be hard for you to trust the Dvarkiana. As a mediator, I see both sides of the story." Qui-Gon paused, Obi-Wan noted, to stifle a yawn.

The Jedi Master pressed his teeth together to minimalise jaw movement. He sensed

Obi-Wan’s irritation, but ignored it.

"Can I tell you the way I see it?" Qui-Gon asked.

"By all means," Vhane said

Ovha nodded, hoping for a solution.

"I do not see the Dvarkiana as wanting to take over the Avorania. They are a lost people who are trying to make a home. Again, I am not siding with anyone. The Dvarkiana came from a very different world to the Avorania and therefore have differing customs and beliefs. Would it not be wise to let your two peoples learn about the other?" Another pause, another stifled yawn. "I have learnt about many different cultures in my time and although I may not follow or even agree with many of them, I respect them and I still like to learn." Again Qui-Gon paused. He sensed his Padawan’s irritation growing. "Would it not be in the interests of both people to welcome the other? I realise there is a lot of anger between your peoples. We can help you understand one and other, but you are going to have to do the hard work."

Vhane nodded. "It will take some getting used to and there will be many who will be very wary, if not reluctant, but I fear if we do not do something this will escalate to war."

Qui-Gon nodded. "The sprouting of old hatreds more often than not leads to the horrors of war."

"I do not want my children, my beautiful daughter Igfi and my darling son Whi, to grow up on a war torn world," Ovha said, looking to Vhane. "I am sure you do not want your children to live with war either."

"That is something we agree on."

"It is good that you are both agreed," Qui-Gon said. "I suggest we break form negotiations for a day to contemplate our situation. Think of all the things you want your children and your people to have and appreciate."

"That is a good suggestion," Vhane said.

Ovha agreed, but Obi-Wan realised his Master’s ulterior motive was so he could have a day to rest and he became very annoyed indeed.

* * *

"I don’t know what’s come over you, Master, you do care about this world, don’t you?"

" Of course I do," Qui-Gon said, hurt his Padawan would ask such a question. "This way it works to our mutual advantage. I don’t know why I’ve been feeling so tired lately, but I was ready to drop off to sleep in there."

"So I noticed."

Qui-Gon sighed. "I’m sorry, Padawan, I don’t know why I’m feeling like this, but I do know I need some rest."

"All right then, but be on time for the next negotiations."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Yes, Master."

Obi-Wan couldn’t help smiling back and shaking his head as he left.

Qui-Gon was asleep before his head hit the pillow and he slept well into the next day.


* * *

Vhane and Ovha escorted Obi-Wan into the gardens, showing him native flora and fauna. The Jedi Padawan stopped for a moment, then looked up.

"My Master’s in danger..." he placed his hand on his lightsabre and ran to Qui-Gon’s quarters.

Concerned, Vhane and Ovha followed at a quickened pace.

Obi-Wan burst into the room, ready to draw, but saw no adversary. His Master lay on the bed. Worried, Obi-Wan rushed to him, but he appeared to be unharmed. Qui-Gon turned around and looked at his Padawan. Obi-Wan saw his Master’s bloodshot eyes and his pale appearance and became concerned. "Master?"

"I feel terrible," Qui-Gon rasped, then he lurched and vomited, as Vhane and Ovha came running into the room.

"I’m so sorry," Qui-Gon said. "I’ll clean it-"

"No, Master Qui-Gon, we will do that."

The Jedi Master vomited again, feeling terribly embarrassed.

"Master, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling ill?"

"I didn’t know until this morning just now when I woke up. I thought all I needed was some rest."

"It’s afternoon, actually, but never mind. I’m sorry, Master, I-"

"It’s all right, Padawan."

"We shall prepare a bath for you and bring some fresh clothing and bedding," Vhane said.

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said. "I apologise for-"

"No apology necessary, Master Qui-Gon. Perhaps we are to blame? Perhaps there was something wrong with your food? The atmosphere of our world?"

"It wasn’t the food or the atmosphere, otherwise my Padawan would have been affected as well."

Vhane nodded. "We will need a sample of your blood to analyse. Perhaps we can offer some medication."

"And perhaps our Goddess Ephina will help," Ovha said. "She is the Goddess of Healing."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Thank you. Perhaps it will pass."

The Avoranian and Dvarkian left the Jedi alone.

"I’m so sorry, Master," Obi-Wan confessed.

"You weren’t to know."

"But still, even if it was just fatigue, I should have been more understanding. I’m sorry if I blamed you for neglecting your duties."

Qui-Gon smiled, understandingly.

"You’re still learning, as I am."

Vhane returned with a metal receptacle and a small device.

"This will not hurt," he said as he pressed it to Qui-Gon’s finger and took a sample. "I will have this analysed right away."

"Thank you." The Jedi Master lurched again, making use of the metal bucket. "I’m sorry..."

"No need to apologise, Master Qui-Gon. We commend your efforts. You were looking a little pale yesterday, but we were not sure if that was natural."

Obi-Wan silently scalded himself again.

//Don’t worry, Obi-Wan, we all make ...// Qui-Gon began to feel quite dizzy and placed his hand upon his head.


"I’m fine, just a little woozy."

* * *

"Have you tried calling on the Force?" Obi-Wan asked when they were alone.

Qui-Gon nodded and spoke softly. "Every time I call on the Force, it gets worse ..."

Obi-Wan became very concerned and saw something he’d never seen before. His Master was afraid.

"I can’t seem to get any answers from the Force," Qui-Gon said, shaking his head.

Obi-Wan sat down next to his Master and took his hand. "We’ll find out what’s causing it," he promised, "and find a cure."

Qui-Gon lay back down.

"Get some rest," Obi-Wan said gently. "Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said, closing his eyes.

Obi-Wan softly stroked his Master’s head before leaving him to sleep.

Qui-Gon woke up later that night, and began to vomit again. He drank an entire glass of water and brought it up again. He left his room, feeling a strong urge to have a bath and he began to run one. Before he climbed in, he drank some more water and waited until he vomited again.

He felt some relief as he lowered himself into the hot water and began to wash himself and his hair.

Obi-Wan knocked on the door. "Master?"

"I’m fine," Qui-Gon said.

"What if you fall asleep in there?" Obi-Wan said, and he came in. "I won’t look, but you might need a hand."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Thank you, Obi-Wan, but I’m fine."

Obi-Wan entered the bathroom.

Qui-Gon shook his head and smiled. "You’re so stubborn."

"I wonder where I get that from?"

Qui-Gon chuckled. Bubbles rose in the water. The Jedi Master felt terribly embarrassed.

Obi-Wan smiled. "It’s all right, Master," he said. "And in all honesty, they don’t smell bad at all, they’re rather pleasant, actually."

"Really? I didn’t think they smelt too bad, but then sometimes to everyone else fluffs stink."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Everyone else’s do. You’re too modest."

Qui-Gon finished his bath, climbed out and dried himself.

"Feel better?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Much, whatever it is doesn’t like heat or water."

Qui-Gon drank some fresh water. Obi-Wan escorted him back to his room. The Jedi Master didn’t like to be fussed about, but he was grateful nonetheless.

* * *

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood with Vhane and Ovha in the analysis room.

"I have some good and bad news," Vhane said. "The good news is we found out what is causing your illness. The bad news is it is fatal and we don’t know of a cure."

Slowly the Avoranian turned to the computer screen. "You have been infected by a genetically engineered virus," he said. "At first we thought it may be airborne, but we discovered the food we have been serving you is riddled with it. It has not affected your Padawan because it was engineered specifically for you."

Qui-Gon took it all in. "Someone seems to have gone to a lot of trouble."

"I assure you it is none of my people," Vhane said. "And the Dvarkiana do not posses such technology, and it is not their style."

Ovha seemed grateful Vhane did not suspect his people.

"I don’t suspect anyone on this planet," Qui-Gon said.

Vhane enlarged a viral specimen. On it was printed:


From DS & JZA

"We assume that they are initials of some kind. QGJ is obviously Qui-Gon Jinn, but we do not know who DS and JZA are."

"I do," Qui-Gon said after a pause.


* * * 

In the darkened room, her eyes gave en evil glint. "It should have taken affect by now..."

"You have done well." A robed figure walked around her.

"Even if he does discover it, it won’t do him any good. The virus is programmed to intensify whenever he concentrates on the Force and there is no cure, unless I make one."

He smiled. "If this works we can eradicate the Jedi."

* * *

"Jenna Zan Arbor," Qui-Gon said. "Conducted experiments of myself and another Force sensitive boy, who later died. Darth Sidious must have recruited her. He’s the only other one I know with those initials that wants me dead."

"Who could do such a thing?" Vhane asked.

"Unfortunately, there are many in the Universe who are far from altruistic," Qui-Gon said. "My concern is how they found out that I was here. To my knowledge the only ones that know we are here are the people of Avorana and the Jedi Council."

"And your friend Ousidis."

"I have no such friend," Qui-Gon said.

Vhane looked confused. "He contacted us twenty eight days ago and told us that you may be able to help our planet resolve our problem. He told us to contact you and the Jedi Council and agreed to provide compatible food for you."

"This gets more and more interesting," Qui-Gon said.

"Ousidis is an anagram of Sidious," Obi-Wan said.

Vhane placed his hand over his mouth and swallowed. "You mean-"

Qui-Gon gave a nod. "He engineered the whole thing to have me killed."

"Qui-Gon, I apologise profusely. I had no idea, I-"

"I know," the Jedi Master said gently. "But now that I’m here, I’m going to finish what we started."

"But Master Jedi, surely we cannot continue negotiations, you’re much too ill."

"That’s exactly what I’m going to do," Qui-Gon said.

"I admire your courage, Qui-Gon Jinn," Vhane said. "My people will continue working on finding a cure. But I am unsure what do to about food. We cannot continue to serve you contaminated food."

Qui-Gon nodded. "The water here is pure and it helps to purge the virus."

"Yes, but you will need sustenance and your Padawan will have to be purged as well should the virus come into contact with you, this making your condition worse."

* * *

"My people brew a tea from the leaves of the phodel plant," Ovha said, giving

Qui-Gon a cup of warm liquid. "It is not a cure, but it may help alleviate the symptoms. Ephina has told us that it is safe for you to drink."

"Thank you," the Jedi Master said, taking the very warm cup from him and began to drink it. "It’s very nice," he said after a few sips.

"I am glad."

Vhane looked doubtful it would help.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes for a few moments. "Thank you," he said to Ovha. "It’s made me feel a little better." The Jedi Master took a breath.

Vhane looked surprised for a moment.

"Many herbal remedies are very beneficial," Qui-Gon said to him, finishing his tea. "Now, back to the negotiations."

"Master Qui-Gon, you are still unwell," Vhane said.

"He is right, Master," Obi-Wan said. "The tea may have made you feel a little better, but it’s best to rest for now."

Qui-Gon sighed and smiled. "All right, for now, but we must continue negotiations tomorrow."

Qui-Gon lay in bed, then sat up when he felt another presence in the room.

"Do not be afraid," a gentle voice said.

A beautiful woman appeared, clad in an ancient style white dress, strapped white sandals, her waist wrapped by a gold sash. Dark brown hair cascaded past her shoulders, her face pale, but pristine.

"I am Ephina."

Qui-Gon admired her beauty, but more so her soul.

"I am afraid I cannot cure you, for you must cure yourself. I cannot tell you how, but I will tell you that you are a brave man, Qui-Gon Jinn and I thank you for helping my people. We are forbidden by the Universe to appear to the Avorania and you must not tell either race of our meeting. You may tell your Padawan, Obi-Wan at a later stage. We have been hoping for a peaceful solution for many a year."

"I hope I can bring one."

Ephina smiled warmly. "Trust yourself."

The Goddess shimmered and disappeared, leaving a surprised, but also enlightened Jedi Master, in awe at what he had just seen.

* * *

Ovha came to Qui-Gon, bearing a platter of a variety of berries.

"These are highly poisonous to both my and Vhane’s people, but Leta, Goddess of the Harvest tells me they will be suitable for you."

"Red currants, cherries, black berries and mulberries," Qui-Gon said. "Very nice."

"You can eat those?" Vhane asked, doubtful.

"Yes," Qui-Gon replied. "They’re considered a delicacy amongst my people."

"For once I’m glad our planet has so many poisonous berries," Vhane said.

Qui-Gon began to eat a mulberry. He noticed Vhane had said ‘our’ planet for the second time.

"What does it taste like?" Ovha asked, curious.

"Sweet, juicy and a little tart."

"Sounds like our joba berries. A pity they’re poisonous to your people."

Qui-Gon smiled. "I’m sorry Obi-Wan and I cannot sample your cuisine."

"There is one other berry that is fatal to my people," Ovha said, "they are red, with little seeds on the outside, mostly triangular in shape."

"They’re strawberries," Qui-Gon said. "They’re fine."


The Jedi Master nodded. "And very nice too."

Ovha smiled. "Then I will bring some tomorrow." He reached into a bag and

pulled out some orange vegetables, looking somewhat like small papaya fruit. "These kina vegetables are the only other thing on our planet that will be compatible with humans, if boiled for thirty minutes or more. I’m afraid they will taste horrid to your palate, but it is all we can offer."

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said. "You’ve been most kind."

"It is the least we can do," Vhane said. "I only hope we can find a cure."

Somehow Qui-Gon knew the only one who could cure him was himself.

Vhane and Ovha returned with the cooked orange vegetables, in a large pot.

"I am sorry we cannot offer more," Vhane said.

Qui-Gon smiled, understanding. "I am grateful for your hospitality," he said.

Vhane dished up for the Jedi as he took a bite of the vegetable, expecting the worst. It wasn’t quite as bad as he was expecting. No sharp pangy taste, just incredibly bitter.

Qui-Gon swallowed.

"I am sorry it is not to your liking," Ovha said.

"I’ve tasted worse," Qui-Gon admitted.

"My cooking," Obi-Wan ventured.

"Worse than that even."

The four shared a light chuckle. Qui-Gon was glad to liven the mood as his Padawan sat down and ate with him, trying to keep a straight face when he ate the bitter vegetable.

"We are still being supplied food for you both," Vhane said. "I thought it prudent to keep it going, should your enemies become suspicious."

"Good idea," Qui-Gon said, taking a drink of water.

"We are emerging the contaminated food in acid to destroy any traces of the virus."

Qui-Gon nodded, then he placed his hand over his stomach.

Ovha gave the empty pot to Qui-Gon who lost his dinner.

"It is not the kina, is it?" Ovha asked.

"No," Qui-Gon replied. "They’re fine. It’s the virus flaring up again."

He drank some more water.

"I will fetch more water and some phodel tea," Ovha said.

Vhane looked worried. Gently, Obi-Wan placed his hand on his Master’s back.

Ovha returned with a pitcher of water and the tea.

"Warm water will help calm you," he said, pouring a glass.

Qui-Gon drank it, then vomited again.

"The more you purge, the better it will be." Vhane said.

"Again I apologise, to have placed you in a very awkward situation."

"It is we who must apologise, Master Qui-Gon," Vhane said.

The Jedi Master smiled warmly. "None of your people knew anything about this. It is unfortunate, but as they say, the show must go on. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to bathe. The virus doesn’t like hot water."

"A good idea," Vhane said. "We will run one for you."

"That’s not necessary, I-"

Vhane smiled. "You are ill, Master Qui-Gon and you are very stubborn. Let us help you."

Obi-Wan smiled. "He’s famous for being stubborn."

Qui-Gon chuckled. "I’m Sorry. I’m not used to being looked after."

* * *

Qui-Gon drank some more warm water and vomited again. He drank until he did not bring anything up.

"That feels a lot better," he said, lowering himself into the water.

"I’m sorry if me being here makes you uncomfortable, Master," Obi-Wan said. "But if you get very sick or fall asleep in the bath ..."

"I appreciate your concern, Padawan, but I am feeling a lot better now."

"But for how long?"

"I don’t know, but I do know that I must get rid of this virus soon."

Qui-Gon began to wash himself, and started to feel tired. Obi-Wan began to help him. Qui-Gon started to protest.

"You’re not indestructible, Master."

"I know that, Padawan."

"So let me help you."

Qui-Gon smile warmly. "All right."

"Thank you." Obi-Wan began to wash his Master’s long hair.


Qui-Gon retired for the night whilst Obi-Wan had a hot bath.

The Jedi Master climbed into his soft bed and sighed. He could not sleep. He sat up in he middle of the bed and called upon the Force. He was careful to call upon it to speak to his soul, not his body. He bypassed the virus in his system and felt lighter as he connected and took a deep silent breath and continued to breathe silently. He closed his eyes and really connected to the Force. He felt as though he was part of it, submerged in a vast, warm ocean. His breathing slowed and he felt as though he was immersed in a warm rainbow. As the light connected to his body, he felt the virus weakening and he took strength, using the power of his mind and the Force. The virus struggled, but Qui-Gon could not let it win. He sat for two hours purging it from his system.

Obi-Wan entered the room.


Qui-Gon smiled.

"The virus?"


"That’s wonderful!"

"I should have trusted the Force, though I wasn’t to know that the conventional way Jedi call upon the Force would make it worse ... "I should have gone deeper in the first instance."

"Master, you’re not perfect."

"I know that."

"So stop scalding yourself."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Yes, Padawan ... Now sit down on the bed and give me your hands. Concentrate on the Force, go as deep as you can. See it helping you to eradicate the virus within you. You have power over it. Do not let it control you."

Qui-Gon sat for three hours with his Padawan, clearing the virus from his system.

Ovha and Vhane were awake, worried about their guests and their world.

Qui-Gon entered the negotiation room where they sat, nursing hot cups of phodel tea.

"I am happy to inform you both, we have beaten the virus."

The two looked up at the Jedi Master, relief spreading across their faces.

"This is wonderful news, Master Qui-Gon," Vhane said. "Again I am sorry-"

"No need to apologise, you’re not to blame."

Ovha smiled. "Ephina was right. She told us you would overcome it. I should have had more faith."

"As should I," Qui-Gon said. "We can continue negotiations tomorrow."

Vhane nodded. "Best make it in the afternoon, so we all can get some much needed rest."

Qui-Gon wasn’t going to argue with that.

* * *

The four assembled that afternoon after having a good sleep.

"If I may, Vhane I noticed on more than two occasions you said ‘the phrase our planet’, meaning both your and Ovha’s people."

"I did."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Yes you did. I believe on a subconscious level, you accept the Dvarkiana and Ovha I’m willing to believe you have the same belief, as you both share this world."

The Dvarkiana leader mulled this over. "You may be right."

"My people were afraid that if we allowed the Dvarkiana to practice their customs we would revert back to our ancestors, who as the Dvarkiana, believed in ancient Gods and Goddesses."

Ovha looked intrigued.

"We have come so far since then and we believed going back was barbaric, though in retrospect, and through what has happened here in the last few days I believe my people have lost something of our history. I see now that your Gods and Goddesses are more that just myths. This Ephina you spoke of was very accurate."

Ovha nodded and Qui-Gon felt a surge of relief coming from him.

"What I’m suggesting," Qui-Gon said, "is that the Dvarkiana customs and beliefs are taught in the schools of the Avorania, and perhaps the Dvarkian children can learn about science the ancient Avoranian Gods and Goddesses, so that you both can learn about each others’ culture and history. If neither race wants to take up on the other’s beliefs, than that is their personal choice, but this way two cultures learn about the other and can help each other."

Vhane and Ovha mulled this over.

"It makes sense," Vhane said. "My people will adhere to it, since I will tell them it is for the best and that the Jedi risked their lives to help us."

Qui-Gon gave a smile. "Tell them the truth," he said. "They will understand."

"My people will also adhere to the decision, as I believe it is right for our people. And I will tell them that you are brave, Master Qui-Gon. You danced with Haden, the God of Justice and Death and you are here to tell the tale."

* * *

Qui-Gon opened a channel and spoke.

"Is that a lightsabre in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" the Jedi Master asked dryly. "Why aren’t I dead? I found your little gift, and thank you so much. It isn’t even my birthday."

Darth Sidious glared at him. "Just how did you get rid of the virus?"

"Simple. I used the Force."

"But How? The virus was-"

Qui-Gon smiled. "Now that would be telling wouldn’t it?"

Sidious growled.

"And thank you," Qui-Gon said. "Without your intervention, this world could have plummeted into war. Look on the bright side, you helped save these people."

Sidious glared at him. "Everyone makes mistakes."

A silence followed.

"You waste your power," the Sith Lord accused.

"I like to think of it as using my power wisely. Unlike yourself, I do not use it for control, domination or destruction. You could use your power to help others." Qui-Gon knew he was barking up the wrong tree, but he had to make a go of it. "Use your power to save a world," he said. "Are you afraid it’ll make you feel good. It will. Go on, I dare you."

And he clicked off communication.

Darth Sidious hissed viciously at his dead commu-link. He glared lightsabres at Jenna who was equally perplexed. The Sith Lord clenched his hands so tight, he drew blood as he left the room, leaving Jenna shivering. Maul glared at her.

"You’re lucky you’re still alive, wench."

But Jenna wondered for how long.

"Master, what are you doing?" Maul asked as he saw the older Sith looking at a world through his viewscreen.

"That’s Bolralia, isn’t it? Their world’s shaking itself apart."

Maul, adjust the deflector dish to emit a pulse of 320 gigahurtz and aim it at the planet’s core."

The younger Sith thought for a moment. "But that will *save* that would, Master.

"I know."

Maul looked at his Master for a moment, perplexed.

"Afraid ... indeed ... I’ll show him... Well go on, do it!"

Maul aimed and fired, thus saving millions of people.

There was great rejoicing on the streets of Bolralia, as their Sky Gods had saved them.

"Master, are you feeling okay?"

"I ... I don’t know ... By the Force ... I just *saved* a world ..."

"Do you plan to do that regularly?"

"Gods, "I hope not."

* * *

"There," Sidious said to Qui-Gon over the commu-link, "I saved a world, and I’d appreciate you not spreading that around. Are you happy now?"

Qui-Gon was somewhat surprised. "The question is are you happy?"

Sidious growled. He hated to admit it, though it felt rather good.

Qui-Gon smiled. "I told you so," and he clicked off.

Sidious glowered.

"Master,’ Maul said, "what has that Jedi done to you?"

Sidious glared at the screen and left the room without another word. Maul smiled.

* * *

"You have saved our people," Vhane said, taking Qui-Gon’s hand.

"My people will build a statue of you, amongst our Gods and Goddesses, in our square if that is what you desire," Ovha said.

Qui-Gon smiled. "Thank you, I’m honoured, but that’s not necessary. My Padawan and I are happy we could help you."

"Again Vhane and thank you ... We have stocked up your ship with berries and kina.

"Thank you," Qui-Gon said.

* * *

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were met by both Vhane and Ovha’s people as they left the complex.

"Master Kwee-Gon?" A little girl called.

Qui-Gon smiled and knelt down to her. "Hello. What’s your name?"

"I’m Sha and I made this for you."

She gave him a white leather animal, with a silver horn, resembling a unicorn.

"Thank you ..." he said touched.

"Her name’s Kira. She’s a SpiritHorn. They’re the animals our Gods and Goddesses ride."

"She’s beautiful," Qui-Gon said. "They look like our Unicorns."

"Have you ever seen one?"

"No, but that doesn’t mean I won’t." Qui-Gon had learned on his stay on Avorania that myth and legend were as real as one believed.

The little girl hugged him and he gently returned the embrace.

Qui-Gon stood with Kira.

//Master, you know we’re not supposed to accept gifts...// Obi-Wan said with a smile.

//What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t hurt her feelings.//

Obi-Wan stroked Kira’s soft white woolen mane.

Vhane and Ovha smiled. Vhane looked apologetically at Ovha. The other smiled warmly.

"We have a lot to learn about each other, but we have nothing to fear."

Vhane nodded and embraced the other.

Obi-Wan almost cried, Qui-Gon smiled gently.

"Even though I almost died here I’m glad I came."

"As am I, Master, we’ve both learned a lot from this experience."

"Yes we have and our connection to the force has deepened."

"Do we have Darth Sidious to thank for that?"

"I suppose we do."

Obi-Wan chuckled. "So he did us a favour."

"I suppose he did, don’ tell him that though."

The younger Jedi laughed. "Maybe we should."

Vhane and Ovha and the people of this world bid the Jedi farewell.

* * *

The shuttle cruised space, on its way back to Coruscant.

Qui-Gon boiled some of the kina.

"Do we *have* to eat those, Master? They’re truly heinous."

The Jedi Master chuckled. "I’m afraid that’s all we have, since our food ran out on the way here and our plan was to stock up on food there."

Obi-Wan sighed.

"Look on the bright side, at least we have lots of berries."

"Master, if I see another strawberry again I’ll scream."

"How about a cherry?"






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