I was amusingly intrigued when I found there was a place in India called "Bangalore" - heh!  How adorable!  And I had always wanted to go there and visit ;)  Bangalore, I was later to learn is practically the incense capital of the world.  If you have incense, or next time you see Indian incense, 10 of Riker's poker chips says it's made in Bangalore.  

Here are some of my absolute favoruite, beautiful incenses - all made in, you guessed it -  Bangalore!  And they all smell wonderful too!



Lore loves them too ... Especially the Bewitching one .... *Twinkles nose* ;)

 And Guess What?  In 1998 I got my wish to visit Bangalore!!!  ... I was returning from a trip to Nepal, via India, so why the hell not?!


Wanna see some of my and Lore's Bangalore happy snaps?!


A cute Emporium  {I love all things Arthurian :}


An awesome department Store, which looks like a castle.  They even have knights in shining armour guarding the entrance!  {I must get me another green sari when I go back!  I got a lovely purple and green one from a designer store.}


See!  Isn't he just gorgeous?!  

{Actually, could be a she ... I never asked ;}


And the toy department was to die for!!  Just look at this cool book archway!  Yes, I walked through it ... Ya.  Like I could I resist! ;) I can *never* visit a foreign country without checking out at least one toy shop and of course, sampling local chocolates! ;)


I would've liked to take Data to the Lal Bagh Botanical Gardens  :)  They have a HUGE tree uprooted by a monsoon here.  It dwarfs me!  There's also a 20 million year old petrified tree stump.  A very lovely place.


Here's another lovely tree from the gardens


Looks like Lore's sorta place, doesn't it? ;)


They also have lovely sandalwood emporiums in Bangalore as well - And the carved sandalwood ornaments I bought there still have their lovely scent!  Must get some more when I return ... :) ... Mysore Sandal Soap is also made in Bangalore. You gotta try Sandalwood soap!  Man, it rocks and smells divine ...  (The Bee & Flower Company {China} also make a very nice one}


And next on my travel itinerary will be Cuddalore ... Yes - there actually is such a place. Unfortunately it was too far away for me to get to in my short 2 day Indian sojourn ... Next time, Definitely!!

And than there's Mangalore ... No, that's not mangle Lore, thank you!  :)  Perhaps it's where they draw Lore Manga style?  Hmm ... must pick up some comics ... ;)

MangaLore and CuddaLore ... Hey that sounds like a cute place, doesn't it?   Cuddle Lore? No problem, Babe!  ;)




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{Disclaimers - This page is meant purely for Star Trek fun and enjoyment.  No offence is intended to the people and lovers of India.  I have the deepest respect for different cultures and hope to travel back to India to spend more time there ~ not just for my Star Trek fancies! ;)