Disclaimer: Transformers were created by Hasbro.

I make no monetary profit from my fanfic.

Summary: A well known Transformer contemplates his life.

Rating PG





POWER.  That which has driven me. All my life it had been all I ever wanted. I didn't care who or what I had to destroy - who I had or overthrow or crush should they stand in my path. Power is everything. It demanded fear and respect - the only respect I knew. I deserved that respect and looked down on all those who neither had nor craved it. They should bow down to me - all of them! They were unworthy. They were nothing. I was supreme - but without power - where did I stand? Nowhere. I was entitled to a position of power, of course I was. They knew I was superior. Their envy came as no surprise. However, I would not get the respect I deserved without power, and that made me resent the ones around me even more. To tell you the truth, I don't give a damn about the Decepticon cause. Why did I become a Decepticon then, you ask? Simple – I was sick and tired of complacency and it was the only way to accomplish my goal - to become the most powerful being in the Universe, demanding the obedience, respect and fear of all those around me, to dominate and control them - and as I said, I didn't care who had to die for it. Yeah, sure. I'd make a wonderful Autobot.

Of course I had to do my bit for the Decepticon cause - and I was damn good at it. I had to be. There were a lot of times when I resented it. I loathed taking orders, working for others especially under Megatron, when I should have led the Decepticons or so I thought - I wanted to do my own thing - my way, but I had to do what they told me to, feeling like an electronic sheep most of the time - but doing my job and doing it well, brought me closer and closer to my goal - I just wished it wouldn't take so damn long. Primus, it was so frustrating and maddening!

I could never show any weakness whatsoever. It would either hurt or destroy any chances I had of ever accomplishing my goal. The fact that I had no friends didn't bother me in the slightest. I'd managed to alienate - or severely annoy all those around me, which was just as well. If I had a friend, it would complicate things ... But I did have a friend once - millions of years ago, before the war - before I joined the Decepticons. His name was Skyfire. I used to be a scientist and an explorer. At first it was interesting, boldly going where no one had gone before (as the Earth TV show Star Trek said) - I have a habit of getting sidetracked, don't I? Anyway Skyfire and I were exploring what was an uncharted planet at the time – Earth in its Ice Age. We were separated by a violent blizzard. I circled half the globe looking for him, but all was in vain. I did care for him, but he was gone now. As I continued my science and exploration of the galaxy alone, I found it dissatisfying - to tell you the truth, even with Skyfire, I felt it wasn't quite for me. Those around me blamed me for Skyfire's loss, which hampered my work. I was an outcast in the community. Well to be honest, I never really felt I belonged anyway. They were boring people, a bunch of snobby Autobot professors, who never bothered to understand me. I tried to belong, but to use another Earth phrase, I felt like a fish out of water.

I hadn't known what I wanted to do with my life at the time. I was good at science, and exploration was just a form of escape which gave me an excuse to get away from 'society.' But it was only temporary, and I knew I couldn't escape reality, which made me resent those around me more and more. I grew to the point of hating them and wishing ill upon them. I was better then them. What right did they have to blame me - to ridicule me - to take advantage of me whenever they felt like it? What made them so great?

It was then when I first started wanting to be powerful – craving to be so. Then I could show them who was better. At first I did not know how obtain it. What could one do against the many? Nothing that I could see, no matter how hard I tried. I began to use my science against them, of course being discrete about it. I couldn't let them know it was me. I needed real power. Hiding behind my experiments made me feel like a coward. I desperately wanted them to know that it was me, but if they did, they would try and stop me and boot me out, and I had no power - no defences to ward them off. I plotted and planned, but I didn't see how I could gain access to a vast supply of Energon, which is what I needed. Even though they didn't know what I was up to, they didn't trust me, so there was nothing I could do without revealing my intentions, and then I'd be up shit creek, to use a colourful Earth phrase.

And I could hardly ask them either.

  "Excuse me, but I need oh ... about a million energon cubes for my scientific research." Yeah. Right.

But then my opportunity came. I learned of other rogue Autobots who didn't care for the way Cybertron was progressing. They were like me - wanting power.  We met secretly together on many occasions, and began to plan a revolt. Our group, which now numbered in the hundreds of thousands, became known as the Decepticons. We were given a new purple symbol which was to become the Decepticon insignia. We mass produced weapons and prepared ourselves for war. I wanted revenge on the ones who had ridiculed, humiliated and shunned me - I'd show them ...

I took an instant disliking to Megatron, who had proclaimed himself as Leader - sure, he forged the Decepticon Army, but I believed it was I who should lead.  I kept those sentiments to myself – at first.

The Decepticons had a cause - to destroy all the Autobots, total domination of Cybertron, and gain total control of the Universe. It all sounded wonderful - Domination. But I didn't want to share it with anyone. I wanted total control, and the only way I saw I could accomplish this was by becoming a Decepticon and doing everything within my power to accomplish this. In time I'd overthrow Megatron - or so I thought.

Many millions of Autobots and Decepticons died in this war which was to rage for over nine million years - across the galaxy and back. Many times both sides triumphed. The war brought a group of Autobots and Decepticons to Earth, where the Ark, carrying us crashed. We were all destroyed. Four million years passed. Long time, huh – even for a Transformer. A volcanic eruption form Mount Saint Helens brought the Teletraan One, the ships computer back to life and we were reactivated, and the war continued on this planet.

I was so confident that ultimate power would someday be mine forever. I was foolish to let others know of my hunger, as it made them very wary. It put them on guard, as for me not trusting anyone, no one trusted me either. Smart. Still, I was determined not to let anything or anyone stand in my way. Each setback or failure, I took personally. Blunders made me look weak and foolish in the eyes of others - although I knew I was not. I admit my being rash and throwing caution to the wolves got me into deep shit sometimes, but I always managed to bail myself out somehow. I lived to control others - to be in command. Of course they hated it. They hated me and they let me know it. They were jealous of course, and they wanted power too, and I suppose I couldn't blame them for that, but I believed it belonged to me and I deserved it. They didn't. It hurt being so unpopular and despised, but if that's the price I had to pay for power - so be it.

My lost friend was found about a year after we crashed on Earth. I had been extremely surprised, and I admit to having some feeling for him, even after all these years, and all that had happened in between. Finding him had given me a sense of satisfaction. I had failed all those years ago to find him, and here he was, but I hid my feelings from the other Decepticons. We managed to reactivate him. Of course he was a bit groggy after spending about nine million years frozen, but then who wouldn't be? I spent many hours explaining to him what had happened since we separated. He had been surprised to find that I had changed - but I told him it was for the better and that he should join me. It was much more interesting and rewarding this way, but unfortunately, he didn't see it that way. He did not want to kill or destroy. He valued life more than power and I had viewed him as weak for that. He later joined the Autobots, which maddened me. I had saved him and again, I had failed. Failed to make him see things my way - that greed and power were what made life worth living. I had hated him because I felt he had betrayed me. I'd been too blinded by rage to see his side. He felt that I had betrayed him, and he was right. Needless to say our friendship dissolved. Too much had happened since we separated. In time I grew to accept that he had gone his way - and I had gone mine. Perhaps it was better this way. I let go my ties with him, and let him get on with his life, as I got on with mine.

My revenge and quest for absolute power almost always got me into strife. If ever someone - anyone thwarted me, defied me, or humiliated me - Nothing could stop me from making them pay. It even got me booted out of the Decepticon army - more than once, but some good ol' sweet talkin', some well placed groveling and bribes always did the trick.

My quest for power endangered my life more times than I cared to take a blast at. I'd cheated the Reaper of his prize many a time by blaming others, and watching them either get reprimanded or annihilated for my mistakes without remorse, I’ll add; by lying, cheating, groveling, pathetic though it was. Shame, I did not know the meaning of the word.  I’ve seen too many of the brave die ... there’s a thin line between bravery and stupidity.  And I always seemed to pull through. Death terrified me ... Repulsed me.  Seeing others die did not phase me one iota - but being killed myself terrified me more than anything in the Universe. I viewed death as the end of everything. No one would respect or fear a corpse. I could not bear the thought of dying - having no life - having nothing. I was too important to die.

But I did die - twice. You're probably asking how the heck can I be writing this - It's a long story which I'd rather not go into - but my greatest fear - my most dreaded nightmare had become a reality. Disembodied, condemned to wander endlessly, neither here nor there. So this was Hell. Okay, so there was no red horny robotic devil poking a pitchfork at me. Everyone's idea of heaven and hell is different - and this was my Hell and there was nought I could do about it. Sure, I could pop up, say 'boo' and scare the lubricant out of someone - but is that what I'd been reduced to? All my dreams of glory down the tubes ... I felt so pathetic, so useless. I just wanted to die. (Pardon the pun). I had no power.  I had nothing. I did get my body back, though - if you want to know the whole story, it's probably stored somewhere in Cybertron's Historical Data Banks, but I'll just say, it involved possessing numerous Decepticons, using them for my own gains, despite, unconcerned what would happen to them, repairing Unicron to a certain extent. Like I was really going to give him his body back - and have him eat me afterwards right after he devoured Cybertron. Right. Fortunately he was as gullible as I'd hoped, but what he lacked in intelligence, he made up for with raw, brute power. Oh, what glorious power! What wouldn't I'd've given to be as powerful as that ... Albeit not as stupid. Size isn't everything you know.

Again, my desire for revenge against the one who had taken my life and condemned me to that miserable existence, almost cost me my life - again. As I drifted endlessly through space, I began to wonder. I had severely humiliated Galvatron, but if killing him would cost me my life – again – at his hands - was it worth it? No, I decided. It wasn't. Fortunately, for me I’ve a knack at playing hide and seek.  I hide well.  And Galvatron gave up, but not before he vowed to rip my innards out and feast upon them.  And I thought Megatron was bad!

Actually, Galvatron said he regretted killing me - only for the humiliation I had caused him, of course. Bastard.  Even to this day I laugh myself stupid remembering the creeped out look on his face when I returned in gosling form.

The second time my quest took my life, I had absorbed an enormous amount of pure power, the Underbase. I felt wonderful - POWERFUL - AT last, I was the most powerful being in the Universe. No one could stand against me!  And those who tried ... nothing pleased me more than destroying them by my own hand. Seeing them crumble and the lights drain form their optics... Many Autobots and Decepticons alike fell before me as I continued to absorb more and more of this power - and became more and more indestructible. I grew in size, larger than any other Transformer ... But the power became too much for me to handle. It began controlling me, and I was powerless to stop it - and thus it became my undoing. I had been too full of myself to realise it until it was too late. I couldn't disperse the power I had absorbed and screamed in agony as I felt my mind going. The insanity hit me first, then I felt it tear my body apart, limb from limb. You can't even begin to imagine the agony ... but then again, perhaps I deserved that.

If you want to know more about the Underbase Saga, again check out the Cybertronian Historical Data Base. I'm not writing a history text here.

I was repaired, though, much to my relief, about a year later - but it seemed much longer than that and only because the Decepticons had a use for me. Typical, I suppose. Of course I had my own agenda. I always did. I played their pathetic game for as long as it suited me, and then went 'missing.'  However I was to discover my name no longer sent shockwaves of terror ripping through the hearts of others. I had become little more than a joke - Now that was going to change - back to the way it should be, and I was going to get the last laugh. Ha.

Again my quest for power almost consumed me ... and arguably this time was more terrifying than ever ... or should I say more self-realising? I had come into possession of the Creation Matrix. With it within me, I felt I could control the world - the Universe ... hey, the thing blew Unicron to kingdom come without an effort.  Now that is power absolute. Feeling its warm power surging through my body, somehow I felt that this was it. I felt that it needed me as much as I needed it. But foolishly, I tried to use its power for destruction. Both Megatron and Optimus teamed together to stop me. How quaint. I wasn't about to let them destroy my greatest dream - my final victory. However what began to happen terrified me. Not fear of death this time ... I began helping people for Primus' sake!  Wanting to control the Earth, but feeling I had to protect it's inhabitants??!! ... Helping Optimus?  What the fuck was wrong with me?! It was the Matrix. It was corrupting me, or so I thought. It wasn't created to be used for evil. Its energies not only gave me physical power, but also the power to do good. At the time it repulsed me. I felt powerful, but at the same time weak. I couldn't go on like this and relinquished the Matrix back to its rightful owner, Optimus Prime, who to my annoyance, seemed quite amused at the fact that I was being nice. Bah, humbug, I thought ... but maybe that kick up the jackzy was just what I needed. I was grateful Megatron didn't terminate me and have my guts for lunch on the spot as Galvatron would have, but threatened to terminate me if I hampered his efforts. So what can I say? I helped him and Optimus defeat Jhiaxus. I even saved Prime's life. Ee! Me! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine doing such a thing.

As I said before, I couldn't give a crap about the Decepticon cause. Sure, I hated Autobots, but then I hated everyone. I hated the Autobots because of what they were - good. They cared much about others - A sign of weakness, I thought. They cared about all life, all sentient beings. I never could understand how they could be so selfless - so caring. They always put life above power and conquest. To them Life was the most important thing in the Universe. They viewed it as a sacred gift. It had always puzzled me - they could become powerful and rule with the Decepticons, instead of against them. In time, I guess I grew to accept that they were different. Strange, but different, but I still viewed them as weak, but they could fight damn well when they needed to, otherwise they'd all be dead - of course I'd never say that to other Decepticons. Even though it was true - isn't it funny when you're on opposite sides you can't say anything good about your enemy - even though it might be true - as if both sides don't want the truth to be known. But if I did say anything to that effect, they'd view it as a sign of 'praise for the enemy' and that'd really get me in the doghouse, (a term I picked up on Earth) and in the doghouse I had been many a time. As for humans, I had always viewed them as pathetic, weak creatures. They were no match for the Decepticons - yet they tried to stop us, futile though it was, even with their most powerful weapons, through my contempt for the little beings was some admiration. They were determined - I'd give them that. They were trying to protect themselves and their world. Suppose I can't blame them.

Battle after battle - some the Decepticons would win, others the Autobots took victory. I don't think anyone remembers how many battles were fought. At first it was so vivid, but now, millions of years later, as vague, a messy blur. No one getting anywhere. Life becoming dull, boring, and terrifying, trapped in this vicious circle from which there is no escape. It's like we were all created for war and nothing else. Very few of us could even remember what life was like before the war, and even then the memories are very distant – and some knew nothing but war. Sure, I still wanted power, but my dream seemed so far fetched now. It all seemed easy and promising at first, but now ... I began to doubt myself. Was it worth all this? Worth dying for again and again?  Fighting, killing, failing, gaining it than losing everything?  And who would repair me if I died again?   My options were fast running out.  And if I was given ultimate power with no risk to myself, what would I do with it?  Truth be known I’d grown bored of killing and for the first time I understood those I hurt, those I killed loved their lives as much as I loved mine.

For the first time in my life, I began to doubt myself. I began to question my beliefs and my goals. All my life I've been so sure - so absolutely sure of myself, and certain that power and total control was what I wanted that it was worth it. I had wanted everyone around me to fear and respect me. Reluctantly I learned that true respect was earned, not demanded or forced. Everyone despised me - even when they 'respected' me. It had taken me a long tome - too long to learn that I was a fool - though I'd been told many times. I never seemed to learn from my mistakes, and I'd been too pig headed, proud and stupid and too up my own afterburners to listen to anyone else or ever admit that I was wrong. I thought I was perfect - or I wanted to believe it so much that in the end I did.

But I sit here now, thinking back on my life ... could I have made it better? I guess it's too late for that now. Unless I travel back in time, but seeing what terrible destructive damage Transformers traveling back and forth in time has done - like almost destroying the Universe as we know it, I'd rather leave things as they are. What's done is done. I did what I thought was best for me at the time and I guess I stuffed it, but that's my fault and there's nothing I can do to change it.  Perhaps those were the lessons I was meant to learn.  Perhaps I was many to learn the hard way.  Soundwave once called am an immature child and at he time I hated him for it, but now, many millions of years later, with grudging respect, I realise he was right.

Seeing Optimus Prime and Megatron signing that Peace Treaty not so long ago... No doubt an enormous milestone in our history.

Seeing Skywarp, Thundercracker, Breakdown, Scavenger and Long Haul, playing games with Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Jazz, Hound and Mirage ... That made me smile awkwardly. It looked so alien, but yet so right at the same time.

It had taken over nine million years of war - countless millions of deaths, casualties and pain on both sides ... Many couldn't remember anything but war. Some were created during the war and didn't know anything else. But now the Great Cybertronian Wars were officially over. I mean really over, not a just temporary truce and not some elaborate Decepticon scam to get the Autobots off guard and I’d know if it was. Of course some Autobots were suspicious and uneasy, but who could blame them?

However, the majority of Autobots and Decepticons had agreed that the war could go on, for perhaps another nine million years, or even longer if something wasn't done about it, both sides would eventually be annihilated. I guess the Transformers finally came to their senses. Funny, isn't it? How people can change through their experiences, or by witnessing experiences of others. In my early years of being a Decepticon, I would have rejected a peace treaty outright and settled for no less than destruction of all Autobots - But I guess I'm learning.  In a way that terrifies me, but I realise my past is part of me, and I realise I don’t have to sacrifice my youthful exuberance or my zest for life as I grow older and wiser. I smile to myself.   Soundwave, I’m growing up.

The peace treaty did make me a little nervous and unsure. It was a bona fide treaty, but if I signed it, I'd have to abide by it, as it was to be signed by all members of both sides. I've always been a loner and never felt comfortable in groups. Some things never change. I told them I'd sign it if I could leave Earth, be on my own, and they agreed to that - besides Megatron told me he'd blast me into oblivion if I disturbed the peace.

A charmer, isn't he?

I told him and Optimus Prime, standing before me that I had no intention of ruining anything. I told them what I wanted was freedom - My freedom. I would leave Earth, and perhaps explore the Universe, as I had done before with Skyfire.  Perhaps someday he would join me again and we could reforge our long broken friendship.  I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I was sure it wasn't what I had before, and whatever it was - I was sure I'd find it out there - The look on Meggers face was priceless! I wish I had a vid-cam! But it was my turn to be surprised when he wished me good luck. I never thought I'd feel anything more than jealousy, resentment and hatred for him. It's funny how things change from one moment to the next. For the first time Megatron had ever believed me, and Optimus Prime did too. I guess it was the first time anyone ever really trusted me, and it sounds odd, but it was a wonderful feeling.

Optimus and Megatron shook hands, thus sealing the Peace Treaty.

I transformed and left them, flying high into the sky, leaving Earth's atmosphere, then leaving orbit altogether. Perhaps I'd return someday - perhaps I'd return to Cybertron - who knows? It seems as if my life's beginning again. This time, I was determined to make it better and worthwhile and not balls it up. A life without purpose is meaningless. For the first time I find myself on my own, as I sail through the galaxy, in search of my true purpose. I'm sure I'll find it somewhere in this vast Universe ... I feel unsure, but I've accepted that as part of me. I no longer feel ashamed to admit my weaknesses or my failures. They are part of me too, but I and determined to find my true self out here.  Primus, please guide me.

Sorry, it was rude of me not to introduce myself earlier. I had so much to tell you, I didn't know where to begin or where it would end. Hope it all makes sense, but I'm sick and tired of keeping it all to myself. For the first time, I feel a need to share my innermost feelings and experiences with others, so maybe you can understand and learn from them.

And if you don't already know by now - My name's Starscream.




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