-- Cutesy Transformer Goodies --



Was a retro video (not DVD) I found. Did not even *mention* Transformers, nor did the 1986 one! Fer shame! So I did.



Robert Stack (Ultra Magnus) play fighting a Decepticon at the TFTM after party :)



   80's Page --    

At LAST!!! A book which mentions the 80s *and* Transformers!!!


I worked for the newspaper fro the years 1995 - 2000.

They brought this article to me and asked if I could think of any more fads of the 90s

I said Transfoimers to keep the flame alive from the 80s! And it got in the paper. YEAH!!!!



Think this ute will make a FABULOUS Transformer. Autobot or Decepticon :)


Cute retro candle holder I bought


Is the tip of a round biscuit/cookie.

Thought it looked like a cute Unicron ;)



Cute and TFs should want their engines fitter, lol.   *Pictures robots doing aerobics to ''80s music* ;)


This elegant robot can do aerobics and dance better than me! ;)




Very cute mini radio cassette player, reminded me of Transformers and 'Ratchet' is in the background ;)


Merry Transforming Xmas! ;D




A calorie cCalorie counter book from '86 which listed Transformer packet chips.

 Used to eat these all the time. Even got them in a

 vending machine once!







SpaceBalls the Colouring in Book! SpaceBalls the Lunchbox! ;)



The REAL Universal Greeting! Don Conreaux the gong man is AWESOME!!!!!







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