Disclaimers:   Tf's owned by Hasbro.



Note:  I got RiD Bruticus (formerly called Cerberus) and was sorely disappointed in the toy and profile to boot, (and his former box are was much better) and so I wrote a new profile and altered his Tech Specs.  For those of you who are knowledgeable of Greek Mythology, Cerberus was Hades' guard dog who guarded the gates to the Underworld, which had aspects of Heaven and Hell. Hades was the God that looked after the souls in the Underworld.  He was the God of Justice as well as the Sovereign of the Underworld and oft misunderstood.









            "Who Goes There?"

            "In Life you may not enter.  In Death you may not leave."



Profile:  Cerberus was originally created a Decepticon, but he did not believe in the war.  He desired neither to be on the Decepticon or Autobots' side.  He left the Decepticons and roamed the Earth, forlorn, as he felt he did not have a place in it.   Cerberus let Megatron leader kill him, as he knew in death he would be reborn.  He found himself in a dark place and knew he had come to the Transformers' Afterlife.  The souls of slain Autobots, Decepticons and Neutrals all rested here.


Primus gave Cerberus the role of guarding the Transformers Underworld.  A role he takes seriously and performs his duties with honour.   He patrols the Underworld keeping the Dead in and the Living out, much as his counterpart had done many millennia ago in Ancient Greece. 

Cerberus finally felt he had a place to call home.  He realises he's not popular, but that has never bothered him in life or in Death.  Many are not sure what to make of him and many fear him.


He often sits in the renewing silence of the Underworld and enjoys the serenity here.  To him it is a place of Eternal Life, as a Soul can never die.  He wishes the living understood that.  He is ferocious when he needs to be, but for the most part he is quiet as a cyber-mouse.


He has an affinity with Soundwave, who has a mutual respect for him.



Abilities:  He rarely transforms into his mode. In this mode he has a light sword, which can deflect any blast.  Now he is in the Underworld, he cannot be affected by such weapons and keeps it as a momento as it has sentimental value.  In dog mode, his jaws and claws are powerful and sharp and can tear through metal as though it were butter.  He can run up to 200 miles an hour.  In the Underworld, he has the power to transport himself from place to place.  He can shoot powerful rays from his six eyes in dog mode.  


Weaknesses:  Sometimes Cerberus' longing for the living to understand that Death is never the end can depress him.  He often senses the pain of the living when someone close to them has passed.  He yearns to ease their pain, but knows they have to do that on their own.  Cerberus' robot mode is rather awkward, but now that he is no longer living, that does not bother him.  Occasionally he feels cumbersome in his dog mode, but that usually passes as he realises that's just the way he is.


Appearance:  Cerberus is mainly semi dark brown.  His eyes are black, but they glow red hen he is about to shoot from them.  The underside of his massive paws are black.  His claws and teeth are silver.  In Dog mode he does not look like a robot. 




STRENGTH - 10 (Formerly 8)            INTELLIGENCE - 9.5 (Formerly 7)

SPEED - 8 (Formerly 5)                       ENDURANCE - 10 (Formerly 7)

RANK - N/A (Formerly 5)                    COURAGE - 10 (Formerly 8)

FIREPOWER - 10 (Formerly 3)          SKILL - 9 (Formerly 6)




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