Disclaimers: Transformers are owned by Hasbro.
Pics shown are photographs, sorry, but I do not know who photographed them. One pic drawn, from a card, but I don't know who the artist is. Images used are for private use only. No money is being made or credit taken.
[Please e-mail Seawave if you would like to play with any of my Original characters :} - [If you do use my characters, please credit me for the characters we created. No killing my characters - It is okay if they get repaired of course!]
Rating - PG
"Don't bother me and I won't bother you."
"There are wonders all around, but in a war, one must look harder to find them."
Profile: Soundwave is rather quiet, and when he talks, it sounds as though he's whispering. His voice is slightly raspy. He sees little point in violence and won't attack unless provoked or ordered. He prefers to live outside, rather than inside the Predacon base - he finds it too stuffy, and the constant bickering irritates him. He enjoys exploring the planet, and has secret spots where he rests or hides when he needs to. He enjoys slithering in the undergrowth.
The other Predacons don't like him too much, as they think he's stuck up, and never know quite what to make of him. But they appreciate his insights, even if they and never mention it and are slightly jealous.
The Maximals don't quite know what to make of him either, but they tend to leave him be, unless he's attacking or snooping around their base. Tigatron caught him in the wild once, in his jaws, which frightened the snake, because he knew there was no way to escape. Tigatron released him when he was convinced, Soundwave appreciated the planet, and preferred to stay out in the wild as he did.
When Soundwave was created, Megatron got to his pod first, reprogramming the Maximal into a loyal Predacon. He's not too sure what to make of Soundwave, as the other never gives anything away. He wishes Soundwave would stay at the base more often, for intelligent conversation. Megatron awoke to find Soundwave curled up in Beast mode asleep on his lap once. Megatron was about to hurl him off, and decided against it for some reason which is still unknown to him. Soundwave is extremely loyal and quite patient when it comes to Megatron. He knows just how to calm his leader down when Megatron's in a rage.
Soundwave rarely loses his temper. When he gets mad, he's usually quiet about it, but the other Predacons know to stay well out of his way when he hisses or glares at them like that!
Abilities: Soundwave is very intelligent and can usually make light of any situation, no matter how glum. He transforms into a yellow-faced whip snake. He's fast and small in Beast mode and can move without making a sound or keep completely still. In Beast mode he can hide just about anywhere. He's quite agile in both modes. He is venomous, though his venom is not fatal. The venom disorientates his enemies for a while, enough for him to complete his mission. His venom causes painful swelling, throbbing and bruising if not treated. Soundwave himself is immune from it. He has a very acute sense of hearing.
Weaknesses: Soundwave isn't very strong in snake mode. He's constantly thinking someone's in the bushes ready to ambush him, whether they be Maximal or Predacon.
"Look, listen, hear touch, smell, feel with your heart and you will truly learn."
Profile: The story of Mowmbi is different from any other Maximal, or Predacon for that matter. She was a native of this planet, with her five cubs, Tib (female), Bakra, Ras, Gwondi and Wandera (female.) Rattrap named this one Snooper!
Mowmbi was wounded by Megatron, thinking she was Cheetor in beast Mode. Realising she was "just a pathetic, useless animal" as he put it, he left her to die.
Fortunately her painful, sorrowful and frightened cries brought Cheetor himself, feeling an instinct within him. When she saw him, she growled and hissed and tried to lash out at him with whatever strength she had left.
"Hey cool it, lady cat, I ain't gonna hurt ya," he said, knowing she couldn't understand him. "What in the inferno did that Megaslag do to you?" Cheetor became angry when he saw how badly the cheetah was hurt. She had lost a lot of blood.
Despite her snarling and growling in protest, he approached her.
"It's all right," Cheetor said. "I hope."
And then he realised her reason for protesting was not so much for herself, but five cubs. His mouth dropped open in surprise, but also empathy. Cheetor knew what he had to do.
He transformed into Robot mode. The cheetah's eyes widened and her hissing and growling became louder. Despite her protests, Cheetor picked her up. Her claws or teeth could not penetrate his metal alloy. He blasted the entrance to the den, leaving a small hole for the cubs to breathe, but not big enough for them to wander away and become lost, or for some other creature to enter and get them. All the way back to the Axalon, Cheetor comforted the injured cat, who bit and scratched at first, despite her weak state, but slowly she began to understand that if this stranger wanted to kill her he would've done so already.
Cheetor arrived at the base, thankful for no nasty Pred surprises. He laid the cheetah down on the table and asked Rhinox if there was a way a stasis pod could be used in reverse give a beast a maximal mode. Rhinox and the others were doubtful at first, but Cheetor was determined, despite the others' misgivings.
Miraculously the process worked and a new Maximal was born. She was immediately put into the CR chamber for her wounds to heal. Cheetor was warned that the Transformation may still not work and that the cheetah may have no concept of being a Maximal. Cheetor vowed to look after her cubs as if they were his own if the process failed, but it did not.
Mowmbi most certainly knew what it was to be a Maximal, and proved quite insightful to the team. Her knowledge of the lands and wisdom brought many Maximal victories. She is eternally grateful to Cheetor for saving her life and knew there was no need to apologize to him for her actions when she first saw him, as she knew he understood. She taught him many things, as she is more mature, and he taught her a smooth move or three. She is grateful to be with the Maximals, to protect her cubs, planet and her newfound friends. Her wisdom has also brought her some Predacon respect. She dearly loves Cheetor, despite his sometimes childish antics, but she appreciates them, as he brings out the childish antics and feelings in her too, some she had long forgotten.
Abilities: She's fast in Beast Mode, profoundly wise of the ways of the world. Her Beast instincts serve her well
Her new Beast claws and teeth are extremely sharp and can tear through just about anything. In Robot mode she fires a automatic pulse gun.
Weaknesses: She is over protective of her cubs, and as they are still biological has to teach them to hunt and survive and this can leave her open to Predacon attack. She's not too strong in Beast Mode. If her cubs are threatened she sees no choice but to surrender. She's also over protective of Cheetor, which he sometimes resents.
"Nature knows not surrender, as she has no bounds."
Profile: Tigra's pod was located far from Maximal or Predacon territory by Tigatron. Whilst on route to the pod, Tigatron was attacked, not by a Predacon as he'd thought at first, but by a biological tiger whom had taken him by surprise. Being fiercely territorial, the tiger ferociously attacked with all the strength and anger it could muster. Tigatron did not want to hurt the creature, but if he didn't get to the pod, the Predacons sure would. Although the fellow tiger could not understand, Tigatron tried talking, in hope that the animal would realize he was not an invader.
"I'm sorry I have to do this," he said. "Tigatron, Maximize!"
The tiger looked confused, but that didn't stop it, and it leapt at the standing robot. Tigatron shut his eyes and whacked the beast hard enough to knock it unconscious, but not hard enough to cause any serious injury. "I am sorry, but you do not understand, my friend."
He found the pod in a dense forest and reprogrammed it, just in time, as the Predacons were almost there. Immediately the pod scanned the area for suitable life forms and picked up the unconscious tiger. The new maximal assumed Beast Mode, a bright orange tiger.
"Tiger, Tiger burning bright," Tigatron said with a smile.
"Tigra Maximise!"
She transformed. "Thank you, my friend."
Tigatron smiled. "My pleasure, now let us make haste!" He blasted the pod and they both transformed into Beast Mode, and fled, avoiding Predacon fire. Tigatron saw the biological tiger had regained consciousness and was eyeing them wearily. Tigatron gestured, and let out a low growl, indicating he intended to leave and that he and his friend meant no harm. The biological tiger, still confused, let them pass, realising they meant no harm, but also knowing that somehow they were no ordinary tigers.
Tigra spends most of her time out in the wild with Tigatron as she too feels out of place at the base, but that doesn't stop her from returning to visit or whenever she is needed. Tigatron is grateful to have a companion again. Tigra reminds him a lot of Snowstalker, his late biological companion, and he is grateful Tigra is better armed to defend herself and he vows never to lose her.
Like Mowmbi, Tigra is wise in the ways of the Universe and very understanding. She hates warfare as much as Tigatron and years for peace. She's very protective of Tigatron and all her Maximal friends. Tigatron and Tigra dearly love each other and share a special bond.
Abilities: Tigra is large strong in tiger mode. Her jaws are strong, teeth and claws sharp. In robot mode she carries a energon-drain gun, which drains enemies of their energy. She also carries explosive missiles in her wrists. She's a good climber in either mode and knows her way around like the back of her paw.
Weaknesses: She's not very manoeuvrable in Beast Mode and sometimes false confidence in a captive situation can get her into trouble. She can be over protective of Tigatron. He appreciates her concern, but sometimes wishes that she'd learn he can take care of himself, but he doesn't argue, he does the same to her!
and Tigra
"Only when Maximals and Predacons learn to live with their differences in harmony, as I have done, will the war end."
Profile: Ulyssia's story is different yet again. The stasis pod was found by Rhinox at first who started programming it. Terrorsaur arrived before the pod had a chance to scan for a compatible life form, shoved Rhinox away, ripped out the Maximal chip and replaced it with a Predacon one. Rhinox grabbed the maximal chip, bashed Terrorsaur out of the way and stuck the Maximal chip in. Terrorsaur blasted Rhinox, and changed the chip once again. The stasis pod chose a compatible life form, and it appeared the protoform had become a Predacon, much to the Maximals dismay, but thanks to the fight between Rhinox and Terrorsaur to make the protoform of their allegiance, and the constant chips changing, a unique transformation took place. The stasis pod had scanned both chips, giving Ulyssia both Predacon and Maximal traits. She is understanding, gentle, merciful and does not life to kill, on the other hand, she hates failure, stupidity, and exploits the weaknesses of others to get the advantage.
Megatron is less than pleased with her Maximal traits and her weak strength, but she has proved useful in locating Maximal posts. The other Predacons tend to look down on her, believing her compassionate side to be a mistake. Ulyssia however has learned to live with the conflict within her. It gives her insights that no Predacon or Maximal could have alone. Her and Dinobot share an empathy and he respects that she handles the conflict with greater ease than he, but as enemies they will not let their empathy get in their way.
Ulyssia sees no point in the Beast Wars and believes both sides should team up and find a way back to Cybertron together, the Predacons go their way and the Maximals go theirs, and acknowledge their differences. She believes that they do not have to fight each other and hints at this ever so subtly, as Megatron would probably blast her believing she was a traitor if she came and said it outright. She dislikes him, also Blackarachnia and Tarantulas, who hinted that he'd love to eat her if she ever got caught in his web. "That's what Spiders do to delicious butterflies, you know, mmmmm...." he had said, whilst rubbing his stomach. She looked at him nonchalantly, as she knew he was just trying to scare her, but knew he would not hesitate to feast on her if he had to and took precautions all the same. The Maximals are not too sure what to make of her. They reasoned why she is the way she is was from the chip interchanging at her creation, but know she is Predacon and won't let any feelings cloud their judgments.
The only Predacon who appreciates her is Terrorsaur. At first it was for her attractive looks and shapely body, but as he learned more about her, it went deeper and he began to learn things about himself and life that he never would have if it was not for Ulyssia. She taught him one could be compassionate without being weak and love without feeling guilty. Although he keeps it a secret from the other Predacons, he dearly loves her and as far as Ulyssia is concerned, and the feeling is mutual.
Abilities: Ulyssia can glide with the wind at impressive speeds for a butterfly. She also looks rather inconspicuous in Beast Mode, innocently sitting in a tree or on a flower, spying on Maximals. In Beast Mode, she secretes a venom, making her poisonous to those who may eat her. She is also capable of drawing energy from other Transformers. In Robot Mode, she has concussion blasters under her wrists.
Weaknesses: She's not respected by any Predacons, except Terrorsaur. She fears she'd be branded a traitor if the other Predacons find out her feelings on the war. She's also scared if the others find out about their feeling toward each other, they'll harass her and Terrorsaur and that Megatron would not allow "such pathetic foolishness" as she know he'd say. She's also not very strong in either mode.
"The depths of the soul can only be reached by through windows of the heart."
Profile: Promethea is arguably one of the most mystical and intriguing of all the Beast Wars Transformers. She refuses to take part in the war and opted to be neutral, as she believes war desecrates the soul. The Maximals respect her decision, most Predacons think she's a loony. Promethea chooses not to be offended by this - she doesn't expect them to be understanding. "They're not at this level yet," she says. "Perhaps someday or in another lifetime they will be."
Promethea dislikes most of the Predacons, but will help them if they need her.
Mowmbi and Tigra have great respect for her and value her insights. Promethea is always ready to help either side in matters of guidance. She will not betray either side to the other.
Violence upsets her. She wishes the Maximals and Predacons would put an end to the fighting. She has a deep love and compassion for Inferno. She knows he's not really evil at heart - rather sorely misguided. She wants him to realise he's more than an ant and Megatron is not 'the royalty' rather someone who twisted the truth to suit his own gains. She constantly tells Inferno this. He's confused by her and is unsure whether to believe her. He doesn't want to believe she's lying to him. He's not sure if she knows the truth, even though she does. It's a difficult concept for him to accept. He cares for her, even though he's not sure what the feeling is. Megatron is unimpressed with her attitude toward Inferno, but is confident that he's so far gone there's nothing she can do. Promethea won't speak even to Megatron, and if he wants her help he'd better really, really need it and even then he'd have to ask nice.
Abilities: Promethea is able to shoot fire in both Beast and Root modes. Her robot mode is humanoid and she is more organic than robot. Her physical strength isn't too great, but that is matched by her speed and capable altitudes in flight. She's quite maneuverable in firebird mode and has sharp claws and beak.
Weaknesses: She's not all that strong and had trouble with some of the Predacons if they wish to abuse her abilities. Her compassion and love for Inferno also puts her in danger as some Predacons use this against her. She also gets depressed when her helping him seems to fail.
"Loyalty will be rewarded, treachery and weakness will be punished."
Profile: Velloria is 120% loyal to Megatron. She despises Blackarachnia, Tarantulas and Terrorsaur, and of course the Maximals. However she gets on quite well with Scorponok, Inferno, Soundwave and of course Megatron. Megatron knows he doesn't have to watch his back around her. Megatron got to her stasis pod first, determined to thwart Tarantulas, who no doubt had some treacherous scheme up his spindly sleeves. Megatron reprogrammed the Maximal pod to Predacon. The pod could not find a compatible life form and the new Predacon was in danger of dying, when the pod scanned Megatron and used his organic DNA to create a Beast Mode for the new Predacon, and in the nick of time. The new Predacon assumed beast form into a Tyrannosaurs Rex, the form smaller than Megatron.
"Oh yeeeees..." he smiled and rubbed his hands together. "This is turning out better than I had ever hoped..."
The new Predacon transformed. "Velloria Terrorize!" Her voice was a little gruff. "What is your command, my Leader?"
"Even better..."
At first Velloria followed Megatron around like a little obedient puppy and he found it quite irritating. She looked genuinely hurt when he yelled at her, and he became contrite and apologized to her quietly, but her behaviour continued to puzzle him, although it was quite obvious to the other Predacons. At first Megatron couldn't believe it - didn't want to believe it, but it became increasingly obvious to him that he had feelings for her too.
Abilities: She has immaculate eyesight and can spot the slightest movement. She's fast in T-Rex mode and has razor sharp teeth. In Robot mode, her arms become powerful energy blasters. She is capable of flying in robot mode and is quite manoeuvrable.
Weaknesses: Velloria isn't a great source of intellectual ability, but she's not stupid either. She's not at all liked by the Predacons who would overthrow Megatron if given the chance and has to watch her back around them.
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