Disclaimer:  Blake's 7 was created by Terry Nation


I make no monetary profit from my fanfic.


Summary:  Zen's thoughts


Rating PG







  "I have failed you … I am sorry … " My final words and I meant them. 

I'm so sorry.  I have failed you all.  The Liberator was your home, your defence.  It was my home, my body.  And now it is gone.  Now I am gone.  I can no longer guide you.  Dear brave, but lost Blake, arrogant but resolute Avon, feisty Jenna, gentle Cally and of course comedial Vila.  And I can no longer protect you.  No longer help you.  No longer can I hear your voices, or feel you within me.  I am sure you will find your way without me.  Did you realise I cared for you all so?


When the Liberator exploded, I felt myself ripped asunder.  I felt myself die.

At first I was afraid, for you all, for myself.  But a few moments after my destruction, my death, strangely I felt at peace, knowing you would go on to fight the evils of this Universe, my friends.  The Universe is alive and wise.  I know you will find a new ship.  A new home. 

Grieve not for me as I have transcended my physical presence.  I have ascended. I am now an energy being and the Universe is my Garden.





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