Disclaimer:  The Harry Potter Universe was created by J. K. Rowling.


No monetary profit is being made from this writing


Summary:  Snape contemplates his days at Hogwarts and his only friend.






                                                         WIND IN THE WILLOW




I don’t know how it happened and I don’t know why I wasn’t hurt.  Well I *was* hurt, that’s why it happened.  I should be used to the teasing by now. I’m not even safe from my own house mates.   I say to myself it doesn't get to me, but it does.  It really does.  The relentless teasing, the whispering when I’m near.  The immediate hush when I walk into a classroom and they think I don’t know they were talking about me.  Would they like it?  Would they care?  Probably not.  Some days were a lot worse than others. 

Black was the worst of the lot.  He was even more relentless.  I avoided him whenever I could.  It was not that I was afraid of him.  All I wanted was some peace.  One time, I punched him in the face when he called my mother a mudblood and of course *I* as the one who got detention.  Four long hours listening to Professor Binns drone over and over and *over* the Hogwarts rules.  Oh what joy.  When the torment was finally over I began to walk back to the Slytherin common room.  The same hush as I walked down the corridor.  And they think I don't know they’re staring after me when I leave.  They think that I don’t know when I’m around the corner they’ll start to talk about my gawky appearance, my unkempt hair.  I changed my mind.  Why did I want to go back to the common room when I’d be met with the same screaming silence?


I found myself walking outside, knowing if I was caught out this late it would mean hefty score of points would be taken off my house, thus making me even more unpopular, but I didn’t care.  All I wanted was a moment’s peace.  To be alone.  Alone with the night.  Of course I wasn’t about to do anything foolish like have a midnight picnic in the Dark Forest. Just a stroll around the gardens, on the grass wet with night dew.


I sat by a large tree.  Its branches seemed welcoming, swaying in the gentle wind.  Not a soul heard me cry that night or so I thought.  I could barely hear my own sobs, soft as they were, and I felt someone touch me.  At first I jumped, ready to defend myself, but it was only the tree.  Its branches felt comforting, gentle as it stroked me.  I stopped my sobs and spoke, or rather whispered.

  "You're alone too, aren't you?"

And it was as it I could hear it say a longing 'yes.'

And so I had made my first friend.


Strange to be friends with a tree, but then that's me. Strange and it doesn't bother me anymore, their harsh words, their foul whispering, for I know who I am.  Do they know who they are?  Probably not.  I am glad to be different.


As for the Whomping Willow and I, we had many more conversations in the nights that lay ahead.







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