These are Ulysses 31 orientated dreams I have had from 2003 onwards. I will be updating it as soon as I have more Ulysses 31 dreams! Please do not archive, though you may link directly to this page.



Numinor and Yumi had arrived back on Zotra after passing through the Kingdom of Hades. They had said a teary goodbye to Ulysses, No No and Telemachus.

During the days ahead Numinor met a young lady called Alia and spent a lot of time with her. Yumi was upset as she was looking forward to spending time with her brother, as she could not on the Odyssey as he was in suspended animation most of the time.

Yumi cried by the lake one day. Numinor came to her, genuinely concerned.

"What is the matter, little sister?"

She told him.

Numinor felt guilty. "I have not been ignoring you, little one. I thought you wanted to spend time with your friends, you've been away from them for so long."

"I wanted to spend time with you ..."

She hugged him.

Numinor told her that he had fallen in love with Alia.

"Oh! That's wonderful!"

The older Zotran smiled. "Isn't it? I am sorry if I seemed to ignore you, Little One. Come. I'll take you to meet Alia."

Numinor picked up his little sister gently and she felt safe in his loving arms.

"I've missed the way you hold me when I'm scared,," he said.

He smiled. I heard your words to me when I could not move and they touched my deeply. I will never leave you again, my darling sister. That I promise you."



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