Disclaimer:  The Harry Potter Universe was created by J. K. Rowling.


No monetary profit is being made from this writing


Summary:  Snape rescues a student. 



PG - Drama





                                                  NEVER AN ABSOLUTION




            "Avada Kedavra!" she screamed, but missed.



Meanwhile in his room, Professor Snape sat bolt upright in bed, his crystal glowing bright red, alerting him to the inarguable fact that someone had performed an Unforgivable Curse in the school.  The worst of all unforgiveable curses no less.  At once, the Potions Master Sprang to his feet, the book he was reading falling to the floor.



  "Avada Kedavra!" but again, she failed.



There was no time to inform Dumbledore or the others.  By then, it would be too late.



            "Come to join me?" Moaning Myrtle asked, peeking out from behind her cubicle.

Merlina sobbed and took a deep breath as she tried to perform the killing curse again.



Snape burst into the girl's bathroom.  Myrtle gave a shrill shriek and disappeared down the nearest toilet with a splash.  Merlina stared, terrified, dropping her wand.


The Potions Master surveyed the area, wand out.  He pulled the terrified girl behind him.

            “Show yourself,” he demanded.

Not a soul came forth.

Snape waved his wand.  Specialis Revelio.”  Mists swirled, but nothing else.

            "What in the name of Merlin …” Snape whispered, puzzled.

 Merlina swallowed as Snape turned to her.

            Snape demanded.  "You’re the only one here,” Snape said.

A miffed noise came from one of the cubicles.

            “The only living one,” the Professor said.   “You know how dangerous it can be to wander the castle at night… What in the name of Agrippa possessed you to-”

            "I … I couldn't sleep, Professor."

Snape could tell the poor girl was terrified, but he wanted answers.

            "No less than six curses were performed here tonight," he said.  "Do you care to explain to me what in the name of Merlin occurred here?”

            "I … I …"

            "I'm waiting.  It was a particularly good dream you interrupted, so your explanation had better be good."

Merlina took a deep breath.

            "Did you perform those curses?" Snape asked slowly, not sure he wanted an answer.

            "I … Yes, Professor."  Merlina's head was still hanging.

            "Need I tell you that what you have done warrants expulsion, at the very least, a severe warning or even a surrender of your wand and banishment form our world from the Ministry of Magic? And even up to twelve months in Azkaban, perhaps six given your age."  Snape gave her a stern look as he picked up her wand.  He did not hand it back to her.  She was shivering so badly, she would have dropped it again and as for her actions, she may never hold it again.

            "No, Professor, you don’t need to tell me that.”  Her voice shook.

            "Then why in the name of Merlin would a First Year Ravenclaw…"

            "I… I was practicing, Professor."

            "Practicing?  For what?"

Merlina sniffed.  "He Who Must Not be Named rose last year, Sir … The Death Eaters have already targeted my family."

            "So that's what this is about.  It is still no excuse, mind and very foolish … Believe me, I’ve seen that curse in action…"

            "I know, Professor."

            "Come with me."

Myrtle peered out of the toilet door.

            "So you're not staying?" She sounded disappointed.

Snape glanced at Myrtle.  She looked sad.  The tattered state of filthy Merlina’s robes also now caught his attention.

            "Care to explain how your robes attained such a deplorable state?"

            "I … I was aiming my wand at the mirror and … it … it backfired, Professor."

Snape looked over at the mirror.  "Again … very foolish … If you had blasted the mirror, it would have shattered. And if it had backfired, you …you would have been… " And suddenly, it dawned on him.  He stared at the small girl, shocked beyond belief.  "You …. You …. were trying to curse yourself…"

Merlina backed off, then burst into uncontrollable sobs, collapsing to the cold, stone floor. Snape was at a loss why an eleven year old girl would want to end it all.   “But why…” Even Snape’s cold heart now felt for her.

            "It's so hard!" she wailed.  "The teasing … every single day… 'I doubt you'll live up to your namesake … 'she's so small we could take her home in a suitcase…' It gets worse and worse every day!"

            "Come with me," Snape said, gentler this time, helping her up.

Moaning Myrtle looked sympathetic.  “They teased me about my glasses,” she said sadly.  “If you do die, we can play hide and seek.”

Though her sobs, Merlina managed a tiny smile.

Snape sighed as he took the teary girl to his office.   He felt uncomfortable as he took out his wand.

            “Robulus Repairo," he said, the magic mending her torn and dirty robes.

            "Th … thank you, Professor”.

Snape sheathed his wand and placed hers upon his desk.

            "You're not the only student who has suffered the cruelty of harsh words," he said.  "I went through more than my fair share of it too."

            "You did?"  Merlina asked in surprise.

            "One gets used to it," Snape said.

            "But it hurts so much."

            "I know," Snape said gently.  "But I also know escaping doesn’t hold the answer.  It's learning how to deal with it and I certainly had a lot of practice."

By the tone of Snape's voice, she surmised he was still carrying grudges and nursing old wounds.

            "So you're saying don't let what they say bother me?"

Snape nodded.  "And promise me you'll never do anything so utterly foolish again."

Merlina swallowed.  "I … I promise, Professor."

            "It may sound like a cliché, but a mind, especially a young one is a terrible thing to waste."

Merlina smiled for the first time in a long while.

  "Thank you, Professor."

She hugged him. Snape almost pulled back, feeling very uncomfortable and quite relieved when she let go.

            "I am afraid I'll have to take points from Ravenclaw.  You were out after hours and as for your cursing… Seventy points," he said.  "The Headmaster will also have to be informed, as will your parents."

Merlina took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few moments.  "They'll send me to St Mungos, won't they?"

            "I'm sure they'll be very worried for you," Snape said.  "Now off to bed with you before I decide to take more points off and don't even let me catch you performing so much as a slug eating curse."

            "My nights of cursing are over, Professor."

            "Glad to hear it.  Now, let me get back to my book."

            "What are you reading, Professor?" Merlina inquired, curious.

            "The Lord of the Rings.”

            “I love The Lord of the Rings,” Merlina perked up.  “Aragorn and Gandalf are my favourite.”

Snape chucked.   “It’s good to have an escape now and then, but not to live there.”

He felt uncomfortable as she hugged him.


The little girl smiled and found her way back to the Ravenclaw dormitory.  Her sleep was not restful.



As Snape had predicted, Dumbledore and the girl's parents were shocked and beyond worried. Merlina had been given more than a stern talking to and taken away from the school for a time.



*  *  *



When she returned to Hogwarts in a few months, no one could ever tell that this cheery girl had tried to take her own life in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.  She often visited Myrtle helping cheer the depressed ghost up.


On her way to Transfiguration, Merlina caught site of Snape and smiled at him as if to say 'thank you.'  And she swore she saw him smile back before he turned around, robes swirling behind him.  Despite what others thought of him, he would always be her favourite.  He saved her life and given it meaning and she wondered if he would ever put his own past behind him.  She hoped so as she entered her classroom.






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