Officially Green ~ Green in the Office!



{Lots here may take a min or two to load ~ Scroll down for pix}







The green longish thing in the possie with the star eraser, pencil sharpener and mini green sticky  tape is

old~fashioned green sealing wax for letters and envelope parcels.  To be unique, I use it sometimes for effect and to be unique :}






Cool green calculators. In the first pic, the one on the top left had glitter and the one on the bottom right was shiny metallic.

The bottom left is an old '90s mobile phone. The one on the top right was my favourite to use. Sadly, it went to Silicon Heaven in 2016 :*(

















This is one of my many writing folders.  Had to buy a new one. The others were chock-a-block full!!!  :O  :}


 This one has notes for book 3 of my epic fantasy quartet.  Book 3 is on Merlin.  I LOVE to write!!!  And create art :}

















Note 'Transformers' disc in the box below  - and in third pic,  Snuck a purple one in!  {Didn't buy these ones thankfully :D}






Notice the cute dolphin sticker on the first two pictures :}  In those pictures, pic you can see the 'before' pic before I cleaned out the drawers.  My notes moved house

 LOL!!! :D   And before that, I did a HUGE clutter clear and sort of them - always great to do before you move - you'd be surprised at how much stuff you can let go!  ,










I  did away with most of my document drawers as they were too small. Bags, folders and trays suited me much better for my writing notes, articles and paraphernalia :}


I've EVEN organised my notes on two bookshelves ~ yes there are A LOT!!!  :D



I chose to keep the pasted drawer set for other notes, non-writing articles, printouts and things, as I like the colour better and much prefer the unique curve of the drawers ~


SO much nicer than dead boring straight!  {As you can see from the first pic, it used to be one of my story drawers}









I still have three sparkly green and purple drawers though!  LOVE them!  Just a big kid, me ;}  -  {same one pictured twice here}


The print is 'l'argento {ahr-JEHN-toh - silver {Italian} - thought it ws cute :)










These are my note shelves - told you! :D   I am a writer, after all :}


The sign says 'This House is under Elf surveillance.'  :}  Is my security system, LOL!  As I said, never grew up me.  I am 50 {and a quarter ;} at the time of this update ;}

The pink bag on the second shelf is a 'Shimmer & Shine' cute genie one.  Got it at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.







My old mousepad and CD ROMS!   





Cool green Windows theme   





                                                          A green keyboard vacuum of all things ...









A cool green A4 laminator 





Notice Qui~Gon Jinn sticker on my old green 3/1/2 inch floppy disc box that I used to have - long recycled now! Love Qui and the colour of the box. Had lots of coloured discs too!


(And notice green discs in the background of the first pic. The thing to the right of the second box is a paper clip keeper :)











Older green computer gear. Miss my green disks and purple computer!

I wish Dell made their All-On-One Inspiron Desktops in other colours - I;' get green or purple!


{The Autobot and Decepticon insignias, respectively from the newer 'Transformers' movies}










My beloved chunky notepads, which I use at night in my bed when I need to write notes for my writing and stuff :)


Some nights are VERY note-worthy, note-able and note-y ;}






                                                             Cute, but too small for my writing needs                   Green lined sticky notes                                             Snuck a purple one in!





A retro '80s book end and some ornate green folders










Pastel green stuff from K-Mart









Very cute!!




























                                                                                                Get a load of that MEGA HUGE pencil!!!!









     Green Tracing paper





Green tacks/push pins


















Love the starry tacks!








































The very first Star Wars Magazine I bought and the first time I saw Qui-Gon Jinn.

Just by looking at him I could tell he was a gentle soul, even before I saw the movie or read a thing about him - even before I knew his name.

He has a green lightsabre and was part of the inspiration for these green pages. The other was the environment. GO GREEN!






























































                                                                                                                                              Green staple removers. Great invention!

                                                                                                                                                                   Finger savers!
































Note the *beautiful* aqua imprint the green ink leaves on the inner pen shaft in the last picture















OK so I snuck some nice purple ones in ;)











































Very cute!!!
































Awesome  shaped rubber bands. There's a ring, a star, a fairy wand (which can also be a shooting star) and a castle










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                                        Green 'blu' tac













                                                                                                                                                                                                  At my favourite local library for the kids




My eco-friendly tote bag from Woolworths {was $1} and my eco glue stick 'green stik!' Got thios at my local Officeworks, office supply store - around $3.75













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