Sailor Cyber {Celesta}


Physical Appearance: Sailor Cyber is tall, slim and very beautiful. She comes from the far away planet of Creation. She has thick, long flowing white hair and turquoise eyes. When she is not in her Sailor Scout uniform, she generally wears either pants, dresses or skirts. Also when not in "Scout Mode," Celesta wears her hair up in various "Princess Leia" styles or one or two pony tails. Her Scout uniform is white with dark silver hematite trimmings (although they appear black in the pictures). Please see pictures below.


Profile: Sailor Cyber is a gentle, understanding, caring and easy going person. She is very close to the Sailor Scouts, her dearest friends and will never let them down. She gets on well with all of them. She often hangs out with them and other friends and has a soft spot for Molly, who had dearly loved Neflite, from the Negaverse, who was later killed by Negaverse minions when he discovered the good inside himself.

Serena (Sailor Moon) likes Celesta a lot and looks up to her. Sailor Cyber protects all against the evil Negaverse, which she despises. She loves children - they too love and idolise her and she never talks down to them. Celesta also loves animals and can use her powers to communicate with them.

A thousand years ago, in the Silver Millennium on the Moon, Celesta and Malachite were deeply in love, before Malachite was turned to evil by Queen Beryl. Celesta dearly loved him and it tore her apart to fight against him - Malachite remembered nothing of his love for her and helped destroy the beautiful Kingdom he once fought to protect.

As a result of this, Sailor Cyber is a sad person, though she hides it, you can often see it in her eyes. She longs to be with Malachite again. Celesta believes that Queen Beryl's evil spell can be broken, as it had with Neflite, and she is determined to free Malachite from it. Luna senses something strange about Celesta. Though Celesta dearly loves Malachite, she will not let that interfere with her duties as a Sailor Scout. She fights to bring an end to the reign of the Negaverse's destructive terror and to free the Universe from its evil clutches.

Around her neck, Celesta wears a malachite gemstone shard, given to her by Malachite long ago; a token of his undying love.

Celesta is best friends with Setsuna (Sailor Pluto). Sailor Pluto does know of her love for Malachite, but if confident that her friend will see reason if Malachite cannot be turned. She sees her friend's love as somethng very beautiful, but believes it is her duty not to interfere.


Abilities: Sailor Cyber calls upon the great power of her home planet Creation to create a powerful energy surge to repel enemies. She is capable of suspending herself above ground when she unleashes this awesome power.

Sailor Cyber's computer chip in her chest gives her the ability to access any computer she wishes (of course she's never done anything too illegal!) The inhabitants of planet Creation are biological, but they are born with extremely sensitive, but robust circuitry wired under their skin. These interlinked circuits regulate body temperature in any climate, and compensate for injuries and lack of nutrients, although for severe injuries, outside help is needed. Celesta is forceful, quick witted, fast, agile and very intelligent. She can use her mental abilities talk with animals and to contact the Sailor Scouts. Malachite's powers have no effect on her due to the malachite gem he gave her.

Celesta's circuits can be seen when she transforms and when she uses her scout powers. They give off a momentary beautiful omni green glow.

Weaknesses: Celesta often gets depressed about Malachite and often wonders if he can be turned back to good. She usually tries to drown these thoughts in chocolate, bubblebaths and meditation. She is determined never to let her worries get in the way of fighting the Negaverse even though Malachite is now part of it. She also wants to find a way to talk to the other Scouts about her love for Malachite, but is afraid they will lose trust and faith in her, even although they are close friends.




Please see below for pictures of Sailor Cyber ~ Celesta. For more pics, please see the story



Sailor Cyber ~ By Vin~Zoi

You can see her Malachite necklace in the first  pic.



 Sailor Cyber with the Inner Senshi


Sailor Cyber with all the scouts


Celesta with all her friends



The hand is sort of what her circuits looks like under her skin . They only light up and show when she she uses her powers.


Celesta playing at the beach


Celesta at the Princess Ball. Notice she has her Malachite shard necklace




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